XRP WILL HIT $20, THAT’S 22% MARKET DOMINANCE, Popular Analyst Proclaims

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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel what a day for xrp jumping about 20% and if you've been listening to my Channel say roughly in particular over The last couple weeks you're probably Not surprised by this I have noted that There's been analyst after analyst after Analyst all coming to the same Conclusion that xrp is about to blow at Least to start to start a move to the Upside not that in one FAL swoop it Would be hitting you know a new all-time High and entering price Discovery that's Not how this stuff works and there's not Historic precedent for that not not from Where we're at right now but to start to Move to the upside and I mentioned many Times having been in the space for over Six years holding xrp for over six years Now never having sold a single xrp Because I absolutely will not until we Do Enterprise Discovery uh I've I've Been watching every single day with Almost no exception for over 6 years What's been happening with xrp and in The community and I've noticed that There have only been a few times where Every xrp analyst who isn't biased Under The Sun comes to about the same Conclusion and says yeah xrp is about to Go and I I always think back to um late October maybe early November of 2020 When xrp went from about 20 something Cents and then rocketed to over 80 cents

In a very short time period whe whether It was a week or two I can't remember Exactly how long it took but um leading Up to that point I was even saying at The time guys they're all saying this Thing's about to go I don't normally see This but they're all agreeing right now And uh bull Market's heating up same Thing here hey guys I've been saying the Last couple weeks bull Market's heating Up every analyst who is not biased and Just an xrp hater or Bitcoin Max you Ever all them under the sun saying it's About to go and what do you know we have This and I'm going to share with you Perspectives from a number of analysts Because this shouldn't have been a Surprise at all but uh there's one Analyst in particular who says that xrp Is going to hit a 22% market dominance Which you know just the other day when I Last checked it was at something like 1.32% so for if it goes from 1.32% to Anywhere near 22% oh my gosh that that's Lambo time that's Moon time life Changing wealth time absolutely Absolutely uh but before going further I Do want to be clear I do not have a Financial background of any kind I am Not offering Financial advice and you Definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys Making YouTube videos about crypto

Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun look at this headline from Coindesk this is from this afternoon xrp Jumps 20% after mysterious binance Transfers as crypto rally expands to Laggards folks they're trying to assign It to specific key transactions o well It's up 20% well there's these Mysterious transaction no let me tell You something like every single day There are all sorts of notable Transactions just in terms of there are Some outliers they get reported by Accounts like whale alert on social Media platform X but that happens like every single day And so what happens here this is what Always happens when it comes to news Something neat happens because there are Like actual organic market dynamics at Play here that caus the movement and Then whatever is happening in the moment That could be you know cited as news That is applied as the reason that's What coindesk is doing here and and Historically they hate xrp they're just Trying to sign it like don't fall for This crap it's it doesn't mean a damn Thing um take a look at this from chart Analyst 360 Trader it's an xrp price chart he says Xrp has a date with 86 cents first and So I'm just going to share with you like This is an all xrp video to be clear

Like I'm just going to show you like all Sorts of perspectives from multiple Analysts here including some dating back Over the last couple months calling for Exactly this which is why when you see This stupid ass headline from from Coindesk or I guess better known as fud Desk they're saying wow there's this Mysterious binance transfer something That's play because this isn't organic Right that's the insinuation this isn't Organic but it is organic and people Have been calling for this literally for Months here's a post from chart analyst Cryptos and this is kind of funny so I Wanted to share it friends and family Wanted to sell their xrp last week they Wanted to give up that was the sign and Then he shared a little rocket emot Uh yes spot on I I I was saying stuff Along these lines too you you see There's like one major in xrp influencer In particular who got tons of media Coverage in the world of crypto Literally pleading to Ripple Executives Including Brad Garling house do Something to prop up the price of xrp And it's Insanity they don't have the Power to do that either the either the Market which moves in tan with the rest Of crypto uh responds organically and Moves to the upside or the downside but Ripple has demonstrated they don't have The power to control any of it they've

