XRP Unleashed Trailer , Ripple rUSD/USDC/USDT & FED 2.0 Attempt

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Ignition sequence start 6 5 4 3 2 1 zero Liftoff we have a Liftoff hey everybody this is the Digital asset investor and look what we Have here fruition Productions has just Released their new trailer for xrp Unleashed which uh they're going to be Filming they're going to be wrapping up Doing their last filming at xrp Las Vegas by the way so if you want to be in The documentary they're literally the my Understanding is they're going to be Walking around filming and they're also Going to have be set up so that anybody That wants to be on film can go over There and if they have something to say Have a shot at being in the documentary So you're going to want to uh go in the Description of this to get tickets if if Uh go in um if you're in dp.com at the Very top of the page I've got the uh Discount link if you want to discount For tickets I just talked to Brad comms This morning and the tickets are I mean The all that's left is general admission And they're flying off the shelf now So I don't think there's going to be Much more time now um I'm not gonna Because I don't know if this this this Thing's got music in it I'm in in this Uh the trailer they did here part some Of my parts are in here so what I'm Going to do is I'm going to play it uh In the in my group in dp.com and tell

You kind of some of the behind the Scenes of what was going on when when You see these parts um and and I don't And the reason I'm doing that in the Group is because I don't know first I Want to give them behind the scenes but I don't know if there's music over this Thing that's going to be copyrighted and It probably is so I'm going to have to Do it that way all right so here we go Um the stable look folks we are you are Living you're still seeing digital Currency Wars go on and so I knew it Would happen when the stable Coin News Came out yesterday I knew that all the People would try to spend this as some Kind of awful thing and so that's part Of the video today um now Monica long Says stable coins play a vital role as On off ramps to USD in the wake of last Year's banking crisis they're necessary For traditional institutions especially In the US to access crypto markets I'm Incredibly excited for ripple to fill a Key need in the market with our stable Coin I tell you what I've got glare and I can't hardly see these um tabs okay I'm I'm doing my video in a different Room than what I would normally do it in And the sun is coming in on me and uh I It's hard for me to see the tabs here But that's okay check this out I can see This tab Jack McDonald from poly sign Hadn't heard from him in a while V

Exciting times Ripple has 10 plus years Of building Enterprise grade solutions That institutions and financial Institutions need and now is bringing Bringing this expertise for all benefit From the first highquality USD stable Coin on the xrp Onwards so I wonder if Jack McDonald is Involved in any of the custody aspects Of this then Emy yoshikawa she's with Ripple over in Japan Auto bridging on Xrpl leveraging xrp is a counterparty Free bridge currency represents the Innovation and beauty of xrp Ledger with More and more highly uh qu high quality Assets being added to xrpl this function Becomes ever more critical to the xrpl EOS system extending liquidity to the Long tail of Assets good stuff um I like this from This is from Andrel prediction I see Ripple starting Up a liquidity pool on the AML RUSD That's what a lot of people are thinking This is going to be Ripple USD stable Coin um RUSD xrp since they will issue Their own USD stable coin they could Easily provide liquidity for both sides R USD as well as xrp making it highly Liquid fits well now that the Dex is Integrated with odl the timing appears To be good as well since uphold is Providing odl services for US market and Potential further Clarity for the US

Regarding a rumored stablecoin bill that Could be passed in 2024 playing chess or Should I say 5D Checkers and then he says but but even If rip wouldn't contribute I would Assume it to become the most liquid pool Of all just by people knowing about it And thus Contribute all right let me see these Tabs now I find this interesting because This guy's from Circle 2 and yesterday I Think we showed that Jeremy air the CEO Of circle also showed his support so Here's another guy from Circle congrats Um your move into the dollar stable Coins like PayPal before it unders Scores how us regulatory Clarity can Create a growing Market in the US and Export product of digital Dollars around The world Stuart Alder replies the Support is much appreciated it's so Important for compliant companies like Circle and ripple to be Leading all right and then uh this was Uh Bank xrp who hadn't seen him in a While but he showed up look at this this Is a clip from uh CNBC Okay let's talk about the top stories Ripple's jumping into the $150 billion US stablecoin market the issuer behind The xrp token announced plans to launch A stable coin backed by US dollar Deposits bonds and other cash Equivalence now Ripple is entering a

