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Merry Christmas hey what's up everybody It's coach JB I just wanted to say Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all of You guys out here so today's message is Going to be breaking down presence the True true gift before we do my name is Coach JV if this your first time on my Channel I want to say thank you from the Bottom of my heart from my family's Heart to yours for believing in me and The information that I'm providing Everything I provide is not Financial Advice I'm speaking only from my own Paradigm and how I've radically Transformed my life and my family's life From 2020 being on my parents couch Completely broke to Financial Freedom And setting up the Rockefeller system Which we call the waterf flaw system so In today's video I'm going to break down Christ Christmas presents and I'm going To break that down from my perspective And how I've radically transform my life Spiritually mentally and physically Before we do I have three amazing Resources for you number one if you just Heard me talk about the Rockefeller System I made an obsessive obsessive Focus since 2000 well I was in banking In 2009 all the way to 2017 and Ironically even being in the banking System a vice president going to CBA Executive banking school I still was Indoctrinated so I decided because I

Went broke for the third time in 2019 to 2020 when they shut my business down With the seword as we look this way for The pandemic I decided to make it my Mission to understand how money flows to The system and guys it's not designed Against you it's designed for you to win So it's about flipping that Paradigm Which I'm going to talk about a little Bit with Christmas today So uh First Resource is a free Consultation with my index universal Life team so we have many different Products and services it's a free Absolutely free do not respond to these Scammers that's not me on telegram That's not me in your Instagram messages And that is not me asking about your Portfolio I do not invest people's money We are licensed insurance agents we have A free conversation to teach you how we Secure compound and grow our wealth with Insurance okay second is a 16-page guide On exactly how I did this absolutely Free in the description down below and If you want to you can apply for our Academy our Academy is now private uh we Did this in the beginning we went back To private to provide a better Experience so if you apply you can apply For our Academy that is a paid Academy Just to be very clear all right so let's Dive Right into this so Merry Merry Christmas now I want to make it very

Very clear you get all these comments Right when you put Merry Christmas out There so to me Christmas is about Christ The crism a sacred secution process that Happens in your body I believe in God I Believe in Jesus Christ the reason why I Believe from a current Paradigm is Because my life has radically changed 17 Years ago on December 18th 2006 I Committed suicide on December 18 2006 I Committed suicide due to a massive Opiate addiction and from that point all The way 17 years later to where I'm at Today losing my money three times in That process and finally truly embodying What I'm here to do which is through Seeking the Christ within me has Radically transformed my life the only Thing I can can tell you that changed From my life 17 years ago to who I am Today is Christ and now maybe a Different Christ that you think of I Believe Jesus Christ died for our sins Right and the reason why I'm going to Bring this up and the things I'm going To share with you from a logical circuit And a practical application is just to Get you to critically think and start to Ask questions now my first trigger in Banking school was when I asked one of The professors because I was just having Trouble understanding I have severe Dyslexia so um I really have to pay Attention um numbers I really have to

Try to understand that so just my brain Works a little bit different right so What I really paid attention I really Studied and when I understand how the Banking system work where we put our Money into the bank the bank lent it out One almost 100% of our money they Insured our wealth and they put it in The capital markets I was like wait a Minute that kind of doesn't make sense It's not a nonprofit organization it's Clear it's in the account disclosures And all the different things and the Addend do they're not hiding it from you That's how Banks work they secure your Money and you get to transact and do all All these different things for Convenience and they take your money They make a shitload of money off your Money so I asked one of the professors One time I said you know why is it this Way he said that's the way it's always Been and that was my first trigger I got This gut feeling down here in what's Called my sacral I was like just because That's the way it's always been doesn't Mean it's right okay that's just because That's the way it's been doesn't mean It's right then I started to realize That the information that we are Adopting is just from indoctrination and Par down from our grandparents to our Parents to us so what you're Experiencing currently right now within

Your current Paradigm is deep in doation From the 1900s where a very wealthy Family said we have enough educated People we need workers and what do you Think we're experiencing right now our Grandparents went through the Great Depression they got rocked so they lived In this scarcity mindset putting their Money under their mattress the saving Mentality which is one of the worst ways To grow your wealth in regards to Understanding how money moves through The system you don't want to put it Under a mattress or just let it sit in a Bank account you want that money to Multiply you want to grow that money There's nothing wrong with saving money But what vehicle are you saving it in Right so our grandparents pass that down To our parents but at the same time our Financial structure our religious Structure our schooling system Indoctrinated us just to believe and Parot information and we never ask Ourselves why do we believe what we Believe so when I started to go through This process of Awakening after my Suicide in December 18 2006 I first Discovered Buddhism right I discovered The secret first which opened up my mind To thoughts become things then I went Into Buddhism and I was going to this Little Buddhist temple like a Buddhist The Buddhist monks came to M Arizona and

