“THIS MAKES ME ANGRY” Says XRP Co-Creator David Schwartz

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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel and here's one hell of a Bombshell in the world of crypto a United States Senator Roger Marshall Admits that Bankers helped write the Bill that he co-authored with Senator Elizabeth Warren and he also and this is on video I I'm not making this up he also Admitted that he doesn't know anything About crypto at the end of this this This clip he says that's that's about All I know about crypto and he all he Did is went on this tirade and uh Explaining that uh you know he had the The bankers come in and help write the Bill and uh I'll show you some of the Stuff that's in this and and why people Are so disgusted by this but it's so Repulsive well for a number of reasons But not the least of which is because he Wants to ban all this this thing that he Just cited publicly that's about all I Know about it but he wants to ban it Destroying the careers of Untold numbers Of people destroying the financial Well-being of his constituents and Countless investors across the United States that's what he wants to do that's About all I know about it but I don't Know it's light it on fire you freaking Idiot stick how is this real life and so There are a number of responses Including David Schwarz who I thought

Was I mean it was certainly measured but You don't normally say him say something Even like this he wrote this makes me Angry but he said it about something Very particular and it's because the the The thing that he specifically said Makes him angry is probably the most Disgusting part about all this whole Thing so I'm going to share with you the Specifics and this is all I'm covering In this video but before going further I Do want to be clear I do not have a Financial background of any kind I'm not Offering Financial advice and you Definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys Making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun all right so uh last night And I was looking forward to covering This today because last night um I was Scroll through my feed on social media Platform X and I came came across what's On your screen right now there's a clip From what Bitcoin did which is the name Of a podcast that Peter McCormack runs And he had a perryan borin on and she's The one that founded founded founded uh Founded the uh chamber of digital Commerce about a decade ago actually and So she's running this and this is where A bombshell was dropped this is pretty Damn incredible and so here you can see

The the the quote from perryan boring The American Bankers Association wrote The Bill the fight is happening now Things have really heated up and I think We're in the and then they fight you Stage and then we win and I think we're Clearly winning and so this is what she Shared ultimately was this clip of the Senator um again it was Senator I Believe out of Kansas Roger Marshall and This is something he said publicly but It wasn't widely known it wasn't widely Circulated uh but now it is because she Started spreading this around oh now it Is oh you better believe that and this Is why it's it's a bipartisan bill this Is why I've also said like I don't care What your politics are that's not why I'm I'm not this is not a political Channel at all I don't care if you're on The left or the right that's not what I'm talking about here I will only delve Into politics in so far as it has Something specifically to do with crypto Or maybe Finance in general that that's It because then you're getting into my World son you know if if the politicians Want to jump into my world which is the World of crypto and fin it's fine then I'm going to talk about it but that's it And so I'll note here that this Senator Senator Roger Marshall who doesn't know Anything about crypto but sure wants to Ban the hell out of it he's a Republican

And so I don't care what side anyone's On Warren obviously arguably the worst Senator that that there has ever been uh She happens to be a Democrat and and it's just the most Disgusting damn thing Here um and so Peter McCormack he wrote Uh Senator Roger Marshall had the American Bankers Association write their Crypt ban bill such Brazen Brazen Corruption against the American people What next have turkeys write the anti- Christmas dinner bill yeah point is not Lost on be I mean my family is going to Be eatting some damn steak beef tender Lo up in this uh but but the point Is not lost on me um and so think about This he literally did State This they came in to have the American Bankers Association write the crypto Band Bill might some of those Individuals have reason to delay the Advancement of crypto might it be in Their best interest might a little bit Biased are these the ACT actually the Best people to be doing This obviously there's a tremendous Conflict of interest here but he just Came right out in this video clip and Freaking said it hey here's what we're Doing Jesus Christ man this is insane so Here's this headline From the Block Senator Elizabeth Warren sharpens tone Against crypto industry with new letters