Field dominated by tether and circle all Right first question why is tether Dominating Anything if you I I have watched many Videos on the formation of tether Who's Involved and all this Stuff this is one of the shadiest Stories you'll ever hear in fact I will Show some of it to You there's only there there there can Only be one thing going on here is that The government is somehow involved in Tether because if it if it Wasn't just the things I know about they Would have gone in on these guys a long Time ago and don't think they can't Reach them ask CZ Binance Circle same story it's no cir It's not the same story Circle has done Everything right very similar to Ripple Circle has checked all the boxes Regulatory and all of That but Gary Gensler didn't go after Them Gary Gensler himself has said Stable coins are securities at one so How Come let me complete my thought so Circle is has been regulatory compliant All along and Gary G said that stable Coins are a security so there's really Two questions why was Circle left alone And why is Ripple being allowed to do a Stable coin in the United States now When there's still a lawsuit going

On that's a good question isn't It um I'm making a note for myself Here okay and then we've got this here's Paul Baron talking about the the uh Stable coin topic for today and I want To get on to this to Ripple is you got To remember this guy has been carrying The water for ethereum out the woo I Haven't listen to this clip yet so if he Says anything that's negative about it I'll know why to issue a USD back stable Coin uh bringing a lot more utility and Liquidity to xrp couple of points this Will be 100% backed by the US dollar Deposits 2.8 trillion by 2028 is the Estimation and the laun itself will be Available on The Ledger on The xrp Ledger and ethereum blockchain so that's A pretty significant move here okay well I guess that he's okay with it then Because they part of it's going to be Built on ethereum too so uh that makes It okay I guess plans to expand to Additional blockchains and decentralized Finance so defi is going to play into This over a while during this launch um It that this of course being built to Utilize the xrp as the bridge asset I Think everybody kind of gets that all The big benefits they talk about Enterprise grade kind of the benefits That Ripple brings to the marketplace Compliance mindset yeah well they've Kind of had to be compliant to a certain

Extent liquidity on dexes I think this Will be a big factor and then Transparent stable coin Reserve this Trump's usdt and the problems that Tether of course has and then Multi-chain compatibility probably the Most unique uh feature of the xrp uh Token for a stable coin here's Brad Garlinghouse talking about it launch Okay we won't show you any more of that I'm gonna move on um but I do like This the Black Swan capitalist these Guys are sharp I like them U I'm hoping They're coming to xrp Las Vegas on this Friday I'm assuming that the Black Swan Capitalist was okay with um the the Crypto gestapo SL police coming for them Because these are the kind of comments You're not you are not allowed to say That xrp is not for us um and when by The way when when we say that xrp was Not for retail that's not some secret Ripple their people have said it but That doesn't mean that retail did not Have a small window of time where they Can buy and hold Xrp and I do believe that's kind of what I've always kind of believed is that it Is a a a small window of time and it'll Be very difficult to get at some point I Think they're over the target I don't Think many get it xrpl was not created For retail and neither is

Xrp HPC clusters were accessible to the Public however as the demands for comput Computational power increased HPC Clusters evolved into expensive systems Used by big companies institutions and Government Similar to how xrpl started for retail Activity but now will serve Institutions he's already being attacked Because he's obviously this is somebody I have blocked who's probably a bad guy I don't know who um but they're Obviously the crypto gestapo is already Coming after him most of the Gestapo I just block and move on um okay I'm going to show you a couple things From Steven nof interview with thinking Crypto before we go into the group and Um then we'll we'll go in but uh Steven Nof was on with with uh Tony from Thinking crypto and he put out this clip And then I was listening to it as I was Driving down the road yesterday and I Heard a clip and I put one out that I Was like whoa there it is was ethereum At security at the Ico launch and is it A security today yes and yes not because Of anything that I did I mean I set it Up had they followed my guidelines There's gentler on video saying that Joe Reuben bought 95% of the io the how did Gary guinsler know that by the way Themselves that Joe R says no Speculative buying and what I said

Before you know you can't buy more than You can use no way Joe could have Justified 95% and he was an officer of The entity issuing the tokens themselves And he goes ahead and breaks his own Agreements and the night before the Cil Started Joe had changed the language to Say you know discouraged speculative Buying and then lawyers changed that to Say prohibited it just kind of looked Like Joe was leaving you know wiggle Room to to do this but gendler is saying That there was speculative buying you Have spective buying by an officer of The issuing entity how do you not trip The Howe test right there why does he Know this by the way that's another Question exactly it is now I want to I Want to make you all understand what You're seeing in this clip because it's Very significant when we were uncovering Eth gate there was a c there was a Couple of things that kept popping up One Was Joe Luben kept on saying that JP Morgan and we had him on video he kept Saying that JP Morgan was there before They even launched Ethereum and it was in hindsight that he Was saying it he never was saying it Back then cuz he didn't want to Highlight it there was also a clip that I played when we were un covering E Gate Where Charles hoskinson like when he was

