????????XRP Unleashed Goes Viral????????, Ripple Chairman & TetherGate?

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Ignition sequence start 6 5 4 3 2 1 zero Liftoff we have a Liftoff hey everybody this is the Digital asset investor and you got to See this the xrp unleash doc documentary Has hit 800,000 views so to all the naysayers oh This isn't important these people Shouldn't be in this documentary blah Blah blah blah blah guess what the free Market has a way of showing you things You might learn something from the free Market okay and there boy have there Been some naysayers I heard I heard People oh these people they're all Trying to label everybody in the Document oh they're all this or they're All that Well guess what I got some bad news I Know that I know that we're all supposed To say that the only people on the Planet that matter in in crypto or Builders and developers well guess What it ain't true the people Everybody's important Builders Developers Twitter Sleuths influencers people that do Research and look for information Everybody adds to crypto in fact you Know it's not just Brad Garling house Saying it here I met Chris G and Carin When I was at Bitcoin Miami one time and We literally had that conversation and He this is a guy that used to be at the

Cftc the chairman he says I I literally Walked up to the guy said you know we've We've talked about you on the channel And it's hadn't always been good I maybe I owe you an Apology cuz you know adults do that they Apologize face to face with people That's what kind of what adults do when They when they might need to do that um And he says to me he goes no no he goes He goes you guys are a part of this this Whole movement in this space just as Much as anybody he goes you he goes Everybody adds different elements to This said it to my face and to Brad Comm's face okay so anybody that would Be arrogant enough to try to tell you That you're not important that person Most likely has some issues themselves And I I don't like that kind of stuff um But right here uh Brad Garling house or John Deon himself will tell you very Clearly that there was a lot of people In the xrp army that were important that Have been important to the xrp uh Movement and all this stuff so um Actually I bought my 11-year-old a kite That we didn't get to fly when I was at The beach this weekend so I would say to Anybody that disagrees to go fly a kite You might find some happiness in your Life you never know um but that's the Great thing and the great here's the Other thing it's important you

Understand I've I've seen these the the People that have done this documentary They've been accus oh they haven't asked These people or these people the truth Is these people have asked everyone and They've been open to everyone I've even Sent the names of people go hey contact This guy he he was helped helped in eth Gate this Twitter sleuth you can ask him I've gone out of my way to help and Guess What some people have turned just to be Ugly have turned these guys down and They've you know taken this position That oh I'm too important and I'm too Good I can't be in a film with those People or those people well like I said Go fly a kite because as you can see Here with I can give you 8 thou 800,000 Reasons that we're on the right side of History so I suggest that every one's Important and join up contact these guys You you go to go to uh fruition films These are good people they don't deserve The criticism that they've gotten They've got they've put a documentary Together this trailer is at 800,000 the Last trailer they did crossed I think Actually let's go look I'll show you the Last trailer they did did those kind of Numbers too wasn't just this one let's Go down and see if if I can find It where was it cuz I know um it was the One before this

One let's see is it that one I think It's that One yeah I think it was this one but I Don't think that's the original tweet of It where's the original tweet there it Is 97,000 views so my suggestion to anybody That's trying to be ugly to these nice Good people That you be a part of the solution Instead of trying to be a part of the Problem but if you do want to continue To be a part of the problem you're Welcome to it because you're helping the Algorithms so more power to you all Right John Deon seems to support it by The Way here's John Deon tweeting about Three years ago I sued the SEC because The incredible harm it was causing Regular hardworking people going against The government wasn't about a specific Crypto currency was much larger than That da da and by the way just as a Reminder uh we'll get to that in a Minute eth gate was was never about Ethereum the token itself and Brad KS Did a really good thread on that I'll I'll show you that in a minute but the Point here is John Deon I literally work For John I'm a crypto researcher I'm an Agent of the Deon Law Firm I was during Eth gate and I am now as I sit here I'm An agent of the law of of the Deon Law

Firm apparently John Deon thinks that We're not all a bunch of pieces of crap Out here and that that we have some kind Of value to add and Brad garlinghouse Apparently thinks the same Thing and my kids and my wife they kind Of think the same Thing I me God these people I tell you What I have not unfortunately in in Social media I have never ever in my Life and part of the reasons that people Are able to hide behind social media I've never in my life Met so many nice people and at the same Time so many poisonous people and it's Very Unfortunate and I I wish it wasn't so But it's uh it can be awful and I people Come to me all the time and I always Tell them look you can't unfortunately You can't go anywhere to any kind of Heights Without criticism and people lying about You being ugly to you and everything Else and that's just the way it is you Got to develop a thick skin that's just Kind of the way it Works I like this Black Swan capitalist Xrp and xlm will still shock the world Toilet paper will be soaring off the Shelves faster than you can say you know What and no pandemic necessary this time Um then this is hilarious this is the Second or third tweet from some from

