Ripple / XRP Price & Valuation/Virtuous Cycle/Flywheel Effect

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Ignition sequence start 6 5 4 3 2 1 zero Lift off we have a [Music] Liftoff hey everybody this is the Digital asset investor and check this Out this is whale wire uh let me pull This up just in bitcoin price tumbles as Mount goau has officially started Repayments to customers after nearly Nearly a decade this cash distribution Signals the impending release of over $6 Billion in Bitcoin so they just happen To time this now think about this they Just happen to time this as the approval Of Bitcoin ETFs are imminent now right It down folks I keep telling you and I Wrote it right here remember they don't Want you in physical Bitcoin there's a Reason that think about the things you See going on S simultaneously you've got This now you got Elizabeth Warren out There trying to scare people and you got You got um Jamie diamonds and you should Just ban it you got Elizabeth Warren Trying to scare people about um about um Self- custody what does that all add up To is keep you out of physical Bitcoin and then the second that the the ETS are live then you can go into wall Street's accounts and buy Bitcoin and These Bitcoin ETFs that is what I think They're up to and it's not just that They're also getting rid they're Cleaning out as they go it's almost like

And I'd bet dimes to Donuts that Gary Gensler is telling them yeah we'll Approve your Bitcoin and ETF what do you Think scales want to about a dozen firms To apply for a spot Bitcoin ETF in the Middle of lots of changes in terms of Regulation for this area of the market What are you expecting well I got to say Maria we've never seen this level of Engagement with the SEC that we've had Over these last couple of weeks we're Really getting into the granular details Of how spot Bitcoin ETFs would come to Market you know yeah um and one of our Requirements is you get rid of Barry Silbert Barry silbert has resigned now I Don't know why I don't know what the Beef would be but this is what this Smells like to me then at the same time Remember the same time that they're Wanting to that they don't want you in Bitcoin they give you a salana pump Because the remember the salana pump is The same VC actors same Usual Suspects Same crypto media narrative carriers They're all in conjunction oh salana Salana Salana I'd be real careful with this one But you can hear it chth poopaa and I'm Your boy jcal s I got to say I think I Think your AUM is positively correlated With the bags under your Eyes if you mean it's getting bigger You're correct I mean they're they're

Heavy good lord they're heavy dragging You down that's where you're hiding all That salana in your under your Eyes Jes how you better clear that Salana position what's your lock up 24 Months no he's trying to sell it to Me on text message yeah of course we're Negotiating discounts I just had the F He you're the whole thing up bro You don't you don't think I'm hling I'm Hling you think I buy hundreds of Millions of dollars of anything without A discount everything is a discount Everything's discounted you want to Clear that position in an LLC are you Saying I got a billion dollars of salana No bro I'm saying I have one but you Know I brought it at a discount but You're holding correct ish yes okay yeah Folks the same the same group of folks The same group of Market manipulators That were behind the creation and the Building up of E FTX are the same people That were behind eth gate are the same People that there's a reason FTX major Holding was salana I'm telling you and Now you're watching it play out again Why build up why why make salana go up Now because they do manipulate all these Things so why do it Now ju don't be there when the when the Music Stops and there's no chairs left On salana that's all I'll say cuz I have Have a feeling that that that that

Little uh the uh train that's going down The tracks is going to go off the tracks About the time that bit Bitcoin ETF uh Opens up and goes live now this is the Modern investor talking about how me how Few wallets most of the ethereum is in My question is where in the hell were You modern investor over the last three Years you all of a sudden figured this Out um her name is Ali Martinez the Person who found found this information It says Ali Martinez's findings are Based on data provided by onchain data Platform known as santiment the people Who look through the chain here we go According to the information the top 200 Ethereum wallet Addresses 200 wallets 200 wallets 8 Billion people on the planet 200 wallets Hold 48.2 million And that was in November of 2022 they currently hold 200 wallets 8 Billion people 200 wallets now hold 6276 million ether does that number Sound familiar to anyone does that make Sense to anyone out There these 200 wallets after having Accumulated 30 million ether in just one Year 200 I keep saying it because you Have to get it I know I know I know I I Know how people are I know someone's Like stop saying 200 no I'm saying 200 For a reason these 200 wallets in one

