XRP: The Money Will SHIFT TO YOU

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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. None of what I have communicated verbally or in writing here should be considered financial advice; it is not. Do your own research before investing in any digital asset, and understand that investing in any cryptocurrency is inherently risky. If you do, you need to be prepared to lose your entire investment.

Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel if you're an xrp holder in 2023 You're part of a very small group who's Actually in the no substantially less Than 1% of human humans on the planet Even know what xrp is and you actually Hold it in 20203 before it has blazed up to the Point where it's going to be a Multi-trillion dollar market cap which Isn't a guarantee and I don't like price Predictions but I'll not be surprised if Something like that happens and and There's so many reasons for that Obviously there's I think that Increasingly as time passes you're going To see that money flows to where value Is and what's value well utility you Know but cryptos that solve real world Problems that that's where the value is And so of course we're going to see that And then the shortterm we've been Talking about this a lot lately as a Crypto community and for good reason Markets are heating up so I think a lot Of people are probably going to achieve Life-changing wealth in short order uh If Bitcoin blasts off them to new All-time highs including xrp holders Because xrp moves in tanon with the Market I think it would finally this Would finally be the Catalyst of Everything lines up to where xrp hits a New alltime high so there's excitement

There as well but even if you're looking Beyond that if if you look Way Way Beyond that like the money is just going To come to you if you're an xrp that That's what I personally believe and I Want to run through some of this because It's so fascinating this is a newer Article and this was shared today um by Uh by Mike noats and yet say what you Will about him actually have a few Things I want to say about him but he he Runs a Galaxy digital a fund which last I checked had something like $4.6 Billion in assets under management and They put out this piece they did their Own analysis here their own research and They titled it the great wealth transfer And its impact on crypto and this is Going to give you an idea of just how Early you are but also the way that as Time passes uh people treat value and And like where's where's value actually Where's the money going to flow there's Going to be a great transfer the likes Of which we've never seen a great wealth Transfer likes of which we've never seen Uh probably in the history of our Species but certainly not in modern Times but before going further I do want To be clear I do not have a financial Background of any kind I am not offering Financial advice and you definitely Should not buy or sell anything because Of anything I say right I'm just an

Enthusiast who enjoy is making YouTube Videos about crypto related topics but Just as a hobby and just for fun now Mike novogratz today um he in the and he Shared this this this article that I Talked about but uh I do want to mention A couple things now Mike noats he's been Wrong about a bunch of key stuff he Thought that Luna made sense he got a Tattoo on his arm of Luna and that was About what five months before it crashed Basically to zero and despite the fact That it recently ran up a bit so did the FTX token for a cryptocurrency exchange That doesn't even exist so crazy things Happen in crypto either way his Anticipation and thinking that it made Sense didn't make sense meanwhile he he Was crapping all over xrp for you he's Like it doesn't make sense I just don't Get it in the utility like what's what's Actually going on here and so I'm I Highlighted this yesterday so I don't Want to go through the whole thing but There's this article from the daily hle Covering the topic billionaire Mike noat Says he was wrong about xrp retracts Skepticism on altcoins lasting power and So ultimately he gets it and that's why I say credit where it's due eventually If enough time passes and the thing that You think shouldn't be happening still Is still keeps on happening at some Point you need to have some

Self-reflection look Inward and think Huh what may I have gotten wrong and it Appears that he did that to his credit It does look like he's done that he Acknowledges that xrp actually has real World utility and he said hats off to Even Ripple and Brad Ging house so and So forth uh but and a big reason he Thought that it didn't make sense is Because Ripple has such large xrp Holdings but uh I was aware of them when I jumped into crypto in 2017 I didn't Give a damn and clearly the vast Majority of the rest of the world Doesn't give a damn because if Ripple Were just going to wreck the the xrp Ecosystem they probably would have done It by now and probably wouldn't have put Their xrp into Escrow in the first place Wouldn't continue to put it because it's A rolling escrow they keep putting in New amounts of xrp each month they Probably wouldn't have done that we Probably already seen the disaster by Now right but it didn't happen because It doesn't make sense for them to do That so as far as big picture stuff and These are some really interesting stats You're going to enjoy this here and That's why like for those you that are Truly long-term oriented you don't have To be some sort of wizard you don't have To feel like you're on edge all the time Like the people that just wait and go

