The Coming IPO Boom (Ripple ?) , XRP Base & Extraordinary Corruption

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Ignition sequence start 6 5 4 3 2 1 zero Lift off we have a lift Off hey everybody this is the digital Asset investor and I'm having a I've got A bird problem folks first I was telling You the other day that this B I've got a Bird it it sounds like he's got a Personal problem with me he took a crap On both of my door handles on my car Then I go out there today and he it's Like he's gone and said hey I'll show This guy I'm going to eat as many worms As possible and then I'm going to stand On the top of his car and I'm just going To let her rip and it's like every day It's like this bird's targeting Me I don't know I don't know what to What the plan is but I know I've got to Go visit the car wash now check this out Folks that's what this is what I've been Talking about tech IPOs will come back In 2024 okay um this is uh Trends Tech IPS Will come back in 2024 write it down Folks you want us to talk about hype and And they don't even mention the crypto Part of things in here but they're Talking about things like open Ai and a Lot of these AI companies stripe Discord um Reddit canva scale AI SpaceX Start imagine the hype cycle that's Going to go on when this happens folks It's going to be unbelievable now what I'm doing link to is one of my sponsors

And what I'm doing is I am for the next You know for the ne as long as I'm able To probably the first half of of 2024 I'm going to as as aggressively as I can I'm going to be accumulating some Of these things like circle is one that I've been meaning to accumulate I just Started on that one I might go back and Accumulate more Ripple I don't I don't Know it just depends on on what's on the Platform and and what we're looking at But it's Time so and uh you know you know the Deal link to is one of my sponsors to go check it out andrel the Longer the base xrp reached all-time High 2,185 days Ago folks look no further than the Monica long prediction for 2024 where She said that what'll happen in 2024 is Will end the the speculate the the hype Cycles the speculation Cycles that's Saying one thing that's saying that We're going to get something we've never Had Utility all bets are off when when Utility kicks in Folks the Bitcoin ETF approval was 11 Days 15 hours 12 minutes 7 Seconds Away um Elanor terret said that today is The sec's deadline for Bitcoin spot ETF Issuers to file their amended s1s expect To see some filing activity today in

Preparation for the approvals that could Come as early as next week um then Here's a Bitcoin commercial and I wanted To show you something look at this this Person found uh that they have 666 in The commercial I think if I'm betting They're basically saying central banks Are 666 that's if I'm betting that's Kind of what they're getting at without Without saying it but here's the Commercial I didn't really get It Born to I'm not born to bitcoin I'm born To xrp how about that um then we got Peran boring she was on Fox talking About Senator Warren again what's in Store for Bitcoin in 2024 big question We're all asking so I want to bring in An expert on the space perryan boring is The founder and CEO of the Chamber of Digital Commerce perryan uh great to Talk to you today so I want to start With that Senator Warren backed Bild is The digital asset anti-money laundering Act it has bipartisan support uh it Would crack down on the space by Introducing a number of restrictions uh That Banks traditional banks are used to Like know your customer laws there's Been a lot of push back that this would Destroy the industry in the US so first I want to get your take what could this Mean for Crypto yeah hey Kelly it's it's great to

Be here Senator Elizabeth Warren has Misled the American people as well as The US Congress on multiple fronts first She's misled us to believe that crypto Has an AML problem it does not have an AML problem the vast majority of illicit Finance goes through the traditional Financial system and Legacy banking Infrastructure it's not happening in the Cryptocurrency space and the reason Being is because every single Crypt Trans action is logged on a public Ledger called the blockchain and law Enforcement has greater tools to track And trace on a blockchain than they do On Legacy infrastructure so that's Misleading claim number one from Senator War well Senator Warren misleading and Lying and and um corrupt Behavior that's Just one tiny thing that Senator Warren Has done um she and Gary Gensler and all Of their friends they're all in the same Boat this is what they do they're Liars Um here Elizabeth Warren is talking About uh taxes metal law man rightly so Points out this IRS program is the Brainchild of famous Stanford law Professor Joseph bankman who is known For raising in an even more famous Offspring Sam bankman freed Joe bankman Has collaborated directly with Senator Warren for years on tax policy wonder Why she left that part out these people Are all on on team Sam bankman freed

Everywhere that where there's corruption You can find them every they cover for Ethereum everywhere where there's Corruption you'll find Elizabeth Warren Gary Gensler and their Friends and you'll find a lot of their Three-letter agencies but we'll talk About that in the uh private group today At um then you got this check this Out gold Telegraph 20% of global oil Settlements used currencies other than The US dollar this is very significant Brics is about to expand officially the Petro dollar has granted the United States a significant Advantage for Decades historic events are playing out Right now you got that right um then we Got this the SEC deeply regrets errors errors um in Crypto Case Case Ask Judge to wave Sanctions after misleading statements And I kind of translated this the SEC de Deeply regrets lying in court for three Years causing Ripple to have to spend Hundreds of millions of dollars to prove They were lying just the first lie that They told off the top of my head Remember how when the fir when the case First started they said Bill henman's Speech was his personal opinion and then Once that was exposed as being a lie They they moved the goal post and I Think it eventually became that it was

