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Welcome back to the show check out these Headlines well you going to want this Video is how about the ethereum ETFs Novag grats Bitcoin and ETFs we got this Ripple partner news you're going to want It and let me tell you something else Too uh Brad garlinghouse may just be one Of the smartest people on the planet and We're going to get into why we got that And so much more somebody roll that Beautiful Intro Digital perspectives with Brad KES come On In welcome back to the show you can Follow us on Twitter and YouTube and dig for exclusive content Right now $2.85 trillion market cap for Crypto the market is up 6% remember We're close it at three trillion we're Almost back up there 72,300 for Bitcoin Right now 3,900 Plus for ethereum 102 Billion plus for tether market cap xrp At the number seven spot 67 cents even Though we're off by 3% right now in the 24hour we're up by 11.4 on the 7day Range of price very quickly between 66 Cents on the bottom and 70 on the top We're at 67 cents and it's been pulling Back and back testing a little bit but Long as we stay above 66 cents for the Close the technical analysts say we're Going to keep that bullish that bullish Uh uh uh I guess energy moving forward

For the charts but let me tell you Something that's bullish it's xrp Las Vegas ladies and gentlemen and I tell You what it has ramped up with the Ticket sales now you know VIP tickets Are sold out but I can also tell you That General emission tickets are still Available and you need to get your Ticket they are selling so fast let me Tell you how fast how fast Brad they're Selling so fast that I just had a Meeting uh Mrs backup and I just had a Meeting with uh the representative out There at MGM Grand and they may have to Move this to a different floor and a Different Ballroom to accommodate what We're doing here I'm going to tell you You're going to want to come join Everybody out here this look this Conference we've put together is for you That's I'm just giving it to you the way It is I don't need to do a conference Like this I'm doing it because I'm so Passionate about this space and this Community I don't need to be out here Getting attacked every day for these Things I'm doing this for all of you you And I really do understand that we are In a remarkable moment of time we are Witnessing the greatest Financial Paradigm shift in the history of mankind And I know that this conference is going To touch on everything that I understand To be important about that transition

And you're going to want to be there so You can hear it directly from the people Who know it best like David Schwarz it's Going to be remarkable and get yourself Some swag and some merch while you're There or before you go click click the Link underneath my video and get your Favorite xrp Las Vegas gear right here The store is open till Wednesday April 3rd and you could be sporting your gear At the conference I can't wait to see Everybody in the gear there and uh I I Just can't it's going to be super Exciting now let's start right here Chad Stein grber he's been on fire Fire yeah congratulations retail you Keep selling the asset man manager Thinking you're smarter than the market No charts will save you Bitcoin ETFs and What he's saying is absolutely what We've been seeing which is people sell The Bitcoin and then the asset managers Buy it up they're going to have all of It right and they're using clients money To get it do you see how that Works they open up the fund the the high Uh high level client wants access and Exposure to it they put a certain amount Of money into the ETF fund for Bitcoin And then they're required Black Rock to Go buy it and and custody It it's it doesn't belong to them it Doesn't belong to the customer the Client it belongs to Black Rock and

They're required to have it as long as That customer has a position in it right But this is how they buy it up they're Getting their customers money to buy it All up for them and then it'll be under Their custody that's what we're watching Happen happen I think what we're going To see happen broadly across the market With ETFs rolling out is exactly this You're going to continue to see that Demand go out to back these funds which Is required right and this can create The Shane Ellis Theory when it comes to Xrp because not only would you have the Demand for ETFs once they're available But then you would have the demand for Actual market makers using the asset for Payments now imagine that dynamic put Those two together you got one side of The fence that needs to buy it for their Fund to back their fund for their Clients and then you have the other side Is like listen I just need to use this Every day for payments now that I can Imagine that Demand then here we have Raul pal would You would you listen to what he says About the raas the RAS which are uh Regulated investment advisers if you're Not aware uh take a listen to this clip Here right now as raas now you got to Understand how these Ra's work and Dan Knows them because a whole bunch of Investors in his fund is these guys are

