Follow me on Twitter: @moonlamboio

DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. None of what I have communicated verbally or in writing here should be considered financial advice; it is not. Do your own research before investing in any digital asset, and understand that investing in any cryptocurrency is inherently risky. If you do, you need to be prepared to lose your entire investment.

Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel just a couple hours or so ago I Put out a poll on social media platform X and I asked the following have you Been purchasing any cryptocurrencies in Anticipation of the SEC approving a spot Bitcoin ETF and the poll allows for two Answers simply yes or no and again this Has only been out a couple hours or so There's only 318 votes so far it's going To go another 21 hours but so far uh 34.3% of respondents voted yes yes and 65.7% responded no so that's actually a Fairly big chunk even though it's a Pretty strong majority that has not Purchased any cryptocurrencies as a Result of this expectation uh but I will Tell you right now that I'm in the yes Camp I haven't bought uh until very Recently within the last few days I Hadn't bought any cryptocurrencies I Think in probably about half a year the Last time I can remember purchasing I Think I'm pretty sure it was April Actually and I talked about it on my Channel at the time so it's it's been a Hot minute but uh Look and my bags have been packed for Some time and I've said this many times Before but you know what like I work and I earn more money and I have to do Something with it so it gets invested in Multiple ways and since I haven't Invested any more in crypto in some time

I'm just looking at this this growing Amount of cash it's an unreasonable Amount of cash that I have in my Personal checking account I'm like H I Need to put that to work somewhere and So I was like you know what I am going To top off some bags I am going to Purchase some more crypto I'm going to Talk about that and why I did I did and I was I'm kind of curious to hear what Your feedback is so I'll be looking Forward to seeing what you guys have to Say in the comment section also but I do Believe that you know we're in the last Phase of opportunity to for for those That want to purchase because I think I Mean I mean at these prices I me you can Always purchase crypto at any price you Want you can purchase a decade from now When everything costs way more you can Do that too I'm just saying at these Price levels um I'm of the mindset that I don't think that we're going to be Here for much longer because once that Spot Bitcoin ETF gets approved Uh we're going to we're going to be Seeing some movement but but before Sharing additional thoughts on this I do Want to be clear I do not have a Financial background of any kind I am Not offering Financial advice and you Definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys

Making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun and so to be clear even Further um I'm going to share with you What I've been doing in terms of per Like the the few coins that I've Purchased uh this is not an invitation For you to copy me okay just to be clear Here I'm just to on the internet there's Nothing special about me just cuz I have A YouTube channel I just think it's fun To talk about this so I'm going to share With you what I'm doing because it's fun A fun conversation you guys can tell me What you've been doing too it doesn't Mean go copy me it doesn't mean that I Have some sort of special uh wisdom I I'm not some sort of Guru because I'm on The internet no no no no no I'm just a Dude there's there's nothing nothing Special about me um but um but still I I I I will tell you again I I just I Reached a point where I was just like I Believe what I believe and a lot of this I've been sharing leading up to this Point spot beat spot Bitcoin ETF I think It's a virtual inevitability it's going To happen probably sooner than later uh Many people think it's going to happen Even before this year is out um so a Couple ways this could go down I mean Let's just just assume that it will get Approved even if we're wrong and it Comes after a next batch of applications

Meaning you actually would have more Than six months before this gets Approved um eventually markets go up Anyway so there's that to consider but You know if it happens sooner then mean We could have weeks or months that may Be all we have at these particular pric Because I'm telling you once Bitcoin Goes It goes and even if a little bit Money gets sucked out of altcoins in the Short term I mean look Rising tide lifts All boats we know that the market moves In tandem it's not going to matter here So uh I decided that since I have you Know always earning money you know I Have multiple income streams uh you got To do something with it right so I Decided to top off some bags now um xrp Is my favorite cryptocurrency and my Largest holding uh so I didn't buy more Xrp I haven't bought xrp in three years And I'll will tell you even right now Like if I bought xrp right now I would Think that there's something wrong with Me I spent so much money on it already I Would think I'd be like Matt you have a Problem like don't do it don't do it by A long shot xrp is my my largest Individual crypto holding and I will Tell you and this has been no secret um Out out of all the lifechanging wealth That I hope to accumulate as a result of Investing in crypto the biggest chunk of It I anticipate the biggest individual

