Ripple/XRP-ISDA/DTCC India Ripple 80% Market Capture, XRP The World Reserve Bridge Currency

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Welcome back to the show everybody we Got a good one lined up for you today May be great but that's up to you what I Can say is is we are going to talk about Xrp on the road to be a world Reserve Bridge currency yeah that's what we're Talking about today and you know what It's 62 cents and we're going to talk About it anyway I don't want to talk About it after it happened I want to Talk about it while it's on the way to Happening somebody roll that beautiful Intro Digital perspectives with Brad KES come On In welcome back to the show you can Follow us on Twitter and YouTube for Exclusive content right now it is $ 2.72 Trillion do market cap for crypto the Market is up 2.6% 67,900 plus for Bitcoin right now 3900 Plus for ethereum 101 .2 billion market cap for tether xrp Is 62 cents at the number seven spot up 7 on the 24hour and up 6.1 on the 7 day Let's look at the range of price very Quickly this morning here it is 62 cents And we are seeing 6194 on the bottom and 6392 on the top so we're sitting about Smack dab in the middle here let's get To this now you guys know we cover link To on here in the best private equity in The world but I want you to hear what This special is cuz I've never seen a Special like this before this is a

24-hour special starting right now today At 8:00 a.m. Pacific time which is 9 11:00 Eastern Time Bitcoin reward for Link to members with uphold wallets Linked to their link to accounts listen To this investments in uphold Circle Chainalysis it trust and ripple only now Look at this deal you get $500 worth of Bitcoin for orders between $5 and $10 ,000 $1,000 worth of bitcoin back for Orders between 10,000 and 25,000 and get $2500 worth of bitcoin for orders Between 25 and 50,000 and get $5,000 Worth of bitcoin back for orders of 50,000 and over and also $750 Bitcoin back for our $7,500 crypto Investment bundle which is Ripple Circle And uphold together and then you have 10,000 maximum reward per investor I I I Don't know if it gets any better than This I mean if you ever wanted evidence That a company is really tied to their Customer base trying to do everything in The world for you it's linked to click The link to the sponsor below and don't Forget this fact you've been listening To this for years there's so many of you Out here that are like I don't have it I Can't do it you know what you would be Shocked to find out just how easy it is To sign up and register and get Qualified it is not a hard process it Really isn't TR trust prove it to

Yourself click the link and go sign up At link to and get started today now we Know we did the prices and all of that Let's get to this because John Deon is Running baby and I want to tell you There was the state of the union last Night and I happened to be in DC last Night as well while that was happening And thank goodness we got the hell out Of town right before it started the Traffic was insane but I want to touch On this because you know there was Declaim about canceling stud to debt and Then this that and the other and I say You know what and then she goes on to Say here that it's been a lifechanging Presidency and it sure has cuz now our Children have more debt on their backs Than ever before careful breaking your Arm patting yourself on the backs out There let's vote for John Deon right Let's get some real leadership out there That's what we need and you know what Let me do this too because I want to go Here and show you this as well because This is the kind of dirty politics I Believe is taking place now inside of Massachusetts this is a gentleman who is Weighing the option of running for a Republican bid against Elizabeth Warren 2 and you know what this is this is Nothing more than a Democrat plant Posing as a republican just like Nikki Haley was posing as a republican but was

Really backed by the Democratic party Right she was a plant and this guy's no Different here in Massachusetts and the Reality is he doesn't have what John Deon has John Deon is a proven leader And he's done it on the world stage and We've already seen it right what we know Is he's a great fit for Massachusetts And what I also know is is either Directly or indirectly I believe this Gentleman right here to be a plant Suggested to run by Elizabeth Warren to Try to cause some confusion for a real Leader like John Deon but you know what We can smell and see a wolf and sheep's Clothing I believe is the phrase Massachusetts residents deserve a proven Leader then I want to share this with You real quick here a depository trust Clearing company and the bank of China This says here from Bond digital Asset advocate here scrutinize and Observe when the depository trust Company will be closing these trades Specifically on March 8 2024 he goes on to say this could mean One thing are they about to back their Currency with gold now I don't see any Direct evidence there other than he's Right that it says effective with this Close of business March 8th industrial Commercial Bank of China Financial Services will retire the following Additional account now I don't know if

