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January 10th 2024 a historical day for The financial system and also the crypto Market they told us for a very very long Time your financial adviser your tax Accountant fed you out of cryptocurrency And now the SEC approved a Bitcoin ETF Interesting right I thought it was a Fraud I thought it was used for money Laundering but now you have a Bitcoin ETF approved now what's next there's Rumor after rumor on the horizon around A bit or excuse me ethereum ETF and Supposedly maybe an xrp ETF well in Today's video we're going to break that Down but we're going to get back to the Fundamentals okay the dopamine's over The excitement happened now we got to Get back to the fundamentals of true Investing being an intelligent investor Having an Exit Plan and making sure we Build wealth for our family crypto is Not your retirement I'll break that down In this video my name is coach JB what I Work to do is make very complex macro And microeconomic strategies very simple So the normal everyday person can Implement them as I've shared with you Guys we get thousands of messages every Single day across all our platforms on Couple things number one JV what are you Doing with insurance we keep hearing About this so I secure my wealth in Index universal life tax code 7702 which is tier one Capital it's work

For me and hundreds of other people so If you click the description down below You can set up a free consultation and We're going to walk you through on Exactly how I do it there's many other Products the key is to secure your Principle secure your wealth and I also Love it because I can borrow against it Taxfree but it's a conversation to Really open up that conversation to help You understand diversification that's The key to this family so also we have a 16-page guide absolutely free absolutely Free you can see exactly the blueprint As I talk about on the back end of every Single video so in the description you Can set up a free consultation with my Insurance team you can download the 16 Page guide if you want to jump right in The academy you can apply for that as Well so let's dive into this yesterday Was a lot of dopamine a lot of Excitement we had our emergency meeting With our three good morning crypto show A lot of our team members jumped on Which is very exciting but now we need To take a deep breath together take a Deep Breath breathe Out one more breathe In breathe Out this is Where the practice starts the Super Bowl Is coming so the ETF was something we

Had been anticipating okay you're going To start to see a market increase and Then if you look at the technical Analysis that were done done by Waters Above on our live show yesterday he Believes there's going to be a pullback Now all I'm focused on if it pulls back I'm buying more okay high dollar cost Average every Friday I'm focused heavily On the upswing okay so we're in January We got February March April April is Going to be the Bitcoin having you're Going to see May June July and then boom It's going to start going straight up Bitcoin okay then we're going into the Presidential election November 4th on The back end of the year they're going To lower interest rates which is going To in this type of environment with Hyperinflation it's going to make your House go through the roof it's going to Make your crypto go through the roof It's G to make precious metals go Through the roof because that's Devaluing the dollar and people are Running to a flight to safety to Preserve their wealth you have to Understand this stuff guys because There's swings that happen over it's Just historical patterns that's it it's Not some magical thing that's happening That's new it's a historical pattern That happens over and over and over Again and if you know the game you can

Be played so we know that the US SEC Approved 11 spot Bitcoin ETFs okay I Also want to show you something really Interesting so here we go so Black Rock Dropped ETF fees to just 0.12% for the first five billion in Assets 025 ongoing so they're getting That five so that's money rushing into The system right so you're probably Going to see a nice little increase You're going to have you have the fud um The fear uncertainty and doubt people Trying to get in because of the news Because of the excitement but then I Believe it'll normalize so then I'm Going to show you this video from the Good morning crypto show uh we got abs One of our greatest hosts in human History uh I'm going to show you this Video that he posted on over there too As well around uh Ripple it's a little Bit uh rough quality on this but we'll Take a look at it you're all clear you Can start trading on Thursday how soon Before you turn around and try to make Other spot products for different crypto Assets you know I think we're going to See a lot of filings come out for Ethereum I even think we might see Something for ripple given uh the recent Progress uh you noticed grayscale just Added Ripple to one of their trusts is Publicly traded so it wouldn't surprise Me if we saw Ripple or ethereum spot