Chunk I I believe is going to come from Xrp by quite a bit that's my Anticipation so if I'm wrong about xrp Then the amount of wealth that I'm going To get from crypto will be diminished Substantially but I have the the high Level of confidence I have I have the Conviction so it is what it is um I'm Going to be fine regardless because Honestly even if all my crypto went to Zero I'm not counting on it for Retirement I have additional Investments And even if I just don't touch that I'm Good to go but uh you know just because Of compound interest but uh but with This This would be more than just the icing On the cake so no it wasn't xrp that I Purchased because again I think I have a Serious problem if I if I actually Purchase more of that so what did I Actually purchase here uh well one of Them was H bar and this is one of my Larger Holdings and here we'll go over the last 12 months you can see for those you care To look this is a 12- month H bar price And um I had purchased a bunch when it Was you know in the the four something Cent range actually not far off from Where it is now and earlier this year it Ramped up quite a bit it got to here on February 11th it was up to 9 and. half Cents so quite a bit and it's been

Trending downward ever since then and um And back then honestly I had a stretch Goal for purchasing harar but then it Started taking off and I was like well I Don't buy crypto when it's running I Just don't so I was like well maybe I Never hit the stretch goal okay uh but Then it came back down and then I got to This point where I was like well I've Got an unreasonable amount of cash in my Checking account I need to put it to Work and I looked at the price of H bar I looked at the chart and I was like huh It's back to down about where I Purchased it last I think so I just Decided to buy some more and I actually Hit my stretch goal which is pretty cool And so I actually increased my total H Bar Holdings by about 11% um so so now I mean I always like to Like I get to these points where I'm Like I'm done I'm not buying anymore but Then if we don't H the Euphoria stage And then I keep earning money then Eventually it still has to go somewhere So then I just keep topping off bags Like periodically and in this case yeah It's been about half a year since I Bought crypto is it is and H again I'm Not trying to like this is not me Telling you to go do what I'm doing I Just like to talk about this stuff um But there's a post from xrp Community Member Frey who has been in crypto since

2011 and he actually works in the world Of finance and he shared a post about H Bar and he wrote uh keep sleeping on it Smiley face I'm not you can congratulate Me later during the next bull market and And it is cheap right now I mean har bar 4.7 cents alltime High 50 6.9 C so it is Way down which is why I felt enticed to Purchase it when it was closer to 10 Cents I was like oh well I guess I don't Hit the stretch go unless it goes back Down and went back down and I've got Money I was like okay so then I bought More and I'm not fearful to buy when Prices are low that that entices me I Get excited about that and Har bar it's Back this is one of those few few Cryptocurrencies that actually has real World utility I'm not going to get into That's outside the scope of this video It it l literally does it actually does Stuff there are tons of firms and it's Backed by some of the largest firms on The planet so if you don't know why uh Be more curious because there's a lot Here there's a list on your screen Including Boeing Dell DBS Google Ubisoft You know these These are massive massive Firms LG you know they wouldn't just There's over 20,000 cryptocurrencies and They're not involved in the other ones Do you might want to notice that so I Think eventually the world catches up And and figure figures this out so um

I'm almost EXC as excited about this as I am about xrp um and then there's also So um there's also flare now flare is Down Substantially um and so I just I got Excited about in fact so I increased my Flare Holdings by 45% now look here's here's the thing and Actually I'm going to share with you a Little back and forth that I had with The flare Community uh X account um Because we seem to be of a similar Mindset here in fact why don't I just Pull that up right now we can talk about That and I'll tell you cuz I bought Three cryptocurrencies all within the Last three days and by the way I'm Planning on buying more I'm probably Going to get into some other stuff um But uh here there was this post from the Flare Community X account and uh wrote The Following and this is just yesterday Yesterday morning when the amount of People that believe a price of an asset Is going lower reaches a maximum it Usually starts going higher when the Amount of people that believe a price of An asset is going higher reaches a Maximum it usually starts going low Lower okay now folks that spot on that Concept I've been talking about and it's Well known within crypto by those at Least by those people who are not you

