Holding XRP Is EMBARRASSING Says Popular Analyst (My Response)

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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel one of the most popular crypto Analysts out there says that it's Embarrassing to hold xrp and he says That xrp is just an old coin it's a Dinosaur nobody cares about xrp he said That in one of his most recent YouTube Videos which is very curious to me Because xrp is number six in market cap Out of over 20,000 cryptocurrencies if No one cares about it how is it the case Because xrp is one of three coins in Existence That have always been in the top 10 Coins by market cap for their entire Existence that would be Bitcoin eth and Xrp that's the list but nobody cares About it nobody cares so it's it's just It's not going to pump and that's this Is it and everybody's just going to find Out that that oh it's just a big mistake Oops of Doodles well what I'm going to do in This video is shred this concept because It is complete and utter nonsense he has Compared xrp to uh other coins from a a Bygone era 2017 the dinosaur era he's Compared xrp to them these other coins That uh really haven't been doing so hot Maybe they were back in 2017 when I Jumped into crypto but they're not now And he's lumped xrp in with those just Because xrp is an old coin but if you Actually take an unbiased approach to

Analizing what's going on you'll find That absolutely is not true and so what We have here is a case of xrp Derangement syndrome this is absolutely Xrp derangement syndrome I don't know How it happens to these people because This is an analyst who you know he comes Off as a very genuine and nice guy uh he He's he is knowledgeable actually and so This is not an attack on him it's it's It's an attack on his bad ideas about Xrp I'm I'm challenging the ideas for Sure um but I I just see these people They just they have the bias they have I I don't know why it was developed but There's a large swath of people out in The crypto space have been around for a Long time and they just have this Incredible disgust this true disdain for Xrp and it's not grounded in fact or Reion reason or logic they just don't Like it because it got a bad rap back in The day when Bitcoin Maxis were smearing It calling it The Bakers Bankers coin Right which is hilarious because clearly The biggest Banker coin on the planet is Bitcoin obviously it just makes it that Much more hilarious but still xrp has This um you know this this spot in the Minds of certain people And uh and it it just it is what it is So I'm going to break this down but Before going further I do want to be Clear I do not have a financial

Background of any kind I am not offering Financial advice and you definitely Should not buy or sell anything because Of anything I say or right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys making YouTube Videos about crypto related topics but Just as a hobby and just for fun now I'm Talking about uh a very popular analyst Jason pazo 99,100 followers on X but he Has over 300,000 subscribers on YouTube And it's easy to understand why if you Watch any of his videos uh it's it's Stuff that's well put together uh he Does have pretty good insights on stuff It's just for some reason he's got this Blind spot about xrp he's got this bias It doesn't make sense and I've seen this In other analysts before and I'm like It's funny how you're right about like All sorts of other things but then Disastrously wrong when it comes to xrp It's not just him it's just it's xrp Derangement syndrome that's what this is And so just to give you a couple Examples here not to belabor the point But just to few examples this is from November 14th 2021 he wrote on X what is the most Embarrassing crypto you hold that has Made you a lot of money in 2021 one of mine was Doge I think my Next one will be xrp so there you go Hold it but it's super embarrassing to Hold it my God uh then there's this um

Coins kid wrote why do I feel like I Need to sell every coin I own and buy Xrp that was on December 6 2023 Jason Pazo responded to that and wrote xrp Loves taking newbie money smiley face There you go so there we go we're all a Bunch of newbies I'm a 2017 eron newbie There you go loves to take my money oh Okay all right uh you can see the bias Here and then he also shared this post And he wrote an xrp holder with a sense Of humor very rare indeed with a little Laugh emoji and he shares this screen Grab from uh the reply section of one of His videos and somebody responded to one Of his videos who is an xrp holder and The following longtime xrp holder here We like to watch the bull market from The sidelines which is actually Legitimately funny I say that is Incredibly funny but again the fact that He's highlighting this just shows his Bias against xrp obviously it's just one More piece because he thinks so little Of our community that we don't even have A sense of humor no that we we make Jokes like this absolutely that's a Hilarious one no we like the hold our Xrp but we'll just be on the sidelines Over here like of course that's funny But he looks he like he clearly has Disdain for xrp and doesn't think very Highly of the community apparently it Just it is what it is yet on your screen

Here again xrp number six uh despite What he thinks and feels so in a recent Video he cited a few coins he he cited Three in a row that uh or just dinosaur Coins that nobody cares about he cited EOS he cited Iota and then he cited xrp so let's take A look at these let's see if we can find A little bit of a difference between These do you think we might be able to Do that spoiler alert yes so here you Have EOS currently $18 all-time high $23.96 now that occurred that alltime High occurred January 12th 2018 so the Height of the Mania for that particular Cycle um it did move in correlation to The upside last cycle in 2021 you can See that made it 2021 it hit the the High for that cycle but it was not an All-time high it only got to $157 so it it moved in correlation but It never did regain that level and it's Just Fallen since right um so that's Kind of interesting so it's uh it's Number 80 in market cap but at its peak Here you can see on coin market cap this Is a historical snapshot EOS was number Nine in market cap on January 21st 2018 Number nine in market cap it fell out of That top 10 list and never returned it's Again number 80 at the time that I'm Recording this video never Returned here we have Iota this is

