XRP About To Move 100% AGAINST BITCOIN, THEN $20 XRP, Top Analyst Predicts

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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel I'm going to share with you Perspective from one of the most Accurate chart analysts in the entire Crypto space and I think arguably he's Probably been out of all the analysts I Follow the most spot on to this point um For for this cycle and I will tell you Here at the outset this analyst is Expecting in the short term a 100% move For xrp against Bitcoin he is absolutely Expecting upwards of $20 in terms of Price action for xrp This Market cycle and again with the hit Rate this guy has take him seriously and Nobody knows for sure what's going to Happen with price action I certainly Will always grant you that but we're Speaking in probabilities here when We're talking about what to expect from Chart analysis and especially there's so Many metrics that you can consider I Mean in sentiment being one of those I I Want to talk about that a little bit too And even credible crypto does I it's Just it couldn't be more obvious that The moment we're in right now looks Strikingly similar To moments in the past where xrp started To melt faces that's where we are Roughly speaking right now for this Market cycle but uh before going further I do want to be clear I do not have a Financial background of any kind I am

Not offering Financial advice and you Definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys Making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun at the time I'm recording This video it is 10:21 p.m. Central Time Monday March 18th 2024 and the Market's Heading a bit down and you know what's Kind of funny within the last few hours Or so xrp uh started a dramatic rally to The upside in I think a little over an Hour it went up like 5 cents from here I'll just pull up the chart it went from 61 cents which is basically where it is Now uh to to over 66 cents about 66.5 Cents that's where it topped and then it Quickly just as quickly as it went up And went back to the Downside and this stuff I I'm sure That's just irritating so many people And all I can do is laugh about it Because I know that when stuff like this Happens which is historically normal it Doesn't matter this isn't some sort of Indication that something's bad or wrong Uh it's an indication that xrp has Behaved like xrp has always behaved and It's it's healthy to see that it's Moving uh like this during times of Excitement in the market you don't Typically see quick moves like this from Xrp uh you know if we're if we're in

Bare territory that's not typically what Happens so I understand that people Don't like that went down uh just as Quickly as it rised up Rose up and and To about the same degree frankly but That's not something to read into There's no evidence that that is Something we should be worried about uh And here you have Bitcoin 65754 bucks as I record this and it just Started tanking um a little bit after Xrp hit its most recent high of 66 a Half cents just a few hours ago uh it Just is what it is Market's doing what The market Does people still feeling Pretty greedy though 79 out of 100 on The crypto fear and greed index that is Extreme greed um now there's this post From xrp Community member and attorney Bill Morgan um as xrp was Rising he Wrote more Please and that was a few hours ago and At the time xrp was coming up on 66 Cents and then he noted this and this he Posted this a little over an hour ago 9:10 p.m. he said every time xrp has a Nice move up Bitcoin steps in and falls And there have been a lot of times where That actually has happened but all you Can do is laugh because big picture like On higher the higher time frame Nothing's actually changed there there There's not a bunch of negative stuff to Consider that would lead it to lead

Anyone to reasonably conclude that What's most probable is uh this was it And it's all just going to fall apart And xrp1 like that the idea of that is Completely absurd to me I just I don't Even I don't humor the idea it doesn't Make sense to me uh here's a post from Xrp Community member n buuck who simply Wrote the xrp Hate by its own holders is At alltime high yet unemotional chart And technical analysis guys are mostly Bullish who will be right and so I Wanted to ask you guys who do you Think's more likely to be correct is it The whiny internet or is it a Chart analysts like credible crypto who Stay cool and have a high hit rate when It comes to calling what's most probable To occur in crypto markets who do you Think's right the people whining on the Internet or the people who are not Emotionally harmed by this price action At all and have a better understanding Of what is historically normal in the Space well obviously you got to side if You got half a brain you're going to Side with the technical analysts on this One not the emotional idiots out there And so I shared this post this afternoon I simply wrote The People bitching up a Storm about xrp price don't realize that They are the indicator and I stand by That because when sentiment is at its Worst which you can see I mean well pick

A chart xrp dominance you know uh xrp BTC chart xrp USD chart pick a chart xrp E chart xrp Nvidia pick a chart xrp Looks abysmal it's in the gutter and I Know that at these moments that has been The right before it finally goes because When there's a big enough disparity then Smart people are like whoa this looks Really undervalued people are paying Attention they'll start to buy and then Liquidity beets liquidity price beets Price and it moves to the upside that's Just what happens and and so I Understand that at these moments you get The most people the highest quantity of People bitching on the internet And and so that that in and of itself Isn't these individual people bitching They are indicators they just are and Here's a great example of one somebody Responded to me because I'm just Highlighting the people that are Bitching about xrp price they don't even Realize that they're the indicator and So this guy wrote to me and he said no They aren't the price is the indicator And right now it's indicating it's Absolute garbage which will not pump This time and so I simply wrote back to Him and said you're the indicator thanks For being an example and he is that guy Is at nothing against him on a personal Level he's an indicator he is absolutely An indicator and there are a bunch of

