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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel stop wasting your money on xrp That's a direct quote from my fellow xrp YouTuber Mason and I will tell you here At the outside of the video um obviously You know if you just hear that one Sentence and there's no additional Context you might think this guy really Doesn't like xrp now that's that Couldn't be further from the truth and As it turns out and I'll explain why What he's actually trying to get at the Idea that he's actually Articulating I I pretty much if not Entirely then just about entirely agree With just about everything he said and It happens to be the case that what he Is suggesting people do I've actually Been doing for over three years and I'll Tell you exactly what that is it's an Interesting topic for conversation but Going through the comments there are Some people who are giving him crap over What he said and I'm just sitting there Like are you sure cuz I think he's Making a lot of sense here to be honest With you I do and also uh a separate Topic this will be in the second half of The video roughly um I want to give you A little bit of an update this is just a Fascinating story but but since in this Video we're going to be talking about You know the the like the the concept of How to treat investments in the world of

Crypto which is subjective and there's No right or wrong way to do it Necessarily because it's subjective um Since we're talking about this uh let's Talk a little bit about taking profits Here you guys remember the slum Doge Millionaire the Dogecoin millionaire He's been called both uh well there's This article from August 23rd of this Year and this is qu and I highlighted This only one other time on my channel But this is quite the roller coaster it Is ridiculous what this guy did and I'm I'm going to highlight him uh certainly Not to shame him it's just like it's a Learning moment there's a lot of people That have made this mistake it's just With the dollar figures at hand for him It was of substantial consequence to the Negative but here's the headline from Decrypt August of this year Dogecoin Millionaires Fortune fell from $3 Million to $50,000 but he hasn't lost the faith and So in the runup for Doge in 2021 got up To3 million cratered back down and he Didn't sell so where is he now I've got A bit of an update for you and you're Going to be surprised uh financially Where he is in the world of crypto right Now especially given that Dogecoin is Nowhere near its all-time high when his Doge is worth about $3 million but Before going further I do want to be

Clear I do not have a financial backup Of any kind I am not offering Financial Advice and you definitely should not buy Or sell anything because of anything I Say or right I'm just an Enthusiast to Enjoy his making YouTube videos about Crypto related topics but just as a Hobby and just for fun all right so I'm Going to share with you a couple posts On this topic from Mason on social media Platform x uh the first one uh comes With a three and a half minute clip Attached roughly three and a half Minutes and he wrote The Following stop Wasting your money on Xrp this video requires a high IQ plus a Objective mindset to understand I am Permanently bullish on xrp and it is one Of the most important Assets in the Entire crypto space this is not Switching up on xrp this is just smart Investing and then there was a separate One I'm going to share with you some Thoughts on this uh he also separately Wrote stack 10,000 to 100,000 xrp tokens And do not buy a single one ever again Unless we hit one sent and so obviously What he's saying there is get a Substantial position and then don't buy Anything else unless it's at a Substantially greater value than what it Is today meaning value in terms of it's Gone down so much that uh you know the Value of it uh would just be incredible

Getting to purchase at such a low value One cent and I don't know that he Literally means that it it would have to Go down to one penny he's I think he's Just trying to share an idea if it goes Way down okay if it goes substantially Down okay and and then he says this is The best strategy you will free up so Much of your cash to pursue new Opportunities on coins that actually Move in crypto he says permanently Bullish on xrp but not buying anymore And so look basically what Mason was Saying in his video clip which I did Watch he said uh you know basically the Idea is don't be an xrp maximalist Diversify your crypto Holdings and and he noted that extrap Has performed very poorly in the last 5 Years and we could actually debate a Little bit back and forth on that Particular idea but the major points he Made I mean he just he spit some facts Like for instance he noted okay so There's obviously there's the all-time High January 4th 2018 uh when xrp was Almost four bucks uh it's been almost Six years now still haven't seen a new Alltime high you know and he noted look In the 2021 bull run you know it was About half of its alltime got up to two Bucks And and then he cited you know even with Legal Clarity xrp got up to less than $1

