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Well here we go and for once I get to Hit the record button Chris Chris from Fruition production andle documentary How you doing man I'm doing awesome Thanks so much for having me on here hey Man thank you for being here so look you Guys just dropped a really really Incredible trailer it's five minutes but It is so well laid out and tells an Amazing story about what this docu Series is give us a little overview About what you've just released here Yeah we wanted to make sure that there Was a large narrative right so before we Had shown like a little bit of xrp army We shown a little bit of the stuff we Had recorded uh with uh John Deon kind Of a teaser of there he is and yes There's this big piece of it which is The regulatory capture of you know Certain members of the SEC but we had Filmed so much I mean from the time that Trailer had released to now we've we've Interviewed 12 additional folks we've Added a lot more um surface area to the Documentary including diving into the Developer community and um talking with Additional members of the xrp um army And experts that are across multiple Segments and and so my biggest takeaway Was we got to show more of our cards we Got to show a bigger narrative we got to Basically give people the story so that If you're not part of the community you

Could watch this thing and get a general Sense of oh okay I get it like yep Something's up inflation's going on is It yes it is there's a lot of money Printing going on and there's a lot of Decentralization going on in the world And we're moving off the dollar standard And there's all this stuff going on with Regulation and but yet you know we want Everyone understand the battle that the Xrp communities had and really the Battle that ripples had against the US Government and what are the motivations Behind that and then where do we go After that right launch past that Because we are getting towards the end Of that phase and we're getting more Into the future uh and a very exciting Week with ripple announcing their stable Coin on The xrp Ledger ecosystem uh Giving more utility to xrp and I think That um that again proves that we're Just The Best is Yet to Come As Brad Says at the end of our clip There look I really do think it is the Best is yet to come there's no question About it so look you guys are going to Be at xrp Las Vegas and tell the people Out here what they can expect to see on Stage with your uh slot and panel at xrp Las Vegas yeah so what we showed today Was sort of you know we just dropped a New trailer that gives you more of a a Taste of the narrative right gives you a

Little bit of this when you go to xrp Las Vegas you know Brad's been kind Enough to give us a uh a slot there and So we're going to give you actually a uh Kind more like an appetizer of the Documentary we're going to show a Segment of the documentary that no one's Seen it'll be sort of the uh First Look Anybody outside of our production team Will have uh at seeing a larger piece of The documentary giving you a sense of What actual segments will look like so We'll zoom into to a part of the Documentary give you breadth and depth Um most likely you know highlighting Things that we've recorded in the world Of the xrp army because a lot of us are Part of that but also showcasing the Future of where we're going with crypto And kind of get people excited about you Know what doing and it's also an Opportunity for us to film so we'll be There thank you very much for the Opportunity filming uh filming the Environment filming people and that's Good but the biggest opportunity I think For those that are attending is to be Part of it you know we're still in Production right now we're still in Production so if there's somebody out There that wanted to lend their voice to The project they have some expertise That they feel they want to give to us We will be recording there we will have

A an interview Booth of sorts and you Can come out and and provide us you know Your your insights and not only that but We're also excited to partner with a lot Of the keynote speakers that are there To you know collect that next piece of Expertise we we'd love to speak with the Upholds and bit Maxes of the world bit Stamps of the world excuse me and we'd Also love to talk to other companies That are doing Innovations in the crypto Space you know those that are doing Wills and trusts and ETFs and all that Great stuff that's moving the Traditional Finance retirement and or Financial investment vehicles into the Crypto space we want all those folks um So you know it gives us tremendous Opportunity for that audience to see a Little bit more of the documentary They've ever seen and lend their voice To it it'll be really one of the last Times we're actually out there uh Recording and it's the only time in a in A pseudo public setting that we will uh Have the uh uh opportunity for folks From the community to just come up and Record with us so we're very excited to Be there we'll be there both days Recording all day um and uh even Recording a little bit some of the After Parties we're going to one or two after Parties so well we're excited to see Everybody out there in Las Vegas and