They had a house that you could go there And and worship or that's is that the Right word worship or go practice Buddhism and so I was looking for an Answer right so I go to this Buddhist Temple and uh there was one of the Buddhist monks were Jordans which I Thought was the coolest thing ever I Call him the the monk with Jordans and So when I was going through this process Mind you I was just coming off suicide I Went into banking had a drug addiction Uh depression doctors have me on on Soul Loft and they put me on depote which is A anti-seizure medication on top of my Zola I was a walking zombie right so When I was going into Buddhism I was Looking for an answer right I was Looking for an answer key outside I was Looking for an answer right and the Buddhist monk first time the first Lesson that I learned and I I didn't Realize the lesson to almost 13 14 years Later but I was sitting trying to sit Indian style and I see everybody just Sitting so calmly and I have very tight Hips and you know thick upper body and Kind of longer legs so it's I really Have a lot of trouble with flexibility Just my fault and not being flexible Right so it's that s Indian sty be super Super uncomfortable and I couldn't get Into a meditative State and one time he Walked by he says what's wrong I said I

I can't concentrate I can't sit Indian Style he says why are you sitting Indian Style and I said because everybody else Is he said so and he said how are you Comfortable I said laying down he goes Then lay down and when he walked by he Said to me always do you well that kind Of frustrated me because it really I Wasn't I wanted to mold in I wanted to Be like everybody else right then we're Doing walking meditation outside uh heel Toe heel toe we're walking around and This was man this was about a year two Years a year and a half two years after My Suicide the timelines are all kind of Mixed together it's been such a while And things have happened so rapidly in 17 years so it was around two I was in Banking at this time I remember it was Around 20072 2008 and I remember doing This heel to meditation all of a sudden I was like I felt it I felt it and he's Like what and I said I felt the sun on One side and the breeze on the other Side I felt these sensation I was Present I said is that the answer he Said I don't know and I left Buddhism Because I was looking for an answer Right and then I realized years years Later as I was doing a podcast the Answer was do me always be me always be Authentic and number two he doesn't have The answer for me so as I went through This process and you know I ended up

Leaving banking in 2017 uh which was a beautiful Journey For me was also a scary disastrous in The physical world it looked like a Complete disaster where I lost my money Twice and through this process I went Through a massive spiritual journey Where I went out to Peru okay now a lot Of people are like oh you go out to Peru And yes I did plant medicines I've been Very open about it on my refined Integrity channel so if you click the Link down or if you go down to the Bottom of our recommended channels You'll see refined Integrity where I'm Really opening up about my spiritual Journey I'm only speaking for my Paradigm I'm not trying to get you to Believe anything what I'm trying to get You to do is to ask yourself why do you Believe what you believe you shouldn't Just say because my parents taught me That because my grandparents taught me That how does that practically apply to Your life and how I got here is because As I went through this process you know I went to Peru and I went through some Deep plant medicine experiences And I truly for me met God and I started To understand it was a deep internal Process inside of me and as I started to Seek deeper and deeper and deeper I Realized there was nothing outside of me Just like the Buddhist monk said he said

I don't have the answer for You as Jesus said the single eye he Didn't have the answer for you he said Pick up your mat and walk do you want to Be Healed think about that for just a Moment Moses went up into the right the Right hemisphere of the brain he gave God all the left hemisphere stuff the Carnal mind I can't do this I can't do This I have a speech impediment and God Said to him no you are The Great I Am That I am then he goes down and Expresses to the slaves I'm The Great I Am that I am boom he takes a staff Remember what the staff was it was a Snake that became a staff and he Mastered the Kundalini which is the Snake within your body a snake is not a Bad thing they go through the Red Sea Parts the Red Sea with the staff they Lose Faith ye have little faith in the Bible God said snake to bite them what Happens when you're negative when you're Negative everything happens to you it's Carnal mind you go from the higher Consciousness right hemisphere creation Love kindness Christ Consciousness and You go down into the carnal mind out of Your heart down into the lower rung and You're living for the world and Everything happens to you Ju Just like From a practical sense when I was a drug Addict guys I went from a cleancut dude

To a full-blown opiate addict stealing Money a horrible human being I can deep And deeper in the carnal mind but just Like the prodical son I Rose back up Through my heart tapped back into myself Understand who I was became authentic Truly loving in gratitude and the Prodical son God invited me back God is Always with you God has never forsaken So you so goes into Christmas christas Crism there's a process that happens in Your body every 28 days it's science There's 33 vertebrae in your spine okay Jesus was crucified on what mountain the Mountain of the skull Jesus died at 33 He was crucified on the mountain of the Skull your spine has 33 vertebrae that Goes up into your skull Jesus died for Three days there's a Chism Christ Christmas a process that happens in your Body every 28 days the oil dies it goes Back down it rises back up it goes back Down the prodical Sun comes back Rises Dies comes back up there's a process That happens every 28 days in your body Jesus talked about the temples right What's in between your samples okay the Eye the pineal gland I remember when I Was in Corporate America coming from a Practical sense I got written up for Talking about the pineal gland as an Executive I was like what do you mean They they said to me the HR was like my Boss is on the phone HR was on the phone

