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Ignition sequence start 6 5 4 3 2 1 zero Liftoff we have a [Music] Liftoff hey everybody this is the Digital asset investor and it's another Friday and another me going to get my 11 My 11-year-old still will not let me out Of the deal when he was young I said on Friday I will go and get you breakfast Somewhere to this day this kid is Standing at my bed if I wake up if he Wakes up before me he is standing there First word out of his mouth is breakfast And I have to go somewhere to get him Breakfast this this is true and he won't Let me out of it he said he he said I Can't get out of it until he goes off to College let's talk gold folks Watch this right here uh it sounds crazy Because it has rid it so much but it's Still early in the bull market the way We see it's going to be a longlasting One and it's going much higher so if if You have gold I mean you could still be Averaging in at these higher prices and For a newcomer we don't think it's too High to get in So I appreciate you saying that Especially for the newcomers because um In your one of your latest editions uh Of the newsletter you say and if this Bull market ends up gaining at the same Rate as the last two big bulls gold Could end up peing at the anywhere

Between 6,700 and $24,000 levels or somewhere in that area Now some might say 24,000 is that crazy No it it sounds totally crazy and we Even know when we write that it's sounds Crazy but it's not because what we did Is we took the last as you know Gold's Been going up since the late 60s so it's One big big bull market but within that There have been two big bulls you know With the ups and downs and the last two Bull markets if you take the percentage Gains um and apply them to the current Bull market those are the numbers that We come with with so it has happened Before I mean the first bull market was The big one that took gold from like you Know the late $35 an ounce up to$ 850 but the second bull market in which We call you know the Bulls within the Big bull so the second bull market that Started in 2001 and went up to 20 until 201 that one gained 600 and some per. so That's a one that if it's just like that One it would be um $6,700 in the current one so not to say It's going to repeat exactly the same But it Could uh I think this is the big one for Gold that's why I'm a gold buyer that's Why I have a sponsor called miles Franklin and all you have to do is go to Miles Franklin you'll see their specials Right on the homepage then you go up and

Click up here it'll say um it'll say Sign up and then it'll give you a Referral code box you just enter Dai Gold I also have the link to this in the Top of the description of this Video um check this out metal law man is Coming to xrp Las Vegas he says he's Looking forward to sitting down Oneon-one On stage with the food stamp Warrior Himself John Deon and meeting his Twitter friends in the xrp community T Minus 14 days let's see what the Countdown actually is 13 15 days 15 Hours get Geted and by the way we have all the Links in the description if you're in Dip.com I've got two discount codes for Xrp Las Vegas in there we are now under 30 days from xrp Las Vegas 2024 celebrating a new era in finance With the xrp community at the largest Xrp conference in the world our amazing Speaker lineup with har and boring Christopher Gian Carlo David Schwarz Simon mlet Kevin Maloney Andy sheckman Nancy Beaton John Deon Joe Osa Fon Pro James metala man Lynette Zang will Petruski Jeremy Hogan Robin oconnell Jason cousins Greg kid and newly added Congressman Wy Nicholl thanks to our Sponsors for your support of xrp Las Vegas 2024 there's a lot of people in that

Lineup I have not met yet I haven't met Greg kid um let's see most of them I Have met I met perryan boring when I was In uh at consensus in Austin one time I've met Gian Carlo I've met David Schwarz I've met Simon mlin I've met Keev Kevin Maloney I have not met Andy Shackman let's see go to the next I've met Nancy Beaton John Deon Joe and Doo haven't met this guy faren Pro um Have not met James metal law man in Person have not met L Lonette Zang let's see I hadn't met Jeremy Hogan In person yet met will petruski met Robin oconnell met Jason cousins I have Not met Greg kid and have not met Congressman Wy nickel all right but xrp Las Vegas is not the only countdown Today in fact by the way um today's April 19th Brad KS is going up on the Prices on April 25th so you better hurry Up if you are wanting to buy last minute Tickets but that's not our only Countdown today today is the Bitcoin Having countdown 10 hours 43 minutes 13 Seconds with a bitcoin price of 65 and Remember Folks historically the real action Happened with prices going up in Bitcoin And all the Altcoins after the having for 6 to 18 Months is my Understanding check this Out you know that Canadian clip is so

Scary because that really could happen In America the Federal Reserve has Already talked about potentially a bail In they will not bail the banks out Again Charles if anything happens money Could be Frozen and and clients and will Be locked think ice n Jim Rickards Bailin they have they're not just Talking about it they have written it Into these Banks policies you believe That though no I don't believe that that Would happen no do you believe they Won't bail the banks out two things You've got the Federal Reserve which Really is a bank for the wealthy I mean It's it's a bank for the banks and A Banks for the wealth that's who they Work for they don't work for the US for Citizens we it's time people understood That I'm so glad you said this because So many people think that because we're The world Reserve currency that we have To build out the dollar that we won't Let our system collapse what they don't Understand is what the bricks Nations Are doing to basically do crossb payment Transactions in local currencies without A reserve alternative to the dollar so Yes I believe with the amount of Deficits that we're running that we just Seem to car launch we're not in a war Right now directly we're not in a Pandemic and yet we're still getting a 7.3 trillion budget is we're in a sop

