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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. None of what I have communicated verbally or in writing here should be considered financial advice; it is not. Do your own research before investing in any digital asset, and understand that investing in any cryptocurrency is inherently risky. If you do, you need to be prepared to lose your entire investment.

Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel and this is absolutely Astonishing like Wall Street is going to Be jumping into crypto in an Unprecedented way and keep in mind that You listening to this video right here Right now December of 2023 you are front Running Wall Street you are front Running the largest institutions on the Planet you have crypto before almost Every institution on the planet frankly And at much lower prices than the Institutions will pay this is this Hasn't happened before it's it's always The case that the institutions the big Companies they jump into to whatever new Sector is flourishing and then retail Gets a bite later after prices have Risen that's not happening here it's the Act exact opposite of that it's the Inverse it's incredible look at this Headline from Forbes to bring the point Home talking about xrp yet again because Oh yes speaking of the wall streaking uh Black Rock has quietly opened the door To a trillion dollar Plus Wall Street Game uh Game Changer amid the $700 Billion Bitcoin ethereum xrp and crypto Price boom and yes folks I just it's Just another reason why if if you were Having trouble sleeping at night Especially if you have over the last few Days because price go down temporarily Why it doesn't make logical sense as

I've been saying but you're you're going To love this please sit tight with me You're really going to enjoy this I Think it's going to get paint a real Good picture of exactly what's about to Happen but uh before going further I do Want to be clear I do not have a Financial background of any kind I am Not offering Financial advice and you Definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys Making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun all right I came across This post um initially because it was Re-shared or reposted rather by Attorney John Deon this is from the bitcoin news Account on social media platform X and It simply reads as follows very Attention grabing and you'll see why New Black Rock modifies the structure of its Spot Bitcoin ETF to allow authorized Participants mainly Wall Street Banks to Create new shares in the fund with cash Allowing them an exposure to bitcoin Even without a license to own Cryptocurrency directly well isn't that Something and so attorney Deon reposted That and he wrote The Following and and You might have heard the same that he's Referencing here before he wrote they First ignore you then they laugh or Dismiss you when they no longer can

Laugh or dismiss you and realize they Can't kill you they send in their Hired Guns to disguised as Regulators Attempting to slow you down or even Wound you afterwards they buy or adopt You and then share you with their Friends aptly put attorney Deon that is Spot on and he's referencing this quote Which is uh inaccurately attributed Frequently to mahat magani I actually And I didn't know this I didn't know who It came from but I was curious because I've heard this thing before I'm sure I'm sure many of you have as well you Know the first they ignor Spiel and um According to multiple sources it Actually was not from mop there's a Whole backstory outside the scope of This video I'm not going to get into as To you know why there's proof that it's Not him and where it may have came from But nobody actually knows for sure but Regardless interestingly enough it is Widely circulated and it resonates with People certainly in the world of crypto Because it it applies perfectly here but The quote goes as follows first they Ignore you then they laugh at you then They fight you then you win and of Course when the magic internet money was Created in 2009 even if they were of it They're like stupid internet money like They're just ignoring they don't care But then it starts to pick up a little

Bit of steam and maybe there's a little Bit of a correction back down or a big Correction over 80 or 90% crash ah look At those idiots what a bunch of idiot Sticks using their magic internet money But then it comes back and back and Again and again and again it keeps Climbing and climbing and climbing and That's when they want to fight you Because they recognize it's an actual Threat but then you win and we're here First and yes they they'll get a piece Of this whole thing but they can't stop It that's the whole point here and so Take a look at this this is the Forbes Article uh and this is absolutely Fant It's amazing What's Happening Here truly Like the amount of money it just this is Unprecedented this hasn't happened Before and when you're talking about a Spot Bitcoin ETF in particular again the Reason that this is of the utmost Importance is because it requires the Purchasing of actual Bitcoin and I Understand that this may be a buy the Rumor sell the news thing fully Acknowledge that uh but I'll just say Even if that's the case over a prolonged Period of time the amount of money that Will flow in because of this it's hard To it's hard to overp the importance of It that that's what I believe and if you Think that I'm wrong okay well we can Respectfully disagree but I'll just say

That that means that you have an opinion That implies that black rock and other Major firms Black Rock being the largest Asset manager on the entire planet their Their product is going to fail or it's Not going to gain meaningful traction do You think that's the case because I Don't I think over a prolonged period of Time it's going to get major attraction But anyway the peace read as follows Bitcoin and crypto prices including Major coins ethereum and xrp have Rocketed higher in recent months as Crypto braces for what could be its Biggest ever year in 2024 the Bitcoin pric has topped $40,000 Per Bitcoin for the first time since Early 2022 largely thanks to a huge Black rock bombshell that pushed up the Wider ethereum xrp and crypto market now As wild rumors swirl around a secret Sovereign Bitcoin bid Black Rock has Quietly adjusted its Landmark Bitcoin Spot exchange traded fund application ETF for short of course to allow Wall Street Giants such as JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs access now folks isn't This Rich especially with JP Morgan and That that oh my God that Jamie Diamond What a Disingenuous I'll hold myself I'll Censor myself there like a-hole like That guy my God calling Bitcoin a fraud Years ago and even more recently talking

