Ripple/XRP-Senator Dangerous Plan To Kill Crypto,Ripple Winner For Next 100 Years,XRP ETPs 2024 $$$

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Welcome back to the show everybody check Out these headlines we have for you Today we're going to talk about Ripple Partners says that Ripple's the winner For the next hundred years oh yeah don't Believe it you're going to hear him say It then we have the Chamber of digital Commerce taking the fight to the American people against Elizabeth Warren We love it somebody roll that beautiful Intro Digital perspectives with Brad KES come On In welcome back to the show you can Follow us on Twitter and YouTube for Exclusive content make sure you join us In the freedom Zone at dig perspectives. Comom ladies and gentlemen we're jumping Into a world economic Forum today and Their depopulation plan don't believe it It's unfortunately still true 1.63 Trillion market cap for crypto to Markets off by 1.2% 41,400 Plus for Bitcoin right now ethereum 2100 plus it Wants to be $2,200 but it isn't we got a 90.6 billion plus tether market cap We're watching it close crypto winner Not over until we know exactly how us Tether is going to be dealt with right Here xrp 60 cents off by 2.2 in the 24hour off by 2.6 on the 7day range of Price is still between 59 cents on the Bottom and 62 on the top we will keep an Eye on it as xrp is bouncing around a

Bit today but take a look at this Confirm from Dr Martin High's boy here That's right yeah the research guy from Uphold ladies and gentlemen uh confirmed That exchang traded products are coming In January for avac Xrp IP Ka s and O how about that yeah Watch out ladies and gentlemen this is Going to get extremely exciting when you See exchang traded products or exchange Traded funds come out for xrp just like The spot Bitcoin ETFs you're going to see that demand and Then you're going to see the scarcity Created because of it you got to lock it All up and have it in custody this here Is steuart alera talking about the US And the problem we have with politics oh Boy he says it take a listen and in the US I mean you know we have a problem With politics and power being elevated Over sound policy that's right and yes You you you know you go to the hill you Go to Congress they want to see the use Cases you're absolutely right Emily we Can't ignore the question I think we do Have to explain and educate um but three Or four years ago when I traveled the World and I talked to other Regulators If you've had similar experiences what I Was sort of told either expressly or Implicitly through body language is We're waiting to see where the us is Going to go with this now when they had

These conversations in 2023 the Impatience has crossed the line the US Has fallen behind and countries like Singapore Dubai London the EU through M Or Micah everywhere else they understand That the technology is here it's not Going away and we can't prohibit it so We have to sort of rationally regulate It that's really where we're at here and You know what the fight is going to Increase because Elizabeth Warren has Just introduced a bill that would Basically kill crypto ban crypto and Certainly Bitcoin in the United States Now listen I've got my own thoughts on Certain things in the crypto space but Ah it should be an open free market and You should have the ability to let the Open free regulated markets determine Whether they want something or not not Elizabeth Warren but listen to her here As she dives into the need for a central Bank digital currency which scares the World out of me because I don't want to See government controlled money when it Comes to digital dollars take a listen Here or at least to where they know that They're invading your right Privacy So in theory a digital currency Issued and backed by a central bank Could provide the advantages of Cryptocurrency without those risks so Now we're ignoring the fact that it's an Investment product right and we'll just

Give you a central bank digital currency You won't need that silly old Bitcoin Right people are buying Bitcoin because They believe in it and they know that That it is the greater fool Theory They're like look we know it works and It doesn't involve any third party so This is what we'd like to do and go fly A kite if you don't like what we're Doing you know and that's very very Normal so look again this is Elizabeth Warren's narrative and she's got a bill Oh boy the Federal Reserve a trusted Institution could provide a digital Version of cash to the public that is Secure stable and accepted everywhere so Let me ask you Professor manand what Role could a central bank digital Currency play in reducing these kinds of Risks to financial stability here we go So a well a well-designed cbdc could Serve as a public alternative to these Cryptocurrencies and potentially uh Crowd out their usage in contrast to Private digital currencies cbdcs would Be Sovereign non- defaultable money They'd be cheaper to use and they would Not be subject to Bank Run Dynamics There you have it that's the narrative Right there right well we know that Cody Carbone from the uh chamber of digital Commerce has written a letter to 18 Supporters of the Elizabeth Warren Digital asset anti-money laundering act

