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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. None of what I have communicated verbally or in writing here should be considered financial advice; it is not. Do your own research before investing in any digital asset, and understand that investing in any cryptocurrency is inherently risky. If you do, you need to be prepared to lose your entire investment.

Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel I've been in crypto since the End of 2017 and since the end of 2017 my Largest individual crypto holding has Been xrp that's right for over six years It's been my largest individual crypto Holding and I've articulated why many Times so I don't want to waste too much Time on that in this latest Moon Lambo Hot Jam but I wanted to tell you uh I Have a very strong suspicion that xrp Will not be my number one crypto holding For much longer longer and to be clear Not because I'm changing anything not Because my conviction has swayed Whatsoever no no no no no historically Xrp lags the market so I hold currently An unreasonable amount of Cryptocurrencies I have 42 different Cryptocurrencies I I don't believe in All of them I understand the market Moves in Tandem and I've Diversified Just for the sake of it as time has Passed and I keep earning new money I'm Just sitting you know explained that Before too and and so some of my Holdings And so including some of my Holdings That I've had since my you know first One two three years being in crypto some Of them become uh got to the point where They're worth a lot relatively speaking I say that subjectively of course what Is a lot to me right and if these coins

Run first as historically you know the Historic precedent should lead me to Believe that's what's likely going to Happen then xrp is not going to be my Number one holding uh in United States Dollars anymore now in terms of what I'm Anticipating to be my biggest winner by The end of the market cycle still xrp Because it being my largest holding Before it has even started its run that Might hint You hint at something that uh Yeah like if if we are correct and I Think it's not just me here I think that We as an xrp Community broadly speaking Do believe xrp is going to hit a new Alltime high uh Enterprise Discovery Yeah if that happens even if xrp does That towards the end of the market cycle Uh fine but I want to share with you um Specifically something that happened With uh harar and I know that a lot of You out there in the xrp community hold It it's one of my largest Holdings it Became my ear earlier in the day it Became my second largest holding and That's because it had a crazy run and I Want to talk about that there are Actually number of things to say about That specifically there there are so Many similarities between what's Happened uh with harar and and what's Happening with xrp both in terms of Sentiment and if you look at the xrp BTC Chart and compare it to the har bar BTC

Chart Striking similarities and we just saw a Major run for H bar so even though we Can't know for sure what it's going to Happen with xrp I think it makes all the Sense in the the world to believe that That is what is most probable to occur At some unknown point in the future but Uh before going further I do want to be Clear I do not have a financial Background of any kind I am not offering Financial advice and you definitely Should not buy or sell anything because Of anything I say right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys making YouTube Videos about crypto related topics but Just as a hobby and just for fun as I Record this video it is 4:20 a.m. Wednesday uh April 24th 2024 uh xrp 54.6 cents Bitcoin at 664898028 It ended up jumping it ended up jumping All the way up to 18 Cents in a day in a single day Absolutely crazy now there was some news Associated with this that was the Catalyst and it seems that the news was In some ways misunderstood Misinterpreted I'll I'll talk briefly About that in a second but uh regardless Specific news broke went on a Tear um and so you might say well wait a Minute if that's the reason that it went On a tear there's a news event well

What's what's it matter what's how does That compare to what's happening with Xrp then well see this is the thing Folks sometimes it's the straw that Broke the camel's back when a news event Does come so it can like news events Genuinely can trigger things that could That could happen with X xrp that could Happen with h bar did here in this Particular case right but if if you see What's in the charts without being aware Of any of the news you know what is most Probable and in terms of the supply and Demand Dynamics you know what is most Reasonable to suspect and so if indeed It's a news event that resulted in h bar Going okay that's fine but if it weren't This specific news event the chart Analyst would would would argue and I'll Actually show you this as we go through The video the chart analysts will argue Well yeah but it would have happened Anyway so um I shared this post before We get into that though let me just Share with you a couple of my Posts I shared this in the evening 7:03 P.m. I wrote Insanity h is now my second Largest crypto holding only behind xrp If harar hits 19 cents it will become my Largest holding I have a feeling this Will happen yeah and and it almost did It got to 18 cents one more Penny and And harar would have become my largest Holding I would have had a new largest