Year accumulated and now Have 52% of ethereum circulating Supply and they've gone and they've They've made a huge the same people have Been pointing at Ripple for all these Years saying you look at how much xrp You hold look at how much xrp year Holding and Brad garlinghouse has been Well we show you exactly what we have How much do you have Joe Luben oh I Can't we practice internal transparency I can't show you that and you know who The biggest of those 200 wallets is in My opinion if I was betting dimes to Donuts JP Morgan Goldman Sachs and Wang Jan blockchain out of China those are my bets I can't prove it Just betting it Brian Castello the Politician masquerading as regulator Gary Gensler is covering up crimes for Chinese Executives speaker Johnson it's Time let's make sure we show you a face That's speaker Mike Johnson it's time to Investigate the weaponization of our Capital markets Patrick McKenry here he Is he's also ignoring he's the one that Said he was going to subpoena Gary Gensler and instead announced his Retirement In the article here that's being Retweeted or tweeted out by digital Assets daily is Democrats turn on Biden SEC chair over increased regulation now

Check this out this is a great clip from Molly Elmore very smart lady I want you To hear it she's talking about the Susan Ay Robbie mitnik who's now at Black Rock Um calculator or not calculator but Valuation that they did back in 2018 by two people Susan ay and Robert Mitnik uh and it was pretty Groundbreaking in that you know xrp is And one of the real kind of ingenious Parts about this model that is very Important in understanding in my opinion The value of an asset like SRP is this Competition between two competing forces So xrp is a utility asset meaning it can Be used to exchange value very quickly Very efficiently and it also can be used To store value and as we've gone through And built all of these Models this is like the biggest theme or Assumption or debatable point and the Athne mitnik model does an incredible Job of addressing this in their paper And in the model that they built and the Athne mitnik model is very important in This series because it does a very Simple and clear job of separating these Two fundamental forces the force of Utility the force of store of value um And if if you watch my video about The Virtuous cycle which I did a while ago I'll put the link in the description This is a kind of a an electronic or Energetic

Force that can compete in markets and if You imagine like a cyclone where it kind Of starts out sort of small and as it Gets more or a flywheel powerful it kind Of widens and accelerates and all of the Elements in this Cyclones start to move Faster and faster uh it's kind of the Opposite of what would be considered a Death spiral this is more of a positive Growth oriented thing called The Virtuous cycle and in the case of the Atne mitnik model uh what they are what They created a sort of calculation for Is as more value gets transacted on The Xrp Ledger using xrp it's going to Naturally rise in price simply because There will be higher Demand more use probably won't be an Actually I don't think it would be a Very large increase in magnitude but it Would be enough that it would get the Attention of people and in this era we Have of Fiat inflation where there's a Lot of skepticism if I were to hold my Wealth in let's say US Dollars would I Have the same amount of value in $1,000 Today in like five years and the answer Is probably no we've seeing inflation Has really dered eroded the value of the Dollar so there's kind of a concern like If I have money wealth that I want to Store where should I store have to store It Someplace and if you were to observe the

Value of xrp steadily Rising because Adoption is growing this is more and More of a valued utility asset then what Happens is people say hm got to store my Wealth somewhere why not store it in Some xrp see th this right here is what I've been saying for five years this is The reason I'm here folks because I saw This I this is the reason I got here in 2013 this is what I saw this is what my My father who is the official father of The digital asset investor Channel and I Saw is that we saw this thing that if This is going to be used on at Large Scale the way the way we saw it it's the Only digital asset that actually works That and xlm maybe that that we've seen Ever since that far back that worked we Didn't understand why we would send a Bitcoin and we would get all the oh I've Got three confirmations I'm waiting on And it might take an hour or two for Those to happen and then I'd send this Xrp thing and it was instant and it Worked and it was cheap and it was fast And all this stuff and it had a whole Group of people that were working on This thing that were like had Advanced Degrees MIT Harvard and all this Stuff but what I saw was hey wait a Minute this if this thing is is being Used then it's slowly increasing in in Value over time but at some point The Speculator the in see what happened