The US government is trying to make you Think that we're behind and China and All of them are way ahead of us we're in A s up and we have been for at least 10 To 12 years since the creation of all This C crypto stuff we've been in a Scot I can assure you of that I started out As a skeptic I think what got me past Being a skeptic is the notion that this Is immutable it's a it's decentralized In a way that makes it very powerful the Network itself is scaling and if you Think about the way we treat money in Our society over the last 5,000 years Bitcoin checks all of the boxes the only Box it doesn't check is Central Bank Manipulation which I think it makes it Way actually it doesn't check the how Expensive it is box it doesn't check the Speed box doesn't check the scalability Box there's a lot of boxes it doesn't Check it can't be used for money they Can they changed to store value because They realized all that and so at a Trillion 4 could this trade to half the Market capitalization of gold or gold Is16 trillion dollar today but he knows That this guy was in the White House These are people that know they know We're in a sop we believe it can we Actually think it's going to go through The market capitalization of gold and if You're making the point that uh the American owners in an ETF are not going

To be enough to get it there uh I Disagree because over time the Acceptance regulatorily is going to Allow people to put it in the portfolio A 1% position in these Global portfol This guy is is on CNBC they've got these chosen CNBC People that have to go on and keep the Scop going apparently um Jamie Diamond Is not participating Crypto if you mean crypto like Bitcoin I've always said it's a fraud uh there So no hope for it well if it's if they Think they're a currency there's no hope For it it's a Ponzi scheme it's a public Decentralized P Yeah that got to make a lot of people Nervous now I want to make sure Everybody caught the most important part Of Brad Garling House's talk yesterday Is when he said this about tether $150 Billion asset class right now some Forecast it to be over two three Trillion in a few years the players in That space particularly one called Tether is a non- us-based entity and the US frankly is kind of going after that Because they want this to be regulated Just yesterday uh there's a new bill Introduced in the Senate to create some Stable coin legislation which I think is A positive step of like hey finally we Might get some forward momentum there uh

But I think that Market's going to grow A lot I think a us-based player who is Compliance first yeah has a great role To play it's a great ah you mean Regulations you mean regulated crypto Versus unregulated Crypto who is the only digital asset With legal regulatory Clarity in the United States that would be Xrp um and then Brad garlinghouse had Retweeted his uh comments he trip he's Now tripping ping down on calling for The crypto Market to be 5 trillion plus Cover a lot of ground with uh Maria Barart Romo today the Bitcoin having my Predictions for the crypto Market by end Of year how Pro Innovation policies in The US will prevail step one replace the SEC leadership and step two Elizabeth Warren's staff should read some actual Facts on crypto instead of spewing Constant misinformation and why Ripple Is launching a USD backed stablecoin on The xrpl and eth this Year now are you noticing a pattern yet Laura Shin's now all she can talk about Salana now that we've exposed eth gate She and all the eth all the ethereum People have shifted to salana so what You're telling me is you remember all The gar just pretty much every scam and Garbage and cartoon monkey that was ever Issued came out on ethereum and now the

Same kind of garbage is coming out on Salana and so what do they do shift to Salana because what can you do with all These garbage tokens you can do pumping Dumps you can get the VCS to pump and Dump on retail and that's what it's Always been about this guy is kind of Telling the truth about it you've seen What meme coins have done to salana I Mean the salana TPS has been Shown to be absolutely as People have started to trade these Things and 75% of transactions have Started to fail on Solana so so good Luck becoming the new eth of this cycle It's almost like they want the network To be a network that doesn't work is Either ridic remember when they were Buying the cartoon monkeys and the eth Gas fees would be like $50 to $100 on a On a $50 to $100 product if you want to Call a cartoon monkey a product yeah History repeats itself Bill Hughes and You got to understand Bill Hughes is a Con a lawyer for consensus and he says The way the SEC has typically gone about Declaring a token of security is Generally going after a third some third Party um but it's not clear the SEC is Targeting any particular party related To ethereum well Bill Hughes knows this Because he knows all about eth gate um I Said hey Bill the reason they aren't Targeting a third party like ethereum

Foundation or consensus is because it Would open up eth gate Discovery and They know just like a the foundation and Consensus know they were all sitting There all cozy having closed door Meetings and the SEC and the cftc were Involved and they don't want if they sue Lubben or sue the ethereum foundation or Vitalic all of a sudden Discovery opens Up and it all points right back at these Government agencies that that colluded With Private Industry to try to create a Monopoly and that's the fact Jack um now check you know what I'm Going to do I'm going to wait to do this In the group and what we're going to Talk about boy let me tell you what you Don't real people that are listening to My voice don't truly realize the the Times that we live in in terms of what This opportunity is I'm shocked that I Still have to tell this PE I was telling Somebody on the phone yesterday all These people are all negative and They're oh we had a bad weekend last Week and the prices really got killed Cuz Israel you know whatever attacked Israel and and taxes and and the market Really got killed and everybody's all Depressed folks are you kidding me we're In a once in 100 to 200 year opportunity Ral Paul understands this but I don't Just think that we're in that one to 200e opportunity I think we're in the

One Asset that is the greatest opportunity In 1 to 200 years and and people look at It and they say oh because xrp hasn't Moved the way others have in recent time Because of that somehow it nullifies Everything that we've learned over the Course of shoot five plus years of Talking about this and researching this And all of that come on Folks some of these people out here need To grow up but in Dp.com I'm going to I'm going to further Go into that okay show you what this is I'm going to further paint the picture Okay I'm the digital asset investor I'm Not an investment advisor this is for Entertainment purposes only Please Subscribe hit the like button tell your Friends and family that we might have to Dip our toes in the all the worlds of Stage fall a little bit here and away we Go [Music] [Music]


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