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Ignition sequence start 6 5 4 3 2 1 zero Liftoff we have a [Music] Liftoff hey everybody this is the Digital asset investor and you may be Surprised to hear me say this but I am Not not happy that the SEC uh and ethereum and they're all Getting into it and all this that's that Was never the the goal at all but when We have a rogue regulator like Gary Gensler that's the direction a bad guy Like him would go instead of doing what He should have done which is taken a Step back and done what we asked for From the beginning and that is give a Level Playing Field don't Sue anybody Step back don't try to pick winners and Losers like you did with Bitcoin and Ethereum like the SEC did that's the Whole reason they got all of us red up Is because we realized what they were up To but we never that was never what was Wanted now there's a difference between Trying to De you know picking winners And losers on whether things are a Security or not or and letting Innovation Thrive there's a difference Between that and anything that's gone on That was fraudulent they should go after Anything fraudulent left and right I Don't care who did it they should go After that all day long and they should They should go and and do investigations

Of those kind of people and Unfortunately I think a lot of that kind Of stuff did go on around ethereum and The icos around ethereum too I think a Lot of the same The Usual Suspects were Involved in all the above and I think All of them should be gone after no Question about it but But it's not ethereum itself and never Was we've said it a thousand times now Against that backdrop I'm not going to Sit here and and um and and pretend like The xrp Army doesn't deserve to do a u Not it's not even called a Victory lap But it's more of like it's about Freaking time you know and I'm not again I don't want them to do anything to Ethereum I want them to create a Level Playing Field and let all all Innovation Thrive and see let the winners and Losers be picked by the free freaking Market which is the way the United States is supposed to Run that's the problem that's the core Of the problem okay enough on that that Doesn't mean that I'm not going to point Out and make fun of the hypocrisy of What's going on I mean because truth Will set you free folks and and and We're not going to ignore the truth Truth because we don't want to hurt Anybody from ethereum's feelings and all Of that they've done plenty they've Benefited plenty now Elanor terret broke

This uh yesterday afternoon looks like Consensus receives a Wells notice from The SEC in regards to metamask while it Uh so it's chosen to sue regulator first So they received a Wells notice on Metamask and then they chose to sue um The SEC first the question Gary Gensler Has refused to answer may now ultimately Be answered in court all right then There's this it's important to point out Ashley Prosper called it she said uh This was on one of my tweets back in March and um and uh she said the attack It was a Joseph Luben I was saying he Gave a shout out to the xrp community And he said the attacks will continue Maybe they will intensify maybe not and Ashley Prosper said hey Joseph leben Have you received a Wells notice from The SEC she I I think she picked up on Him seeming a little freaked out now This has to be this the these people Have to be called out no question about It all these exchanges when ex when Ripple got sued just in a in a second They they delisted it like it was on the Shelf and they were ready to delist it In the first place and they did it all In line boom boom boom boom boom like Dominoes I'm still waiting I don't want Them to delist ethereum but I do want on A Level Playing Field and that includes No no kind of uh this for this one and This for this one and that's what's been

Going on with xrp from the beginning in Many aspects and coinbase seems to have Been happily going along with the anti- Xrp thing most of their existence and so I do ask them when wait a minute you you You had to delist xrp immediately Because um right here these exchanges Either suspended or delisted xrp for us Customers or cross all their platforms To ensure compliance with the regulatory Concerns raised by the SEC well coinbase Is is completely aware now that the SEC Has regulatory concerns about ethereum Have they delisted ethereum I haven't Seen it I don't want them to delist Ethereum but I want to highlight Coinbase's Behavior that's what I want To highlight And that's what the purpose of this Tweet is probably the Tweet of the day Is Joseph Luben has blocked me but I Yesterday the funniest thing I saw I Think it was either yes let's see yeah Yesterday Bill Morgan had had retweeted Joseph Luben announcing the uh consensus Lawsuit against the SEC and he says did You ask Bill Henman for a refund now That I got a laugh out of here's uh Consensus' thread on this but I'm not Going to highlight that but because I Have other things to highlight let me Tell you where my gut is on this Consensus SEC thing folks my gut is Where Steven n off's gut is he says it's