Which was less of half than its previous High in 2021 which was less than half or about Half of its uh of its all-time high so I Get the point that he's making now I Will say that I think it's and this is Why I wouldn't have ordered it quite Like him though I the argument he's Making is true but I would would have Ordered it differently because um I Think it's very reason it's easy to Explain why that happened in 2021 uh as I say frequently on this channel xrp was Shackled the SEC attacked Ripple they Might as well just suit every damn xrp Holder on the planet because had a Pretty similar result as if if they Actually had and as a result of that way Fewer people were willing to put money In and that's why xrp was the only Crypto that was in the top 10 coins by Market cap going into the the the bull Run in 2021 it's the only one that Didn't hit a new alltime high is that Because there's something wrong with xrp Or is it that the SEC was attacking Ripple and thus xrp holders effectively Well I think it's that so if we're going To blame it on xrp and just say well xrp Is a bad performer so therefore yada y y Whatever your point of view is I don't Think that that's I I I don't think That's the argument to make personally Because there is a legit reason for that

And then if you're talking about um xrp Going up to a little bit less than a Dollar uh when it got legal Clarity well That's easy to explain as well because Ex if you were hoping for a new alltime High I mean I talked about the concept At the time on multiple occasions and It's should just we have benefit of Hindsight now fine but it's a matter of Fact statement that xrp has never hit a New all-time high without Bitcoin Hitting a new all-time high first so we Would have had to have believed that This time would be different which are Typically famous last words so I think That it's easy to explain those now I Will say that if Bitcoin hits a new Alltime high and alts are running Altcoins are running and xrp runs but it Doesn't hit hit a new all-time high then Yes if after all this and it's got its Legal Clarity and Bitcoin does hit a new Alltime high which should set the market A place if all of that happens and xrp Still doesn't hit a new all-time high I Will be scratching my head wondering What the hell is wrong with it uh in Absence of any additional information so Maybe something there's additional Information that I can't even imagine at This point and then I'll talk about it Should that occur but probably what I'll Actually be thinking is something is a Miss here what in the ever loving hell

And I will search for the answer to that Question if that actually happens but I Do not believe that's going to happen Personally I think that xrp is going to Blaze past its alltime high Enterprise Discovery and melt phases I think it's Going to result in a lot of Life-changing wealth for a lot of people And Mason here is very clearly bullish And so I've actually been doing this What he's suggesting here um i' I've Actually been doing that so fine he I Mean pretty close so he says stack Between 10,000 to 100,000 xrp I'm not Going to say how much xrp I have I'm not Going to say if it's more or less than That range but but I will say that I Purchased what subjectively to me was a Ton of xrp so much that I I made myself Stopped purchasing I haven't bought xrp Since October of 2023 and and the point that he was Making ultimately is stack your xrp Leave it alone and and stop wasting your Money on just xrp and that's why he says Wasting uh because what he means is Diversifying to other cryptos buy other Stuff there's all sorts of other Opportunity and he's right and that's Why for the last three plus years I Haven't bought xrp but I bought a ton of Other coins and xrp is still my largest Individual holding by a lot and that Just shows you despite me buying it

Shows you how much money I put in xrp Despite me buying nothing but other Coins for the last three plus years when I was buying it's still by a long shot My largest holding and I've been holding It a long damn time too so it's a Function of that as Well but but yes diversify yes Absolutely diversify as far as I'm Concerned it's Sage Wisdom um so you guys do whatever you Want here if if you want to keep like if If you want to keep building your St do Whatever you feel is right for he's he's Just sharing his personal opinion but You know if you're talking about xrp Going to like 10 bucks 15 bucks whatever It ends up being and I think a lot of The community does think that's where It'll end up topping off and I don't Pretend to Know if you have between 10,000 and and 100,000 xrp that's a lot of money if You're anywhere in between there if it Goes to those that's a lot of money so I Get the point he's making but it's like Spread out the risk you know which is What I personally have been doing and I Don't need a big multiplier effect for My entire crypto portfolio for it to be Equivalent to winning the lottery Because I've been at this and just Accumulating and refusing to sell Stuff now let's talk about Dogecoin