Had almost endless good news for a Decade in terms of business developments The market doesn't sufficiently care I Care maybe you care I care about actual Stuff getting build on top of the xrp Ledger but when it comes to the big Moves it's a bunch of esteria and fomo And chasing green candles like like That's just it we're the Bas there we're The people that care that's the reason Xrp's consistently been in the top 10 Cryptos by market cap for its entire Life over a decade but most people don't Know crap about it they know it's a coin That has a green candle that is what has Happened today and people fomo into it Absolutely and so when you see these Moments where people are in despair it Could not possibly get worse I'm out Brad garden house do something do Something now cuz I'm a little baby what My Lambo when that happens these are the Moments historically when xrp starts Flying to the damn Moon that is exactly What happens That's why I've been highlighting what All of these analysts have been saying About the xrp BTC pair going back to 2014 2017 2020 going into 2021 Absolutely when it looks dismal what Happens next pop to the upside because Eventually people notice hey xrp Supremely undervalued so the people

Because there are people in the market Who are not particularly emotional I Happen to be one of them and if if if a Disparity is noticed hey this thing Looks undervalued people will those Types of people will start to put the Money in and then when the when the Market starts to get a little green then The people who are are too afraid to do That they'll start to copy they'll Follow the Leader like oh it's starting To go up well now since it's up I feel Validated I'm going to put my money in Now because I'm an idiot's dick that's Pretty much how it works these are what Humans do like this is what humans do It's ridiculous but I'm counting on Humans to continue to behave this Ridiculously it's actually part of my Investment strategy so you keep being You idiots sticks it's fantastic and I'm Counting on it here's a post from Cryptol March 11th today at 3:34 a.m. so A little over 7 hours before xrp started Rocketing to the upside because that Major move frankly it happened in like a Little over an hour from wherever it was Rocking it up to like a little over 74 Cents yeah happened rather quickly and So that's why I always say when these Things happen either you have exposure Beforehand or you do not which is why I Just told and don't do a damn thing I'm Happy to just sit here and hold but uh

He shared this chart 7 hours before Broke out and in and in recent days um This guy's been and I'm new to following This particular analyst but um he's been Highlighting in recent days hey look at The trend line look he here breaking out He's been highlighting all sorts of Stuff like this um and so then there's Also this one this this is from just This afternoon after xrp did start to Break up to the x uh to the upside uh Xrp in USD price uh price chart uh well It's priced in Nvidia and uh so that's Nvidia is as a Company I'm sure that a lot of you are Familiar because it's been talked about Endlessly in crypto at this point uh big Performer let's say especially over the Last year and so you might be like well Why is he pricing xrp in the stock of a Company NVIDIA well because it's a tech Stock and we know that crypto trades Like tech stocks and so he has Highlighted um all sorts of different Cryptos um you know how it is paired up Against Nvidia including Bitcoin and eth And he's noted that when there's big Disparities like this histor there's Historic precedent for uh particular Coins to run including xrp here and see You can see back in 2017 this would have Been been the earlier part of 2017 when Xrp was probably about half a penny uh Rocketed up to about 42 cents uh he

Highlighted this is the buy Zone look at this look at the trend Lines look at it here bam and so he's Noted the same thing right here this is The buy Zone it just is what it is I I keep Seeing all of this type of stuff from Endless quantities of analysts which is Not the norm over most of the last six Years there's broad disagreement from Analysts I am not seeing that now except For if you want to find the Maxi TR that You can always find the negative Sentiment from the Idiots and the bias people the Ideologues you know the people who are Very tribal where bitcoin's their Religion effectively those people yeah Yeah yeah you can find analysts out There and it's funny because the there There are some analysts who are like Otherwise very good analysts but when it Comes to xrp they're disastrously wrong How can they have such a great hit rate For everything else but then not xrp Much your much your bias come into play Here NE analysis good sir me thinks the Answer is yes here's a post from chart Analyst crypto Insight UK and this is From 422 p.m. this afternoon central Time which is my time zone he wrote um Xrp most bullish pullback bounce in this Area and so he's noting because mind you Xrp not going to go up in a straight