Been over a month since SEC launched an Investigation in a theorem and it's Quite clear they've been preparing for This moment all along their intention is To align their stories and declare Etha Security starting from their decided Move to proof of State everything Previous is almost non-existent in other Words I believe like I think Steven nof Believes my gut tells me that the way That that the that the SEC and consensus Are probably in some kind of way Together on this thing and that what What they're going to do is they're Going to give you give everyone the Appearance of this battle and they're Going to give the appearance of the Battle so that they take all of the Spotlight away from the Ico from the Bill Henman Free PE free uh pass and all Of those nefarious transactions that Happened within ethereum you know like Disguised whales from inception all the Way to the bill Henman speech and maybe Even Beyond and or or basically Everything before the merge they don't Want that seen by people because that's Where that's that's where all the bodies Are buried including the sec's bodies And I believe that's what they're trying To do here remember how vitalic buttin Was wanting to erase the history on the Blockchain for

Ethereum remember that I think it all Has to do with everything well on a day Like today it just couldn't be done Without me putting together some uh Joseph Luben Greatest Hits so I won't Play the whole thing but you can go and Watch it on your own time but you should See at least couple of minutes of it Well Regulators have spoken the SEC has Spoken Bill Henman made a speech I think It was in mid 2018 it it was disclosed that uh I think 18 of his colleagues at the SEC worked On the speech with him so the SEC Actually spoke it it's really um a Foregone conclusion at this point uh There may be a regulator or two in the United States that can't bring himself To utter the fact that uh that ether is Is not a security but uh I don't know Why that's the case and and ultimately That just doesn't matter I could even Call Gary the uh The Shining Night of Decentralization oh boy so we will Continue to do consumer utility tokens And our friends at the SEC and other Organizations around the world are Comfortable that uh if you construct a Token properly and you Market it Properly then it can uh be a an element Of utility on an open platform is there Any plan for greater transparency uh Within consensus in terms of how it Deploys it eum internally sure um and

You know we're a private company and uh We r private company too absolutely uh And uh transparency is important to us Uh but we also have to uh be strategic About uh information that we about Hiding the sky whales in the United States I think the SEC has a a great Perspective on things so we um have had Deep discussions you would say the same Thing if you thought you had solidified Your Bitcoin ethereum Monopoly with the Lots of regulators in the US and uh the SEC understands that uh that there is This thing called a consumer utility Token um and if you uh constructed Properly and marketed properly uh then It's not a security nobody in or nobody At the SEC wants to kill blockchain for America um so um they also want to Enforce the laws that they've been Enforcing effectively for decades Protecting consumers uh so they need to Take a balanced approach uh they need to Message things positively in my opinion Um but there's also I think going to be Uh even more of a reckoning coming where Um certain projects obviously sold Securities um and sold them uh contrary To security law see now this is a part Of of the whole eth gate Saga that that Really pisses me off and it should piss Everybody off and this is part of the Reason that I put videos like this Together today is that you you have to

Remember it was with Joseph Luben it was Not good enough for him to get his for Him to think he had his uh Bitcoin Ethereum Monopoly that wasn't good Enough he had to then start taking shots At the rest of the industry these guys Guys were sitting there thinking that They had rigged the whole game for Themselves with the SEC and then they're Sitting there watching and he was Gleefully sitting on the sidelines Knowing that they were then going to go After the rest of the industry this is The part that should piss you off it This is what's pissed me off all along This is the reason I didn't just pick Joseph luin to pick on or whatever this Guy was was happy that everybody else Was going to be gone after and he was Sitting there with a regulatory free Pass that he had gotten and and he Thought it was funny and he thought it Was funny that all these people Including xrp holders were being hurt he Thought it was funny and he's making These comments about it I didn't I Didn't even know who this guy was before Ripple's lawsuit dropped against from The SEC I think it's funny right here I'll Show you another clip cuz Brad Garlinghouse was right over the the Target in this little clip watch this This is Brad garlinghouse on stage at at

