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Americans you must be warned crypto will Be your new Financial system as the World Works to dollariz from the American dollar everything is starting To change in today's video I'm going to Break down how brics is working to D Dollarize and people are talking about Bank bailin I'm going to give you the Good the bad the ugly and what I'm doing To protect my family in the greatest Transformation in wealth in history my Name is coach JB what I work to make do Is make very complex macro and Microeconomic strategies very simple so The normal everyday person can Implement Them I've been supporting hundreds of People on understanding how I ensure my Wealth during these volatile times in The risk pyramid on the left side as we Go up cryptocurrency extremely risk Risky with high returns I pull my Profits and I bring it down and I ensure My wealth so if you're interested Inuring understanding how I ensure my Family and my wealth click the Description down below set up a free Consultation with my licens insurance Team or click the link in my bio to set Up a pre consultation so let's Dive Right into this now you're going to Start to see a lot of narratives around Bank bail-ins now I want you to Understand what a bank bailin is it's Very different from a bailout okay I'm

Gonna explain this in just a moment so a Bank bailin well let's watch this video Sorry I just said I'm explain it a Moment that I stopped okay so this this Is going viral on Tik Tok but I want you To understand for just a moment what is Happening after this video is my money I Will have to withdraw for my own bank Account you said that what's the maximum Limit you can get give a withdrawal to a Customer it's $3,000 on the date you've Already mentioned that multiple times Yeah not today why not Today wow folks that's a video going Viral Tik Tok that's a bank in can the Bank in Canada refusing to give a Customer money I mean it was his money And you know we've talked a lot on this Show and for a while now with respect to Inflation and the market but uh you know It doesn't what doesn't get enough Attention is the social impact uh you Know there's a direct correlation for Instance with higher inflation and Homicide rates and of course we continue To talk about this big spike in the So-called Big Mac indicator by the way That's also minimum wage you know there There was a time when we used to worry About this stuff this is the cover of Time Magazine March 13th 1972 it says is The US going broke now the article Begins with the uh the statement can a Nation with a trillion dollar economy be

Running out of money by most measures of Private wealth the US is the richest Country but in terms of its ability to Pay for the Public Services Health Care Education welfare garbage pickup Pollution Control fire protection that Make the life of its citizens Pleasant Or at least tolerable or in some cases Even possible the country Seems almost to be going broke okay so That was in 1972 after we detached from The gold standard in 1971 and since 1913 The dollar has collapsed 99% since the Advent of the Federal Reserve okay what Is happening right now is something that We will never see in our history again It's our financial system for the next 100 years that's why they fed did you Out of cryptocurrency Bitcoin went from Used for money laundering to one of the Favorite assets for asset managers a Flight to safety so forget bailouts Here's how Bank bail-ins work so I'll Explain this to you in just a moment so Bank why do I keep saying that I'm Explain it to you right now Bank Bail-ins are different the bank bailing Committee was created in 2012 okay when The fomc was created the activated the Bank bailing Committee in 2023 a bail in Is different than a bail out a bailin is When they take the debt of the actual Bank they turn it into Equity simply and The bigger Banks monopolize them okay so

What I think is going to happen just my Opinion is JP Morgan Chase WS Fargo Bank Of America the big huge banks are going To monopolize the smaller Banks we're Going to go into blockchain technology AI everything is going to be tokenized Every asset you have is going to be Tokenized and the very thing you Resisted is going to be the things that We're investing in and it's going to be The new 1% millionaires are going to Become multi-millionaires Multi-millionaires are going to become Billionaires and billionaires are going To become trillionaires now there's a Whole another narrative playing out Right now so this was on the bricks uh Bricks Twitter page it says bricks news Excuse me it's not their Twitter page It's bricks news says United States Politicians care more about funding Wars In Ukraine than Israel than the American People here they are [Music] Celebrating so this is where they Decided to fund Ukraine okay and we are Struggling Americans are barely Surviving and this just came out on the Brics news as well it says Russia Foreign minister issu statement Following United States 61 billion Funding package to Ukraine guys we're Paying to do this stuff we're printing Money to do this stuff we have more debt