Know the useful idiots out there the People that who are not the retail Speculator lming spot on absolutely Accurate and it's the old Warren Buffett Concept of be fearful when others are Greedy and greedy when others are Fearful it's that and So I responded to Him and this is yesterday morning before I bought more flare I wrote yep and I'm Thinking about buying more flare today Sentiment is dismal and so think about This everybody's down and it's been Trending down and it it it may very well Go lower I mean the price of flare is Right around its all-time low and so I Looked at that and I got excited and and Maybe it goes way lower and if it does Okay that would entice me to purchase More because unless the fundamentals Change in and so flare Community wrote Back to me and said for sure but that's A good thing for those who understand Market psychology right it's funny the People screaming how amazing flare is When it's going up are the same people Urging people to sell at the lows it's a Telltale sign of an emotional investor That believes the developments SL Utility of a network are directly Correlated to the price of the Native Asset price High good project price low Bad project yeah and so he's he's Absolutely correct on that that is how People operate but it's not right and so

I responded to flare community and wrote The Following if anything the utility And future prospects for Flare have Never been better though the price has Never been lower I bought more flare This morning increased my total Holdings By about 45% and wrapped it Immediately and so I look at this I'm Like the price keeps going down down Down and so look it's the same thing With xrp because look I started dollar Cost averaging into xrp um after the Bubble burst at the beginning of 2018 You know near Four bucks when it hit its Alltime high and it may have been the Summer whenever you have to look at the Chart to see whatever is but I remember I purchased xrp like right at 55 cents And it kept going down and I bought more And more and more and I understood the The price going down didn't mean that There was something wrong with xrp Because I understood that xrp was moving In Tandon with Bitcoin and it wasn't Actually based on utility it was just Emotional human speculators so that is Not a reason the price going down is not A reason for me to not purchase xrp it's Also not a reason for me to not purchase Flare that would be that would be bad Rationale that would be irrational I'm Not going to be like that now what I'm Seeing instead is additional adoption of

Xrp additional adoption of flare that's Why I'm bullish on these same for H bar I'm seeing things going the right dire Action regardless of the price action The the price action is not Representative of the underlying utility And adoption and long-term viability it Just isn't I firmly believe that to be The case and so yes they could all go Way way way lower in price but there Will be enough people out there like me I believe so it's not like it's actually Going to hit zero it could go way lower Sure but then again like I said I'll Just be more enticed to sell so what Would it take for me to change my Perspective about flare well the same it Would take for me to change my Perspective about xrp or any coin that I Believe has a bright future I would have To see a fundamental shift uh in in the Ecosystem there have be there there's a Bug in the code and it can't be resolved Uh developers fleeing it's stuff like That now if I see that then I will if if If I actually see that then I would sell At a loss even if it's a substantial Loss but if I don't see that then I'm Going to be enticed a hold and that's Why I sleep easy at night I understand These things I firmly believe it there's Enough market history to show that this This is how people behave why would this Freak me out and so now I have a 45%

Increase in my flare Holdings and now And then I wrapped my flare so I get all The the future flare drops too and and Yeah look it could go to zero H bar Could go to zero xrp could go to zero I Could be wrong about individual horses But I don't think I'm going to be wrong About all of them and I hold about 30 Different crypto currencies so for me It's about having broader Exposure that that's it and so and then The third one I bought and don't laugh At me for this I I haven't bought this In forever and you I don't think many of You would have guessed that I do this I Bought more Bitcoin I haven't bought Bitcoin I couldn't even tell you the Last time it's been years literally Years I'd have to go look it up I Couldn't even tell you um and so why did I do this because again I told you I'm Not that excited in Bitcoin I've been Saying that for years and I that is true I'm not particularly excited about Bitcoin it's not the way to get Life-changing wealth so why am I doing It well number of reasons one of them is I got to put my sum money somewhere Anyway so that's what set this off but I Like to be Diversified I I know that Bitcoin has always and in for the Indefinite future will always uh lead Crypto markets into recovery so my Thought here is this Market cycle

Because let me say this to first in case Some of you don't know um I have never Sold a single XP in my entire life ever Not once I've also never cashed out any Of my crypto Holdings into United States Dollars now mind you I've been in the Space almost six years but that's why we See for my Holdings uh you know the some Of the cryptocurrencies that I purchased Just the longest ago is some of my Greatest you know profit zones like in Terms of percentage increases like I'm Obviously way up Bitcoin way up on eth Way up on xrp and just they a number of Like that but then for the coins that I've been purchasing over like the last Two maybe three years I'm down on a ton Of them and that shouldn't be surprising So just like I was down on xrp for the First few years because we're in a Certain range well that's the same thing Here so like I'm down on my file coin I'm down on my flare substantially I'm Down on my harar um there are a number Of them so I'm down on a lot of those But I didn't just like just like I Didn't care that I was down on xrp for Probably a good 3 years most of the time I was I was down on it and I even bought It as low as 15 cents so I bought it Think about that I bought it at 55 cents I also bought it at 15 cents and I was Cool with that same concept here with These other coins so when it comes to um

