XRP @ $0.57: “WE GOT THE BOTTOM” Top Analyst Proclaims

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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel you know I wasn't planning on Making a video quite this early in the Day but I decided to pause my actual Work to come and talk to you fine people Because we're having a bit of a fun day Here in the xrp community with xrp Moving to the upside it is broken above Resistance and there are multiple Analysts opining on what this means and I understand that sometimes in a day you Can see xrp go up a few cents and it Goes right back down or even lower and It may mean nothing but there is very Good reason many analysts believe I'm Going to share with you the perspective That this is a crucial moment because What we actually just saw was the bottom Which if this is the case it is time for Number go up so I'm just going to make a Quick video to share some initial Thoughts with you uh but before going Further I do want to be clear I do not Have a financial background of any kind I am not offering Financial advice and You definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys Making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun at the time I'm recording This video xrp is up to 56.3% that's 4.13% up over the last 24 Hours uh just a little bit ago it was

Higher it was that it got as high as 57.7 um and a lot of the rest of the Market frankly is is in the red even if Just a little bit like bitcoin's down Barely but it's down there's all sorts Of other top 10 coins down as I'm Scrolling down for you see you looking At the screen you can see yeah there's Some green uh nothing catastrophic to The downside really but I'm just noting Xrp up and most coins frankly not at Least not in the top uh you know top Well well 50 here on this page um and so I just want to remind you as a little Bit of a table setter what happens at The moments right before we see bottoms Come in what happens you have max pain Don't you and I've been talking about This quite a bit remember this headline From February 2nd this is from the Crypt Basic popular influencers says he's Selling his xrp for three major reasons They're sharing perspective um from uh Influencer Tim Warren about why he just Thinks xrp doesn't make sense he wants To get out um and I actually covered That at the time I didn't think it made A bunch of logical sense but hey I mean People want to sell I don't care like I'm not going to tell people not to sell Or to buy I'm not going to tell them Anything it's not Financial advice but The rationale for a lot of this it just Seems silly and a lot of people have you

Know emotional Financial uh perspectives Which is not a good way to come to concl Tion when it comes to you know the Seriousness that is your financial life Like I use logic or Reason and data Maybe that and understand human Psychology when it comes to markets that You don't act like all the idiots out There who are liming retail speculators Maybe that uh here's another headline This is from February 11th this is just Several days ago is xrp dead Community Debates folks you do not see headlines Like this uh when when you're at uh the Euphoria stage you see it before that at The bottom here's another example uh This is from daily coin and this is from February 10th 5 days ago xrp holders Demand answers for depressing price Performance this is just what you see uh Here's here's one last one just an Example times T tabloid from six days Ago top xrp proponent warns Ripple quote Do something about the xrp price quickly End quote and they're sharing a Commentary from Mac attack xrp Well-known influencer in the xrp Community 66,0 followers uh I've read it Before a couple times on my channel it's On your screen if you want to pause and Read it if you haven't seen it but he's Basically saying Ripple you've got to do Something about xrp price and no Disrespect to him whatsoever but I I

Challenge opinions that I disagree with I don't think that perspective makes any Sense Ripple doesn't have any control I've already gone into that in a great Detail so I won't this video but I'm Just highlighting because it is worth Mentioning all this these are the human Behaviors you expect to see uh at the Bottom you see capitulation even long Time xrp holders freaking out now I'm Not saying it's most xrp holders or else The price of xrp I mean it would be it Would actually be catastrophic but there Are enough that it's I mean this is Max Pain that's what it looks like and so I Understand of course it's not an Absolute guarantee at this point that We're at the bottom but there is reason To believe that we could be and so I Posted this just a little bit ago in the Afternoon uh I post that at 3:06 p.m. in Case anyone's curious it is 4:20 p.m. uh Central Time Thursday February 15th 2024 and I wrote that xrp thing Everyone's been bitching about sure Doesn't look dead to me hello break to The upside and 56 and look I know by the Time you're watching this it could be Higher could be lower I don't pretend to Know but all this it's just like today Everybody pretty much shut the hell up Didn't they did you notice that go on Social media how many people are Complaining about xrp price isn't it

Funny how that works s their Mouth a little spicy today there's this Post from my fellow xrp YouTuber the Blockchain backer uh this is a good one If you can look at your screen and You're a South Park Fan you should look At this he wrote Roo Oion of course uh with the screen gra Here from South Park this is a great Episode imagination land uh I mean if if You know you know if you're not a South Park person that's fine but it's funny Because the guy seemen the the the land That they're going to imagination land And here it is the world of crypto Rotation isn't it funny how that works Number go up for number go up for some Other coins and xrp at least right now Is one of them and and I'll note Actually today the blockchain backer he Says that you know we got the bottom and Not that that's a guarantee but that is A quote from he literally said we got The bottom here and he said this could Be it and that's another direct quote he Says as long as we can turn the Resistance around that 54 Cent level for Xrp which it just broke to broke into if We can turn that into support so let a Little time pass but because normally What you see is yes you have a break to The upside like this a little bit of a Move back to the downside to test Support if we can form solid support

