XRP: On The Rise! “CRITICAL MOMENT FOR XRP” Popular Analyst Proclaims

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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel I'm going to keep this latest Moon Lambo Hot Jam pretty simple and Straightforward I'm going to share with You perspective from six different xrp Chart analysts including one who says That this is a quote critical moment for Xrp end quote and this is happening as Xrp has been on the rise but uh before Going further I do want to be clear I do Not have a financial background of any Kind I am not offering Financial advice And you definitely should not buy or Sell anything because of anything I say Or right I'm just in Enthusiast who Enjoys making YouTube videos about Crypto related topics but just as a Hobby and just for fun at the time I'm Recording this video it is 120 a.m. yes In the we hours here on now uh it's now Sunday April 21st 2024 xrp is just a hair over 53 C you Love to see it Bitcoin $65,500 market cap for the asset class 2.43 trillion and the crypto fear and Greed index 72 out of 100 so we're we're Greed currently not extreme greed um I'd Also like to highlight this this is fun Right here uh here's a screen grab Shared by xrp Community member and Attorney Bill Morgan uh he wrote not Quite what I was expecting in the hours After the Bitcoin having and so he Shared this on the morning of the 20th

So uh it's probably somewhere in the Neighborhood of 12 to 13 hours after the Having and the price at that time was Just fascinating he showed the top top Nine coins my market cap all of them in The red including Bitcoin including eth Everything in the red except for xrp Which at the time was up 3.48% fascinating to see right so what's Actually going on here because look if You've been paying attention and I know You are uh what's actually been Happening despite what the naysayers Would have you believe despite what the Bitcoin uh you know the toxic Bitcoin Maxi trolls spew all over the Internet Uh what's actually been happening is a Lot of things have been going the way That we should hope and expect they Would prior to a face melting rally for Xrp that is the truth I've been Reporting on this consistently as things Have unfolded I will continue to because These are worth pointing out these Things all these metrics and although we Don't technically know for sure what's Going to come of course and I never make Price predictions it's worth Highlighting this stuff in fact take a Look at this this is a post from a chart Analyst Tony seino who I just started Following because I thought he had a it Happens to be positive but fair also Post about

Xrp and um and he's doing some chart Analysis here now I I looked at his Profile here on social media platform X And I noticed that he is the head of Research at Newsbtc so I was surprised let's say I Was flabbergasted hit the floor because Newsbtc if you've been around for a While you may know that um they're not Exactly the go-to for uh for xrp related News you know so I've been around over Six years now in the first few years in Particular I would I would kind of mock It because they consistently had bogus Nonsense fud articles about xrp so I Would mock them I'd get on get behind The mic here start recording and say Crap like well here you go it's the Article from newsbtc the most reputable Trustworthy source for all news Ripple And or xrp stuff like that because Obviously it's the exact opposite they They my God that' agree to which they've Had trash articles very so it's very Surprising that I saw somebody who is The head of research being fair so I Don't know anything about him this is Not anything against him in fact again I Just started following him and I think That this is pretty reasonable and fair What he posted here and it's a point That um a couple other chart analysts Had been making I just think it's Noteworthy that somebody from news BTC

Which historically not very friendly to Xrp broadly speaking not very fair uh Noting that things you know last time we Were in a position like this xrp just Melted faces so what we have have here Is xrp priced in United States dollars And he's talking about Binger bands Which I talked about I don't know two or Three days ago so check this out you're Going to love this xrp uh one Monon Binger banss are officially the tightest Ever in History the last time they were this Tight there was a 65,000 per rally that followed that's Right folks and that would be 2017 and so what you're looking at here Here in this chart I may I know it may Look like a disheveled mess hopefully Have a large enough screen to to make Out what's going on here but there are Three lines top middle and then bottom Right so this middle line that is the 20day moving average pretty Self-explanatory but then there's a line Above it and a line below it and what This is actually tracking is the Volatility in regards to the 20-day Moving average over this entire period Of time going back to probably about 2015 looks like that's when it started And so that's why you'll see these gaps Where it looks like the bottom Line's Fallen off the map basically it is