They said you can't talk about the Pineal gland you're not a doctor I said Ma'am not one doctor has ever talked to Me about the pineal gland there's not One doctor that I have met that's Tapping and tuning me into my pineal Gland and then what I realized when they Say to me go pray in your closet JV stop Praying on on Twitter go pray in your Closet people don't even realize the Context of that understand why you're Saying what you're saying why you go in Your closet is because how is the pineal Gland activated when it's dark the Pineal gland okay the singular eye that Jesus talked about when you go into your Closet and you sit with God in Silence The pineal gland opens Jacob what did Jacob say guys I saw God face to face he Said I saw God face to face and I called It pineal he went into to his closet and He prayed because in darkness the pineal Gland is activated which is your Understanding of God and Consciousness And higher conscious your imagination The seeds that are planted the pineal Gland is like a seed okay it's planted And then when you come out into the Light outside of your closet all the Physical things that you see are the Seeds that you planted with your Thoughts just like the secret thoughts Become things just like Moses went up Into the right hemisphere of the brain

Or went up the right to the mountain Told God all the left hemisphere of the Brain stuff he said uh-uh you are the Great I am so he changed his thoughts I Am powerful I am strong I'm worthy comes Down and he was so so enlightened and so Vibrant that the people dropped their Stuff and went with them and they even Went so far to go through the Red Sea With him because he parted it because he Mastered the snake the Kundalini and it Became a staff his spine became strong And the prodical sun the prodical sun Went down into the carnal mind down into The world and came back he said get the Fatted calf this happens in your body Over and over and over again so Christmas Merry Christmas to every Single one of you whether you're a Muslim whether you're Jehovah Witness Whether you're Church of latterday Saints whatever religion you are I Freaking love you man we are all going Towards the same thing guys the Separation that's created that's the Devil's Playground that's the prince he Is the prince of the earth that's what Jesus said do you really think that God Represents anything else but love and Kindness and creation do you really Think God wants us killing each other For for our religions absolutely not That's what what the devil does you know There's a lot of different things going

On within my life right now and that's That's my answer to how I became Financially free spiritually free Mentally free and great relationships With my kids and my family and my Ecosystem Christ Consciousness Christ Jesus Christ is very very real to me Very real to me I love Jesus Christ with All my heart and I like to call him Yeshua because just another bit of Science as well just know what science Sorry little bit of facts figures Numbers logic is his name is not Jesus It's Yeshua Jay didn't even exist in the Bible when the Bible was created guys They changed his name to Jesus Christ Christ crism sacred secretion process That happens in your body every 28 days And they get you to look outside of Yourself so you don't know that's what Think about this Jesus was gone for 18 Years Christians call it the Lost Years Of Jesus okay Logic he was gone for 18 years where did He go what did he do but what he came Back with for those two years was so Powerful so powerful that they crucified Him on the cross on the mountain of the Skull at 33 years old you have 33 Vertebrae you have a skull Jesus died For three days the oil dies for two and A half 2.8 days goes up comes back down And repeats the process every 28 days so Tap in tune in guys because 2024 is

Going to be the most radical Transformation of your life this Awareness this consciousness is coming To light and they call it the Rapture Because it is because people who believe People who are Hier I don't care what Religion you are it doesn't matter if You're a Believer and you're higher Conscious you are going to raise up it's Going to get magnified and if you are Deep in depression and you are a Naysayer and you're constantly negative You are going to go down the energy Frequency field yes there is going to be A separation in Consciousness it is going to be the Biggest battle in conscious in 2024 but I know if you're watching this to this Point I I love you very much and I'm not Trying to get you to believe anything I'm only speaking from experience I Believe the Bible is encoded in our DNA At a deep deep level guys and I I may Lose some follows for this and I'm okay With that because the ecosystem I built Allows me to speak this way because I Only want to be around people who are Speaking their truth I'm not saying Speak my truth and say that ah this is True for you but I'd rather be around People who stand on their own and stand On their own truth their own principles Their own morals their own ethics than Somebody who's is telling me that I'm

Wrong Let's lock arm in arm let's be happy in Christmas christ whatever you believe in Hanuk whatever you believe in and let's Lock arm and arm and let's expand Consciousness together so Merry Christmas yes I had presents with my Kids we broke bread we had a great time But I also sat with my kids this morning And tell them I'm I start crying I told Them the power of Jesus Christ is real That God is real and in our household we Love God and we love God God with all of Our heart we have three rules we love God with all of our heart we treat Humanity we love God as we love we love Humanity as we love God we treated Others as we want to be treated and we Pull the log out of our eye before we Pull the straw out of others simple my Kids know that that's God they're on their own path I'm here To be a shining light for them but damn Well God Stands Tall in our house God is The foundation our house and Jesus is The teachings that we follow so I'm Asking for this year is peace and Prosperity for all human beings I come In contact with so I love you guys I Appreciate you and I hope to meet you Someday Warriors rise get your Together let's go love you Guys


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