Line there's going to be pullbacks um We're not seeing much of one right now I Checked the price before I'm recording And it was like 7 71 and a half cents Caseing one's curious It's 8:32 pm. Central time um Monday March 11 2024 and So right before I recorded this yeah ex Is like 71 and a half I've checked the Price way too much today but you guys Are too right like you're having fun With this right be happy it's like it's A fun day it's a fun day and I encourage Everybody to enjoy this don't feel weird For constantly checking the price it's Fun we don't get that most of the time These are these days are rare enjoy them Man don't feel guilty about it either um I'm doing it hell yeah um so so anyway Um you know if there's a pullback he's Just noting here that say roughly around Like maybe 69 cents or so there's some Pretty uh pretty pretty strong support Here so you know if that happens Probably not going to break lower than That it seems like that's what his Suspicion is Anyway uh but who knows by the time You're watching this maybe xrp is way Higher maybe there is some sort of Pullback we'll see but it's not looking Too bad right now Honestly uh there's this PO post also From crypto inset UK said I really don't Think Bitcoin is finished yet and he he

Also posted this in the afternoon 4:12 P.m. uh now that would be fantastic and You can see on the chart it looks like He's targeting about $75,000 if that Happens uh I'll not be surprised if xrp Does continue to move up further that Would not surprise me in the least I Also share this post this afternoon Because it's just fun uh xrp market cap Now back above 40 billion dollar for the First time in a hot minute and just Think about all the screaming and crying That's been occurring for most of this Year every but salana is going and my Xrp is not going I know shut the hell up Doesn't matter be patient be an adult Like that that's my response and here we Are it's over $40 billion now again it's Not going to go up in a straight line Doesn't matter you shouldn't expect it To B Bitcoin has never gone up in a Straight line forever eth hasn't xrp Never has and it won't ever nothing does Of course there's pullbacks but look at The trend are you going to fight the Trend because the trend is this asset Class is in a bull market you really Want to go against the trend right now Because xrp is part of this period I Don't care what the haters have to say There's way too many people who aren't Ideologues who support it and there are Way more people who will jump into Crypto who don't know that much and

They're going to chase green candles and Money floats to that the entire crypto Ecosystem xrp being a part of that Absolutely will get some of that sweet Sweet honey you know what I'm saying Then there's also this from crypto Wizard and so to highlight and kind of Make fun of the fact that coindesk had That stupid headline but there's these Big mysterious transfers that's what Dead at frar payday no shut the hell up Fesk crypto wi wizard January 8th and This is just one of many examples all Sorts of analysts have been calling for This but on January 8th crypto wizard Wrote xrp's time is coming pressure is Building above the lower high trend line Xrp will launch to 73 cents and higher Well how about that what just a hair Over 73 cents I think we hit a High um I Check like 74.3 cents a little bit Earlier today wouldn't you know that so The first big rocket of the year went Right above what he was saying on January 8th but it's mysterious binance Transfers right that's what coindesk Would have you believe that's the Insinuation Right no hell though and then there was This post from crypto wizard February 27th reiterating the point he said xrp's Time is coming at last the lower high Trend line has finally broken a breakout Above 59 cents will launch xrp to 73

Cents and higher leaving bears and all Those who lost hope in the dust patients Will pay look at this full screen xrp Price chart and there were tons of Analysts noting hey the trend Line's Been broken it's just a matter of time Before this goes have you heard me Saying this consistently over the last Couple weeks week and a half whatever It's been the answer is yes if you've Been listening if you've been listening To this channel maybe I maybe I Highlighted it too much but if I did That's because it was that important I Don't normally see this from analysts You don't have to be an analyst to Recognize something might be a forti Here because I'm not an analyst I don't Pretend to be I don't want to be I find That incredibly boring but I appreciate The work they do and yes it did move That and he said that that was February 27th he's been calling for this Then there's this post from him March 11th today 4:28 p.m. after it actually Happened he said warning xrp is Exploding exactly as called xrp has Exploded to 73 cents giving Wizards a 27.29 per uh return on invested so mind You um he is a Trader I don't know if he Huddles xrp at all but he's coming from A Trader mentality which is not what I Do and I think it that you know Attempting trading is terrible for just