That's that's because we've we've had Extreme volatility and so you would Expect to see that and then it gets much More narrow uh at a few instances on the Screen you can see uh you know leading Up to the 2017 Bull Run uh last Market Cycle 2020 into early 2021 uh so right Before that the the Ballinger bands Narrowed and again right now except for This is the most narrow they've ever Been the most narrow they have ever been And um the thing about Ballinger bands Is that typically when this happens it It's it's a precursor to an explosive Move so you got to ask yourself if if There's going to be an explosive move Doesn't mean it's going to be today Tomorrow next week necessarily but Because you can see how long it's been As narrow as it is right here where I'm Circling the mouse so you know but Soonish right what's going to happen if We do have an explosion move move is it Going to be to the upside or the down Down side well I'd Hazard to Guess that Given that we're in a bull market it's Going to be to the upside when it Finally breaks and another reason to Believe that makes sense was pointed out By uh a chart analyst and I shared this A couple days ago but he pointed out That another reason to believe that it's Most probable we see a massive break to The upside based on this metric is that

It's the 20-day moving average it's been Sloping upwards so you know if you're Going to have a bias it should be a bias To the positive right so he's pointing That out and and this is what happened Last time they were this tight 65,000 percent increase and I say last Time technically this is Tighter um by a little bit so the the Previous one in 2017 I think it was 73 And then where it's at right now is 69 So is what it is keep tracking it and You know all the xrp haters out there They can pretend like this is you know Because of the price being where it is And other coins have already taken off And if you price xrp against Bitcoin it All looks terrible they can say that so They're blue in the face but history Shows us that when all the things for Xrp line up like this it performs and it Performs in a way that we're really Going to be happy with here's a post From chart analyst Mikey bull crypto Xrp you can hate it but you can't stop The next explosive move that is coming Allow chart to do the speaking not Emotion and so we shared this xrpusd Chart indicating hey we've kind of seen Some of this in the past what do you Think's going to follow and he's been Very optimistic for xrp for quite a While here's chart analyst Tara at Precision trade 3 uh been in crypto for

A hot minute here since 2015 and this is an xrpusd chart and she Wrote The Following absolute critical moment here For xrp guys it's testing that Resistance at the bottom trend line and RSI on higher time frames are trying to Flip bullish if it breaks resistance Here xrp could quickly reach next Resistance at 54.5 Daily candle is still forming let's See how it closes now I'll note that This is at 12:24 p.m. so you know call It uh about 13 hours ago and now we have The benefit of hindsight and it has Climbed a fair bit not up to 54.5 Cent The 24-hour high is let's see here 53.1 Cents um well it just went up 53.3 C now So it's actually climbing at the time I'm recording this cool to see but Directionally yeah that's pretty much What we should have hoped and then in a Separate post on your screen I don't Need to read it for the sake of time but Noting that she's expecting it to be Move beyond that much more explosive and So you'll what you'll find is that Analysts that have been here a while Analysts worth their salt who aren't Biased I can't find one that doesn't Think xrp is going to do some crazy Incredible stuff this Market cycle I Can't find one anytime I find an analyst That says nope it's not going to perform

Shouldn't be in your portfolio you go Back look at their history and they've Been crapping on xrp for like half a Decade at least that's all I find if you Can find an outlier I'd like to see the Outlier just to make sure the Unicorn Actually does exist here's a post from Chart analyst cryptos xrp price chart Here uh xrp bouncing now on the way to Daily 21 ma 55 cents is next and he Posted that in the evening 6:28 p.m. More optimism here's a post from Xrp chart analyst dark Defender this is An xrp USD chart he wrote The Following Hi all xrp is still maintaining the blue Support trend on the monthly time frame And strolling just above it we are Eagerly awaiting the revelation of Ripple filings this coming week while I Maintain that news typically does not Directly affect the price this last Puzzle piece does spark a bit of Excitement question what are the Potential scenarios if xrp fails to Maintain the Blue Line answer in such a Case we can expect xrp to test the two Last Fibonacci supports of round around It here 46 cents and 39 cents which we Have previously seen as bounceback Points from 42 cents 39 cents is the Last Fibonacci level of the five-wave Structure below which aims at $585 cents and so I will pause the note As always not going to ever make a price