Crypto by holding uh for the first time Since 2017 it would have been a weird Feeling for me but it didn't happen not Yet anyway I still think it's going to Happen whether it's h bar or something Else takes xtrap out like I could Imagine my flare going on a crazy run I've got enough of it that could fairly Easily do that if it starts to run um But but still in terms of what I think Is going to get me the you know the most Bang for my buck by the end of this Market cycle I still believe that's That's xrp just looking at my per Personal crypto portfolio and uh and H Bar has corrected to the downside a Little bit it's 12.9 cents at the time That I'm recording this um but you know Nothing goes up in a straight line Forever this is very normal it's true of Bitcoin eth xrp pick your coin so we'll See what happens here but as far as Sentiment let's let's talk about this I Was talking about sentiment in the harar Community and the xrp community because Oh my God it is similar and ridiculous So just several hours or so ago 11:27 P.m. I wrote The Following harar price Is up 95% today yes in just one day Which makes this the perfect time to Remind you that just two months ago some Hbar holders were so disenchanted as a Result of the low price that they Literally created a ition to compel

Hadera to increase the price of har bar I kid you not and it's one of the Funniest and stupidest things I've ever Seen in the world of crypto similar Story with xrp people have been bitching Up a storm because their Fel fields are Giving them a hard time but it doesn't Matter the asset class moves in Tandem And xrp is a part of it as the market Expands so will xrp we don't choose when That will happen though as such patience Is a requirement not a suggestion and Let me show you the examples that I was Referencing here so here is the Change.org petition this is hilarious to Me this is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen in crypto this is February 12th of this year just a couple Months ago people just can't handle Their freaking emotions and so stuff Like this happens and so here it is Petition to hadera hashgraph LLC and Affiliated organization To restore the price of H now of course not to be outdone the Xrp community has its own version of This you remember this headline I cover This all the time from the Crypt basic Xrp Army calls Ripple Executives to act Fast on xrp price declines it's silly And they were sharing this post from Mac Attack xrp wrote and this is he wrote This on February 9th I think it is high Time to do something about the xrp price

Quickly here's a sincere warning to Brad Garing house Ripple xrpl labs and David Schwarz because the community is Starting to get Restless things are Really going in the wrong direction with Xrp let's see I'm bringing in so much Money every month but my connections are Starting to drop and I'm starting to Sell so just highlighting two months Have passed you saw the price of H bar In a day basically double and there's Been a little bit of correction to the Downside okay whatever even if it goes Even if you have pretty much a full Retrace down to the downside maybe maybe There' be level that support rather than Resistance but setting that aside cuz we Don't know for sure what's going to Happen in the short term with price Action it doesn't matter the the the the Takeaway from this is that this the Negative sentiment won't stay that way Forever it does change and for those People who are patient and and just Maintain their exposure they're the ones That reap the rewards as time passes Same thing with xrp it's the exact same Damn thing and So eventually one day We're going to wake up and it'll be Xrp's turn to be Running again even if it's later in the Market cycle other stuff goes first to Be honest with you I would prefer that I Know that I know that probably a lot of

People wouldn't they'd rather just get This thing over with but the reason I Say that is with it being my largest Individual holding here um and I've Publicly stated you know I plan to sell Scale out between $5 to 8 um and the Reason that I'm willing to do it what a Lot of people would say would be too low Of a price because it's going to go much Higher well you may be right it may go Way higher I don't care though I I Bought way so much xrp Uh taking on a lot of risk up front so That I would be able to sell at those Lower prices if I didn't own as much as I do own I would not be willing to sell At those prices so that's the Calculation I made take on more risk up Up front so that I can once it's you Know an outsized portion of my net worth I can take that profit but the reason That I would rather have it pop off at The end is because I got a like I said 42 different cryptocurrencies if I see That things have gone exceedingly well And I have my life changing weal from The other stuff um I might be willing to To share or save just you know like a Chunk of my xrp so I'll probably still Do a lot of scaling out between five to Eight bucks I'm not going to really Change the plan but you know depending On how things goes because look at it's You know it's very Dynamic the way that