About government Hires Senator Elizabeth Warren Democrat Massachusetts sharpened her rhetoric Against the crypto industry in New Letter she sent to Industry groups and The coinbase Exchange in a letter to the Coin Center crypto advocacy group she Accused industry leaders of flexing a Not so secret weapon of for and that's a Quote of Former Defense and law Enforcement officials being hired in an Purported attempt to undermine Congressional efforts to address the Alleged role of crypto in financing Terrorist groups including M and this is What David Schwarz was so upset about And rightfully so he wrote It's on your Screen right here he wrote this makes me Angry and he he highlighted the part That made him angry and that's exactly It because what Senator Warren is Claiming is that these participants like People in the world of crypto are going Out of their way to protect terrorists That is the actual claim that Elizabeth Warren is making here she is a Disgusting person is Despicable what She's stating right here so you can see Why David Schwarz is not too happy and That's a pretty measured response Considering how infuriating that Is the peace Continues Warren has been vocal about The possible use of crypto to finance

Terrorist organizations such as Hamas Following its attack on Israel in October Warren among other lawmakers Have often cited a report from The Wall Street Journal that said Hamas along With other militant groups used crypto As a financing tool ahead of the attacks In Israel data in that article came from Blockchain forensics firm elliptic which Has since said Figures were Misrepresented in the piece oh do you Think so do you think it was Misrepresented in the pce Absolutely where do you think the Funding's ACT you know what I'm not even Going to get into it that's not what This Channel's for I'm not even going to Talk about it it's it's it's not crypto That is not what's happening like look Crypto can be used in nefarious ways Like any technology it doesn't mean the Technology itself is wrong it doesn't Mean you light the technology on fire if You really want to go to the gra culit Look at fiat currency how about the United States dollar should we just get Rid of that I mean some would say yes But for different reasons you Know pece continues coin Center Executive director Jerry brdo pushed Back on Warren's assertion calling it a Bullying publicity stunt on X on Tuesday and he said quote engaging Like-minded experts to Advocate against

Legislative proposals that one sincerely Believes are unconstitutional and Detrimental to the nation's welfare does Not constitute undermining bipartisan Efforts in Congress bro Said rather it is the exercise of the Fundamental right to freely associate And petition the government it's every Everyone's right and no one should Apologize for doing it and that was that Was the rest of the quote from Brto pretty despicable stuff right and So that's why and and also shout out and Credit to attorney John Deon he Highlighted um you know the fact that This is an actual threat there's about 20% of sitting United States senators That if they got their way crypto would Just outright be banned in the United States now thankfully that's a Minority but it's not impossible for Things to go off the rails and so you Just have to keep watching this stuff And these people just need to be voted Out I just I don't care again what Anyone what your politics are listening To any of you we just like we have this In common regardless right and I don't Care if you're on the left or the right And I'm not saying you have to be a one Isue voter but in general we we need to Get these people out of politics if They're they're trying to destroy the Well-being of all of you listening they

Don't want you to have this financial Opportunity they also want to wreck the Careers of everybody that's working in The world of crypto they just want it Out they want it they want it gone and It just so happens to be the bankers This Association the the bankers Association that is writing this bill go Figure Like my God you know what just made me think of You know uh the the chicken sandwich Chain Chick-fil-A you know they had that Advertising campaign where where where There's a bunch of cows and they they They write uh um you know eat eat more Chicken Because it's a chicken chicken sandwich Restaurant well yeah if you're the cow That that's what you want you know if We're here if you're the banker if you Could SL even slow down the progressing Um world of crypto then I guess that's What you Do but my God the these are awful people This is just disgusting is it not my Gosh it's despicable in every possible Level so for David Schwarz to say Something that's so restrained I'm glad He shared it but he just said this makes Me Angry that's that's putting it politely I'm sure I'm not a financial adviser you

Should not buy your sell anything Because of anything I say right that Would be a very very very bad idea until Next time to the Moon Lambo


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