Because there is such a thing as having Life-changing wealth not sufficiently Appreciating it thinking it will get Even better being greedy and not selling That there is such a thing as this enter The Dogecoin millionaire so here's the Story I'm going to this a little table Setting then I'm going to give give you The update on where he is because it's Such a fascinating story and I wish the Best for this guy I really I genuinely Do this again none of this is to make Fun of the guy but I do view this as a Learning opportunity for sure you know We're all human and I get it you know Prices go down people start Panic Selling prices go up ah am I selling too Soon I God and a lot of people make the Mistake and then they don't sell and Then they do missed the life changing I've seen that story so many times I've Seen that in the xrp community when xrp Hit its alltime high six years ago Almost six years ago I saw there's one In particular that stands out this guy Had Um was it would have been life-changing Like it's big enough that it would have Been life changing REM he made that Clear it was like over $600,000 and he just didn't sell um There's another guy I actually Highlighted this one more recently and He had I think close to $900,000 with a

Substantial portion of that in xrp and And that was in 2021 like this happens And it's not to make fun of these people Like when they share this information Like it's to warn you hey don't do what I just did and then you can grow from it But it's such an a human thing it's such A regular human thing when it comes to Investing so just don't fall for it you Just got to decide what is life-changing For you and then if you sell you just You got to just not worry if it runs Higher you can't no but you do risk Losing it all if you don't take Action so the headline here coin Millionaire's Fortune fell from $3 Million to $50,000 but he hasn't lost the faith Again August 23rd this year and then We'll get to the update globber kesoto Went all in on Dogecoin after Elon Musk Started pumping the cryptocurrency on Twitter back in 2020 after using all his savings and Credit Card to plug $250,000 into the cryptocurrency his Holding shot up to3 million dollar at One point but Diamond hands kotto 35 Refused to cash out now with Dogecoin Down by over 90% from its May 2021 All-time high of 73 the Las Vegas resident has watched The value of his Holdings drop to as low As

$50,000 and he shared this post that's On your screen right now uh August 22nd Of this year I used to have3 million in Doge now it's $50,000 what happened with A little sad cringey emoji face there And so got two screen grabs one on the Left when it was close to $3 Million and uh and then there's one that Was recent at the time um investing 50,3 7311 yikes and and and so look and I Don't know it's very possible Doge could Hit a new all-time high anyway but this Is such a Learning lesson if you have Life-changing wealth is like and I Remember he was actually interviewed by Graham Stefan I think that's how he say His last name uh I'm sure a lot of you Know who he is he's very well known in The world of Finance he's got a very Successful YouTube channel with millions And millions of subscribers I've watched A ton of his videos before he's he's Really good at just putting stuff Together it's really interesting but um He sat down with the slum Doge Millionaire when his doge was worth $3 Million and he was trying to convince Them to sell he's like you understand This is life-changing wealth if you just Sell right now even if you just take out 3% you know that three that would be $90,000 a year and at the time he was Making I think um I think he he publicly Stated he was making like $50,000 a year

So he would have just had that and you Know on average returns would have been Much higher than just 3% but he's saying Even if you only took 3% or he could Take 4% that's $120,000 a year so he the Point is he would have never had to work Another day in his life he could he had It in his hands and he didn't sell and He said he was waiting for Doge to hit $1 and that's that's when he'd be Willing to to consider that he wanted it So that would have made it worth close To like a little over4 million but he Was waiting for that $1 mark and it Would have been baller if it happened Like let's be real that would have been Freaking cool as hell that would have Been a glory story but that's risking a Lot and for what Ultimately yikes so um so here's a new Post from him and this is on December 10th just the other day here and he Wrote the following some crypto lessons We learn Viscerally then we apply that knowledge To the next time we Face similar Conditions some people said I would Never see $1 million again that I just Got super lucky with Dogecoin like Winning a lottery ticket and that it was A once in a-lifetime opportunity that I Completely blew I disagreed I was paused To say here uh yes I broadly speaking Disagree too because this is crypto and