Things are unfolding of course I might Be willing to save a chunk and then Maybe see if xrp does go higher maybe it Will go to like 15 bucks or something Then I save a chunk for that just in Case but I I would only do that if I had Made so much money that it just doesn't Matter and then I'm willing to so I'm Willing to take on the extra risk but if Xrp runs first I'm not going to do that So I'd prefer that it run later and Historically it does run later so I Might get my wish um but whenever it Goes It goes I can't control it and I'm Going to be having to blast the whole Way for Sure but um before getting into the Charts because I do want to get to the Stuff I got a perspective from a couple Analysts on on harar and xrp and the Similarities you'll find it fascinating So hang with me if You' got time just to Uh because I I I keep noting like the Entire asset class moves in Tandem and It shouldn't be surprising that the same Story gets told from one crypto Community to the next crypto Community To the next crypto Community it's we're All humans with the same DNA whatever Our preferences for certain coins are Fine but broadly speaking the same stuff Happens in each Community it just Happens at different Times um and so here you have the

Headline this was posted from coin Telegraph a few hours ago hadera's harar Token pumps 96% on misinterpreted Black Rock an announcement uh coin desk Covered here hadera's H bar doubles then Falls 25% as Black Rock links diminish Now what I noticed after reading both of These articles in particular the coin Telegraph article uh it's a bit Disingenuous because there actually is a Connection with black rock it's just not Perhaps what most people were initially Thinking and so um I'm not want to read The articles but there is this post Shared by the harar foundation on the Social media platform X and uh this this Was the news that just lit the the Charts on fire here this is the reason That the price of H bar basically Doubled in a single day they wrote today We witness real world asset history as Black Rock's IC US Treasury money market Fund MMF for short is tokenized on Hadera with archan and onera marking a Major milestone in Asset Management by Bringing the world's largest asset Manager on Chain that's right so of course that got Out there my God you see it's been seen 2.2 million Times uh yeah this thing got some Traction it definitely had some legs Price of of harar started rocketing up Instantaneously because people people

Took it the way that they were reading That is whoa so black rocks tokenizing Um this money market fund and they chose Hadera well that's not quite correct no It's actually Archan that uh that is is is tokenizing This but they they they are in Coordination with black rock now the Degree of which it's not clear but it is Known and I'll show you the proof that Uh that black rock approved the press Release and so that means all the Specific wording and you can imagine Like the rigma RO that people would had To gone through to get this approved and Run up the flag pole get you know the Legal department involved to make sure Everything's wored just so uh but Black Rock approved of this and what's on your Screen right here and this is what a lot Of people people were bitching about What I just read to you here saying oh Well that's misleading because it's not Black Rock that's tokenizing um fair Enough argument if that's your Perspective I suppose but I'm just Noting that it's not just the press Release that was approved by Black Rock It's that Post and how do I know that well let's Let's here let me uh sh share with you This um here's a post from Christian H Hasker he can see in his bio he wrotes I Work swirlds labs doing the marketing

Things for hia so he's in the heat of Things he's in the no he's one of the People that would know exactly what's Going on behind the scenes and he wrote We had to wait for Black Rock to sign Off to include them in the release so Yes they Know um so there's that and then there Is also this uh Graham who is at Godfather he's the CEO and co-founder of Of Archan and so he wrote um it was indeed Uh and an archan Arch's choice to put on Hadera and given our reg status we are One of the only places that can create Custody and trade these it was our Choice but everyone involved was aware Not all takes have been accurate but the Fund is onchain and we build from here While starting to develop onchain Functionality for real world assets and So U he's saying that everybody was in The know that includes Black Rock Obviously and somebody who's building on Top of cardano was not happy with this Because he he his perception is that This was misleading this is that you Know because it's it's leading people to Think that black rock is the one that's Tokenizing this and I can see why people Would think that even though they didn't Explicitly State hey black Rock's the One doing This um and so he wrote this guy wrote

To uh to to Graham and just kind of Complaining about how it was misleading And then Graham wrote back to him and Said no worries the press release Wording that you quoted was agreed with All parties so thanks for retweeting That so what he's saying here what that Means is what he quoted here cuz this Called a quote retweet uh that's what he Did right here he shared the H Foundation post and he's saying this Text right here this was approved by Black Rock exactly as it was so if it Was sloppy or it was easily Misinterpreted so be it if that's the Case that's the case and that's a Subjective opinion and that's fine um I Can see why there's confusion to be Honest with you to be intellectually Honest but Black Rock approved of it They're like yeah that's fine and I Don't think they just approved it on a Whim so it is what it is but anyway if You see anybody talking about this now You know that that's everything I know To this point about this but Black Rock Has to be involved so you know kind the Question here is um is this something That Arch even could have done without Black Rock's approval and so specifics Like that I don't have an answer for That um I'm curious just as much as Everybody else but either way they Clearly approve of this and are