About Um I think it was at a it was some a Congressional hearing it was very Recently he was he was saying more crap About Bitcoin and the broader crypto Asset class elicit purposes that's the Use case it's it's for elicit purposes He he knows it's not true he's not Stupid and then here behind the scenes What do we see Happening access for you JP Morgan we're Black Rock you're JP Morgan you now have Access even though you're saying all This false crap about you crypto being a Fraud this that it's completely absurd We know that we're paying attention the Average person doesn't and so their Front facing message if you're JP Morgan Is what it is probably because they feel Threatened frankly now they still are Going to get their piece but until they Get their peace they say BS nonsense Peace continues in a late November Filing Black Rock the world's largest Asset manager that looks around 10 Trillion dollar on on behalf of clients Updated its Bitcoin spot ETF filing to Allow Wall Street Banks to act as Authorized participants allowing them to Bypass restrictions that prevent them From holding Bitcoin and crypto on their Own balance sheets the change comes as Black Rock and its rivals in the race to Get a Bitcoin spot ETF to Market

Including Fidelity grayscale Investments In Franklin Templeton have met with the US Securities and Exchange Commission to Thrash out the details of how the ETFs Would work ahead of the next approval Window open and so folks these are some Of the largest asset managers on the Entire planet and they're having regular Meetings with This is uncharacteristic of previous Instances where there have been Applications for spot Bitcoin ETFs this Is markedly different please take note Of that like the behavior is different And so if the spot Bitcoin ETFs if if They're not going to get approved why The hell is the SEC go into the trouble Of putting on this show because the Average person like like we're aware of It but the average person isn't aware of This it's not going to really help it's It's it's not going to convince the Average Joe Schmo of anything they don't Know it's happening but they doing it Why and so that's why I said more Recently based on new evidence uh my bet Has changed I still think this thing is Getting approved but I I've switched From Black Rock getting approved first To multiple uh multiple entities getting Approved because and it's based on new Evidence it's it's not just a I mean yes It's a for fund guess in a general sense But based on new evidence coming in the

Way that the SEC is meeting with all Sorts of entities and the way that it Seems based on the way that they're Doing various things that I've Highlighted various videos are trying to Line things up uh based on on that I Think that what's most probable at this Point is multiple entities will get Approved all at Once and then there's a quote here if The SEC accepts this revised dual model Of of create and redeem with cash and Physical that means the liquidity that Supports the ETF shares when they trade Would be increased because obviously you Have more potential authorized Participants as part of the process end Quote and that's a quote from Su Chung I'm sure I butcher the name uh the chief Executive at F benchmarks which is Involved at black Rock's Bitcoin spot ETF uh bit and that's what they told Coindesk so as I pointed out in a video Yesterday this is why you should be Excited uh no matter what coin you hold Now I say I would say especially if you Hold xrp because this thing has been Suppressed for years and it's going to Catch up xrp I firmly believe that xrp Is going to catch up it's going to hit a New alltime high and Enterprise Discovery that's my belief I could be Wrong and it goes to zero but that is What I strongly believe is most probable

And and so when this goes and and oh I Almost almost lost my train of thought There yesterday I was pointing out a Chart and it's a very simple concept but It's it's always worth reminding people Of this especially in in recent days With people freaking out I showed the Price action for the last year of Bitcoin and Xrp and you you look at overlapped by The way the price chart for Bitcoin and Xrp overlapping it it looks like the two Different lines on the chart are are Practically puzzle pieces and of course They don't perfectly perfectly line up Down in the second the minute the day so On and so forth but my God they do and So I'm just telling you if Bitcoin goes Yes xrp is going to go people need to Chill the hell out yes of course xrp is Going to go and I can't say that was Certainty and yes I could be wrong but That is what I believe strongly I have Strong conviction of this it's going to And all evidence shows that xrp Continues to continues to move in tandem With the broader crypto markets this is Exciting AF bro like do you guys see This and and so again it could be a buy The room or sell the news thing but if You're talking about real money flowing It over the first year like on the low End I see estimates of 15 billion and You know if that's the dollar amount

That flows and you get a multiplier of 5 To 10x that that's just how the markets Traditionally have worked well that's a Substantial percentage of Bitcoin so the Next year or two are going to be Absolute fire and so that if this pushes Bitcoin to a new all-time high or even If it's not this and Bitcoin hits a new All-time high then you know xrp like xrp Is going to do its thing it's going to Do its face M thing that's what I would Believe here and so I don't buy into the Narrative the way that um a lot of People in crypto do I could totally see A big move to the upside upon the Excitement of the news and then a major Crash but then after that that's what I'm looking for and and maybe maybe it Really does keep moving the upside I Don't think that's most probable but It's possible so get ready folks because This is the Wall Street game and they Going to get theirs but we're front Running them and we're going to get ours I'm not a financial adviser you should Not buy your sell anything because of Anything I say or right that would be a Very very very bad idea until next time To the Moon Lambo


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