Prediction that is very responsibly Conservative and um you know he believes It can go much higher than that but even His one of his more conservative cases Here which I again I find completely Plausible Like do we really think that's not going To H I mean we're talking about less Than a twofold increase from the All-time high for xrp from over six Years ago we're not asking for much here And with how much money is going to be Sosing around here and understanding That when a coin starts going people Fomo in it's not even about the Fundamentals at that point it's about Large cap coin uh number go up people Fomo in it's about whatever the green Wherever the green candle is actually Wherever it is meaning whatever coin It's the green candle attached to that's Where the money Goes and if you think that that doesn't Apply to xrp you might have some of that Xrp PTSD my friend because it applies to Every coin absolutely when that happens When that trigger occurs the markets Just pump the damn thing consistently That's how it's always been you better Believe xrp is going to be a part of This it makes no logical sense that it Would not be especially look at how Xrp's been been uh behaving up to this Point in line with historical Norms in

Fact as I mentioned in a video a couple Days ago xrp has been trending upward in Price against the United States dollars United States dollar for two years it Had its low in June of 20 22 at 28 ever Since then higher lows baby higher Lows anyway uh dark Defender continues This means this structure can only be Invalidated if we close below 39 cents 2 To 3 days in a row any other moves Between 66 cents and 39 cents are side Moves I highlighted many times and Repeated that xrp will be highly bullish Above 66 cents and then is expected to Proceed with our Fibonacci targets of a Buck 88 and $585 first let's see what will be Revealed shortly yep sounds pretty Plausible to me we'll see what happens And as far as I'm concerned it's just a Matter of time xrp will hit a new Alltime high and Enterprise Discovery That's what I believe and I always Acknowledge no one can know for sure Including me I'm just a dude on the Internet I'm just sharing with you what I expect to occur and that's what I Think is most probable new all-time high Price Discovery face is melted here's a post From chart analyst egreg crypto let me Make this full screen for you xrp Dominance now this is a fun one because Xrp has had some serious dominance in

The past and of course it has occurred At times when it's Running so even if the highest levels of Dominance are shortlived it doesn't Matter that's our that's our window of Opportunity for life-changing wealth it Just is what it is again if you think It's not going to happen this Market Cycle why it doesn't make sense unless We have a Black Swan event or we don't Have a proper alt Seas and coins aren't Popping that's the only caveat I have This other than that to think that the Whole Market's going to go berserk but Little old xrp is just going to sit on The sidelines be no thanks I'm not Interested no I don't that doesn't make Any sense that makes no logical Sense anyway here's what he great crypto Xrp dominance explosive action coming Soon currently xrp dominance is resting On a historical support line echoing Patterns seen in 2017 and 2021 historically xrp has exhibited Rapid and Powerful pumps could we Witness a similar move soon potential Targets begin at FIB levels 1. 1272 1.414 and 1.618 so that top one I'll note that Would be a 17.39% dominance level which I don't I Don't think that's asking for too much I Mean it's been over 30% before now that That would have been you know back when

It was near it's alltime high and There's a lot more competition now and The you know I understand not even that We'd have to hit that in order to get The dollar levels that would make most Of us really really really super duper Triple happy uh it doesn't even Necessarily have to get that eye so uh We'll see what happens here but there Are so many reasons to be optimistic we Just have to wait we're we're almost at The finish line but we got to we got to Have the market heat back up what we've Been experiencing for the last month or So with the market being what it is it's Normal you get pullbacks it shakes some People out then you you continue the Upside I've been through this many times This is my third bull market in crypto It's pretty similar this is pretty much What it's like and then people think It's dead and then it just surges to the Upside and then we have the grand finale And that's where the true fireworks are That's what I'm really looking forward To so uh I'm going to be sticking around For that will you it's going to be fun I'm not a financial adviser you should Not buy your sell anything because of Anything I say or right that would be a Very very very bad idea until next time To the Moon Lambo


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