Another one that he listed in this in This recent video you can see it's Currently worth $564 had its all I'm sorry that was the All-time high rather it's worth 32 cents Now the all-time high was $564 achieved On December 6 2017 and you will see last Market cycle It did move in correlation with the rest Of the markets uh hitting the cycle High Uh in May of May 7th 2021 but it was Only $232 so it never did hit a new All-time high it moved in correlation Again with the last uh cycle bump but After that it pretty much has just been To the downside 32 cents it's currently Number 100 in market cap but if you look At this historical snapshot December 24th 2017 Iota was number seven in Market market cap now you'll note that Xrp was number four in market cap at That particular time and in fact even Let me go back to this EOS um historical Snapshot when it was at number nine in Market cap xrp was number three in Market Cap because xrp for its entire existence Has been in the top 10 coins by market Cap so that's a little bit different Than Iota that's a little bit different Than EOS don't you Think yes that is Market why is xrp up There it's just a coin nobody cares

About Right I mean plus I mean you look at the Price action for xrp it hit a new All-time high in 20 well early 2018 but It started running in late 2017 uh and It it it uh it also didn't move to the Upside or well it moved in correlation With the rest of the market hitting Hitting $2 in 2021 April 2021 but it Didn't hit a new all-time high so it's Got that in common with EOS and Iota so Does Jason pazo then have a point I mean Look it didn't move because nobody cares Abs absolutely not Xrp still in the top 10 even during that Time period also under attack by the SEC The only coin in the top 10 under attack By the SEC and the only coin in the top 10 not to hit a new alltime high might That have something to do with it are we Going to pretend like that didn't matter We going to pretend like that didn't Matter xrp what ahead a new all-time High come on you live in a fantasy land If you think otherwise but let's dive in Even further here here is developer Report showing uh developer activity on Various chains here you have xrp now Mind you xrp built for payments broadly Speaking no smart contract functionality On layer one though it is possible it Could have that in the future there's The hooks Amendment who who knows at Some point that actually could occur but

There is none on layer one that's what That's not what this is designed for so As a result you wouldn't expect a crazy Number of developers like you'd see on For instance ethereum um yeah here's Ethereum , 392 full-time devs because if You have Smart contract functionality Obviously that's going to allow for Certain things that you can't do another Change but that chains but that doesn't Mean there's not a place for uh chains That are really good at other stuff like Payments which xrp clearly is and it's Clearly found quite a niche there not That it can't do other stuff it's got a Built- in decentralized exchange you Guys know the whole thing uh tons of Activity on The xrp Ledger but here um 45 full-time devs now this chart goes Back to January in 2015 and you can see Pretty much the whole time it's been Trending upwards uh yeah in recent Months there's been a it's been a little Bit to the downside but historically It's been trending up uh there have been Some downside moments so this doesn't Look particularly uh you know alarming Or anything along those lines in fact You can even look at ethereum here if Anything like there's there's been a bit Of a crowding out situation going here Because ethereum's got 2392 full-time Devs but look at what's been happening For the last year it's been there's been

A trend to the downside so the fact that Um you know that that Trend doesn't look As dramatic on The xrp Ledger is Actually pretty interesting you can see The incline's much worse for ethereum And perhaps that's just a case of you Know too many people building I I I Don't know we we could always speculate That's not the purpose of this video so I don't want to go down that lane too Much here I just wanted to note that for The xrp Ledger developer activity Increasing consistently right okay well Then let's because that matter that's a Metric that matters are people building Stuff on The xrp Ledger are they well Clearly the answer is yes despite it not Having smart contract functionality okay Well let's compare that to the other Dinosaur coins that Jason bazo brought Up let's go ahead and do this what here We have EOS look at this 42 full-time devs Almost now mind you this is a smart Contract platform there should be way More devs than The xrp Ledger it's a Smart contract platform if people liked It and and and wanted to use it it Should be way higher how how does The Xrp Ledger have more full-time Developers that shouldn't be a Thing but and so here you can see for Those you look for those you can't see The screen right now if you're driving

Or something like that uh developer Activity uh peaked in uh right around The time the price peaked actually you Know in 2018 it was shortly thereafter The developer activity peaked and then It's just been trending down ever since So again xrp trending up in terms of Developer activity EOS trending down all Coins are not built the same there Al Are some coins that you you can just Call them dinosaur coins fine if you Want to do it just kind of laugh at him Make fun of all right whatever uh xrp Like I just whatever you want to call it You're a fool to lump it in with EOS That is a huge mistake huge mistake EOS Is not exactly thriving right now and I Say this as somebody who actually owns It I'm just acknowledging I I own about 30 different cryptocurrencies I'm no Maximalist Here um and then we've got Iota and so It had some massive developer activity For the time in 2018 kind of fell back Down last Market cycle had a little bit Of a pop in 2021 and it's just been Trending down since then this looks Markedly different than what's going on With xrp because the xrp ecosystem is Healthy vibrant Expanding nobody cares about xrp Jason Bazo you know what you might want to do Is some research before forming opinions And then telling your massive audience