Crypto is not even almost done there's Almost no money in crypto compared to What it will be in the future uh this Will be a it has to class to the the Tens of trillions I suspect at least uh So yes the opportunity is still there But his fortune even if he's going to Pull this off a bit delayed but the Opportunity is there for all of us and So he disagreed and I agree with him on That point it makes sense to disagree And he then says I went from $180,000 to $3 million down to $200,000 and back up to $1 Million I've seen two full Cycles Bull And Bear play out in front of me and I Understand the crypto game and how it Works now everything is Cyclical not only will I hit $3 million Again but I'll blow past it to5 million And $10 million and hopefully $30 Million this upcoming Bull Run if you're Going to dream you dream big and $30 Million is my ultimate Target at this Point right now I'll 10x what I did last Time the difference is this time I'll be Taking profits and boy will I be taking Profits and then he has a little rocketo So I think he may have learned his Lesson so couple things on this he Shared this screen grab uh he is a Millionaire again look at that and it's Not not well at least not purely because Of doge look at this

$1.18 million and this is before the Euphoria of a so yeah he's actually Probably if he doesn't squander this He's going to be just fine he's going to Make an absolute Fortune probably more Than the peak of of you know for him the Peak for him last time when it was you Know about $3 Million so you know the only thing that Makes me a little nervous given his Track record is he's talking about $30 Million maybe it happens maybe it Doesn't as long as he really learned his Lesson and he really is going to cash Out because my God and I and I say look Typically when people go through this I I really do think they learned their Lesson you know um which is good and I Appreciate that's I really appreciate That he's even sharing this type of Stuff I think this helps people um but The only thing that would make me a Little bit nervous given the track Record I just I'm like you Know I hope that he's going to follow Through this but I just I hope he Actually does take some profit for Himself and he says he's going to I hope He takes a bunch of long way because That's thing and and this is why it Makes no sense ever to shame anybody for Taking profits but you do see that in Crypto too and the people that shame People for taking profits I think of

Them as the small brain people I think That they either they're stupid or they Actually just don't understand stuff but Boy they sure have opinions on the Internet yay Oh my God So and that's why for me like I'm going To remove the risk that's why I keep and People people still people give me crap Too though and I haven't even done this Yet but I've said I'm going to sell my Xrp I'm going to start scaling out at Five bucks and that's way too low for so Many people but that's why I'm going to Start scaling out because I bought a Boatload and that's what I need to start Scaling out that'll entice me I'll scale Out all the way up to about eight bucks And like I mentioned the other day Because I usually stop the story there But there's a lot of moving parts to Crypto So in theory if a bunch of other Coins I hold pop off first and I've Already won crazy money maybe I'd be Willing to risk a certain percentage of My xrp Holdings maybe not sell all of it By the time it hits close to eight bucks Maybe I'll keep 10 or 20% or something I'll figure it out as it goes and I Can't that's why I can't have a Definitive an now there's too many Moving parts to all of this but U but Yeah I actually personally I'm I'm going To be making sure that I get mine and I

Will get mine and if I keep a little bit Just in case it goes way past like say Say it does go to 15 bugs maybe I save That last 10 or 20% and I'll just sell It way up there if it actually happens And if it doesn't I won't care at that Point right so that's the way I'm Looking at it if I hold on to it that Means I literally don't care if it goes Back down to 60 cents that's what that Will mean because I will have already Attained my life-changing wealth that's What that if I hold on xrp that is what That means but if it if it pops off Sooner than expected which is not Historically what we should expect but If it does um then I'll probably just Sell all of it if it pops off before Like say hypothetically was the first Altcoin to pop off I don't think it's Going to happen happen but if it did Yeah all of it would be gone between Five and eight bucks it would all be Gone and then I just because I wanted to Remove the risk like that would be so Substantial for me Yes and then the rest I'll just scale Out and kind of figure out the but I I Got a pretty I got a rough plan but Again like there are so many moving Parts it's not 100% because like I have Ideas of what'll do if so and so happens But is so and so going to happen we'll See but I'll talk about it as it happens

Because eventually the day will come When I and it's going to be glorious I Can't wait to report to you that I am For the first time selling xrp because I've never sold any xrp and I can't wait To tell you that I'm am done and I'm out At least for that that particular Market Cycle and then we can just rinse and Repeat but I'm looking so forward to be Able to cover that with you in a new Moon Lambo Hot Jam as far as I'm Concerned it's just a matter of Time I'm not a financial adviser you Should not buy your sell anything Because of anything I say or right that Would be a very very very bad idea until Next time to the Moon Lambo


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