Where utility is like those are the People that will achieve life-changing Wealth and xrp is going to be a key Component of that I firmly Believe so this article again titled the Great wealth transfer and its impact on Crypto over the next couple decades Older Generations will pass trillions of Dollars of money and assets to their Children dramatically changing the face Of us wealth these younger digital Native Generations have very very different Investment behaviors than their parents And grandparents including a much higher Propensity for Bitcoin and crypto and so Folks this is what you keep seeing is it Shouldn't be surprised it's you know It's always the case that as new Technology comes in it's the younger Generations that adopt it right this is Not a New Concept for anybody but it's Of critical importance to understand as It applies to crypto because where is Most of the wealth I'm going to give you Some actual figures in just a second It's on your screen I'm going to read it To you but it's not going to stay there Because of the you know the circle of Life and all that jazz and it's it's not I'm not making the case uh that you know Boomers don't participate in crypto at All that's not true that is absolutely Not true there are people listening to

My Channel right now who are boomers and I say credit to you really credit to all Of you listening because you're so damn Early here um so I don't want to paint With too broad of a brush it's just I'm Acknowledging the truth which is that Yes it's it's more so young people but There are a lot of Boomers who are in The no and in fact case in point my own Mother she she died unexpectedly a Couple years ago uh she was a boomer 67 Years old when she died but she had Crypto she had a good amount of crypto To be honest with you she held Bitcoin And xrp and that was it she held Bitcoin And xrp she wanted exposure so there are All sorts of Boomers out there who Absolutely do I'm just noting the the Fact that you know there's Not if you compare the interest from Boomers compared to the younger Generations there is no compar that's That's the only point I'm making it's Just data that shows that but there are A lot of Savvy Boomers out there and a Lot of them have made a metric eward ton Of money as a Result but but check this out so they Had some key takeaways here and I just Want to highlight some of this first Bullet point Millennials are due to Inherit the largest wealth transfer in History Baby Boomers and older Generations account for less than

Onethird of the US adult population but Collectively hold 23 of us household Wealth that's 96 Trillion more than 11 X the wealth owned By Millennials and younger Generations over the next two decades Ceri Associates estimates that $ 84.4 Trillion is set to be transferred from Baby Boomers in older generations to Younger generations with Millennials Being the primary beneficiary Coldwell Banker estimates that Millennials will Hold 5x as much wealth by 2030 than at The start of the decade largely due to Inheritances and so look it's not the Case that all of this all all those tens Of trillion dollars you know what' they Say uh 96 trillion well they said here That what would be transferred be 84.4 Trillion so it's not the case that all That just goes into crypto but what if It was just like a percent or two and Maybe it would be more than that given The nature of how uh the younger Generations choose to invest that's That's certainly possible Here um I Mean that's a lot of money and so that's Why I keep saying like for the people That that are truly long term even Outside of the excitement of what's Happening now and that's worth being Excited about there's there's going to

Be opportunity for like decades to come Here that will outpace opportunities in Any other asset class that's see that It's another reason it's so exciting to Be here in crypto that's why I'm excited Every single day to talk about this Stuff and I don't think enough people Know it's like I'm I know you guys get It listening but I keep trying to spread The word there's there are always new People coming in too jumping into crypto And I'm trying to make sure that as many People are aware of this as possible Like don't mess this up this is Once in A species event here with the you know With the Advent of crypto here don't Mess this up and and so for me I mean You know for me it's already happened so My parents both died both unexpectedly At young young age my dad died when uh He was 59 that was back in 2009 that was Also way out of the Blue um and so I am one of the the the Younger generation that has inherited Funds now um what I've actually done is I've just out of respect for The Inheritance that I've taken in uh I've Just I'm just keeping that in Preservation mode which means I'm Putting none of it into Crypto but um it's still part of my net Worth now and I will just share with you And I don't want to talk about numbers Because to me that's kind of tacky and