About every human on the planet uh There's data to show that whether you're Talking about equities or crypto uh Somewhere between 90 to 95% of Traders Do lose money and the ones who make Money aren't exactly making Life-changing wealth and then they're Living with all that risk all that Stress and you have to do it day after Day after day after day it's just not For most people I don't want to do it I Have no interest I don't want to I just It's not for most people just I'll leave It at that um but for the ones that are Good at it I will always give them props It's just it's not for most people so Just don't fall in it's a trap for most People that's the reason I'm saying this Then there is this from chart analyst EG Greg Krypto xrp dominance the bounce and He shared this at 133 a.m. so uh you Know many hours before this this uh you Know about 9 hours before this this pump Started for xrp today he said if you're Looking for a 2017 style pump then the Dominant should drop another 27% just like in March 2017 xrp Dominance dropped to9 7% and the rest was history I truly Believe that if Bitcoin continues its Upward trajectory and other alts keep Pumping multiple times we might see a Similar percentage drop however remember Bad news is good news the below

Percentage targets are critical numbers From a support and resistance point of View all of them can be achieved and um His post that was actually more Interesting than that in my humble Opinion would be this one and um this Makes a ton of sense I mind you I don't Make predictions for price and I don't Know exactly like so even if you know my Suspicions are correct and xrp does hit A new all-time high Enterprise Discovery I don't know exactly what that would Mean in terms of market dominance for Xrp but suffice it to say it would be Monstrous at least for the moment in Time where xrp is up there because xrps In the past has had market dominance of Over 30% you guys know now it was it was Only briefly held but that shouldn't be Surprising because You the money Cycles through the entire Crypto space there are all sorts of Coins that had way bigger market caps For a brief moment in time uh that's True of like eth xrp pick your coin it's It's very normal but the point is the Idea of seeing dominance you know at This level he he sites 22% yeah would Not be the least bit surprised if this Happens so and and he talks about what The dollar implication is for that too So check this out here's what he wrote Xrp dominance yeah yes 22% the chart below is non-logarithmic

Showing the measured move of the Descending triangle for an upside Breakout that could reach up to 22% market dominance however the odds of Breaking to the upside are not in favor But xrp will always defy the law and Folks isn't that kind of what happened Today I mean if you listen to what some Of the naysayers had to to to tell you It's not it's never going to happen it Just keeps going down and down and down Except for today Those people pretty quiet today I've Noticed it's been pretty Pleasant and then he wraps up by stating And this is the most important part Probably to uh it says xrp Army stay Steady 22% of a 5 trillion total market Capitalization is around $1 trillion Which translates into $17 to $20 price Of Xrp see that I don't know if that's Going to happen that that is absolutely Plausible especially if I mean if you're Talking about if Bitcoin rips way higher Than what a lot of people think like say What if it actually does go to a quarter A quarter of a million dollars what if Bitcoin actually does that if there's That much money in the system just Imagine when it starts row rotating Through into the alts if that happens Now I don't know if it's going to I Don't pretend to know but my God the

