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Welcome back to the show everybody check Out these headlines we have for you Senator Warren oh my goodness and a Former SEC crypto litigator you won't Believe what she reveals about the sec's Approach to crypto the US and the UK G7 Countries and creep closer to digital Money the cftc's Caroline fam that new Stable coin Bill we're going to get into It a little bit today Monica Long's in The news with this year's predictions And you're going to love it and in the Freedom we're going to talk about Surveillance power and how we may lose a Lot of our rights if we're not watching Very carefully somebody rolled at Beautiful [Music] [Applause] Intro digital perspectives with Brad KES Come on [Applause] In welcome back to the show you can Follow us on Twitter Youtube and dig Prospectives for exclusive content right Now $$ 2.36 trillion market cap for Cryptocurrency to markets off by 1.4 However 62,200 Plus for Bitcoin right Now off by 11.3 on the 7day 3,000 and Change for ethereum and it's off by 14.2 On the 7 Day tether Market Cap's 109.5 Billion plus right now right now xrp is At the number eight spot at 49 it's off By

19.4% on the 7 day let's look at the Range of price very quickly here between 48 and 50 we're going to keep an eye on It listen I want to tell you about a Couple things very quickly one it is Exactly two weeks away to xrp Las Vegas Get your ticket because I'm going to Tell you something and just let's count Today so 18 in eight days the price of xrp is uh Uh the ticket for xrp Las Vegas is going To go up and let me tell you it's Because there's so many people that are Coming they're not letting price bother Them I'm not letting it bother me let me Tell you something if anything should Bother you and get you excited it should Be the announcement of the new stable Coin Bill and understanding that Ripple Is going to be launching a stable coin On The xrp Ledger and the ethereum Network this is massive ladies and Gentlemen and I don't find it to be a Coincidence either so uh for me this is A must attend conference with the ever Expanding xrp Ledger automated market Makers and so many other things that are Coming and understanding them and Hearing directly from David Schwarz About them and stable coins and Christian Carlo about the digital dollar Project you're going to get the kind of Information that you need to help inform You on where we're going and where this

Space is going collectively so this is a Remarkable opportunity and again I want To share with you very quickly we know Link 2 is going to be there and they're Going to be talking about IPO season and They wanted me to let everybody know Today that if you have not taken Advantage and going to register and sign Up to do so and by the way look at this Is what they're doing today you invest Today for the next 24 hours and you'll Get Bitcoin invest 5 to 10,000 get $500 Worth of bitcoin invest 10 to 25,000 get $1,000 worth of bitcoin invest 25 to 50,000 $25,000 worth of bitcoin 50,000 And greater and you get $5,000 worth of Bitcoin now understanding where this Market is forecast to Go I'd say that is one hell of a deal Right there make sure you get your Tickets to xrp Las Vegas and get your Private Equity at link to click the link For my sponsor below Cody Carbone from The digital chamber lays it down here he Says let me translate what's going on Here because Senator Warren Elizabeth Warren really ramping up the anti-stable Coin letters now now we know that she is Leading The anti- crypto ban and now going into The anti-stable coin ban boy I tell you If you ever wanted to know in Massachusetts why Elizabeth Warren's got To go it's as obvious as it could ever

Be in this point right here she's not Interested in trying to bring power to The people no she's trying to suppress This and this Innovation because she's Doing the bidding for the banks in Special interest it's obvious to see Here Cody Carbone says let me translate What Warren is saying in these letters Despite the states and fin sends current Regulation oversight over stable coin Issuers I don't trust them peer-to-peer Transactions can't Exist governments or government is and Always will be the answer ban it unless Government controls it that's exactly What Elizabeth Warren is saying and That's why she should be removed moved As a senator from the United States Congress go John Deon John Deon for ladies and Gentlemen then there's This recent SE SEC crypto litigator Leader leaden Stewart where she debated with Rebecca Redig and uh New York crypto lawyer Which I believe is Lewis Cohen yep over Her agency's controversial approach in One notable exchange Stuart said the SEC Doesn't view tokens as Securities but Instead their offer in sale but then What do you register redig asked Stuart Answered that the token plus all the Stuff around the token is the security You can't obviously register all the

Stuff but you could register the token But we agreed that that's not the Security and that's not the investment Contract either redig replied this is I Think where the industry and the SEC Have this divide which is tell us what To do and it's hard to know Cohen jumped In and said it's impossible it's not Hard and he's absolutely right meanwhile The US and UK governments Step Up stable Coin regulation efforts to G7 Nations and I want to remind you of this Little clip right here of James Wallace The head of Central Bank engagement for Xrp and The xrp Ledger and crossb Payments right here what he Says I can't give you the names yet but There's two projects we're working on One in the UK and one in the US well There you have it is't that interesting Could it be something to do with This wouldn't be hard to believe we'll Find out soon enough right and then There's Caroline fam from the cftc Ladies and gentlemen listen and what she Says yeah and thank you for highlighting Um my engagement my International Engagement last year because you know Other jurisdictions are ahead of the United States I don't know why people Don't want to talk about that it's like This Open Secret but it's true other Jurisdictions have had regulation um They've had registration and oversight

