Breaking News: March 11th Changed Everything…

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This last Monday March 11th changed Everything as we're all looking this way There's a whole another narrative going On this way in today's video I'm going To break down how something that was put Out for the banks in the last year ended Which is going to put them in a very Very tough position I'm here to tell you Guys the banks are in a very tough Position in a liquidity crisis right now And there not by chance that you're Seeing a flight to safety to Cryptocurrency the very thing the very Thing that you told as a pet rock that It was used for money laundering is now The chosen flight to safety my name is Coach JV and what I do is to work make Make very complex macro and Microeconomic strategies very simple so The normal everyday person can Implement Them I have two amazing resources for You guys number one I'm a licensed Insurance agent I have licensed Insurance agents in all 50 states and we Help you understand how to ensure your Wealth in volatile times I always say It's not do you need insurance it's what Type of insurance do you need for your Family that's in description down below Or in my social media platform we also Have an absolutely free guide on the Back end of every video I explain Exactly what I'm doing a free book on Exactly what I'm doing which breaks it

Down that's in the description of this Video or my social media platform so Let's Dive Right into this so on Monday March 11th uh this Bank term funding Program ended so many of you may not Know but we had some well you know the Bank collapse has happened we had um SV Silicone Valley Bank that collapsed last Year and now why did they collaps which We're going to break that down in just a Moment in the video they collapsed Because the bond yields inverted okay We've been in a free money environment Lower interest rates for a very very Long time when those bond yields Inverted it sucked the liquidity out of The banks one bnst to us they created The bank term funding program which Allowed Banks to have funding over the Last year well guess what that program Ended now I'm going to show you this Video from itm Trading which she breaks Down the BTF FP shutdown starts today Which was on Monday last Monday excuse Me and she breaks down a really a Section of this one I want to show you I Recommend go watching the whole article On this which give you a lot of detail But I want you to listen to this part of It and then I'm going to show you what Jerome pal said at his fed meeting uh Just recently to when interest rates Were hiked Banks were put under a Tremendous amount of pressure as

Interest rates Rose the value of their Existing bond Holdings declined meaning That they were suffering from Significant unrealized losses unrealized Losses combined with little to no Reserves meant that the minute that Depositors withdrew more than usual Banks were forced to sell these assets At a loss revealing just how little Capital they had triggering classic Bank Runs the US government the Federal Reserve and the news all claimed banks That failed last year because of this Exact situation were one-offs flukes but You and I both know that that's not true And the btfp creation actually proves it Because you can't have it both ways you Can't claim that these are isolated Incidents but then also rush to create An emergency Bank bailout program you See the banks that failed last year Their financial positions actually Represented the majority of banks Financial positions across the country The Federal Reserve knew knew this and They realized very quickly that they Were about to have a catastrophic Problem on their hands okay so I'll Leave it there and you can go watch the Full interview on itm okay so this is The actual bank term funding program off Of the Federal Reserves website okay This was on uh March 11 2024 the end of The FED tool that Buu Bay bued ises that

Be buoyed my dyslexia sorry booed US Banks put Reserve ve in Spotlight so Bank term funding program set to expire On Monday which was last week or last Monday sorry this is Wednesday liquidity And focus in Central Bank looks to wind Down QT well let's hear it straight from The fed's mouth this was five days ago This was in uh Jerome pow was in front Of Congress and he's going to talk about Yes some banks will fail this is the Whole narrative guys this is it this is The narrative that I've been talking About over and over and over again in Nauseum the financial system is changing As you know it guys you can't just print Money like this for that long a period Of time in a low interest rate Environment then all the sudden jack up Interest rates invert the bond yield and Suck the liquidity out of the banks and Now what you're about to see is the Public is not going to be able to Service their debt the public is not Going to be able to service their debt And every single Dollar in the system is Someone else's Debt you're seeing the great financial Reset guys and I'm not saying the banks Are going to collapse what you will see Though what you will see is a Monopolization of the smaller Banks okay Now I'm not saying that you're not going To have your money if your bank shut