People like that and so I just thank Them for being an example because they Responded to me people complaining on The internet man it's just what it is so I want to get to the xrp stuff but I'm Going to First share with you a couple Post about Bitcoin because Bitcoin does Lead the market so we need to uh be Aware of what's happening with Bitcoin even if you're not excited about Bitcoin even if you don't hold it that's Fine but it still leads the way and so There is this post this morning from Chart analyst credible Crypto and he said funding still Flatline SL healthy however it's worth Noting that open interest is starting to Build up again within this range if we See an accompanying rise in open Interest as we take our local highs we Have to consider that we may see another Flush to the downside after and that we May not be quite ready for expansion Just yet doesn't change much on higher Time frame just means we have to be a Little patient here on bitcoin for some More days and the $63,000 Bitcoin region May be tested once more for now though Eyes on our local highs and so Bitcoin Is going down at the time I'm recording This anyway should it continue to go Down uh he still thinks this is healthy It doesn't change anything big picture And I know people will be getting

Fearful they're losing their overlo Minds at least some people even though On the whole the market is still an Extreme greed there's still a lot of People that have a hard time with this Stuff uh it doesn't mean nothing's Broken this is normal And in every major bll cycle even during The Bull Run itself there have been Massive pullbacks way worse than this Frankly this is Nothing you should still be feeling Excited despite the pullback that the Pullback that's what I think anyway uh Here's another post on bitcoin um and This is just about an hour and a half Ago 8:43 p.m. central Time from credible Crypto he said here is our retest of the Lows and the best risk reward one can Get for a potential long to our range Highs Expectation is that this level holds if It doesn't $63,000 Bitcoin comes a Little early and so look even if that Happens again not the end of the world Maybe it's not the most probable in his Mind but not a big deal still going to Have major moves to the Upside I mean you know months ago he was Saying that we'd have you Know individual months where Bitcoin Would go up by like 20 to $30,000 and People were some people who don't know His track record were actually laughing

At him and mocking him because that's What happens on the internet and he was He was right though I mean where was Bitcoin at the beginning of February so Uh call you know low 40,000 February 1 Yeah 42,000 dipped a little bit lower uh And then at the end of the month where Did we close exactly 61,000 yeah 62 Yeah so basically 61 so Basically Bitcoin did go up about 20 Grand in a month and so this the reason I'm even mentioning this is because this Stuff seems possible to people until it Happens and then it just seems obvious And normal same is true with xrp the People bitching about xrp well they're Going to shut the hell up as soon as it Starts running and then it will just be Obvious yeah of course yeah it'll be They'll be saying a lot of stuff that I'm saying right now which is yeah well Of course it went because xrp is a Cryptocurrency that moves in tandem with The rest of the market and obviously the Market highly values it which is why It's always for its entire life been in The top 10 coins by market cap in sort Of think that it's not going to run but Bitcoin and ethar you got your damn mind Son it doesn't make logical sense Uh here's a post from March 12th uh from Credible crypto on xrp and I shared this At the time I want to highlight it right Here it's a perfect table set in the

Table type of post here and he said Still in the position on xrp from below And just added to it for a third time Averaging up xrp BTC and xrp eth both Just printed and confirmed bullish Divergences on the D3 that window of out Performance that I discussed in my last Video update on xrp might be around the Corner so again that was on March 12th It is now March 18th and he has an Update and oh actually let mention this Too because um it might be in this post Yeah he he he's he's playing with Leverage here now mind you he's a Professional Trader I think that for the Typical person playing with uh leverages A horrible idea but uh he he's got he's He longed at 10x xrp 10x long uh he's Got some confidence here it it is going To be going higher and so this morning He had more to say about xrp cuz he's Looking at a massive massive move here And this and I'm looking forward to it If if for no other reason not for the Increase in my of my net worth that That'll be nice too but mostly because I Want all of the idiots whining on the Internet to shut the hell up that that's The real reason that's that's the Primary reason I want the price of xrp To go up yeah life changing well that' Be kind of nice but mostly I want people To shut the hell up that's pretty much It you know so here's what credible

Crypto had to say topped up the xrp Position here for the fourth time USD And BTC pairings are in sync within our Larger higher time frame zone of demand We now have a lower time frame Accumulation base formed a confirmed D3 Bullish Divergence and if we close here In about 8 hours we will have a double D3 bullish Divergence at the bare Minimum looking for a 15 to 20% move to The upside against Bitcoin next major Resistance is 35% higher and above that We are looking at a 100% plus uh move up On xrp against Bitcoin assuming Bitcoin Has found a local bottom here which will Be the case if local lows hold xrp Should perform much better than Bitcoin On the rebound yeah so I think that you Know if you look at the bottom to the Top for xrp and for Bitcoin once this Cycle's complete you'll see that xrp put Bitcoin's performance to shame that that That's what would be reasonable to Suspect and especially from this point I Mean bitcoin's already had some Impressive and massive moves right Whereas xrp hasn't as much there's There's a lot more room for xrp to run With L way less money so in terms of a Multiplier effect yeah xrp is going to Put Bitcoin to shame UN questionably in My mind anyway and then of course I see The point that nobody knows for sure but This is what I think is most probable

