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I am not a licensed financial advisor. All videos on this channel are intended for entertainment purposes only. You should not buy, sell, or invest in any asset based on what I say in these videos. You should know that investing carries extreme risks. You could lose your entire investment. This is not trading advice and I am in no way liable for any losses incurred.

Ignition sequence start 6 5 4 3 2 1 zero Liftoff we have a Liftoff hey everybody this is the Digital asset investor and I wanted to Remind you this is a cerebr AI chip this Is your normal chip cerebrus has 1.2 Trillion Transistors and 400,000 AI optimized Cores whatever that means but that's the That's the cereus chip chip versus an Average chip and I just checked and link To my sponsor still has cerebrus private Equity left on the platform I'm sure There won't be much for long but wanted To let you all know it go to link to Um Ripple versus SEC lawsuit enters a Pivotal week as fils opposition brief on April 22nd yesterday she was saying next week Could be big this is the steuart aldera Uh tweet seeing some confusion on next Steps with the SEC versus Ripple case to Clarify Ripple will file its response to The sec's request for penalty by April 22nd the SEC hasn't until May 6th to Reply I don't think we'll see it today My understanding is they'll have to Redact everything they're going to Redact before we're allowed to see it Says there's no final pre-trial Conference because the SEC dismissed the Charges against Brad and Chris so that's today folks

22 so we we may not see it but uh it's Coming out check this out from Black Swan capitalist we're entering a rather Bizarre period but one way or the other There is absolutely no way that the US Government can escape its debt trap that Is getting really very serious and Impossible to get out of and the Russians and the Chinese know this and Sooner or later they're going to have to Protect their own currencies by going Onto a gold standard that in my view Will happen um and I think it will Happen basically because it will be a Defensive it will be pushed as a Defensive move if you like um certainly From Russia and certainly from China I Would also expect the Saudis to Follow um and there could well be other Nations to do do so as Well okay um and then we've got this Standard Charter Bank analyst is calling For $150,000 Bitcoin Bitcoin leverage Position were liquidated so the market Is now looking much more Square going Into the harving if you like in terms of Leverage so that's very helpful so we Hopefully we can get through the harving Tonight get some slightly more positive News out of the Middle East which would Be fantastic and I suspect that can then See Bitcoin start to ret Trend higher um I'm still looking for $150,000 by the

End of this year so less important on The harving but from where we are now It's starting to look like we can push Higher again I'm going to reiterate what You just said with Bitcoin trading below 65,000 your year end forecast 150,000 per coin for Bitcoin and 200,000 By the end of 2025 what are the specific Reasons for your your expectations that We'll we'll see a notable lift from Here so part of it is those ETF inflows As I mentioned theyve stored for now but I anticipate going from the start of This year to when the ETF Market in the US is mature we'll get between 50 And1 Billion of info so so far we've had 12 Billion as I mentioned earlier now um I Suspect that can now happen over about An 18 month to 24 month period when that Happened for gold when we went in the US From no spot ETF Market in 2004 to that Market gradually maturing the price of Gold multiplied by 4.3 times so that Could get us to that 150 to 200,000 Range of sort of input number one you Put number two is over time when you Have enough investors I investors are um Fully sated in terms of their Bitcoin Exposure which hasn't been the case Before the ETFs but over time if we get Those ETF flows um in that should be Where we end up in terms of a portfolio Between Bitcoin and gold you should get To about 80% gold 20% Bitcoin and for

That now that's a lot more reasonable There gold prices were to go sideways Again that gets you to that $150 to $200,000 Mark in in terms of Bitcoin so There's a few factors that are all Driving to roughly the same level I Think medium term if we get to 200,000 Because of the institutional flows as Well it's much more likely that Bitcoin Won't have a large retracement which it Did have in previous Cycles so again That harving cycle story becomes Slightly less important Jeff now uh this is the video I'd wanted To show you from uh in the last video And I didn't get to it so watch this XLS 38D is an amendment to support Cross-chain Bridges this enables Interoperability between different Networks um the XLS 38D proposed Standard will allow tokens from one Blockchain to be locked in an account on The xrp Ledger while an equivalent Amount of tokens is issued on another Blockchain increasing the use cases and Adoption of The xrp Ledger the team has Made design changes to XLS 38D to Support multiple M Bridges per door Account for libraries explorers witness Servers and to improve user experience I Want to take a minute to explain why I Think these cross chain bridges are Important and why side chains are Important The xrp Ledger main