Down it's then they also have the bank Bailing committee which Jay Clayton is On the board of the bank bailing Committee the bank bailing committee was Created in 2012 and was enacted in 2023 And the bank bailing committee is Different than a bailout a bank bail in Is when they take all the debt and they Turn it into equity and they sell it to Another bank that can acquire them which Is different than a bailout where they Just inject money into the bank okay so All these Banks were riding off these Loans guys they no longer can take those Loans anymore so this was five days ago Ironically where they're talking to him About the health and Su sustainability Of the banking system listen to what he Says office and Retail and other ones That have that have been affected a lot We identify them and we are in dialogue With them around you know do do you have Your arms around this problem do you Have enough Capital uh do you have Enough liquidity do you have a plan You're going to take take losses here Are you are you being truthful with Yourself and with your owners and so We've been working with them and so for Some time we've been doing that and you Know this is a problem that we'll be Working on For years more I'm sure there will be Bank failures but this is not the big

Banks if you look at the very big Banks It's not a first order issue for any of The of the very large Banks it's more You know smaller and mediumsized banks That have these issues okay he just told You there will be bank failures it's not The big Bank guys you don't have to Worry about the big Banks it's not the The the brothers and sisters on Wall Street that are or excuse me the big Banks that are tapped into the Federal Reserve it's the smaller Regional Banks The m and PAW Banks just like in 1929 When I think 11,000 uh big Banks or Banks were Underneath the Federal Reserve and they Gave the loans to the big Banks to Monopolize the smaller Banks guys it's a Repetitive cycle over and over again That is why black rock is flying out to Cryptocur currency that's why these Asset managers now are getting super Excited about cryptocurrency that's why They approved the Bitcoin ETF when it's too late is when the Public starts coming in when it's too Late guys there's only a couple thousand Views on these videos man there's only 5% of the population that has access to Crypto people aren't paying you're You're a warrior people are not paying Attention to what's going on and there Will never be an opportunity there'll Never be an opportunity like this ever

Again in our history for Main Street to Get a piece of Wall Street that's why They push so hard on it so here's Exactly what I'm doing like I share on Every single video I have a exit Strategy okay I'm exiting 50% of my Portfolio from this point to 2026 or When it HS my hits my exit targets I use Merlin the smartest way to track your Crypto you can download it 30 days for Free you can see all your exchanges in One place you can set up your exit Targets so what happens is for example When shib just went parabolic just Recently I was able to exit two exit Target points so it hit my first Target And my second target I was pulled Profits I put my money aside for taxes And for me personally my exact Paradigm Is I'm Max funding my index Universal Life policies the reason why I do that Is the richest man in Babylon I can Access the cash value of my policies Taxfree to buy more assets so when I Access it taxfree I'm looking back Should I buy more crypto would I buy More businesses equity and businesses Would it be uh adding real estate to my Portfolio now where would I go with that Money the key to this is understanding To have an exit plan because this is This won't happen again in our living History I mean it doesn't make sense It's completely unnatural for someone to

Make you know in 24 months 300 Grand a Million dollar $5 million1 million when It takes a lifetime to make that type of Money in a regular job it's just not Natural that's why they're trying to get Involved that's why they're trying to Regulate and when they do regulate it When they do get involved that Volatility is going to start to suck out Of it which is very important that's why It's a crazy opportunity right now but You got to have an Exit Plan you got to Be very very careful you got to have Financial literacy you got to understand The emotion of these markets because What goes up will come down dramatically And it will come down hard and fast and Furious so family the banks are in a Liquidity crisis right now every single Dollar is someone else's debt your Financial system is changing as you know It and I believe it's the greatest Opportunity in human history to build Wealth for your family to finally free Your family financially spiritually and Mentally and you guys know my Foundation Is God and following the life of Jesus Christ that's what makes me the richest Man in the world all this can be taken From me and I am the richest man in the World I got my family my faith food Shelter I got all the things I need and When I realize I know nothing I gained Everything and when I realize I had

Everything I got everything so I love You guys I appreciate you as we always Say Warriors rise get your together Let's go love you [Music] Guys


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