Participating black rock is Participating and so that's why when Coin coin Telegraph left out all of that Information I to shared with you I'm Like well that doesn't seem Intellectually honest because there is a Connection and they did approve the Press release they did include approve Of this this uh tweet post right here They Did so is what it is um and so then There was Also uh this chart analyst Nick crypto Crusader talking about xrp and H bar Check this out he actually reposted one Of the the post that I just shared with You where I was noting that um H par 95% Of the time I was posting that and There's some similarities between what's Happening over in the world of har bar And xrp and so uh Nick wrote what's even Crazier is just how similar the xrp BTC Pair is to the harar BTC pair right Before the massive breakout and so again To be clear what we're talking about is The two different charts xrp priced in Bitcoin and harar priced in Bitcoin and So then he says also with how much heat Has been on the SEC as of recent it Seems like we could be close to a Settlement Ripple already outlined that $10 million would be fair I don't think They paid more than $30 million uh Nonetheless the H bar and RX

Announcement was enough to get the major Impulse on the Bitcoin pair what will be The Catalyst for xrp's Bitcoin pair to Have a major impulse outside of a Settlement uh well good question um and I'll acknowledge this and I I I kind of Mentioned part of this in a video a Couple videos recently I I acknowledge it's possible if Ripple if There's settlement news maybe the market Acts irrationally and that is perceived As good for xrp even though it will have Nothing literally nothing to do with xrp Maybe it just runs anyway because Sometimes when it's one of those Situations it's kind of like what Happened today if xrp truly is at this Position where any day you could just Wake up and it's going to be running Based on what we're seeing in the charts What will be the straw that breaks the Campbell back will there be there be Some sort of positive news that will Finally just trigger it and then it goes In theory it's possible if you get the Settlement news and the Market's already About to explode anyway okay fine maybe That happens but I'm just saying even if It weren't that I still think it would Have gone anyway I don't think the Market actually cares because it's not Xrp specific so we'll we'll see what Happens there but that's what happened Here with harar you know it it was

Probably going to go at some point Sooner like perhap sooner than later Anyway I I certainly buy that narrative I I buy that I've been talking about That on the channel um but we here we Got this news Black Rock and Tokenization that what I just shared With you uh and it went but it would Have happened anyway and so people just Did what they were going to do anyway They just did it sooner Basically um and then so here's uh Here's what credible crypto had to say And I'm going to show you the harar BTC Chart in just a second here because it Is strikingly similar to what we're Seeing with the xrp BTC chart but Credible crypto showed this harar USD Price chart and he wrote the news today So he's making the point that I was just Talking about a second ago he says the News today may have been a catalyst but This move would have happened sooner or Later Regardless so what he saying there is The news doesn't matter even if it Triggered it it would have happened Anyway it just prompted people to move When they did rather than in the future And so then he says technical chart Patterns are formed due to active Accumulation SL distribution taking Place once complete we see markup or Markdown in the case of distribution

Irrespective of news events when excess Supply is fully absorbed then there is No place to go but up spot on that's why I wanted to highlight that so yes could The the the Ripple news if we get some Sort of settlement here a finale in Terms of what the penalties are and it Doesn't look too bad could that excite Xrp speculators in theory but it doesn't Make actual sense because that doesn't Have anything to do with xrp and xrp Already has legal Clarity could it Trigger the Market's already wound up Enough I mean in theory who knows how People are going to take stuff like so Just because you and I know that that Doesn't mean anything for xrp I don't Know what about the rest of the Speculators all over the world do they Know would they think that this is some Sort of big deal and an xrp Does maybe I it's stupid Though there's also this from chart Analy credible crypto and this is the Harar uh USD price chart and he said all Right here we go took longer than Expected and shook me out of my levered Long on the way but H bar is finally Approaching the first major upside Target at around 20 cents note this is a Monthly region of resistance so it's Quite significant but it's also the only Thing standing in the way of new alltime Highs that being said as much as I'd