Major people in crypto that I've seen With a tweet like this ethereum is too Expensive during peak times my Salana gets stuck uh stuck still on Salana when there's congestion so now I'm bullish on base what's your solution And I of course said xrp it's hilarious Watching them scratch their heads trying To figure this out this clip was going Back around this is Joseph Ando from Link 2 uh he's the president of Link 2 Um he used to be the Chief Operating Officer I think he's the president now I Think that's his title one of the he's Probably the smartest guy I've met since I got into this space Folks you would expect large Institutions financial institutions Certainly like Bank of America to Transact I I think it was actually quite Timely and maybe fully intended uh that Ripple created it introduced this Liquidity Hub product because what I'd Be doing if I were in Ripple shoes today Is I'd be integrating liquidity Hub into The Ripple net product so every user of Ripplet like Bank of America would Simply Port into liquidity Hub as the Means of obtaining and managing that xrp Position that they need to work through Odl right liquidity Hub is just a Massive um you know smart router engine It has feeds to uh accounts that Ripple has opened across all the

Liquidity venues around the world Basically virtually every exchange where There is depth of liquidity it has Account set so if I'm a Bank of America I I become a liquidity Hub customer and On any given moment or you know where I Need you know pick a number a billion Dollars worth of xrp to transa I plug That into liquidity Hub and liquidity Hub willing break that billion dollars Up into fractions and Route them for Execution and closing across all the Exchanges to get the optimal average Acquisition price for xrp and then when I'm done using the xrp for odl I turn Around and I go the opposite direction And I have that same smart engine route My sell order and go back to cash and That's what I want to do sell the xrp Across all the venues to get the optim Price for Bank of America right and at No time do I ever have to be in a Position where I'm actually taking xrp From Ripple itself I'm doing it through All of these exchanges and what Ripple Will be do in that instance is it'll be On an ongoing basis looking at the xrp Available across all those exchanges Worldwide and just Distributing xrp Through those exchanges it it it will Sell xrp in into those exchanges to Create Supply you would okay then um because of The the Ripple stable coin and all that

This is a good clip that jungle Inc had Uh put out um here in the last uh day or So what's today s yesterday you know it Doesn't Ripple doesn't require you to Ever use xrp even in a trade I mean the Cool thing here is that anybody in the World now using Ripple can put a bit ask On anything of value from any issuer so For example somebody can decide you know I'm going to make a market between United Airline miles if you know once United Airline miles are on Ripple I Hope they will be out someday um to Brazilian real um you could go directly You don't actually have to go through Xrp but what we believe will happen is That most market makers in filling out The world of exchanging value from Anything of value again currencies um Merchant Reward Points airline miles Gold silver anything that you define as Value most people will actually uh most Market makers will use xrp because as a Currency without a counterparty it is a Completely unique thing in the protocol Just like Bitcoin is completely unique Um so again our our view of why Math-based currencies are so valuable Isn't necessarily that they replace Existing currencies it's just that they Have a very unique feature in that they Have no counterparty so the whole world The world only has to think about one Thing when it comes to bitcoin or Ripple

Is the the price in any any microc in Time you never have to think about the Counterparty risks turns out that that Is a completely unique thing that's Never existed before so for why is that Important um let's say you know we use The example of of a farmer in Nepal Wanting to buy farming equipment from A Supplier in Kenya let's say um if you Didn't have the math-based currency even In Internet for Value you'd probably Have to go nepales repe to Indian repe Indian repe to British pounds British Pounds to Kenyon Shilling that's that's A lot of hops right you're going to lose A good amount of money on each you lose Value on every hop right because you're You're involving uh currencies with Counterparties things of value with Counterparty um it'd be much better to Go nepales R to xrp through a market Maker and then there's some other Market Maker that has made a market between Kenyan Shilling and xrp now um Nepal and Kenya are one hop away you're actually One hop away from airline miles and Everything is one hop away that's why a Math-based currency we think is really Unique and really has value you should Be about this time going Ah now I get it okay check this oh I'm GNA show you the I'm gonna go over this One inside of my group um wanted to show You this Bank xrp I've missed Bank xrp