Networks they're not let Brokers get on The phone like buy by sell they go and Have a steak dinner with their best Client who talks about this Bitcoin ETF They're like I'm not sure they read Barons that week they're like I'm not Sure if it's the right thing to do they Then go and play golf their other client Talks about it and eventually you know That this huge property developer from Cincinnati then sticks in you know five Million bucks into the yeah this is the Process so it's actually really slow and We've only just started and a lot of These people are driven by Price that's You you look at Nvidia you see how price Feeds on itself it becomes reflexive so We've just started these guys are not Traders in the whole these Raa networks Generally talk to their clients about You should think about an x% allocation They put an x% allocation or they Mandate it and say hey we're going to do This for you guys They do it and then what happens is Dan And I have seen this all the way through With friends of ours they start with 1% And then before you know it they get up To 5% they're like it we're going To 10% because they start to understand The power of this thing so it becomes Very reflexive in price action um you Know I've seen family offices I've got Um one of the investors in in my fund is

A big Australian family office at first Their allocation was 1% they probably Got up to 20% in crypto allocations in the end Because you know once the principal Started to understand it that it just Keeps building on on itself and the Price action just Builds on it so we've And there you have it that's what I want You to hear because that's exactly what We've seen take place we saw black rock That article we covered a week or two Ago where they're literally like instead Of this you know 1 to 3% 2 to 5% Allocation recommending 28% And by the way don't be tricked I think There's a reason for that I think There's a very good reason for that is Because they know that they need to Offset the collapse and the correction That's coming in the traditional market And wouldn't that be the finest time in The world to tokenize the entire Traditional Sector Mike novogratz asked about the Great debate when it comes to ethereum If an ETF approval is imminent and will Ethereum be a security Has moved in a big way part of that is On the back now of speculation or of an Expectation somehow that we're going to Have a ethereum ETF and that that is Going to create a similar kind of Dynamic do you think that that's uh the

Right way to think about it and do you Actually think that there will be an Ethereum ETF listen I think there's a a Fierce debate inside the SEC right now Right I mean Gary gendler before he was At the SEC is on tape uh saying is Definitely not a security now keep in Mind they're asking somebody who would Get in trouble for insider trading if it Is a security since he's been at the SEC He hasn't made a a ruling on it and I Think what the SEC is doing is debating Can they call ethereum security uh with This idea that it changed when it went From proof of work right right for for Validation to proof of stake um if They they can't make that argu arent and I think it's a tough argument to make They have to you know they're going to Approve the ETF because it's the same Argument that won the Bitcoin ETF They're Already yeah well look this comes down To proof of work versus proof of state That's the argument that Andrew sorin Put forward so that must be what he Understands from the SEC at this point And it gets very tricky that's why we Have to understand the automated Market Maker is not like proof of stake it is Different remember that is not the same Thing and I have something for you You're going to love it but not this Part this is Eric Kaplan prometheum CEO

Uh we know promethium is backed by the Red country CCP backed Juan Zang it's it Is not up for debate so uh take a listen To this talk to me about how you're Viewing ether is ether a security in the Eyes of promethium promethium believes That the overwhelming majority of Digital assets uh are securities almost Every smart contract based Network Investment to based Network token uh has Real features of a uh investment Contract and therefore it likely Qualifies as a security okay I have to Ask you about this piece on The Ether Conversation I'm sure you know cftc Chairman Roston Benham told the house Committee on agriculture on Wednesday That Bitcoin and ether are Commodities And that any claim that your company Promethium is making to the contrary is Actually not reflective of The sec's Stance any response here chairman denam Is the chairperson of the Cftc uh we understand that thought Process our regulator is the SEC uh and The chairperson of the SEC has said that They view the overwhelmed majority of Digital assets as Securities uh so uh we will comply uh With the regulators and our regulator is The SEC and we believe that uh whatever The SEC says we will be compliant to Proceed with have you spoken to gansler About his stance on ether or I maybe I

Shouldn't even single out gansler but Have you spoken to anyone at the SEC About their stance on ether I have not Spoken to Chairman Ganer about their Stance on ether I've never actually Spoken to chair M Genser how do you determine whether or Not ether is a security and then listed On the platform our point of contact is Our regulator which is the Self-regulatory organization that our Broker dealers are regulated by which is Finra uh and essentially uh based on how Our licensing work and the procedures we Have we have to do some sort of Investment contract anal is to make a Determination uh and we are confident in Our analysis talk to me so this comes Back to Smart contracts right he said Anything to do with smart contracts Forget about it well remember this Remember codius and then remember when Ripple also won US Patent for new Oracle Based on Smart contract Design remember when they were catching All kinds of hell where people were like Man they need to do smart contracts when Are they going to do smart contracts This is why I said in the opener Brad Garlinghouse and team over there may be Some of the smartest people in the world Because I have said this multiple times From this Channel that having The xrp Ledger be