Here that would be the sign that we'd be Moving to the upside and you know and he Was talking about this today so here's Just a 90-day chart for xrp I just Pulled up on live coin watch um he was Noting noting forur those you looking Here right around this point you know Towards the end of January say maybe Roughly January 25th a lot of people Were saying hey that might be the bottom And he was warning at that moment Because uh xrp was moving to the upside He he was And he called it he did accurately call It he's like just be careful cuz a lot Of times when you get what looks like a Bottom like this and he went into the Technical analysis why I'm not going to Do that that's not what my channel is About I don't like to regurgitate ta I Try to keep that to a minimum here um But I do share perspectives from Multiple analysts uh but he said you Know just be careful here because a lot Of times with this chart structure what Happens is you do see a little bit of a Move up but then one final shake out to The bottom and that's where Ma pain Happens and we did get that you can see This around call it you know January 31st February 1st right there xrp down To 49 cents and remember uh the scary News there with Chris Larson and getting Hacked for what $112 Million worth of

Xrp at the time and uh he says that's What you see and then isn't that when The greatest bitching started oh my God Everybody losing their mind not Literally and so I was just having a Good time kind of noting this is the Human behavior that you see dur during These times and so the blockchain backer Called all of that and he's now he's now Stated you if you want the technical Analysis reasons you should go check out Um his his video from today his live Stream I I was able to catch a portion Of it and uh he was just noting this so It's not a guarantee I know fine number Can go lower and if you get a Black Swan Event or Bitcoin actually does crash Fine it'll you know I've seen that Before too but there's reason to believe As long as that resistance which you Know if it can hold the support now if It actually does that really could be it And then things can happen very quickly In terms of xrp price action to the Upside um then we got um here's a post From chart analyst dark Defender shared This xrp price chart and wrote The Following and by the way this is this Morning 3:49 a.m. so before we saw some Of the most fun price action today so Far and hopefully by the time you're Watching this xrp price is even higher But again just to be clear at some point Xrp price is likely to test that uh that

Level that 54 Cent level so if it comes Back down as long as it holds there Perhaps it is going to be the signal That yeah that was it and then we really Do move to the upside but just watch for That it's not going to go up in a Straight line dark Defender says hi all Xrp hit the first Target Long summary Short wave three in a 4-Hour time frame Can extend toward 60 to 66 C the carnival will start above 66.4 n So um yeah it's see that's the thing Like whatever the level is and there's Always going to be a little bit of a Disagreement amongst various analysts as To what the the key level is at some Point you do hit a level um after Testing support because I've seen this So many times you don't need to be a Char guy and I'm not you don't need to Be a CH guy to recognize this at some Point it really does just go it really Does just run and if this Market's going To keep going higher yes xrp is going to Be a part of it I've been screaming that The whole damn time of course it is if We see a breakdown then fine then we Don't get to enjoy that maybe xrp Doesn't hit a new alltime high this Cycle but if we do see that type of efor Of course xrp is going to be a part of It it's hard to believe that it wouldn't Be right that's my guess anyway I mean I Don't like there's nothing special about

Me I'm just a dude on the internet but Based on historic precedent it's Reasonable to suppose that Yes xrp Actually would finally run probably head A new alltime high enter price Discovery That's not exactly Crazy here's a post from chart analyst Egreg crypto xrp stuck between 21 EMA And 55 ma potential for 7,000 per Breakout and I'll note that this is a at 4:40 a.m. so before some of the Fireworks we saw today uh and he wrote The Following I got a couple thoughts on This so he wrote Don't Be misled by the Complexity of the chart below here I can Make this full screen as I go through This here just xrp price chart and he Said Um uh it presents potentially Life-changing opportunity zooming in on Closer view xrp's twoe candle appears to Be caught between the 21 EMA and 55 ma The downside risk is 45 cents but Closing above 60 cents is crucial as it Would mean closing above the 21 EMA on The 2E time frame along with surpassing The local resistance level in Candle Style this could be the Prelude to a Mega move a breakout that occurs once in A lifetime number one it could complete The W formation two it would finalize The ascending triangle formation three This move could signify a 500% increase From the current price potentially

