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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel and I have two stories for you In this latest Moon Lambo Hot to jam Starting with this one from the Crypt Basic Pro xrp lawyer says SEC loathes Ripple for impeding its plan to control Crypto for 3 years well frankly folks The SEC lows all xrp holders every Single one of you folks out there all of Us xrp folks SEC despises us because we Came together as a community and Absolutely destroy them with Attorney John Deon representing over 75,000 xrp Holders completely unprecedented nothing Like that has ever happened not even Close to it in History ever and our community just did That so yeah they're a little pissed off Because the one thing that mattered most And it was required for their uh their Unbridled assault against the world of Crypto was that they had to win on xrp Itself being a security and they had a Devastating loss which not only did they Say they won't appeal they literally Can't appeal because it's dicta and it's Not something that was technically Technically had to be ruled and they're Trying to get it uh to be put in that Box in a roundabout type of way but uh They they they can't do anything about It anyway so yeah they're rather Upset then there's also this from the Crypto basic Ripple stable coin won't

Kill xrp expert asserts now look I've Already said U you know the vast Majority of my quote unquote piece on This matter I made a whole video Dedicated to it going into depth sharing A lot of my thoughts on this um there's Still some people that have some Questions and would like some additional Coverage on this and understandably so So this is covering additional Perspective uh from somebody else Somebody put out a fantastic thread Within the xrp community and that's what This article is covering here so you'll Get some extra perspective on that but Uh before going further I do want to be Clear I do not have a financial Background of any kind I am not offering Financial advice and you definitely Should not buy or sell anything because Of anything I say right I'm just an En Iast who enjoys making YouTube videos About crypto related topics but just as A hobby and just for fun all right so Into the first piece the legal tussle Between the SEC and ripple takes a new Twist as xrp enthusiasts characterize The commission's remedy request as an Abuse of power the crypto Community has Slammed the United States Securities and Exchange Commission over its remedy Request against blockchain payments Company Ripple Labs it Bears mentioning That the SEC made its remedies request

Against Ripple on March 22nd In particular the commission requested a Whopping $1.95 billion in fines and penalties Following Ripple's unregistered Securities offering in the form of xrp Institutional sales the $ 1.95 billion Fine requested by the SEC surpassed the Amount Ripple gained from the Securities Violation and by the way folks uh it Covers in this article it's right up After this it is amazing to me though And I I had at least once briefly Mentioned this on the channel but what The fine they're looking for after all Of this it's another thing about this Case that's completely unprecedented I Do not believe there's a snowballs Chance in hell this goes through that Ripple them paying 1.95 billion but the SEC wants them to have to because they Believe that Ripple would then have to Sell a whole bunch more xrp which would Harm us pesky xrp holders which they Despise they hate Us anyway peace Continues um yes so here wait did I Cover that yeah the $ 1.95 billion fin Requested by the SEC surpassed the Amount Ripple gain from the Securities Violation notably the crypto company Raised 7289 million uh via its institutional Sales of xrp from 2013 through 2020 the

Sec's request has elicited reactions Among xrp community members who believe The commission made the demand out of Its hatred towards Ripple yes spot on And it's not just us that thinks this Check this out prominent law professor JW verett pointed out the massive Disparity in the sec's remedies demand Against Ripple and a post on x and by The way I want to pause to note JW Verett he actually worked I don't know If I'm going to recall the name of the The group that he was a part of but it Was an actual SEC group and so he was Working directly with Kim Jean ginzler That's right SEC chair Gary ginzler JW Verett was working hand inhand with him But he doesn't agree with what Kim Jean Guinsler was doing he's he's he's Pushing back and on his way out the door Um when that was I can't remember Exactly maybe a year and a half ago two Years maybe I can't remember whatever it Was uh point is um on the way out the Door he had this scathing response I Would characterize it as that um noting The terrible things that Kim Jong Guinsler was doing and then he just left Which is a fantastic exit I remember Covering that in a video at the time Here and so this is not some sort of Fly By Night individual this is an Incredibly sharp guy uh you know and He's he was like in the middle of this

Type of stuff like he absolutely was I Wish I could remember the name of the Group now but I guess it doesn't matter For the purpose of this video let's just Go on but anyway according to Verrett The regulatory agency typically requests About 11% recovery from violators of Federal Securities laws in other cases Including those involving kick Kraken Library and telegram for instance in its Its case against Library the SEC Collected $1,614 from the company due to the fact That it raised $1 million from the Library credit sales however Verrett Noted that instead of the 11% recovery The SEC typically collects in similar Cases the regulatory agency is targeting A whopping 300% recovery from Ripple and so here's The chart that he shared this is JW Shared this chart on social media Platform X and it is wild if you can Take a look at your screen and you're Not driving or something it's worth Doing so so here you can see kick Interactive and in blue is the Unregistered sales and then the remedy Meaning the penalty SL fines that's What's in Red so in Kick interactive There were there sales of U 100100 Million the fine was 5 million telegram $1.7 Billion uh the uh the remedy there the

Fine 1.24 billion and I'm I'm just rounding It a library already said that when Thor Technologies uh 2.6 million the remedies Though just over 1 million pay Ventures DBA Kraken $147 million but the remedy Was only $30 million but then you look At Ripple $728 million roughly and they're asking For close to Triple That roughly 300% it's Insane yeah they hate Ripple and they Also hate us they absolutely do peace Continues other xtrap proponents also Commented on the massive disparity in The SEC demand uh australian-based Lawyer Bill Morgan weighed in on the Matter characterizing the sec's demand As an abuse of regulatory power in a Recent expost attorney Morgan said the SEC loes Ripple due to its Relentless Resistance in the lawsuit which has Halted the commission's agenda of Exerting control over the crypto Industry for three and a half years and He wrote The Following this is attorney Morgan now of the exrp community it is Very abusive the SEC must loathe Ripple For fighting so hard C and hold up its Plan to control crypto for 3.5 years yep So we in the xrp community in Conjunction with ripple destroyed their Evil plans basically that's pretty much