Idea of having an xrp up there yeah it's Actually legitimately Possible it's pretty exciting to think Like just to even understand that that's Reasonable it just it's still it's Mind-blowing I don't know if we're going To get it but that is mindblowing Frankly here's a post from chart analyst Mickey Mickey crypto said Xrp xrp has just broken out of the Symmetrical triangle and the closure Above it will send it higher pattern Potential Target $6 now I want to note This post is from March 3rd of this year March 3rd over a week ago so is it what Binance had to say again the headline Here xrp jumps 20% after mysterious Binance transfers was it the binance Transfers that are mysterious or was It everything that the analysts see in The charts here with multiple analysts Coming to the same conclusion was it That and this is just organic because The asset class is getting bigger and Blown up or is it is it the mysterious Transfers come on folks like I know you Guys know but I got to make fun of them Right and then there's this today 11:36 A.m. so almost a full hour after xrp Really started to move uh shared the Same post or similar post xrp it is time To send it to the pattern Target of [Music] $6 yeah get the party started

Man if xrp never sees that type of price Level that would be shocking to me and I Don't know what's going to happen with Xrp price but that would shocking like If we fast forward a decade or two and It's just it just didn't happen that Would blow my freaking simple little Moon Lambo Mind here's a post from another an Analyst Krypto th th Th Th nailed it this is an xrp price chart And he simply wrote xrp with a little Rocket emoji you know what he's getting Out with this right circling back what Happened you know call it 2014 into 2017 Right before it ripped to the upside Went from about half a penny do about 42 Cents highlighting same development here Basically 2021 up to where we are right Now basically just copy that you can see Where the extension would be should this Occur you're looking at over $14 Xrp there's a reason that xrp has been In the top 10 cryptos by market cap its Entire life there are people like me and People like you who understand utility Like were the utility investors were the Ones that prop it up to that degree and Then when it really gets going the rest Of it has nothing to do with utility it Just runs with the market historically That is what has occurred that's what's Happening right now and that is the

Reason we have the opportunity for Life-changing wealth because there are a Bunch of idiot sticks that make stupid Financial decisions based on Emotions there you go I'm just being Real with you like that's that's that's What it is and so I'm betting against Them when I sell and I'll I'll treat Them as exit liquidity and if they're Buying they must think that I'm wrong They're betting against Me but I really think they're wrong and I think that history will bear that up Like when I start selling yeah I mean I'll be getting like even if it goes Higher frankly I mean technically you Could have a scenario where like like in Theory we're we're both right because I Sell to where I'm happy with it take the Risk off the table and then it does like Go three or four times higher than that Who knows um and then I'd just be happy For the people that actually bought that But you're still on getting like a three Or fourfold increase from there that's Like if you bought Bitcoin you know like 15 20 grand it's like not that exciting But you could do it so in that in that Case but so they they treat somebody Else's exit liquidity I suppose if they Have if they even sell but that's not Like a crazy multip like that's not the Multiplier effect that people come into Crypto for but that's when people are

Going to buy they're going to feel like It's like this is the validation this is The moment I should be buying it that is Exactly what they're going to Do it's coming Folks it's coming xrp is going to hit a New all-time high in Enterprise Discovery I don't pretend to know when But as long as the asset class keeps Going in this direction and we have a Full-on alt season XR P will be a part Of it so the only way this isn't going To happen is if we don't have that or Some sort of Black Swan event happens And then I'll say okay well we got Screwed again then which would be Unbelievable so I'm counting on that not Happening but um that's pretty much it Outside of that just sit back and relax Have fun with it you know it is coming And you can even see this by the way and Somebody else pointed this out you can See like dating back to where bottomed Out in I think it was June of 2022 when A the cycle low for re fre was like 28 Cents it has been trending up ever since Then you can see this with your eyes Right it's easier to see if you're Looking on a television might be harder To see on your phone but it's it's been Trending Up higher lows Folks month after month after month After

Month I just it never made sense to cry About this it never did but this is what Humans do so now all the people that are Bitching up a storm they some of them Are on the sidelines now trying to catch Up good luck he GS to need it but I have Been holding for over six years and I Will hold however long it takes because My conviction has never been stronger This going to happen son this is the Most optimistic I've ever felt about X The strongest conviction I've ever had Right in this moment and with legal Clarity there is nothing holding it back I'm not a financial adviser you should Not buy your sell anything because of Anything I say or right that would be a Very very very bad idea until next time To the Moon Lambo


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