Regime since 2018 or 2019 and they've Been examining uh digital asset firms And one of the things that I asked about These other jurisdictions when I sort of Ask them to tell me about their lessons Learned and what works and what didn't Work is you know what really facilitates Innovation and it turns out that it's Pretty consistent across the board Having a strong rule of law having legal Certainty um having political stability And having that regulatory Clarity these Three pieces are what creates the ideal Uh circumstances or conditions for Innovation to thrive and so with what I Can do today with what the digital asset Market subcommittee can do today we're Going to come out this year and we're Going to work on best practices and Industry standards for tokenized digital Asset markets yeah and they're coming Out with it as we know right and that Was from last year and reminder uh I am Honored and privileged to be able to Speak at the DC blockchain Summit this Year I hope you will join us at the Digital chamber uh in 24 May 15th is When it's coming up you can get your Tickets right there uh that's going to Be a great great Summit no doubt about It and I can't wait to talk to all the People there now this is in fact the Bill the state coin bill that was put Out yesterday and released and it's

Getting lots of Attraction and lots of Conversation ladies and gentlemen well Let's understand this steuart Altera Salutes Senator lumus and Senator Jill Bran continue to advance crypto policy With their draft stable coin bill There's much left to be done but great To also see others in Congress now Engaging Positivity uh to with crypto regulation Innovation is not and should never be Partisan that's exactly right should be Bipartisan and if I'm not if I am Reading this correctly USD tether is Operating illegally according to the new Stable coin bill which clearly says here It shall not it shall be unlawful for Any person to engage in the business of Issuing a payment stable coin directly Or indirectly in the United States That's exactly what tether has been Doing for more than a decade through any Means or instruments of Transportation Or communication in the United States or To a person in the United States that Right there means they're illegal now What happens to them I don't know Chad Stein grber says only Ripple stable coin And black rocks usdc will be legal in The US quite possibly quite possibly That's what we're waiting to find out Here exactly what's going to happen That's really the key we'll find out Soon enough the worst thing we could do

If stable coins are being misused around The world is to step away and not Regulate them this is coming from Senator gilbran and Senator lumus take a Listen there's been a lot of speculation That there has been money moved uh Through stable coins and the like and Others uh through tether and places like That uh to places like Iran and and Russia and others and how concerned you Are about that and how that relates to a Bill like This well I think this bill is the first Step towards really addressing uh Illicit Finance um this stable coin Legislation uh creates a framework where It rests on top of the Dual banking System um it uses the protections of Know your customer um and anti-money Laundering Protections in the banking System uh this is a bill that's written To have 100% one:1 uh dollar backed uh Custody has to be in a bank uh and so You have all those Protections in place In our our ordinary banking system and So this is bringing that level of Transparency and accountability into Um blockchain and cryptocurrency and the First and I think the most important Piece of this legislation is to take Stable coin and put it into a proper Regulatory framework so that we can have Consumer protection we can have Transparency accountability and we can

Have certainty now the worst thing we Could do if stable coins are being Misused around the world is to step away And not regulate them the whole purpose Of this bill is to protect Consumers uh while we acknowledge the Existence and use of stable coins and Furthermore Senator gilbran has included Some language from the FDIC that in the Event there were an insolvency or a Failure uh a conservatorship uh could or A receivership could be set up so it's Contemplated uh that even with our let's Go back and catch that part if stable Coins are being misused around the world Is to step away and not regulate them The whole purpose of this bill take a List is to protect Consumers uh while we acknowledge the Existence and use of stable coins and Furthermore Senator Jill bran has Included some language from the FDIC That in the event there were an Insolvency or a failure uh a Conservatorship uh could or a receiver Ship could be set up so it's Contemplated uh that even with our Onetoone reserves that we require and Our uh decision not to allow algorithmic Stable coins if something did fail we Have that safety valve of the FDIC Receivership Language well interestingly enough you Have to wonder are they going to force

Tether into failure and then have FDC Just take it Over well you got to watch it boy Government's dirty you know these Governments and political parties They're all like gangs and cartels right Watch out ladies and gentlemen we don't Know what the hell will happened but we Do know that it has been recently noted And highlighted that USD tether has Helped deliver illicit funds to Russia In support of their efforts and the Conflicts they're involved in so there Are many things now flying about to be Concerned about when it comes to USD Tether and there they are and I'm giving A wellness check I want to know how the Digital chamber feels about this new Stable coin Bill does it have the Support and the weight and confidence of The digital chamber and we'll wait to Get their response we haven't yet to Hear and I know they're out traveling so We'll see what happens but if you want To know where things are going here well I think Monica long who has been Extremely conservative professionally When it comes to you know how far she's Willing to step out and say what she Sees going to happen she's been Extremely bullish about 2024 and she Doubles down right here I want you to Take a listen but if we zoom out what's Exciting to me is over the longer Arc of

Time we're seeing growth and maturity in Web 3 and uh I think a lot of that and What's really exciting about this latest Cycle to me is real institutional Adoption if you think about it some of The biggest brands in financial services Like Goldman and black rock and Fidelity They actually built their products and Offerings in bare markets meaning they See the bigger picture at hand so I Think that's what's going to be really Different about this year is the Institutional Embrace and and takeoff Institutional Embrace and takeoff and How are they doing that if we don't have A stable coin bill right I think it's Because Monica and everybody else in the Node knows that we're getting that Stable coin bill that's how I feel about It it's a dig click on The freedom Zone help support the Channel for almost next to nothing for Less than the cost of a cup of coffee You can get all the content all month Long zero Google ads on my daily videos You get them in here without any Google Ads and then you get full access to the Private telegram group there is a Discount code currently right now inside The group which is a 25% discount code To have private dinner with Brad Garlinghouse Christian Carlo Michael Arrington Eleanor terret myself digital Asset investor Congressman Wy nickel and

More And you can write it Off you can't beat it you can't afford To not be in this group to be perfectly Honest and the extra content that you're Going to get in here is so good and I'm Telling you that because of the Conversations that it Creates not Financial advice of me or Anyone else we're going into the freedom Zone come on In all right


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