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The system reset is here and as you look This way at a war narrative your whole Financial system is changing this way my Name is coach JB what I work to do is Make the complex macro microeconomic Strategies very simple and every single Day I'm going to share with you two free Resources that have radically Transformed Our Lives over the last four Years number one is a 16-page guide Absolutely free to navigate through the Hundreds of questions we get a day on Exactly my blueprint of the five pillars Of wealth I don't know if it worked for You but it's worked for me and thousands Of people number two is a free Consultation with my wealth Protection Team we teach you how we actually ensure Our wealth we've been doing it for years Now it's becoming very popular on Instagram Tik Tok things like WKA flock Of Fame talk about the infinity banking Concept leverage life insurance we've Used insurance for over three years to Secure compound and retire taxfree That's in the description of this YouTube video you click the link get the Free page guide so that's a guide and Then the other one you'll see is for a One-on-one with my license insurance Team okay if you're on YouTube it's Going to be in the description of this Video if you're on social media it's Going to be in the link in the bio all

Right so let's Dive Right into this so First of all I want to share with you Guys everything's going to be okay these Are historical patterns have been Happening over and over and over again And you have a very very critical Decision to make are you going to fall Into this Cy pattern of the Dark Energy Within this Earth are you going to Transmute the darkness into light and Rise up and heave up and transform your Family's life you only have two choices Religious people call it the Rapture People like me call it the Great Awakening the world economic form calls It the great reset but the fact is we Are moving from Web 2.0 to web 3.0 Industrial to Technical and you're not Going to stop this Quantum shift and Shift in Consciousness but if you can Become fluid like water and flow with it Take a deep Breath and understand that Consciousness Must expand and when Jesus said the Devil is the prince of the earth he Works to control your emotions and keep You at a cycle so this is your Opportunity to break that cycle so what I'm going to show you is the boring Stuff okay it's not exciting it's not Bitcoin to 100,000 or xrp to 589 it's The facts figures numbers logic that are Actually happening within your world as You look this way at Taylor Swift at the

Football game as you're worried about Your favorite team going to the playoffs As you're worried about the Kim Kardashian and uh whoever all these Other people are and the war narrative Boom everything is switching this way so Pull your head this way and practice to Use discernment okay so on October 18th 2023 now I want to make something very Clear you're going to hear digital Currency and you're going to hear crypto And they're going to separate the two I'm going to show you a video where Chase separates the name of the two okay You have digital currency which Eventually most likely are going to all Operate on a blockchain technology Everything's going to be digitized and Tokenized so they're going to try to Confuse you with the word crypto digital Currency Bitcoin right and they're going To try to lump it all so xrp is a Digital currency it's a crypto currency Okay you have blockchain technology you Have digital assets so it's all pretty Much one in the same with all different Functionalities the key for your Investment strategy is to try to pick Fundamental real world solve cryptos or Blockchain Technologies or whatever you Want to call it technology that is going To be here for the long term Right often people are trying to get Rich quick you're going to get wrecked

Every single time so we've picked a Fundamental real world solved strategy In cryptocurrency that we Diversified Outside of crypto on the back end of Every video I'll show you exactly or Share with you exactly what I'm doing so Uh the Euros system proceeded to the Next phase of the digital Euro product Okay so I just wanted to show you that So they headed to the next phase so this Isn't remember guys this isn't are we Going to its next phase now you see how Quickly it switched from 2022 to 2023 You see how quick quickly Larry thinks Narrative has changed around Cryptocurrency from six years ago Nobody's asking about it spective used From money laundering to now he has Massive demand and crypto is here to Stay like it's a massive switch right Okay so this is a digital Euro Demystified and I wanted to actually uh Play this with you guys and we're going To listen to what they say so this is About a 17 minute but I picked out this Part because I think it'll resonate with Us pretty well and then what I'm going To show you is um the eu's advertisement Around the digital currency I'm going to Show you Bank of America's perception on The Central Bank digital currency and I'm going to show you how everybody Including the banks are getting prepared For this Evelyn what do you say to that