Than we have income in the United States It says we will of course win despite The $61 billion blood dollars that will Most likely be sucked up by American in Stable military industrial complex Strength and Truth are behind us guys This is a polarizing moment so I'm going To have you listen to this really quick And talks about bricks dollarization and Then I'll show you the bricks payment System during the creation of a unified Digital payment platform as announced by Russian Deputy foreign minister Sergey Riabov this initiative involves Establishing A specialized Communication Channel among the central banks of brics Countries to facilitate this integration The proposed system could potentially Include various payment mechanisms such As stable coins and might integrate National Financial messaging systems Into a single platform known as the Bricks Bridge additionally discussions About this project have been supported By collaborations among the finance Ministers and Central Bank governors of The brics nations with a significant Meeting that took place in sou Paulo in February this project aims to enhance The security of banking processes Especially in the digital realm ensuring Safer data storage and transfer the Creation of this platform is part of Broader efforts to improve the

International currency and Financial System with detailed plans to be Developed jointly by the finance Ministries and central banks of the Participating countries in okay so this Video was off of it's called Fast Depo a Brick doation man I am struggling this Morning brick dollarization what's next I just got done with leg day my legs are Shaking right now that's what's going on Here okay so we'll go over here if you Wondering what the brics uh the Dollarization is here this is the brics Pay future of global digital transaction You can dive on here and you can go Through the distribute Ledger technology You got Central Bank cbdc smart Contracts tokenized assets inter Interoperability protocols open apis Advanced cyber security I've been going Through this whole document here guys it Breaks down everything in regards to Cryptocurrency Okay look at this so it says right here The system is not a cryptocurrency but Operates on a distributed Ledger like Blockchain okay now there's distributed Ledger technology there's cryptocurrency Okay the distributed Ledger technology On demand liquidity is what's going to Be cryptocurrency is going to run across These blockchains guys we're going into A brand new system what I believe is Going to happen what I believe is going

To happen is we're going to have a bag Of currencies because the US dollar is Going to get weaker and weaker then They're going to regulate it with a bag Of currencies you're going to have the Bricks you're gonna have the G20 right And they're going to have a bag of Currencies that's going to make it an Even playing field seven years ago Trump Said we're heading into an even playing Field an even monetary system where it's Going to be be like hey who's the best Of the best guys so what I've been doing With my family is I don't know I can't Predict the future other than well you Can by studying history I'm imagining What the future is going to look like And I'm placing my investments in Innovative Technologies for the future But I'm also not foolish guys there's no Regulation in cryptocurrency right now The Bitcoin having just happened it's Going to go parabolic in the next what Six months we got May June July August September October month six it's going To go straight up I'm going to be Pulling profits of 50% of my portfolio I Use Merlin the smartest way to track Your crypto it's in the description Video or my social media platform it's 30 days for free you can set up your Exit plan now so you're prepared for the Bull run so as it goes up I'm pulling Profits and I'm insuring my wealth and

Max funding my insurance policies I make Sure my family's insured I make sure my Money's insured the first annuity was in The Roman days insurance has been around Forever banks have insurance wealthy People have insurance and companies have Insurance there's a reason why because I Guarantee my principle from there I look At the landscape and I figure out what's Going on I also invest more in companies Where I can get more earned income to Invest back into the capital markets Pull from the left side of the risk Pyramid and ensure my wealth and I just Repeat the process guys this is the most Critical time in human history to get Your [ __ ] together and as I always say In the process of becoming a millionaire What's more important is who you become In that process what makes me the Richest man in the world is my Relationship with God and following Jesus Christ I boldly stand on my truth In that God is my present CEO and Jesus Christ I'm the running mate I'm Following as close as I can to his Teachings his embodiment and Understanding this is the greatest time In human history to reach Christ Consciousness which is the right Hemisphere of the brain tapping in Tuning in and following three rules that I follow love God with all my heart love Humanity as I love God treat others as I

Want to be treated pull the log out of My eye before I pull the straw out of Yours those are the three rules that I Follow in my house we believe believe in God in my house we pray every single day To Christ and we're so proud to be part Of his ecosystem so I love you guys I Appreciate you as we always say Warriors Rise get your [ __ ] together let's go [Music]


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