He's one of the ogs of the ogs in the Xrp community he says just like BTC and B&B have emojis I would like to see an Xrp emoji next to the hashtag let's make This viral repost this and tweet and tag Elon must let's make that happen xrp Community please retweet if you agree I Think that that's a great idea I Retweeted it um so maybe we can get that Going wanted to show this Brad comms did An excellent tweet this Weekend this is something I said a Thousand times while we were uncovering Eth gate every once in a while I would Do an a side and I would make sure that Everybody understood I'm we're not this Is not about ethereum it's not even About Bitcoin I don't want either one of Those to be harmed I don't want I don't Even want them to be sued I no we joked Around about wait wait a minute cuz They're calling xrp a security and many Times we would say wait a minute you're Calling this a security but this but we Were always very very clear ethereum is Not about ethereum Itself it's about the corruption it's About the regulatory capture we want to We the mission always has been we want a Level Playing Field Bitcoin ethereum xrp And we'll see which one do does the best But there hasn't been the Level Playing Field that's the reason we had to fight That's the reason I was fighting now

Bradc sums this up perfectly here eth Gate isn't about Maxi's fighting over Which network is better eth gate is About holding our US government agencies Accountable because our tax dollars Aren't supposed to be used to pick Winners and losers in what's supposed to Be an open free market I don't believe Eth tokens or Securities in and of Themselves but what I what I understand To be the be fact is that a public Official Clayton Henman and others at The SEC overlooked an Ico fund raise Which was structures as as a security Offered and held the rest of the crypto Space to entirely different standard Allowing a token assembly line of Billions of dollars worth of project to Be launched off that Network harming Every other project in the crypto space Side note if you ever want to know what Clarity can do for a network just look At the ethereum chart on the day of the Henman free pass speeech our tax dollars Are supposed to to be used to oversee The entire Capital markets with the same Set of rules for everyone not just the One centrally backed by JP Morgan and The CCP the goal has always been a Level Playing Field anyone suggesting Otherwise has missed the plot is missing The yeah has missed the Plot so the title the thumbnail for this Video might be missing the plot because

People do miss the plot and to drive Home his tweet I said you're a million Per over the target eth gate isn't over Isn't over by it's it's not over by a Long shot because it's about the Corruption folks and here's proof you Don't have to take my word for it Remember Empower Jason Foster from Empower Tristan levit I literally met With them face to face in Washington DC A couple of weeks ago Empower has filed A new lawsuit against the SEC this is From March 18th 2024 new lawsuit against The SEC because of its refusal to comply With the Freedom of Information Act # E Gate in uh this is over if you remember This is over the communications with Bill between Bill Henman from May 2017 To December 20120 with any of these People okay not only that but because of Empower meanwhile it became clear there Was enough evidence for Empower to make A referral to the SEC Inspector General Which happened in May 2022 today we know that our referral Resulted in the SEC oig opening an Investigation into this matter # Eate now to those of you that think that People in the Xrp Community that if you're that everybody That's not a developer or a build has no Value I can tell you because I go out And actually talk to people face to face

I spoke to Tristan levit to his face They told I mean they literally told us That they came into this whole thing Because of what was done by the xrp Army The slle the YouTubers and all of that So anybody that tells you that the only People in crypto that are important as Builders and developers does not know What they're talking about they need to To get out More and that's the fact Jack now let's Go into dip.com where we're going to Talk a little more about this but we're Also going to talk about Tether I'm the digital asset investor I'm not an investment adviser this is For entertainment purposes only Please Subscribe hit the like button and tell Your friends and family that everybody Has something to add in crypto it's not Just this person or just that person Everyone has some you've got different Life experiences than I do start a Channel if you've got something to say Start it and if you got something good To say you'll get a big following or if You're a builder and you're building a a Project guess what if you're doing it Right you'll get a ton of people to your Project if you're doing it wrong or if You're not doing something that's right Or if you're issuing an IL legal Security you could be gone after so be Careful out there but

Everybody I encourage everybody whatever It is that's in your wheelhouse maybe You're not a coater maybe maybe you're Just a hilarious person maybe your Family thinks that you're the funniest Person ever maybe you can be a a crypto Comedian I don't know what you can do But you don't know till you try so Try and never let anybody tell you what You can and can't do and whether whether You are or are not important everybody We're all God's creatures you were you Were made for a reason do something with Whatever your talent is here we Go


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