Indeed you have chosen your topics very Well this is asked a lot but I think It's the wrong question because um uh The one of the most specific things of The digital euro is that it's central Bank money so currently you have two Ways to pay so either you pay with cash Which is a central bank money or you you Put your deposits at a at a bank and Then the bank allows you uh to pay with Digital means um and now we're moving Into an age where people pay more and More digitally so this is not because uh The ECB is not committed to cash but we See the preference of the people is to Pay more digitally um and we believe That it's important that we make sure That also in the future people have a Public means of payment uh and that they Have direct access like they have with Cash to Central Bank uh money so that Would mean that towards the future there Would be an additional choice so either You pay with cash you pay with the Current solutions that are there from Commercial uh private companies or you Can pay with a digital Euro okay so That's what I wanted you to hear so You're gonna have you can pay with cash You can pay with the digital Euro or Private so that's the balancing act that They're doing right now right they were Worried that's why they made it seem Very spective to you guys that we would

Get involved in these private currencies And they wanted to make sure that they Were set remember problem reaction Solution they made it look really bad Now they're getting set up and then Cryptocurrency hey guys it's safe now We're going to regulate it come on into Your local bank and custody it right Over here put your Bitcoin put your Ethereum put your xrp we are just in That icky phase of it first they resist It then they sue it then they regulate It so they're trying to like categorize It making one look different than the Other the public and private sector are Coming together so this is the um Digital Euro this is the digital Euro Easy safe and reliable this is a little Advertisement that just came out imagine A digital single payment solution that Could be used for any kind of payment Throughout the Euro area guess what it Could become a Reality a digital Euro easy safe fast reliable digital Money from the European Central Bank at Your fingertips whenever you need it Safe is always going to be the key word So that's how they move Public's safety Right when there's a problem they create A reaction and the person who creates a Problem creates the safety and the Solution but how would it work say You've gone for a meal with a friend and

You want to split the bill simple open The digital Euro wallet on your Smartphone check your balance enter the Amount to pay your friend confirm your Transfer your friend will receive the Money instantly free of charge it Doesn't matter which country you're in Or who your payments provider is Payments are still made instantly even Offline it's also easy to use the Digital Euro at your favorite local Shops well it sounds familiar right it's All the stuff they fighted us out of Right xrp xlm guys it's just all about When they're ready to bring it in it's It's not that compx Lex right it's just A macroeconomic cycle we're going to war Wartime economics after war after World War II we went World War II after World War II the IMF was created you had big Change in monetary system America became The Dominate dominated dominant country Excuse me now we're going to go into World War I we'll see a change in a Superpower you'll see change in Innovation Payment Systems there'll be New government organizations okay so This is um JP Morgan Central Bank Digital currency this is their view on a Central bank digital currency decade Physical currency has been gradually Disappearing and electronic money has Been on the rise cashless transactions Are becoming more common in the private

Sector and digital currencies comprise a Larger percentage of investment Portfolios this trend is driving Competition with governments and central Banks racing to introduce their own Digital currencies this is Central Bank Digital currencies unpacked so this I Want you to hear I think they're going To separate the word crypto and digital Currency CBD DCs are often confused with Cryptocurrencies both are digital assets But this is where the similarity stops Cryptocurrencies are issued within Decentralized networks like blockchains And are not tied to any one entity Transactions are recorded on a publicly Distributed Ledger see that was key That's why they don't like it because It's not connected to one entity they Want it all to run through the central Bank they are generally considered too Volatile to become a widely accepted Payment method there is concern that Broad adoption of cryptocurrencies Across economies could hurt domestic Currencies and cause monetary policy to Become less effective this is why more Institutions are Exploring oh no I think we lost the Internet oh it's still recording for me Okay so we'll move on there I don't want To mess up this video okay so let's move On a little bit okay not a little bit Let's move on let's move on okay so you

Got Ripple we know this Ripple cbdc is a Stable coin coins accelerating payments And reduced costs the future of money is Digital it's just what this whole Message is about guys like don't get Played don't get played by all the fud You know hold the line make sure you Have an exit strategy I'll share with You exactly what I'm doing at the end of This video JP Morgan Chase launches Euro Dominated transactions with JPM coin That was on June 23rd 2023 right we know Larry Fink on July 14 2023 said Black Rock CEO Larry fin Crypto will Transcend any one currency Guys I mean they've been playing us okay So let's go over here I just want to Show you the end of this real quick um And I'll go into wartime economics Tomorrow on my video so this is from Ray Delio's um principles on the big Navigating the big debt crisis so debt Crisis and the changing World Order are Two books that you need to read or watch His videos so this is basically what Happens within central banks or what Happens to economies during wartime Right so the blue represents my screen Is over here just so you guys know blue Represents both sides okay in the war Red represents the winners and green Represents the losers so there's always Going to be a winner there's always