Involved in ethereum he says yeah we've Got this great group of people we've Even got Goldman Sachs programmers and That's when my antenna went up I was Like oh okay so now I see the full Picture so yesterday when I'm listening To to thinking crypto interview um Steven nof he says what you're about to Hear what he's talking about is he was He was describing how when when he was At ethereum like when they were doing uh The launch of ethereum and all they they Were all everybody involved in ethereum Was communicating via slack a slack Message board or something and he was Talking about how every all of them he's Talking about how he was kind of Oblivious but all these guys were Accusing Joseph Luben Luben of being a Plant you know he was an ex Goldman Sachs guy and the guys in the slack all The guys involved in ethereum this is The first time I've heard n off say this But this brings it all together for you Cuz we already know JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs were this has always been My uh my theory that that it was Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan somehow behind this Thing so you watch for yourself I did Start consensus with Joe on the other hand Uh I take pretty copious notes on what My daily activities are and I also keep A pretty good calendar I did did not

Recall that we had a conference call With the Federal Reserve in October of 2014 either um until I saw it and then It kind of kind of started coming back To me um so was it possible I know there Was and this is in camil R's book you Know balic used to stay with me on and Off throughout that whole year um even Though he said he only met me a few Times in early 2014 um and I do recall That on our slack boards there was a lot Of veiled um comments about uh the banks Infiltrating us and JP Morgan uh it was Actually they were mostly I if I Remember it was focused on Goldman Sachs U which was where supposedly Joe had Worked Previously and folks this is the essence Of eth gate the essence of eth gate is That they tried they tried to um Remember how Joseph Luben said they Tried to use words to to basically Create their own reality what they what They what eth gate is if you really want To understand what it is what it is is They took this ethereum thing and the Bitcoin thing and they said hey these Are decentralized so therefore they're Better than everything else when the IR What they were really doing is Disguising the fact that they were Everything but decentralized they were Controlled behind the scenes by someone Un like Goldman and JP Morgan and they

And and part of their marketing of that Was to run out get Joseph Luben to shout From the rooftop decentralized get Henman to go out and give a speech Decentralized sufficiently decentralized And then point at riple say Oh that's oh That's centralized they own most of it And all that that is what eth gate is it One big lie to this day the Tyler came In and I said you know and I called him V and I said yo V check this out and I'm Like they're like you know they're They're they they seem to be making Clear um references to Joe as being a Plant by the Banks um to take over ethereum and in Other words to be the disguised whales To hide your ownership and then transfer This thing to proof of stake and then Delete the rest of the history like Metallic butan is talking about doing Now so that nobody can ever see it and Then you're you're behind the scenes Controlling this network that that Everybody thinks is decentralized going Into the next 100 200 years of the Financial system and nobody knows it but You've done nothing but the same thing You did at jaal Island you sat in a room And you hoarded all the ownership for Yourself that is what eth gate is and That's why it's so important in Cam's Book and he went and he wrote and he Says you know we're use your agnostic

And if banks want to use it that's just Great and if you know whoever wants to Use it that's fine and Um yeah I I was like yeah that cool that Was good that you did that and then I'm Like Joe being a plant for the banks This is like nuts and Like I think I got that one wrong um so You know it's you know takes a big man To make you admit his errors and um There were some people on there that Were clearly more Tuned in and it was ironic because you Know I'm fairly a stewed person right And wow my video has gone over you know Steven nof uh he told me I'll tell in The in Dip.com I'll tell you what what he told Me on this topic here when I met him When I was filming my part in the uh in The xrp unleash documentary I talked to Him for a little while before he was Doing his filming and um he told me Something uh interesting about eth gate And what the xrp Army did and and what Where he was where what he was observing While we were all uncovering it um but I'm going to go into da xrp and we're Going to go over the the xrp Unleashed Trailer and I'm going to give you some Behind the scenes uh of what was going On there and then uh we'll go from there I'm the digital asset investor I'm not An investment adviser this is for

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