The the opinion of the of it was the Opinion of the U Department of the Department he was in uh finance Department so it went from being Bill Henman's personal opinion then once it Was proven that they were all sending Emails around and all that it eventually Became the opinion of the uh I'm drawing A blank on what his Department Was fin Capital Finance or whatever but Anyway you get the point the point is is That they they are perfectly willing to Lie in court to a judge and then when They're caught they deeply regret It and and without look and this is what I'm saying here when are you going to Send that subpoena Patrick McKenry Tom emmer when's The subpoena Because look with no repercussions That's how you get Gary gers that's how You get Career career corrupt officials is by There never being in any repercussions For them this guy has to pay for what What he's done and if he doesn't you There'll be another Gary Gensler down The Road I had to stop the video because I Had to go tell my 17-year-old that he Had to unload the dishwasher he he uh Did a uh he had he had to do a dinner For a school project last night for for People and I told him that cleaning it Up is a part of that and especially as

Much as I hate to unload the dishwasher So anyway um I was trying to make sure He did it before he walked out the door Now Tom memmer says gensler's secc sides With Wall Street not Main Street Actually it's a little worse than that Tom they side with the country that Starts with a c and we'll and that their Entire infrastructure in including Three-letter agencies are helping to do It we'll talk about that more in His SEC sides with with Wall Street not Main Street I'm proud to join Warren Davidson who is also sending a bunch of Tweets and talking and sending letters Instead of uh subpoenaing Gary Gensler Um I'm proud to join Warren Davidson as A co-lead on this bill the SEC Stabilization act so we can fire Gary Gensler so this is more talk they're Talking about a bill that they both know Will not pass okay so it's all talk Subpoena not nothing else everything Else is BS everything else is just to Make it look like they're doing Something and then Brian Castello says Gor's audacious shielding of CH see he's Pointing out the real problem they're Not even they're not even bringing up The real problem which is kind of Telling the supposed good guys are not Even bringing up the real problem Brian Castello is guin's audacious shielding Of the Chinese crimes coupled with his

Outright refusal to even invest Sate is Beyond infuriating as scary is what it Is don't forget Gensler was handpicked By Administration that is now notorious For its China protection racket back in 2000 I won't go any further into that But we are going to go further into it In the member group um and then this is The other thing this is none of this is A coincidence folks truth Labs it's very Fitting that crypto's b biggest crime Organization based out of China with Direct ties to the CCP received 133,00 e on just one of their Genesis Block addresses is this a sign that they Were always destined to be ethereum's Hackers recognize any names if you Follow me closely you Do look at This Folks pretty Shady all right and then Bill Morgan Says it exactly correctly it is Extraordinary this failure to report on What has been disclosed about ethereum The Henman conflicts the Dow hack is This is the Sinister Cory of the Six-year misinformation campaign against Xrp and The xrp Ledger you can't Understand one without the other same Forces behind both and he's retweeting Steven n off's comment about they being No press on the Dow hack speaking of no Press Laura Shin doesn't seem to want to

Talk to St Steven n off about it she is A crypto journalist after all she loves Talking about ethereum she wrote a book On ethereum so I'm asking her why are You not having Steven ner off on she's Also very interested in the Dow hack she Even wrote an article to to say that she Figured out who did the DOW hack and now She's got a guy Steven nof who is Contradicting what she found wouldn't You want if you wrote that book and you Came up with all of that wouldn't you Want to have him on to debate him Because after all you found out who did The DOW hack but she won't even comment On it Folks these people have never commented On eth gate they've never commented on All these these are things these are Things that are factual folks these are The things that are actually being Found the fact that they w even say a Word tells you everything folks now Max Kaiser speaking of more truth that they Will not acknowledge remember Max K Max Kaiser worked for Russia Today um max Kaiser loves talking about Bitcoin but he will not talk about the Fact that Homeland Security met with the Four Satoshi so when he says the Following here and I had to add on many Of you will remember the politician Howard Dean Um who ruined his political career when

He did that idiotic scream when he was Uh after he I think he lost a state or Something but I had to add it on to the End of this to to illustrate the Absurdity that is Max caer you're you're Just in Bitcoin right you're you don't Touch ethereum Ripple any of these Others no no because there's nothing any Of those coins can do that Bitcoin can't Do now or will be able to do soon uh in In There was a period where the development Of Bitcoin was too slow in the minds of Some so people like Roger ve and others Decided to Fork Bitcoin and create what They consider to be the true Bitcoin but Now Bitcoin is cannibalizing those coins It's eating their lunch they're like It's just like a monster it's like a Black hole everything's going to be Gobbled up into Bitcoin all the other Altcoins all Fiat coins that's how the Strength of their weakness is what Drives this thing 100,000 you know Something you know something if you had Told us one year ago that we were going To come in third in Iowa we would have Given anything for that and you know Something you know something not only Are we going to New Hampshire Tom Harkin We're going to South Carolina and Oklahoma and Arizona and North Dakota And New Mexico we go to California and Texas and New York and we go to South

Dakota and Oregon and Washington and Michigan and then we're going to Washington DC to take back the White House A Max kazer and Michael sailor have had Many Howard Dean moments in my opinion Now India to ban non crypto exchange URLs there's the list of them I've seen These types of Articles 10,000 times Since I got in this normally it's some Attempt to manipulate the markets is What I've observed now I'm going into Daix RP we're going to talk about those Threel agencies that are helping and uh The Gary gers and the senator Warren and The bad guys of the world and uh the Different things that they're doing to Help cover uh for the uh you know that Country that starts with the sea over There how they're helping them Infiltrate this country we're going to Go into that in the group I'm the Digital asset investor I'm not an Investment advisor this is for Entertainment purposes only Please Subscribe hit the like button tell your Friends and family That we've got a lot of trash to take Out in this country and I'm going to Talk about some of that trash here in a Second


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