We're excited to see you no doubt about It and look uh do you have a release Date in mind right now or is it still Kind of open-ended because you're still Putting some of these story lines Together yeah I mean we we have to build The the whole project right so we're Still building it but of course I'm Still committed to having the project um Done done by the halfe point so you know We've always tried to be done by really Done filming by end of May but you know For those of you who not in the film World there's a big process that happens After you're done filming you know you Have to post production we've got you Know editing and we have to really find The story and then get all the visuals Right you know the Motion Graphics and Different types of you know onscreen Graphics that help you tell the story And then color correction and then sound Mixing and then you know music and so There's a process to make sure that it's Super tight so even though that you know My my job as a director is done W with The you know interviewing and the Organizing of the interviews the job is Not done in the editing room for quite Some time so you got to work on that for A couple of months but after we do Finish that you know we are in Conversations with some streaming Platforms and um you know we'll announce

As soon as we have you know a final home For that um but but the big thing I Think as an indie production company you Know very small there's a very few of us Uh working on this and we're entirely Self- financed you know be because we Don't have um it's risky to a certain Extent because we don't have a Predetermined distribution deal I didn't Take money from HBO and and made this Thing I made this thing on my own dime And the only people getting paid are my Crew like uh you know who are who are All out there working and you know They're working a full-time gig on this This project um so we we need to Basically finish it before they're Willing to offer you you know something For it so that's the first goal is let Let me finish it and then after we we Finish it um you know there are some Interested parties and as soon as we get A deal done there then I really am Committed to pushing you know for a 2024 Release but I just think it's going to Be sometime in the second half the year And it's up to that streaming platform That that purchases US you know to bring That out in the timing of their own Slate you know that makes sense but I'm Hoping to see it you know out there in The world no later than you know the Late fall of this year uh like publicly Released um but that would be you know

If every all the stars align and Everything went right and everything Went good so we're trying our best you Know the one the one thing we can do to Protect against that is just make the Highest quality possible um that we can With the story um the story is Phenomenal the people we've interviewed Have been great and I think that the Those of us who are in the community we Know it's a crazy story we know there's Quite a lot there um but then making That accessible To the next group I've always said the Macro why are you doing this I've always Said the biggest part of this is Awareness we need to there's this Incredible transformation happening Around us right now in 2024 so how do I Take what I've learned from the crypto Community package that into a story That's compelling educational Entertaining and give that out to an Audience that doesn't have all the Context we have so I think you know as a Community member when you when you see It I think you'll something things you Know will be you've heard this before Some things maybe will slot in for the First time you're like wow I still have Revelations every now and again like Whoa you know this is incredible uh the Things that we're learning about the the Whole ecosystem of crypto um end to end

So anyways um Tldr hopefully by fall this year we're We're out there in public people can Watch us on a streaming platform well That's great news to hear and I won't Hold you to it because I know what it's Like to make a film and I certainly know What it's like to do the editing because I edited every single second of the Krypton theirs film we did back in 2020 2019 task it is a massive massive task And people don't realize there's so many Different ways you can run you know this Guy says it really well this guy says it Really well this lady says it really Well you could choose to use all three And editing is about picking which one Makes the most impact to keep continuing Tell that story for the for the viewer So I I do not envy Whoever has to do to Editing here CU I already know that you Have captured a ton of incredible Material from incredible people so I Just wanted to give a nod to you because This trailer uh it's a five minute plus Trailer but when I watched it this Morning I really felt like this trailer Is designed to speak and tell a short Story to someone who's not in this space And I thought you did such a great job Of making it this kind of slow opening For somebody who's they don't know the Difference between Bitcoin or or Ethereum or stable coins they just say