Initia A pass a massive price pump from higher Levels and so I'll pause to note if you Consider a 500% increase uh from 56 that Would be somewhere in the neighborhood Of $336 so you're talking about getting Into alltime high territory I mean You're you're pretty pretty damn close So that's that can that actually can Happen quickly there's historic Precedent for that including with xrp You've seen it in other coins as well But certainly with xrp there is historic Precedent when it goes it just goes and Most days as an xrp Holder will be Sideways or down I know I've been I've Been holding over six years there are Not that many days where you see that Type of activity so enjoy it when it Happens because when this thing goes It's going to Go and then he says 7,000 per pump the Idea of a 7000% move from $2 might seem Incomprehensible to 99% of people but Once utility kicks in it could just be The beginning of a multi-decade trend Okay well it depends on the timeline if You're talking about a 7,000 per move From $2 xrp that would put xrp somewhere Close to $140 now I don't think that price is Impossible over a very long period of Time but I'm not going to be so bold as

To predict that because I don't make Price predictions anyway uh I do not Believe for a moment that would happen This Market cycle I think that's getting That's just my personal opinion I could Be wrong i' be happy to be wrong uh I I Think that that's very close to a 0% Chance chance of happening um now over a Longer time period yeah it doesn't sound Crazy to me there's there's way more Than enough money on the planet to to Make that happen and if crypto gets as Big as many of us think it's going to be And to the tens of trillions of dollars Yeah xrp could snag a huge piece of that Crypto Pi for sure yeah that's that's What I think anyway but in terms of a 7,000 per move from the $2 Mark uh Certainly I don't think that's going to Happen in the short term uh and then as Far as stating here it would happen Potentially you know once utility kicks In I just don't look at the market quite Like that and I don't know what utility He's thinking of so I may just Respectfully feel a little bit Differently on that um I I think that The market as it matures is increasingly Factoring in what cryptos are being used For I mean you can look at Tron it's Number 10 in market cap right now has Almost no developer activity but it has A big ass stable coin ecosystem so Market's going to Value all sorts of

Thing like is that useful well the Market seems to think that tron's useful Right now yes the answer is yes uh xrp I Mean you know it's it's there's no smart Contract function layer one so there are Certain things you can't build but but There is developer activity and the Market clearly finds it useful and so It's in the top 10 then there's Bitcoin Not much uh developer activity at all Considering the scale of adoption of Bitcoin to this point it's it's almost Nothing considering that but it's number One in market cap so you know all all That to say I think the Market's Factoring in all sorts of things so Depending on what you're talking about Like a lot of people when they're Talking about utility historically Anyway um they're they're thinking about Xrp as a as a bridge currency xrp the Standard as a bridge currency um and I Don't know if that's what he's talking About but if you're thinking about xrp As a bridge currency globally adopted And that's going to move price I I just Think that's a misunderstanding of how The ecosystem works for for that and Again I'm I don't know if that's what He's saying I've Just Seen A lot of People state that but you know there's Going to be equal buying and selling Pressure on each side so I I think you Know I don't want to break that down in

This video I've talked about it at Length in in over the years um I think That that you know it would instill Confidence in uh xrp and then the one Thing that it would do is uh you know if Xrp needs to be used and it's tied up For transactions while those Transactions are very quick and then Again there's equal buying there's you Know buy pressure on one side there's Sell pressure on the other and then it Kind of evens out so it doesn't really Mean anything uh the only way in which It could push price up is if a bunch of Xrp is being held and used Instantaneously so if they're Market uh Market makers and they're holding a Bunch of xrp well okay then while it's Being used for something they can't use For something else I get that but uh I Just I don't think that that should be Expected as a driver I just think that There needs to be be additional adoption Broadly speaking and there are a number Of reasons that the market is going to Factor uh in in determining where the Money needs to flow and it's it's it is Priced xrp setting aside the SEC Nonsense it's somewhat pricing xrp Appropriately because it's always been In the top 10 and that's impressive I Think that's cool as hell so all that to Say yes I think that it's going to Become more clear where money needs to

Flow as time passes so if you look a Decade out it' be hard to imagine There's going to be uh you know any sort Of top 10 top 20 top 50 coins that uh if There even are that many coins in the Future that I still have any sort of Reasonable adoption it be hard to Believe that uh you know there there' be A bunch of coins where they're not Actually being used for Stuff the more Time passes so um that that's just the Way that I I kind of look at it and I Don't want to get too out into the weeds And that I just kind of want to make a Quick video here because this is a fun Day like when days happen like this I Encourage you yes have the fun celebrate Post stuff on social media because we Don't usually get this it's okay to Celebrate even for moves like this we're Fine it's up 4% % in a 24-hour period But this is after everybody was bitching Up a storm and capitulating celebrate it It's fine have some fun with this I am It's perfectly okay and with any luck We'll see it move up and then maybe it Goes back down to test uh this uh what Hopefully will be a support level build A strong base there and then to the Upside and we're going to know sooner Than later if that's the case but that's What we should be watching for this Particular moment in time I'm not a Financial adviser you should not buy or

Sell anything because of anything I say Or right that would be a very very very Bad idea until next time to the Moon Lambo


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