That nobody cares about it because what You're saying is literally not true and I'm proving it with actual data it's Evidenced by the fact that xrp's number Six in market cap the market disagrees With you first of all Jason bazo and Also developer activity indicates that You are wrong we are seeing an increase In stuff getting built on The xrp Ledger Whereas the other dinosaur coins had Been trending to the downside markedly Different and xrp again in the top 10 The whole time the other coins Iota EOS Fell out of it now um let's also Acknowledge TR now he didn't mention Tron but this is another quote unquote Dinur coin only 16 full-time Devs TI and it's been trending down Since you know notably over the last Year but you also saw that with ethereum But there hasn't been much activity Going back to you know January of 2018 there's been there's been like just About nothing at all this is Incredible and and and again so like you Would expect more especially with and Again Iota by the way a smart contract Function platform as Well so what's going on here I I want to Note that Tron is currently number 14 in Market cap and within the last couple Weeks it was actually number 10 so this Is a dinosaur coin that ran like crazy In

2017 this is an old coin ran like crazy Fell out of the top 10 it actually Returned why did it return well I've Been talking about this on my channel a Fair bit look at this headline this is From May of 2022 Tron emerges as the Largest network of usdt in circulation Folks it's got a large stable coin Network it's got the largest out there Actually and it turns out the market Values that so it's not just about Developer activity but it's it's about Actual usage is it useful for people Here the answer with Tron is yes which Is why it has it has surged back to the Upside so it's just because something's Old doesn't mean that it's it's not Actually being adopted look at Bitcoin I Mean that's arguably the least Sophisticated uh blockchain the least Advanced blockchain in existence because It's it's the first one but my God it's The most adopted in some aspects Certainly a store of Value but it does the least so there are Multiple coins that where where the Developer activity is not the key metric That would be true for Tron it's Certainly true of Bitcoin um and and so you can see uh This is the the Tron price chart here It's now again number 14 in market cap But look at its high in 2017 um it did Not hit a new high in this last cycle

But it it did move in correl not going To be surprising you can see it hit the Cycle high in May of 2021 and went back Down as a Market Crater but it has been Moving in price back to the upside That's because of the adoption as a Stable coin platform that's because of That that's actual adop now we'll see if It's sustained I don't know I don't know If if if Tron will hit a new all-time High that's not the purpose of this Video I'm just noting that there are Coins that are adopted for certain Things that are old that so they had Highs in 2017 and the market today is Valuing them in quite a notable way this Functionally matters you know and here You can see this is a headline from July 2023 Tron ecosystem grows amid Increasing defi Activity so all of this matters so now Take a look at xrp this is the xrp rich List site historic wallet count and this Is showing you the number of Wallets on The xrp Ledger going back to about what April oh well this is actually February Of 2022 when there about four million Wallets now there are over 5 million Wallets why does this go up basically in A straight line why is it if this is a If this is a blockchain nobody cares About Jason bazo why does this continue To go up why do you keep continue to see

More building and more adoption and more Wallets if nobody cares about it because There are all sorts of other coins out There that um that are from the same era Roughly even a little bit after they're Just Dead what's special blot Xrp actual Adoption so again Everyone's entitled Their Opinion and Jason bazo comes off as I'd Say a knowledgeable guy but my god he Has xrp derangement syndrome he he's Another one of these people that does he Just does he hates it he doesn't really Know a lot about it but he sure has some Strong opinion opinions about it and He's sure he is sure that nobody cares About it which is interesting because Look at this headline from the Crypt Basic November of 2023 over 1,500 Projects in The xrp Ledger ecosystem With multiple use Cases so you know if if if you just hate It and you feel the emotions and you Want to spout it off to your audience You can do it I don't think it's a great Service to your audience but what's Going to happen is reality is going to Smack you in the face and then you're Going to see that xrp continues to Rally To the upside with the rest of the Broader crypto ecosystem because it's Functionally useful that's what you're

Going to find and you'll find that You're wrong one day you're going to Wake up and be curious how come it's Running why' it hit a new alltime high Well because it's Useful And will EOS and Iota hit a new all-time High I mean if the market finds a if Like if if there's actual utility and Then people invest more money in it as a Result of that but I'm not seeing that Now I'm not optimistic that's going to Occur for those those coins but for Xrp this it's it's completely different Dynamics and I just showed you like you Can look at the Walts you can look at Developer activity all of these projects Getting built the fact it's been in the Top in cryptos by market cap despite Being attacked by the SEC that's Incredible all of these things but Nobody cares about it huh are you sure About that that something you want to Stand by I get it like you've got the Bias against it but it just doesn't make A damn bit of sense it's just something That you're saying And it might behoove you to do a little Bit more research maybe look into a Little bit more take off the blinders a Bit because xrp derangement syndrome Never did anybody any good I'm not a financial adviser you should Not buy or sell anything because of

Anything I say or right that would be a Very very very bad idea until next time To the Moon Lambo


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