Going to be a loser there's going to be Both sides right so during this time Central banks accum accumulate a war Chest of reserves losing side has to Draw down meaningfully it's like a game Guys we're part of a video game so the Losing side has to draw down on their Reserves right so whoever loses in this War pay attention to that because we're Whoever it is has to draw down on the Reserves is going to see a big Financial Change within their ecosystem okay so The red one you'll see the the winners Their um theirs goes up the the uh both Sides they even and then the losers lose In their economy simple it's just Wartime economics right what if you're Taiwan Ukraine and Israel right they're All being invaded right so they get Destroyed but the three superpowers Russia China and America are the ones That are protecting invading so and They're all the ones that are struggling Financially so this is all a massive Massive narrative to move us into a new Financial system new innovation new Technology and the thing that breaks my Heart guys why do you have to do it Through War man I but that's that's the Part I want to get hone in on you guys Like guys Jesus was flipping over the Money changers right before he was Crucified this is a the Roman days they Put us in the Coliseum guys please break

Your family out of the cycle there's no Need to go protest there's no need to go Argue fix yourself fix your house so get Your house in order so what did I do I Built a very strict we teach us in our Warrior Academy very strict systematic Process that I follow on a daily basis Writing down my goals subconscious mind Programming uh Fitness mindset fasting Spiritual Work Connection with God okay That's my Foundation mind body and soul Then I use cryptocurrency as a very Speculative asset I invest in Cryptocurrencies that I think are going To be here for the long term and I set Up a very strict exit strategy which we Developed a tool for you called Merlin Which is the description of this video As well I'm the co-founder of it you can Track all your cryptos and you set up an Exit Plan and we'll send you alerts when You hit your exit plan so you can get Out of the markets at everybody's coming In you have have to pull profits guys There will never be a time like this Where it's this speculative where you Can make this amount of money in a short Amount of time not get rich quick then Outside of that my next biggest thing my Next largest thing would be business That's where I increase my earned income Every quarter so I'm we are very our Skill set is mastering uh scaling Businesses so I have an insurance

Company I have a education platform we Have um I would say it's called Blockheads it's what created Merlin I Have a beard company I have different Companies within information technology And attention and so I earn increase my Earn income with my earn income I'm not Buying Lamborghinis and million doll Homes I'm in reinvesting that money into Things that grow insurance insurance Insurance that is one of the biggest Buckets for me so I Ure my wealth I Don't trust this system guys I just Don't insurance is tier one Capital it Is the on a risk pyramid it is the most Secure Capital there's a reason why Banks own so much Insurance guys do your Research and I'm not talking term we're Talking cash policies right they're very Powerful tax code 7702 then precious Metals so I'm in silver I'll be Transitioning into a little bit more Gold waiting that out a little bit and Then next year we're getting into real Estate we have an expert team around us So I'm not an expert in real estate but I need to get into real EST I really Have a passion for it I don't like to Dive into things I'm not passionate About so all the things I talk about I'm Very passionate about but I do need to Get more real estate under my belt for Depreciation based on the increased in Earn income so and also I'm just

Speaking from the paradigm like I told You guys the Paradigm that's is the Paradigm that I know right now I'm Speaking my truth as I continue to grow My next phase for me is um I'm in the Process right now I'm filling out my Documentation to set up my trust right So once I set that up and I understand That I will share with you guys what I'm Doing and I'll get you the resources as Well so I'm working with our trust Attorney I'm going to set up my trust And then eventually I'll set up my Family office I'll be outside the trust Protecting my family anomy and ammity is That the right word and all that stuff So I'm going to continue so if you Follow my channel you like subscribe Comment um I'm just going to take you Through my journey that's all I've been Doing for since 2020 I think it was is I've been taking you step by step and You can go back and watch the videos I Would recommend that four years ago and See what I've done and how have I done That is by discipline did I just have a Booger that flew out of my nose I think I just had a booger that flew out of my Nose it's kind of cool uh did was That that's kind of embarrassing anyways Um I did it through discipline Consistency done for a long enough Period of time and I devoted my life to God in Christ and all the things coming

To me are pulling through me through my Relationship and through understanding That in the beginning is the end the end In the end is the beginning what Jesus Said so my activities my behaviors my Thoughts my actions and controlling my Emotions has helped me build a life Worth living and um I just love you guys I appreciate you and um I do apologize If that was a Boger that F out of my Nose but happens Warriors R get Your together let's Go


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