Like to see it uh I would be surprised If we break this Zone on the first test So expecting a rejection in the red for Now the price action that follows after Will be done right and so the fact that Um har went from 8 8 point something Cents up to 18 cents and at the time I'm Recording this it's 12.9 cents the fact That it had a a move back to the Downside he's saying no you should Expect that anyway once you have these Explosive moves it's actually very Normal and so now you know what the Narrative is going to be it's going to Be that oh well black Rock's really not Involved and that's why it went back Down well no it's because that was a Resistance level and nothing goes up in A straight line not forever right that's The truth of it um then there's also This from chart analyst credible crypto And this is the H BTC chart so is H bar Priced against Bitcoin and I've been Showing you a lot recently the xrp BTC Chart before I even say the reason I was Excited to share this with you do you See it on your Own when look at this when you have Harbar priced Dismally against Bitcoin what happens after That massive move to the upside when you Have XR P priced dismally against Bitcoin dating back the last decade what

Then happens historically speaking every Time massive move to the Upside we just got that here with harar We're going to have that with xrp as Well xrp will go Banas here's what credible crypto had to Say though beautiful reaction off of my Macro bottom Zone did you get bearish at The bottom that being said the Red Zone Here is Major resistance equivalent to The 20 to 22 Cent region on the USD Pairing we are either going to reject Here on both charts or breakthrough to New highs on both as this is the first Test my default expectation is a Rejection let's see and so certainly to This point and he he posted that 9:50 P.m. so not that long ago uh but yeah we Have in in the the last you know 3 four Hours whatever it's been we have seen a Notable move for harar uh to the Downside and the same thing's going to Happen xrp xrp won't go up in a straight Line forever but this is Normal that's the reason I wanted to Highlight this it's a perfect example of Just highlighting this type of stuff This sentiment happens in every Community these types of um you know Misalignments in terms of where an asset Is is priced against Bitcoin like the These misalignments happen and then the Market cracks for it like that's that's Just what happens that's why it's so

Exciting to be an xrp holder my largest Individual crypto holding before the Run Starts like it when it goes it's going To go folks that's what I believe and so That's why I was saying you know is xrp Always going to be my number one Holding I have a suspicion you know if If HMR just runs a little bit a little Bit harder and xrp doesn't move much at All before that uh yeah it's it's going To get taken out and it doesn't matter Though it doesn't actually matter it's Just so fascinating to see that uh you Know especially for me having had xrp is My largest individual now for over 6 Years that would just be an interesting Change um but it would be because Anycoin that takes that out for in my Personal portfolio takes out xrp it's Because it had to start running this Market cycle though so if you just look From the bottom the top what's going to Get the greatest multiplier effect for Me I I'm or even just if you look in Terms of dollars for me the answer I'm Confident is going to be Xrp and if I'm wrong and I could be and Xrp just doesn't run like no I'm going To sit on the sideline as some people Believe is true although they're mostly Toxic Bitcoin Maxi trolls fine we'll Just I'll be intellectually honest about It we'll have it come to Jesus moment I Do not believe that's remotely probable

That doesn't compute to me that does not Make sense the market has been telling Us for over a decade that it makes sense For xrp to be in the top 10 even while It was being attacked by the SEC even the SEC attack about the worst Thing that could have happened to a coin Even that didn't knock it out of the top 10 coins by market cap this things Didn't go crazy by the end of this Market cycle so you know unless we have A black spawn event or there you know The the whole thing just uh you Know just fails to materialize in some Sort of alt season if that okay fine Well then xrp won't either but I'm just Saying if the Market's going to go I Think you have to be insane to think That uh that xrp won't be part of that And as always when people say that it's Just because reasons right so we'll see What happens but this is pretty exciting It was really neat to see harar do what It did today even though it's been a bit To the downside but we're going to have That with xrp too it's going to happen With all sorts of different coins you Just don't know when it's going to Happen but remember most times most Coins when they pop off you're not going To own whatever the hell it is that is Popping off and it's going to result in A lot of people feeling fomo because the Vast majority of the time The

Excitement's Happening you won't be a Part of it because there are over 20,000 Different cryptocurrencies you just have To know that accept it and not Emotionally Respond because eventually the data Shows the people that hold they do get Theirs and that's why my strategy after I buy stuff is to do precisely nothing And I'm really good at that I'm not a Financial adviser you should not buy or Sell anything because of anything I say Or right that would be a very very very Bad idea until next time to the Moon Lambo


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