Here and and with with xrp being in the Gutter against Bitcoin we know it Doesn't stay there forever these moments Are relatively short lived you know you Turned in this direction for long Periods of time that's what happens Leading up to Bull markets and then it Then it's just suddenly not that's where We are right now so uh I've never felt More confident holding xrp and I see a Bunch of people whining on their okay Whatever it's the right to do that uh I Just I have never felt more confident About xrp Period um somebody named touch grass to The Moon wrote to him and said cred I Admire your conviction but gosh dang Pretty sad we even have to top position For a fourth time this dinosaur coin has Been absolutely awful every coin I Bought outperformed it by a mile so far Random darts at a dart board almost Anything in the top 200 ha and so Credible crypto had the following Response which I think is reasonable Because once it runs it's not going to Matter that we had to wait it won't Matter anymore it's it's either going to Perform or it's not and I'm in the camp Of yes I think what's most probable is Yes it performs new alltime high price Discovery the whole nine yards but Here's what incredible crypto said in Response to that the longer the

Consolidation the greater the expansion This just means more opportunity for People like me who have the patience to Build larger positions on coins people Think are dead SL will never move again Thankful for this opportunity yeah That's the right mindset and again like I was saying earlier in the video and it Was brought up by that other xrp Community member do you think all the People complaining on the internet they Must be right even though historically When they were complaining at similar Moments they were wrong so are they Right or are chart analysts like Credible crypto right who say no xrp is Going to go and again I want to Reiterate what I've been saying in Recent days I can't find a chart analyst Uh unless it's somebody who's that's Who's just historically biasing against Xrp like a maximalist I can't find a Reputable analyst who says xrp is not Going to run I can't find one I'm not Saying they don't exist but they got to Be super duper Rare uh here's another um uh response to Credible crypto somebody named hos wrote Thanks for the update cred 2020 when you Said you expect between $10 and $20 if I Remember right are you still expecting These numbers for this bull run or did It change since then credible and Talking about xrp again here and he said

Credible crypto said yeah no change Nothing has changed xrp is going Somewhere in his mind it's as far as Where it's topping off between $10 and $20 that's what he believes is going to Happen and again he has an incredible Hit Rate this is not some sort of Fly by Night analyst and he's been the most Accurate this cycle probably I'd have to Think about that but he's if not then He's way up There here's another post from uh make M Great again said are you saying xrp will Go up even when Bitcoin corrects in the Coming days and if so by how much Approximately to which credible crypto Responded not Necessarily just that it should perform Well against Bitcoin regardless if Bitcoin corrects xrpusd May correct but Percent wise not much more than Bitcoin If Bitcoin stays stable and or Rises However xrpusd should rise much more Percent wise yeah so uh it's another way Of pointing out xrp is going to Outperform that is what's most likely Here yes that makes all the sense in the World to me somebody named a ke wrote to Credible crypto and said I've seen you Pull too many X's for me to doubt you Bro but xrp dot dot dot and when he says Too many X he's talking about uh too Many multiplier effects in terms of uh

Substantial gains you know on based on All his calls in the world of crypto so It says I've seen too seen you pull too Many X's for me to doubt you bro but xrp I don't see how some can be so bullish On it incredible crypto simply responded With four words you will see soon A little smiley face after it Yep yep that's pretty much it and There's another similar response here Somebody named anointed ape wrote to him And said I genuinely don't understand Why you like xrp so much and he Incredible crypto wrote you'll see soon Yep absolutely and that that's what That's what has happened in the past Happened last Market cycle and XP Started running when all sorts of haters Out there were saying no xrp is going Out of the top 10 coins by market cap or Xrp is going to zero and then it ran to Two bucks Yeah that shut some people up somebody Named HK wrote to Credible crypto and Said it doesn't matter this coin is Doomed every pump retraces lower almost All pumps in Bitcoin going to go down It's just effed no offense incredible Crypto wrote to him and said I don't Take offense to this it comforts me Knowing that this is the sentiment on The coin with a little laughing Emoji which is again the point that I Was making earlier

Today the fact that this sentiment is so Prevalent from people in the world of Crypto this is what people are thinking Of Xrp this is an indicator these each each One of these individual humans is an Indicator Absolutely so I'm just looking forward To it because I know what's most Probable is this thing's just going to Go I don't pretend to know when what day It's probably going to be a Wednesday But it's going to go like whenever it Goes It goes and it's going to be fun we All going to be having a blasty blast I'm not a financial advisor you should Not buy your sell anything because of Anything I say or right that would be a Very very very bad idea until next time To the Moon Lambo


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