Urging them to reconsider their support For this bill the gist is this bill will Hurt their constituents kill us jobs and Imperil the US in technological Space Race it really is true really is Absolutely true here and here is perryan Boring from the Chamber of digital Commerce taking the fight to the American people ladies and gentlemen and I tell you something's got to be done And she's going to tell you exactly what It is here take a listen it feels like This anti AML bill that is being helmed Really by Elizabeth Warren is picking up Steam what is the chamber hearing about This what do you think well first we Need to call it what it is Senator Elizabeth Warren's anti-money laundering Bill would effective ban Cryptocurrencies in the United States This would be detrimental to our National security open source money Blockchainbased technology are Advanced Technologies it is critical for our National security that we are at the Forefront of leading in Advanced Technologies and by Banning them which Is what this bill does it puts our head In in the sand it lets our adversaries And the rest of the world lead in this Space this is a very dangerous Conversation that Senator Elizabeth War Is pushing and there's a lot to unpack In those clips that you talked about why

Is it that the banks are pushing this Why is it that there weren't any Technology experts weighing in these are Really big questions that the US Senate Must consider before moving forward Frankly we're heading into an election Year there's clearly a lot that Congress Is dealing with on the funding side of The equation do you sense that this is Still a priority what are you hearing in Terms of realistic timeline of this Legislation actually moving forward so I Think the fact that Patrick McHenry has Announced oun that he's leaving it Increases the priority um chairman Patrick McKenry has really taken digital Assets as one of his legacy issues that He's taking on as he retires from US Congress so he has a lot writing on this Bill and moving it forward and it Passing and he has you know even more Incentive to do so now is there someone The chamber would like to see replace Him on the financial services committee As chair uh there's a number of members Of the House Financial Services Committee that are um that have been Champions of this space uh in terms of a New house Financial Services chairman we Want somebody that has taken the time to Understand how the technology Works uh We don't want someone like Jamie Diamond Who is proposing things that are Technically impossible to implement or

Elizabeth Warren her bill doesn't work With the technology itself so whoever is Going to serve in that role whether it's The chairman of the house Financial Services committee on the Senate Banking Committee are serving as you know the Next treasury secretary you need someone Who understands how this technology Works because this technology is shaping The future of global finance and if they Don't understand at technical level how Can they lead the nation to success well And of course there's a question of Whether the next chair is even going to Be a republican depending on what Control of the house looks like how much Do you think is writing politically for The crypto industry in in 2024 how Crucial a year is it going to be it's a Big year because policy is changing in Real time there's over 40 more million Americans that own cryptocurrencies Including Bitcoin today and if all of Those people got out and vote and made Sure that we had people in office that Understand this technology and want to Make sure the us is going to lead in This technology we will lead the country In a much more brighter spot than where It is today there it is right there Ladies and gentlemen that's taking the Fight to the American people especially The ones that are out here already in This crypto space you can make a

Difference but you got to go to the Voting booth to do it right pull the Lever vote them out starting with Elizabeth Warren as she is a danger a Clear danger to the us being a leader in The fourth Industrial Revolution no Question about that then here very Quickly as Mark yuso says you know what Don't worry so much about Elizabeth Warren her track record is not very good At all and the same thing is gonna Happen here now the only thing that Makes me smile about miss Warren the Only thing is she's ofer right she Sponsored 300 and some odd bills in her Career zero can't get them across the Line yeah I mean zero I Mean come on zero your position is that This is not a big deal you feel pretty Pretty confident this is I think it is a Big deal I think it's a big deal but I Don't look it is a big deal anytime a Senator who sits on the Committees that Elizabeth Warren does whether she's ofer Or not we better better be concerned Because it literally is a danger to all Of the US to be a leader in the Industrial revolution fourth Industrial Revolution now here from Circle and Remember they talked about possibly Going public again in 2024 keep a Lookout for that you can go to link to To get private equity for Circle if You're interested Circle recently

Reported that the global settlement Volume of stable coins listen to this Number reached 7 trillion Last year nearly half the $14 trillion Settled by Financial Powerhouses visa and MasterCard that's how quickly this is Getting out of control ladies and Gentlemen some kind of legislation has To be done you cannot continue to turn Your eye to $7 trillion Market reached Globally for stable coins that number Number is Staggering so are these numbers too this Is Dar right here sitting down talking To Eric miltenberg from Ripple and uh Shout out to xrp drops for this clip Here but I want to give you a couple Spots out of this clip that are just Fantastic here and this is really Ripple Partnering with the former company known As MFS Africa right so they changed the Name because they couldn't use the name So they reached a point had to change The name this is really cool what's Behind the name Ona freak and Ona Ona Freak or Ona freak however you like to Say it Anna means Pathways and then AFR for Africa and Then IQ because it's basically going to Be smart technology that does all of This moving money around the world Instantly so it's just a very unique