Mainnet he was never invited to main net Until we uncovered eth gate and then Ryan celus let him dunk him in a dunking Booth Ryan celus xjp Morgan by the way Um but if you look right here this is Brad Garling house calling them Out and and I I spent a little bit of Time with with your team talking about This you know back then and and and even Before 2017 well the closest comparison In that era I think was a company you Worked at consensus the company with oh Ryan silk has worked at consensus now it All makes sense building on top of the Ethereum ecosystem and owned ethereum And I think was a relatively speaking The most comparable consensus is to Ripple as eth was to xrp and both Companies were active in those Ecosystems trying to drive adoption well I was only at consensus for like 8 weeks So I'll let you Fatt he wants to separate himself from That I would too Ryan um okay now look Metal law man has made some interesting Comments on on the thing I want to show With this lawsuit by consensus being Filed against SEC today think we can Move uh the approval of the eth ETF on May 23rd out of the highly unlikely Bucket and drop it into the not going to Happen bucket wouldn't it be funny if if An xrp ETF got approved before ethereum Then he had this one interesting

Redaction in the consensus complaining Against the SEC what is this about and He's pointing to this he did not want This is from consensus saying this he Did not want to admit that his SEC that that his SEC had already Secretly cemented its power grab by Issuing and and they redacted it this is Uh this is consensus talking about Gary Gensler not wanting to admit that a Theor whether ethereum was a security or Not this person um went to Ai and and Asked AI to complete the sentence um so We'll go it starts he did not want to Admit that his SEC had already secretly Submitted its power Grave by one issuing An internal memo detailing plans to Regulate all cryptocurrencies as Securities Um by initiating a closed door Investigation into ethereum's initial Coin offering by Classifying ethereum as a security under The guidance that was not shared with The public that's what AI seems to think Interesting then met metal law man what Do you know this appears to be Confirmation that the SEC is Investigating sales of ethereum by Consensus and then this One uh the consensus complaint names Gary Gensler for other Commissioners and The SEC itself as defendants consensus Has hired the walk tail Lipton Law Firm

Who who also represents coinbase in its Case against the SEC the complaint Alleges that the SEC has exceeded its Statutory Authority and violated the Administrative procedures Act and the Due process clause of the Constitution I love this one from Mr Huber and then we we'll kind of stop Here and then I'll I'll go into the Group um breaking consensus is dumping Eth on retail to finance their business Isn't this what Laura shin and all the Bad guys said for all these years oh Ripple's dumping all the bad guys to This day in their little in their little X spaces with 10 people to this day oh Ripples dumping on their on Retail consensus in the ethereum Foundation have they been dumping on Retail you know the only difference is That the consensus and the ethereum Foundation disguised whales have not Been known whereas Ripple has been Completely transparent that's the Difference and it's like it was used Brad garlinghouse has said it before That's what that was used against Ripple When the truth is that's why Joseph Luben and all his friends hated Ripple Is because they were being transparent And the and the bad guys knew they had Something to hide and Ripple's Transparency was a big bright light on The the difference between Ripple's

Transparency and theirs so what does any Good bad guy do they point at the good Guys and they they make they make it Seem like the good guys are doing what They're actually Doing it's a Playbook folks that we've Watched for years this is why I showed Up to this fight now we're going to go Uh before I go Remember xrp Las Vegas in Is in six days folks there's discount Tickets in my group at If you're wanting to buy a ticket to go Have dinner with Brad garlinghouse you Go to xrp Las you could There's still some a few general Admission tickets left you can also use Code uh code 589 if you want to go to The benefit dinner to have dinner with Brad Garling house there's only going to Be I don't think there's going to be More than 200 people in that room so It'll be a really neat experience I'll Be there too and um you'll get to meet Um Christian Carlo John Deon going to Get to see Brad comms playing a band With Christian Carlo Michael arrington's Going to be there I think Elanor Turret's going to be there and and Representative Wy nickel um is going to Be there as well so that's going to be Fun now in the Group you know what we're going to do my Gut in this whole in this whole eth gate Saga has always felt like there was some

Combination of of uh bad guys getting Very Greedy and all the world's at stage some Combination but we're going to talk About in the group we're going to talk About eth gate and all this SEC stuff in Terms of the all the world's of stage Side of it I'm the digital asset Investor I'm not an investment advisor This is for entertainment purposes only Please Subscribe hit the like button and Tell your friends and family that if you Are intrigued by the whole all the Worlds of stage narrative then come into The group that that's where we'll talk About it all right [Music] [Music]


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