Crypto or Bitcoin and think it's Everything it's synonymous with all Whole Space so I think you did a Fantastic job I think it's going to Excite people and really Peak their Curiosity and they're going to want to Know more I encourage everybody that is Coming to xrp Las Vegas get your story In your mind that you want to share Because you're going to have a Confessional area set up where people Can share those stories and you never Know Chris has the ear and the eye for What needs to set the storyline off so You never know when your story no matter How personal or how big it may be you Feel tell it I encourage you to tell it Because you've got the eye to know what To grab to put it in the film yeah I Think storytelling is is ultimately the Most important thing you know is the Most important task that's right uh a a As the you know director of the project You know my my goal is to make sure that You can follow along it's easy to Understand and that you hear from a Myriad of voices you I say I come I Sometimes say people will pick their Hero right you you'll find somebody in That story maybe you resonate a little Bit more with um John Deon style or Maybe you resonate a little bit more With Coach JV maybe you're a little bit More on the religious scale or maybe

You're a little bit more just more Analytical and that's fine you know There's people people across the whole Spectrum so my goal in storytelling is Really to make sure in most segments Because because it's very hard to Compress all the stuff down you know When I I have full episodes uh edited And put together and so we're pulling Bits and pieces from here and there but When you really go down the journey you Know it I I sometimes often ask similar Questions in the interviews and that Gives me an opportunity to lace those Answers together and in some cases some People are just experts in an area and They have this incredible ability I Notice people who are attorneys Particularly are really good at Recalling dates and times and facts you Know not surprising because that's what They do for a living but um it's it's Useful in terms of my number one goal is Always to protect the audience making Sure that you can follow along I'm like Well you don't know you don't know that Yet so I need to open that topic up and Then build the house piece by piece so I Can take you through the journey and you Understand you know what's happening all While again entertaining right because Media is entertainment so I'm not to say That uh I'm going to I would never uh uh Sacrifice the educational components of

It but I have to keep you engaged and I Have to remind you why this matters Right if you start going too techy you Know x30 X20 is when NFS were available On The xrp Ledger and this is why you Well what's an nft and why ises that Matter and what's XLS what is that what Is that about so I have to build the Foundation Episode by episode to take You along the journey and hopefully have You you kind of on a roller coaster of Like wow Discovery um of different facts And information across the ecosystem and Then leave you in a place where we climb The hill and go into the future which I Think there's a lot of bright you know Futurists and inventors in the in the Space uh of crypto technology and we're Still the earliest days it's still the Earliest days in this stuff so that's What makes me excited you know uh I I've Seen some commentary like oh wait till It moons and blah BL blah the Documentary is not really about the Price of xrp to be real with everybody You know don't get disappointed but or You know don't be disappointed when you See it let me set you up for it there's No price at all actually right it's more About being aware of the transformation Of the crypto technology space Ripple is I think the best company to tell that Story around And the xrp ecosystem because it is the

Most legit you know built out developer Company that is trying to actually solve Real world problems with legit executive Staff and Partnerships with International institutions you know and It's sort of a leader in that in that Space actually surprising that more of Like a and they're they are in San Francisco but it's surprising that not Another like Tech Giant tried to take That task on right like a of an orle or A Google or or or someone else didn't do That but um it's fascinating to to wrap That story around them or or a Traditional bank right frankly so I Think that um it's very exciting for us To to tell that story to an audience who Doesn't have that again awareness being The macro objective making you Understand you know where this is going What's going to happen um and I'm just I Feel excited about it the more we shoot The more excited I get you know so I I Think we're going down the right Direction and I I continue to you know Reach my hands out and say hey if there You're an expert in this space we'd love To talk with you include you uh your Your voice matters in this and uh we Want to tell the most robust and and Complete story we can about this whole Topic of uh the future of cryptocurrency Through the lens of xrp and I think You're doing a great job and I cannot

Wait to see this documentary in the Series when it comes out Chris from Fruition Productions xrp Unleashed thank You for stopping by don't go anywhere Chris Thank you


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