ETFs out there okay super simple right So we know and we understand at a very Deep level that it's coming okay so I on Every single video on the back end right Now I'm going to share with you guys Exactly what I'm doing when I speak About things I'm speaking from my Current Paradigm okay I'm not speaking From uh reading something and bringing It here everything I speak about as Something I'm doing if I don't have the Uh actually implemented I will share With you that I'm learning about that Thing so I'll give you an example okay So cryptocurrency I've been in Cryptocurrency late 2019 going into 2020 And what I do in cryptocurrency is I Have an exit plan so I dollar cost Average every single actually every Single day now so every single day I Dollar cost average I buy a little bit Of crypto every single day I used to do It every Friday but I spread it out Every day I'm buying crypto every single Day okay so I have a little bit of Things that I buy every single day and I Have what's called an Exit Plan it's Extremely extremely important this is How we started our wealth cycle our First wealth cycle so from 2020 to 20122 We had what was called an exit plan we Used to have spreadsheets okay we used Spreadsheets on that spreadsheet it had Exit Targets on the way up now we

Developed what's called a uh I'll I'll Share with you the origin of this um so Crypto cedo um he was one of the people I interviewed and he's like hey what's Your exit plan I was like this is early In my career doing this and I was like What do you mean by Exit Plan he's like You don't have an Exit Plan and I'm like Well no I'm going to sell when it goes Up he's like what you don't sell on the Way up I'm like no and I was like whoa What's going on so we were like so I was Like team what do we need to do to Develop an Exit Plan and it made so much Sense because I was indoctrinated into The system and I was just going up with The market coming down with the market So what we developed is a latter exit Strategy right so 50% I'm holding Longterm okay then I'm laddering out 50% Of my portfolio 50% completely if it Goes to the targets for example I always Use xrp so if xrp goes at $3.7 I'll exit About 10 to 15% And there's variance in there but it's That's emotional intelligence so you're Going to pull profits you have to pull Profits pull your initial investment now You're on house money now you're pulling Profits Okay then if it goes to5 to $7 I'll pull another 10 to 15% and how do I Do that we used to do spreadsheets so we Built a solution for that because we Were tired of using spreadsheets we

Built it and then we developed it into What's called Merlin the smartest way to Track your crypto so all of you guys get 30 days for free it's in my description Down below you can see your crypto daily Gains and losses in one place and you Can set up your exit strategy there's FAQs on how to do it videos on how to do It and we have the best customer service Physical customer service to answer your Questions okay so we share with you how To set up an exit strategy as this goes Up so we got Bitcoin ETF that's done That's in history now okay we have maybe You have an ethereum ETF an xrp ATF this Stuff after the Bitcoin having is going To go boom and then you're going to have The presidential election they're all Going to try to get reelect try to get Reelected they're going to lower Interest rates if um if Trump does come In I'm sure he'll lower interest rates Even more probably be pretty good for Crypto and or whatever happens they're Still going to lower interest rates Right they've already told that told us That excuse me and that's going to make Your assets go parabolic well the Problem is though when it's going up the Asset managers are selling they're Gaining profits right and then when it Goes parabolic and it hits a certain Point they're going to pull and you're Going to be stuck at the top and you

Didn't take anything out of the market So now you're in the depression just Like people from 2022 till we are at 2024 have been sitting pissed off I lost All my money in crypto I'm sitting on This why didn't you pull profits that's Why you got in so think about this for Just a moment the average person retires With $300,000 in America or has an Average of 300,000 that's it the average Uh the the uh there's only 294,000 Millionaire accounts in Fidelity the Largest one of largest 401K holders Think about that so if you make $300,000 In crypto why wouldn't you pull 150,000 Out guys that's like a whole lifetime of Someone's work for retirement but what Everybody is doing with these crypto Bros they're getting you all hyped up And they're making you think you know You're going to make a million dollars Off a thousand bucks and you can those Are very rare instances or maybe you're Going to make you know a million dollars Off 10 that well if you do then you Better pull profits so what I do is I Pull profits and I'm my my insurance Policies are all set up ready to be Max Funded so they will Max Fund my index Universal Life policies okay that's what I use it works for me it's tier one Capital I actually got licensed I've Been using it for three years and I Finally got licensed last year and I

Built a team in all 50 states to help People okay so you can set up an Appointment down below so I I'm Max Funding my indiction Rush here's why for Me okay I love security my principle is Guaranteed it's insurance insurance has Been around for eons if Insurance Collapses tier one Capital get ready for A zombie apocalypse okay it also has Market likee returns I'm comfortable With six to s% returns but also if it's Set up properly key if it's set up Properly the agents not trying to Maximize their commission okay you can Borrow against that policy taxfree okay Borrow against a policy to buy another Asset so if crypto goes up I say I pull $100,000 I Max Fund my policies now I Took the profit from crypto I put it Into my policy and if I choose to I can Now access that taxfree multiplying my Money so the 100,000 that I put in I can Now access the cash value of that Taxfree and the cash value is still in The policy does that make sense and if I Go buy another asset say I borrow at 5% And I have another asset that's giving Me 7% I'm netting 2% now So now my money has went from crypto Into an insurance policy now I'm making Money off that money so now my money is Earning three ways I made profit in Crypto I put in insurance and then I buy An asset that has a net of 2% I'm now