Clean of stable coins having The xrp Ledger be clean of smart contracts looks Like they have avoided massive massive Pitfalls that could have been in front Of them super super smart move of course Everybody thinks well they're behind no They're not behind because they're not Looking to do it without Approval it's all in how you see It and today going on right now is Representative french hill convenes the Digital assets subcommittee and thank Goodness we need it because it's a Hearing entitled bureaucratic overreach Or consumer Protection I'm going to go with Bureaucratic overreach representative Hill and appreciate your good work as a Crypto Advocate on the hill uh users can Now use xrp on the evm and Cosmos chains As corium launches an xrp Ledger Bridge Oddly enough faio sologenic and corium Are going to Be at xrp Las Vegas on stage shout out To them yeah interoperability ladies and Gentlemen we got more Ripple partner News GBC G bbbc member Ripple has Partnered with Axel Foundation to Enhance yet again xrp Ledger Interoperability across various Blockchains looking to expand its Utility and reach well isn't this Amazing all of this interoperability Seems to be happening while the ground

Is shaking for networks that have been Out here for years like Ethereum watch out ladies and gentlemen There is a there is a lesson in all of This By taking the high road which is the Longer Road Less Traveled road but it is The road worth taking because I'm Starting to see how it's all paying off Here and have been and our sepa Network Gets even better with Inay this is Ripple partner trango right here the Long and short is is Ripple partner Trango collaborates with Danish crossb Business Inay you're going to love this The alliance is to set offer set to Offer trango Ripple The technical and Regulatory Infrastructure to scale its crossborder Suite across an additional 24 European Regions through a single Integration that's that's what we're Talking about right when the market Infrastructure is put together this is The kind of stuff you can do in a very Short order and then here we see a scam Detective scams are Bad says Hey Financial times you should Do a six-year followup on this story and See if you can find a single Bank using Xrp because that was based on financial Times's article in a post he had shared Well Bill Morgan decided to help him out And says yes Ripple partner trango use

Xrp through Ripple payments on demand Liquidity and they are connected to just 5,000 Banks through one Ripple Partner right You know uh I know uh scam detective He's been a huge troll in this space God Bless him you know he's still reaching But God bless him you know industry Expert with an insatiable curiosity for The Truth how about some of that 5,000 Bank Truth right There how about this Smoke Dog right Here out of all cryptocurrencies why Would Banks choose Ripple because Ripple Has the most interest an adoption from Central banks uh-huh and other large Financial entities here you going to see Proof of it right Here use of crypto assets as a bridge You see it right here proxy cbdc it's All written right here we all know What's going on cryptocurrencies Ripple Has the most interested adoption from Central banks there it is that's from CSS right there now let's keep going you Know Smoke Dog ain't done with us yet Then he went and did this look what he Did yeah and on a Wednesday no less That's how he does It xrp Ledger yes an xrp Ledger based Tech layer for the EU distributed Ledger Technology pilot regime is being Regulated under new legislation right

Now with a secondary market for Tokenized Securities equals amm and can Be integrated with regulated settlement Coins through Micah Remember only Ripple met with Micah That's exactly right you could see right Here axy is xrp ledger based technology Layer for distributed Ledger technology Transaction settlement system DLT TSS a New regulated institution type under EU DLT pilot regime regulation secondary Market for tokenized Securities A yeah uhhuh we like to leave it strong That's how we like to do it and there's Nine days left until the xrp Ledger has A historical moment which is already in The process of playing out and it's Automated market makers in just nine Days it will become a permanent feature Of The xrp Ledger and the question I Have and have had since this has come About it's wanting to know in the eyes Of a regulator and a Banker after the a automated Market Maker is in place and well Underway will the xrp token start to Look a lot more like a stable coin when The stabilization mechanism of the amm Is in Place that's a next question I'd like to See answer by a regulator right not a YouTuber like myself I'd like to hear That answered by a regulator especially A credential regulator that'd be great

You know like Michael Westar the VP the Federal Board of Governors used to be at The treasury also former Ripple adviser Let's hear him ask that question I'd Love to hear him answer it we're going Into the freedom Zone ladies and Gentlemen as you know censorship on uh These social media platforms is very Very real freedom of speech is not Anything other than Imagination uh I could tell you we deal With it every single day as an Influencer in this world but there's Also another thing that affects all of Us it's just being a user of these Platforms we have some profound Information for anybody out here using Tik Tok you need to see this I hope you Will join us in dig prospective decom on In the freedom Zone not Financial advice Or me or anyone else you need all of This if you use Tik Tok we're going to Get into it right now come on In all right


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