Bitcoin specifically I the way I'm Looking at is this is going to be my Plan is this is going to be the first Time that I I do take profit and I cash Out into United States dollars Bitcoin Is going to lead the way and I don't Know Uh at what point altcoins will pop off Relative to when Bitcoin hits its high And so my thought is I'll be scaling out Of Bitcoin as it rises and I'll be Taking profits from that first and I'm Just I'm just going to keep I'm probably Just going to keep them I don't Anticipate putting that back in so so um Even though I don't expect life-changing Wealth I just put a little bit in big Not a crazy amount not a ton because I'm Counting on the altcoins like my Strategy hasn't changed I'm still Counting on the altcoins for my Life-changing wealth assuming I'm right About my investment thesis here just in A general sense but sure yes some some Bitcoin purely because look there's Going to be the Bitcoin ETF I still Think that's coming and I think there's Limited time here so I was like this is A good time for me to put stuff in Probably we'll see if I'm right about That but that's my suspicion um and then I'll just sell that finally for the First time ever I'll just take that Money back it'll be a little bit higher

And I'll just take it so you know I mean Might surprise some of you that I'm Doing that but I just thought about it I Was like why the hell not why the hell Not just just a little bit just for and For the sake of diversification you know Um so there that'll happen and then Presumably certain alts are going to pop I don't think that every single altcoin Is ever going to hit a new alltime high I I think they're well I know they're All moving in correlation with Bitcoin So I expect that to continue but I'm not Convinced that all the altcoins out There are going to do what they did in 2017 and hit hit an all-time high and go Ballistic because we didn't see that Last Market cycle so we are seeing I Think that's an indication of some level Of maturation of the asset class so you Still see the correlation which has got To break at some point maybe that'll Take a really long time even from here For that to happen but uh you are seeing That even last Market cycle we didn't Have the crazy alt runs where all alts Were hitting alltime High some did some Did and I think xrp would have if not For the SEC attack Obviously um so so those are a few of Them um I'm going to be purchasing more I'm I kind of just I'm doing the dollar Cost average thing I might increase some I don't know I don't have plans right

This second to purchase more H bar flare Uh I I may have enough time passes and The the opportunity still there and I Got to get rid of some cash because I Don't want to keep my my too much of my Net worth in United States dollars maybe I'll go back and buy more and I'm happy To talk about this stuff when I do it Because I think it's a fun conversation But uh I am going to buy some other Cryptocurrencies uh maybe top off on Some my other stuff that I'm currently Down on so again I'm treating all these The same way that I treated xrp because Again unless I see a fundamental change In terms of long-term viability lower Prices don't scare me and they if Anything they get me more excited Because I just think it's an opportunity To buy and I understand that most people Don't have the emotional fortitude to Respond that way but I actually do I'm Really good at that so I'm just going to Respond that way it's just what I do Sleep easy at night I will purchase There for your no problem happy to do That every single time um also there's There's vchain I didn't I don't own any Vchain I still don't um this is one that I'm considering opening a position I Know a ton of you listening hold vchain Because I know that this is just happens To be another coin that a lot of xrp Holders are into and why because it's

About solving real world problems so if You're attracted to xrp you're attracted To utility right and right isn't that Why we're here uh that's what that's What we find attractive long-term Viability well similar with with vchain Here and I haven't done research on it I I did a fair bit a couple years ago Because in 20 it was 2020 wasn't it yeah It was 2020 um I actually had made up my Mind that I was going to purchase it I Was looking at it and then when I Finally decided to actually pull the Trigger I found out that the price of uh A vchain it was actually running and so That would have been here's here's an All-time price chart for vchain I can't Remember exactly when when this was but It would have been cuz I remember I Remember researching vchain when it was It might have been like under a penny And I was I was it was over a somewhat Longer period of time and then it Started running so maybe it was around Here maybe it was the beginning part of 2021 but once I started seeing it Running I was like oh nope I'm not going To worry about that because anytime I See a crypto start to run I don't fo Them in I just say I just chalk it up to A loss I didn't get in okay I missed That one well there's over 20,000 coins That's okay so I missed out on vchain And it went from when I was looking at