Making money on top of my money that's How you multiply money okay we got Precious metals we're getting into real Estate for tax liabilities um and then Again my thing that makes me the richest Man in the world is my relationship with God I feel whatever you believe about What I'm about to say is I am knowing in This everything I'm doing is divinely Directed by God in Jesus Christ 100% I Don't go to a church I'm not I don't say You can't go to a church but I don't go To a church I believe when where two or More gathered that's church this is Church us having a conversation about God and talking about higher frequency And doing things to protect our family And not being a Christian because you go To church on Wednesday and Sunday I'm a Christian because of my actions okay I'm A Christian Christlike because of my Actions because I love God with all my Heart therefore I love Humanity as I Love God I treat others as I want to be Treated okay and I pull the log out of My eye before I pull the straw out of Yours before I put the straw out to Yours because that's why I don't respond To haters or people that come at me the Way I believe in Jesus or God because it I don't know I don't know you so why Would I even respond to your negativity You don't break bread with me you don't Have a conversation with me you don't

Know the actions and behaviors I do Besides what you hear on this video so Why would you worry about another man or Woman's opinion of you you should be Worried about your relationship with God Your actions your behaviors What's Done In darkness because what's done in Darkness is coming to light you don't Have to go protest you don't have to Play God God God has has it all figured Out what we have to do is get our Together I'm not worried about Trump Coming back I'm not worried about what Biden's doing I'm worried about the Actions and behaviors that I'm going to Do on January 11 2024 what am I going to Do today nobody's coming to save me I Waited for a savior for a long time and So did our grandparents and so did our Parents and our grandparents and our Parents they thought the Rapture was Coming and their grandparents thought The Rapture was coming We thought the world was going to end in 2000 with Y2K we thought the world was Going to end with the Mayan calendar in 2012 and now we think the world's gonna End guys it's key word we think Therefore we are Jesus was teaching you The singular eye he talks about it all The time he talked about the temples he Tore it down and he it's here the Temples are here okay tap in tune in Guys this is a game that we've been

Playing forever everybody's trying to Escape the matrix you came from the Matrix you created The Matrix the womb In the Bible is the Matrix you're Neo you're the one it's Your decisions that's what the Matrix is All about it's a story of the Bible it's A story of of of of you of the Resurrection finding out at the end oh My God it was my actions my behaviors my Decisions nobody stopped me from being Powerful nobody stopped me from being Great nobody stopped me from building a Great relationship with my family nobody Stopped me from getting my together And I'm only speaking from experience so If you like this type of content um like I shared I I go deeper into this um if You're easily offended it's probably not Your type of content but in the Um what's it called in the recommended Uh channels at the bottom of this Channel it's called refined Integrity so I'm actually expressing my spiritual Side on that side um only speaking from Truth that I'm experiencing right and so Um it's rattling some feathers but hey It's it's my relationship with God it's My relationship with Jesus but I still Love you right and I'm not saying that You can't go to a church I'm not saying That you shouldn't go to a church I'm Saying that what we should do is get our together okay what we should do is

Take action what we should do is look at Our priorities and where our money is Going right because if you tell me you Don't have money to invest but you got a Big ass jacked up truck in a boat that You're trailing behind you in ATV but You don't have money to invest to Protect your family your spouse is Working freaking 16 hours a day you're Working $6 hour a day to pay for a house A boat a car and an ATV but you say you Don't have money to invest no your Priorities are messed up Americans Priorities are messed up right now Straight up we are a Godless country It's not in God we trust on the dollar That's in man we trust they manipulated And indoctrinated us to believe in man Is God man is not God okay God is Everything God is nothing thing God Loves you so much right now where you're At God loves you you don't have to jump Through hoops you don't have to do vain Repetitions there's no special group of People We're All Star seeds we're all Special we're all amazing so I love you Guys I appreciate you like I said Refined Integrity is the YouTube channel That I express this a little bit deeper So I'd love to see on that side we're Going to go pretty deep on that channel So get ready to be challenged love you Bye-bye Warriors rise get your Together


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