It they are the villain now to this Piece Ripple stable coin won't kill xrp Expert asserts and that is definitely True it will not kill xrp it will Bolster bolster the odds of long-term Viability of xrp it is very good for xrp But anyway piece reads as Follows crippin Rider a c CTO researcher Recently discussed the possibility of Xrp becoming obsolete due to Ripple's Imminent launch of the USD back Stablecoin for context Ripple recently Made waves within it with its Announcement of introducing a new stable Coin Peg to the US dollar on The xrp Ledger and ethereum networks later this Year this decision has sparked Speculations and concerns within the Crypto Community regarding the potential Impact on xrp's relevance and utility For crossb transactions notably the Payments firm largely depends on xrp for Some transactions involving its cross Bber payment service recall that an Unchained slth Mr Huber asked last month Why Ripple had not introduced a liquid Stable coin on The xrp Ledger after over A decade of development on the network He theorized that the firm possibly Wishes to continue leveraging xrp for Its crossborder settlement service now That Ripple seeks to launch a stable Coin apprehensions about xrp's Abandonment

Have taken the spotlight in response kpp And riter noted that the development Does not particularly spell the end for Xrp in an attempt to provide a basic Overview of stable coins he noted that Stable coins are digital represent Representations of real world assets Aimed at maintaining a stable value Pegged to these assets the crypto Researcher then highlighted major Differences between stable coins and xrp This move shows that xrp boasts some Unique features That are not inherent in stable coins Making it difficult for the upcoming Ripple stable coin to replace it unlike Stable coins which inherently depend on Issuers institutions or specific Jurisdictions xrp is a globally neutral Token on The xrp Ledger this neutrality Further underscores xrp's resilience Against counterparty risks a looming Concern plaguing stable coin ecosystems And my friends that is one of one of the Many things that I pointed out um you Know and I talked there's one video in Particular where I talked really in Depth um my very last video I I I Approached the subject it was the one Where I was shredding that piece of Garbage coindesk article oh my God that Was cathartic I love that I really Enjoyed that uh but I talked about it a Little bit there too and it's just not

Something to be concerned about so I Don't want to rehash all of that here But this is Correct peace continues another Factor and Rider spotlighted is trans Transparency while stable coin issuers Undergo Audits and attestations to Validate offchain Reserve assets The xrp Ledger transparent Ledger enables Stakeholders to monitor xrp Supply Dynamics in real time in terms of Fragmentation there are lots of Different stable coins each backed by Different companies and they operate on Various chains in platforms however The Xrp Ledger is different it has its own Unique currency xrp and a built-in Dex Decentralized exchange the researcher Called attention to the growing Dollarization scheme across the globe For context several Nations especially Those in bricks are looking to cut off Their Reliance on the dollar last August The president of Brazil a member of Brics called on brics Nations to launch A common currency in this Regard basically every stable coin tied To the US dollar is only as good as the Real US Dollars it represents this means If people lose trust in the United States dollar it could affect the value Of the stable coins especially with the Nations looking to dump the dollar kin Riter also discussed adoptability as a

Key difference between xrp and stable Coins notably stable coins have rules Set by their issuers meaning those Companies can create or destroy stable Coins without everyone knowing exactly What's happening behind the scenes on The other hand xrp Works differently Since it's not a stable coin and doesn't Rely on any backing everyone using The Xrp Ledger represented by the DU UNL Validators has to agree upon any changes In Supply and folks you know what I I Also got to add to this like if CU there Were some people that are legitimately Worried about this still and I don't Blame anybody for asking the questions But if you really think that xrp is so Fragile that there's something that you Could tokenize on The xrp Ledger that Would knock out xrp the native asset I Just got to be Like why like when I frame it like that Does it cause pause because it Should it's just an issued asset so You'd have to believe that the xrp Ledger had coded into it something that Would make the native asset completely Irrelevant that is absurd these are Different things for different use Cases anyway peace continues contrary to Concerns about xrp's obsolescence Cryppin writer's analysis emphasizes its Enduring relevance despite the imminent Launch of Ripple stable coin xrp's

Unique attributes including speed and Independence ensure its continued Prominence in the scene citing onchain Data cryp and writer stressed the Massive nature of the stable coin Market Which boasts a $13.5 billion valuation Per defi llama data stable coins also Dominate 51% of the ethereum network and Command over 875 million in volume on Unis swap so folks I got to ask you is Is the is eth screwed now because there Stable coins there no because it's a Dumb idea it doesn't make sense and now To be clear I don't blame anybody asking Just in case if you haven't thought Through it or maybe you're not as Familiar with the inner workings of What's happening within the xrp Ecosystem you're smart to ask That the only way you could be stupid is That if after taking in this information You think that this is a bad thing for Xrp then I'd be like you stupid son oh You stupid then they wrap up the article By stting given stable coins growing Dominance in the crypto space cryp and Writer believes Ripple stable coin Project could record success he believes The new xrp automated Market maker Functionality would lead to the launch Of amm with currency pairs involving xrp And the Ripple stable coin spot on that Is exactly right that is part of the Plan I not a financial adviser you

Should not buy or sell anything because Of anything I say or right that would be A very very very bad idea until next Time to the Moon Lambo


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