Douchy and I I like my privacy a little Bit but uh uh but I will say as a result Of that it does make me um it has made Me put more money into like because I Keep earning money I have multiple Income streams I keep putting more of my Money into crypto than I otherwise would Have so it's still changing our behave And like I'm I'm I'm an anecdotal data Point you know I'm just one tiny little Data point and a SE of data points but I'm just telling you like the this Absolutely is impacting the real amount Of money that going that's going into Crypto like I've put more money into Crypto because these terrible things Happen to me ultimately and my parents Are gone but but it is what it is and It's changed my financial picture and it Has caused me to put more money into Crypto not the money that I inherited And just I just think the best way for Me to respect that Legacy to just keep It in preservation but like you grow it You grow it but what I'm saying is not Doing anything uh that would be Considered more risky Investments and Then I'm doing is I'm taking my money That I'm earning and I feel very good About this and there you go I'm just Putting more in than I otherwise would But I do think it's important to Diversify it doesn't matter the level of Confidence I have in crypto like I look

I firmly firmly believe that if I just Put all of my net worth into crypto Right now like literally right the Second which I could do if I wanted to It would I'd be way better off a few Years from now than if I'm Diversified Like I am now and I do believe that to Be the case but I'm not going to be Doing that because I'm I'm absolutely Unwilling to take on that ridiculous Level of risk because if I'm wrong I am Screwed and I am not willing to take on That level of risks so even though I Believe what's most likely is I'd be Better off if I just put everything in The crypto there's not a chance in hell I'm going to do that but even so yes I'm Putting more money into crypto and this Is what you're going to see as more time Passes you're going to see more and more Money flow into crypto it's it's just It's the natural progression of of Things Here then the next B point is Millennials in Jin Z are the first Digital Natives and are more racially Diverse educated and socially conscious Compared to their parents and Grandparents hindered by several Recessions steep housing costs and heavy Debt burdens these younger Generations Have been more receptive to alternative Financial systems and Investments Including crypto numerous surveys

Measuring crypto adoption across Generations finding that these younger Generations have at least 3x higher Adoption or acceptance rates of crypto Compared to Baby Boomers next bullet Point the transfer of wealth into these Crypto-friendly hands may result in Significantly more demand for Bitcoin And other crypto aets folks they say may But let's be real we know this going to Happen it is happening it's literally Happening right now it's just that the Pace is going to increase as time passes Because again it is what it is circle Life Bro you've seen the lon King right Reads as follows if the great wealth Transfer were to occur today we estimate An incremental 160 billion to 225 Billion would flow into crypto markets Based on the greater acceptance rates of The technology by younger Generations Relative to Baby Boomers as most of the wealth held by Boomers and older Generations is Expected to be passed along to younger Generations by 2045 our estimate Suggests the impact of the wealth Transfer may result in 20 million to $28 Million of daily incremental buying Pressure across the crypto Market over The next 20 years so folks I'm just Saying you are super early when it comes To xrp and yes I think in the relatively Short term there can be I think there

Will be a lot of people that achieve Life-changing wealth but if you zoom out Like the amount of opportunity here is Tremendous like even for people right Now that don't feel like they can put They have funds to put in a with would What they would consider to be Subjectively a lot of money into xrp or Or whatever your crypto asset may be Even if even if you're one of the people That feels that way brought in your Timeline here the the opportunity is Here for you for the everyday person you Know and I'm an everyday person too it's Here for all of us and as time passes Given that there's almost no money in Crypto now as more money Flows In you're Just you're an extremely early adopter If this is the case and I believe that This is what how things are going to Unfold broadly Speaking that's of incredible Consequence it will be like winning the Lottery even for the people that can't Put in a crazy amount now I still Believe for the people that actually Hold it'll kind of be like if anything Winning the lottery in slow motion but It still Happens I mean the people a decade or Two from now looking back at the prices In 2023 they're just going to like a a Jaw drop and like I wish I had that Opportunity but here we are living it

Right this Moment we're super early to the party And I just think that's exciting like it Is it is what it is I just I I it's just One more reason that there's opportunity More money flows in over time it it just Is I'm not a financial adviser you Should not buy or sell anything because Of anything I say or right that would be A very very very bad idea until next Time to the boom Lambo


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