Network is great for payments it's the Home of xrp and you can use it for other Things too but the idea that everybody Will be able to do everything that they Might want to do on a single layer one Is just unrealistic no matter how much It scales there's going to be a limit And there's going to be people who are Going to want to do higher numbers of Transactions there's going to be people Who want more computing power there's Going to be people who want very Specialized transactors that demand a Lot of resources there's storage that Can only uh you know can only go around So much and there's trade-offs with Putting something on The xrp Ledger Mainnet if you put something on The xrp Ledger mainnet every xrp Ledger mainnet Node has to store and relay those Transactions and that creates a scarce Resource that we can only divide so far It's it's a lot but it is not infinite Whatever capacity it has that's all it Has whatever capabilities it has there Are going to have to be capabilities That it doesn't have no layer one is Ever going to be everything to everyone And if we if we don't want that to be a Huge downside if we don't want that to Fragment the community what we need is The ability to have asset portability so That so that xrp is not limited to The Xrp Ledger or other issued assets aren't

Limited to their home ledgers because if You want to build up some other function On some other Ledger you have to be able To get real value onto it if you have to Build a new token or issue a new stable Coin or just build up the sort of whole Asset infrastructure from the ground up That's going to stifle Innovation the Other thing that it's great for is to be Able to test out things that might be Useful on the main Network I'll talk About hooks later but hooks is a good Example of something that you might not Want to adopt on the main Network Immediately because of some of those Trade-offs no matter how good you think It is it has costs associated with those Benefits and it would be kind of it Would be sort of risky in the extreme to Just adopt it on the main net and hope That those tradeoffs work out in our Favor the level of confidence that you Need to have to risk harming the main Network is very very all right very Interesting uh couple of minutes on The Xrp Ledger XLS 38 now another video I Meant to show you the other day uh so That you can get a big picture view this Is um I'm trying to remember what his Name is he's at Ripple um I saw him when I was in Singapore walking out of a Room um Anyway I'm drawing a blank on his name

But but he's one of the he's one of the Business guys uh for ripple it's Unlikely I think it's almost impossible That there's going to be one blockchain That is this monolithic thing that is Going to be what everybody across the Entire world standardizes on by Definition there will be different Ledgers different blockchains different Networks that exist so putting the Entire world on one blockchain Fundamentally I don't think it makes Sense it's not how the world is starting To play out I don't think it's how how The world will end up being play up so Um Ripple kind of pioneered this idea of How do you how do you how do you address That problem how do you create Interoperability between different Ledgers between different payment Networks and so we came up with a Protocol just like there was um tcpip For the internet um our engineering team Has created something called the Interledger protocol or ILP and the idea Being that these different networks Blockchain just being one you a which is The sort of money intra um country check Clearing money moving uh uh Network here In the United States Visa is a network You can argue that HSBC has an a Payments Network etc etc they're all These islands right now and sure you can You can ask each of these networks to

Move on the blockchain but then they're Just kind of copying what they're doing And putting it over on a blockchain There's scalability issues that come up Very quickly when that happens so the Idea is just like the Internet connected U data networks around the world there Should be a standard a protocol that Connects these these value networks These payment networks and that's really What the iner protocol that that we've Developed and is now open source it's Now out for other people to build on and Improve on and deploy but but it it sort Of got its its start within Ripple and That's really the idea is to create These these networks so now you can have Interaction between the networks and Create that efficiency that Interoperability of value that we'd Argue was lacking sort of that third Component after the interoperability of Goods the interoperability of data you Need the interop interoperability of of Um value and just like you need Standards for those other two you need Standards for this and the ability to to Leverage something like the in Legend Protocol to do that is super and super Important and so now here's the the nice Pretty future State world it's all Interconnected and we don't need to Spend a lot of okay so let me tell you What I'm dealing with today this morning

I had the the the uh washing machine my Wife said that it went out and said it Wouldn't spin so I had some Appliance People over here they told me it's going To C to just fix it it's going to cost As much as it would be to just get a new One so I have to get a new um washing Machine because I was planning on Cleaning uh you know starting to clean Some of my clothes for getting ready I Got to get ready for xrp Las Vegas this Week so if you see me dirty at xrp Las Vegas it will be because I did not have Enough time to get uh you know sometimes You go to buy these washing machines and Say oh yeah we'll have that to you in Two weeks we're backlogged no I don't Think that's going to happen but um I do Have a plan in place so that I won't Have to go to washing I mean not Washington I won't have to go to Las Vegas um dirty I do have a plan and I've Already um taken all of my stuff to the Dry cleaner so that part of things is Taken care of so don't worry I plan I Plan on being clean when I come to xrp Las Vegas now in here's I'm Going to show you what what I consider To be a mustsee Five minute video that that completely Described after we've been through all This eth gate and then just the Political climate and everything else Over the the last five years for me have

Made absolutely no sense nobody pays for Anything nobody nobody none of the bad Guys H face any consequences for their Illegalities for their criminal acts and I'm show you five minutes of mustsee vid Video from someone who feels the exact Same way that you and I feel in I'm the digital asset investor I'm not An investment advisor this is for Entertainment purposes only Please Subscribe hit the like button and tell Your friends and family that away we go


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