Name I actually like that and I just Wanted to share that before we listen to These clips but listen to the size and Volume of what's going on here with uh This company and you're talking about 120 million wallets in 10 countries That's just a start for these Clips if they were interoperable if I Could pick up my phone on one network in Country a and transmit you know send Money to another Network in country B so We initially started just just focusing On that and along three three kind of Layers you know the messaging layer the The apis and all the communication the Compliance layer and then the settlement Layer for the first seven years that's Really all we did and you know the goal Was not to die that's it just just keep Going and eventually like in every good Network business and rle will know a lot About this at some point the will start Turning and and there is kind of some Sort of momentum and I think for us that Took almost seven years and at that time We reached about I would say around 120 Million wallets in about 10 countries That we connected to and from there on It became um possible and the network Became interesting to other type of Players so from just serving Mobile Money operators I would say we became Interesting to money transfer operators Who were then looking for a single entry

Point to reach more people across the Continent we became interesting for Enterprises on the continent and outside Of the continent that were looking for You know simple collection methods Across multiple Market or way to expand From one market to the other and we Became interesting to Banks as well Financial institutions who then could Rely on irls to reach clients and and Groups that were previously uh not Reachable uh by 2020 we we felt that you Know this there were too uh we were on Our way really to become Um uh an important infrastructure in Africa that would an important Infrastructure with Africa that has Partnered with ripple oh you're going to Love what's coming here now let me see If I can jump this up really quickly Here this is where he talks about stable Coins and the importance here take a Quick listen about Bitcoin going up or Down it was about that instant that Ability to just make cross B payment and That volatility caused a lot of people To retreat and I think as but at the Same time the advance of things like Stable coin which takes away that Volatility and you know the you don't Need to worry about whether this this Value is also helping again and we seen A lot of that use now in in stable coin Use is growing a lot last but not least

Is we are in hyperinflation environment I mean for the first time you know Countries like the US Europe are talking About inflation in Africa we've been Talking about inflation for a very long Time so people know this I mean when we Talk about inflation we talk 20% 40% More than 100% in some market and again These are proving to be good tool to Shield yourself against that so even if You're going to lose 20% on your SRP or The equivalent it's still better than to Lose 100% or 80% uh you know just Keeping your money so we are also seeing That use when when it's possible for People and businesses to Simply Shields And find an easy way you know it's not Easy for you to go and buy US dollar or Euro but technology has has made it Possible for you today to buy crypto and Just you know on few clicks and that is Also driving so I would say instant Capability crossb trade and protection Around hyperinflation is what is driving Really usage of crypto across Africa Huge huge desirability factor to solve These pain points that's why you're Going to see great Success now let me line this last clip Up you're going to love it the other Indu quest of relevant networks outside Of Africa uh the other one was Ripple And that's how our journey with ripple Started because we believe around the

World obviously once you've done the Card rails and you do some specific Networks like China that we believe the Payment Network that will be relevant There will be specific to China and We've done some work there we think There will also be some relevant Network That will be born out of the internet You know the whole crypto movement and For us it was important that we pick Carefully not what is shiny necessarily Or high today but what will be there in 10 years what who is putting in the work To be relevant not just today but for The next 100 years and I think in our Opinion rle is in that category that's Why uh we we partner with with you there You have it right there now this is Formerly MFS Africa on a freak which is Actually serving the entire continent of Africa 100 20 million wallets touching 10 Countries talking about building payment Rails to China which really means Indirectly Ripple has a corridor into China to me this is extremely exciting I Hope it is to you too I got to tell you This is a big deal and to have them Being payments so long and to recognize That Ripple is the one that is going to Be around to be the leader the winner as Far as they're concerned for the next Hundred years join us in the freedom Zone ladies and

Gentlemen join us in the freedom Zone by The way we're getting very close to the Xrp Las Vegas launch you aren't going to Believe who's on the lineup and who's Still to come but you better get in here And join the freedom Zone if you want a Discount on that ticket let alone what You're going to see when you get in here And what we're covering We can't wait to have you not Financial Advice for me or anyone else I'll catch All of you on the next One


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