It under a penny it hit a high of what 23 cents in April of 2021 so missed that One okay but it's back down now it's Down to 1.6 so now that it's lost all That value um I'm considering purchasing I do want to look research a little bit More first I don't know for sure if I'm Going to because uh again at the time That was years ago it seemed like there Was a possibility for it to continue Solving real world problems actual Utility um I need to do a you know a Little bit of a catchup to make sure That you know the ecosystem still seems Promising and you know there are so many Coins like I don't pretend to be some Sort of wizard about this stuff I'm Taking like the everyday man's approach Which is you do as much surface level Research as you can uh do some amount of Due diligence and then put some money in And then just see what the hell happens And it's kind of like you're making your Own little crypto index and then you Don't beat yourself up if some stuff Goes to zero and you never get your Money back like that's how I treat it And that that could happen but I want to Do at least I want to make sure I'm Doing some amount of research make sure It makes logical sense if I'm going to Do this because I've always been way More attracted to coins that solve real World problems and actually have utility

So now that it's back down to this price Level this is another one of those Situations where I'm like oh well this This might be a good time for me to jump In maybe it goes a little bit lower That'd be great too um but I want to Look into a little bit more and if it Still makes sense like I thought it did A few years ago I actually might get Myself finally a position like I Intended to back in like 2020 when I Started looking into it um because look Crypto's volatile it's crazy But you know assuming there's still a Found e sound ecosystems there you know In terms of the way human treat humans Treat this stuff why wouldn't it then Hit a new alltime High but again not every coin will I Think that the asset class is maturing And and money's getting a little little Bit more picky so as long as there's a Reasonable and sound ecosystem and if You guys have any sources that you think That would be useful uh feel free to Share them in the comment section below I'd appreciate that and I'm sure other People would be be appreciative of that As well or you can share them on uh X Social media platform X um what have you guys been doing on Top of that let me know what what you You all are thinking if you if you're Somebody that's been purchasing let me

Know what you think about what I did Just just interesting uh just for the Sake of conversation that's all and let Me know what you're doing here um you Know what whatever you're doing and We're all going to do different things And we all have different goals and we All have different thoughts in the stuff So it's not going to be exactly the same For everybody but that's that's why it's Kind of fun to have these conversations Here there's no perfect answer that's Right for everybody but let me know what You're doing if you care to share and um Just got to keep the conversation going But um I I really do believe again just To kind of wrap this up I think that This is we're approaching the the last Bit of time where we're going to be at These prices um and again it doesn't Mean it's going to change tomorrow or Next week or next month and and maybe it Is more than half year away and if so Okay fine but right now with prices are There like they look attractive they They still do despite the fact that Bitcoin's way up compared to where it Was at the beginning of the year I mean Where's it going to go I mean because Look I'll be enticed to sell Bitcoin When it hits six figures which I think Is an inevitability at some point in Time once it gets up there I'll just Sell and if it keeps running whatever

I'll take my little bit of profit and go On and I'll wait for my altcoins to go But But again even if it takes more than six Months whatever okay I don't the point Is I don't know when it's going I don't Have a crystal ball and and so I I feel Like we're approaching that even if it's More than six months we're still in that Last period of time you where it's the Last chance to buy so I bought that's What I did it's the last chance to buy So I bought and last chance doesn't mean That this is the last second or the last Day or the last week or the last month But it's it's a it's a period of time Where it seems like even though nobody Knows for sure I get the sense that We're pretty much there and then we're Going to have the fireworks again I you Know I remember being in this position Several years ago and we were just Waiting 2019 in 2020 I remember what it Was like that was accumulation time and It was an inevitability that things Would rebound and and so that's where we Are in the cycle right now I believe and I was buying stuff back then I'm buying Stuff right now and then when it runs I'm going to stop I don't buy anytime a Coin starts going I do not buy if I miss It I miss it that's that I don't care at That point Point so anyway that's what I was

Thinking a nutshell just thought I'd Kind of run through some with you guys Tell me what you think I'll stop talking I'm not a financial advisor you should Not buy yourself anything because of Anything I say or right that would be a Very very very bad idea until next time To the Moon Lambo


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