In the financial crisis is everything Folks because what happened in the Financial crisis is that nothing Performed well well there was no place To hide in that situation there were no There were no no nowhere to go when you Hit the exit rent everything did bad Everything was going down in value I Think I think that part of the reason For digital assets for this particular Digital asset was this idea that this Would for the maybe for the first time In history provide a place where the Money could go where the asset would Have utility it would be used so you Would have like a raising like a a Bathtub of water that's slowly rising And then an interesting thing would Happen then the speculators and the Investors would say wait a minute so Here I am with my money either stagnant Or going down going down in a horrible Economy and even in good Economies but there's this thing over Here that's being used it's a rising Bathtub of water and so I'm going to buy That and my money's then just slowly Rising and then it starts Rising fast Because then the speculators all start To realize it and then at some point Nobody can get any because there's a Limited amount of it what happens to the Price Then you see what I'm talking about

That's why xrp has captured my attention For so long it's the only digital asset That's that's actually been real world In the real world being used that's Working not ethereum that's buying a Cartoon monkey and you're spending $50 On gas to buy a $100 monkey which why Would anybody Buy $100 monkey I don't Know never been able to figure this out Here's a congressman that's saying just What I just described and then you've Had the prosecutions you've had I mean There's just a lot of bad stuff and then You've had the Wall Street Journal Writing an overblown story about Terrorist financing which they Subsequently sort of backed away from I I think you may have heard some of this From my colleague Sean cassen my my Point is this just to make this 20-minute rent less than 20 minutes if You really want to move the Congress I I Say this to every crypto person who Comes into my office you got to start Demonstrating the killer app the value Ad I mean I get so frustrated because Folks come into my office and they say We have this decentralized Finance non-h Hierarchical structure that would allow For the transfer of MF nfts and and it It's like I'm a road scholar I don't Understand a single word you just said Right so tell me how this makes Bridgeport better tell me how this makes

Los Angeles better and until the Industry does a better job really Showing that look we can take remittance Fees down from 8% to two basis points Wait a minute who has been showing that Or show us any positive World improving Application the industry is not going to Have the benefit of Doubt and the reason You need that is because not so much on Our side of the uh the capital but on The other side of the capital the the Weather is uglier and people just need To start hearing about how this stuff is Going to make people's lives better well Jim that's representative Jim HS and I Corrected him this chart's been going Around since back in 2017 demonstrating exactly what he just Said how you would make the world better And Ripple's the only one of the only Companies that that's been out out there Live making this happen showing the World how they can make the world better So I said excuse me representative Jim But Ripple's been doing this and showing This for the last 10 years while the SEC That you are supposed to be overseeing Went after them while leaving China JP Morgan back ethereum alone ethereum's Killer app was Bill Henman and his Regulatory capture by the way stop Protecting the incumbents in China and Start practicing What You Preach Representative HS how about them apples

Th% right now in today we're going to do something Interesting there's a video that I found That's about one of the one of the Biggest people in blockchain I'm not Saying any of it's true but I'm going to Show you the video of what somebody said Then I'm going to show you two articles That I found that are all that don't Necess I'm not saying they back it up I'm just saying it puts this guy near This the the island guys who we're Talking about so I'm the digital asset Investor I'm not an investment advisor This is for entertainment purposes only Please subscribe hit the like button Tell your friends and family go in and you will find out who I'm Talking about and what I'm talking about [Music] [Music] Is [Music]


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