That qualifies it to back their currency By gold I think it might be him Speculating here that something could be Happening maybe it's maybe it's they're Changing accounts to something that's More appropriate for the digital Transition that's happening or or maybe It's just some other benign reason but I Brought it on and to show us because we Do want to pay attention to see if There's any significant change in march8 To align with that idea and what that Speculative thought could be so we'll Keep an eye on on what happens today if We get any more news on it and then There's this which is isda the International swaps derivatives Association which if you remember Ripple Is joined and a partner of but in this Particular post they're talking about India's economy is projected to be the World's third largest by 2030 uh yet OTC derivatives Market Remains small recommendations focus on Product development Market access and Ensuring safe growth aligned with global Standards emphasis on harmonizing rues Tools for interest rates and credit Derivatives and enhancing Market access Through educational initiatives so I Brought this up because of isda we know Ripple is a part of isda to help settle That two plus quadrillion dollars worth Of derivatives and they're speaking

Directly about India's economy and how It could be the third world's largest Big economy by 2030 well then I wanted To go back and bring this up for anybody Who's forgotten back in July of 2018 Ladies and gentlemen Ripple says it's Likely to capture 50% of the market in India this was aish Bera at the time you Can see right here who was the vice President of the product at the time we Look early onto on at India and he says And we looked at two billion people a Huge market and we decided how do you Get two billion people on to Ripple do We give the currency away to every Indian that's like two billion just give It away that's one idea but then we Realize that if you get the top three Banks in India onto Ripple You get 80% of the market Share this is why Ripple is an Enterprise facing company and not a Consumer facing one and then we looked At where's the future and so we realized In the next five years 1 billion people Will become banked in India but they'll Be banked through their phone so then we Started targeting mobile phone providers And Telos and so now I think that in our Pipeline we have probably 50 50% of the Market in India either integrated onto Ripple or in the deal in the sort of Pipeline to be signed to India and guess What we're going to take that back to

Wells Fargo we're going to say there's No better way to send into India than Ripple because again it's about Network Effects and if we can do that in India We can do that in Brazil we can do that In all the emerging markets and I think It's going to be really hard I mean we Won't take no for an answer and we're Going to continue to build the network Until it's so valuable that there's no Choice for Wells Fargo to join and That's that's 2018 so are we at 80% now of what will Be the third largest economy in the World by 20130 in the next six Years Clarity legislative regulatory Clarity on the national level and on the Global level is going to set this thing Off major private IND indan Bank Partners with ripple and crossb Remittances just showing you the links Are there right just showing you now Let's go to something uh here back here In the states and uh I think Cynthia Senator Cynthia lumus here is going to Say it quite well and highlight the fact That the Federal Reserve does not need To introduce a cbdc because it would be Like the Chinese youan and I really do Appreciate her making that known and Striking that down so we don't have that Here in the United States take a listen Thank you Mr chairman uh welcome uh it's Nice to see you Mr Powell um my first

Question is about uho much cdbc there's Been some chatter lately on the um Social media uh that people are Concerned about uh the FED creating a Cdbc Without uh legislative authorization you And I have discussed that before Um and as you know there there are other Means other than a cdbc that uh could Use digital assets to create a secure And instant payment system other than a Cdbc um so the question is this do you Still agree that the Federal Reserve Cannot introduce a US Central Bank Digital currency without Congressional Authorization yes I do thank you that's Just that's really calms people's fears The people who are concerned that we Could end up with something like the Digital Yuan that is used as a means of Surveillance so I think that that will Calm some of those discussions down Thank you so much I do appreciate her Really getting this getting Jerome pal To confirm that uh they can't do it Without congress's approval and we don't Want Congress to give them the approval And if Congress does give the approval Of it I want to see Congress give give The approval to do a cbdc on the Wholesale backend that they can use Between other central banks not for us Right not for us so uh at the and we Could discuss a hundred other different

Outcomes and options too but that's just My thought on that today and obviously You guys know stable coin this is what Chad Chad Stein grber says here he says A reaffirmation that a us cbdc will not Happen unless Congress passes approval Stable coin law hello usdc AKA black Money as a defecto digital dollar you Know it's Goldman Sachs and circle that Are usdc right I mean you know it's We're going to see but I think a retail Facing digital dollar under credential Regulation is exactly where we need to Be to be a leader in this space and to Be truthful 99% of all transactions in The digital space are happening with a Digital dollar of some sort whether it's Usdc or USD tether so the reality is the US dollar is the leader in the digital Market for for transaction settlement at The moment What's missing is the Credential regulation to put the crown On its Head that's what's Missing and I showed this yesterday and I don't need to show it again Calvin Hill is his name and you should be Following him on Tik Tok from the power Of publish 2.0 I love Calvin's energy And he's super smart um I'm not on Tik Tok anymore but I know he's great and he Gives great content but what I want to Say is uh shout out to Mike Jansen for Giving me his name name I could not

Remember his name yesterday thank you Mike um but he talked about ETFs Bitcoin Spot ETFs and how they're soaking up the Digital assets off of the exchanges and Then I was like hey wait a minute you Know this reminds me of the Shane Ellis Theory but a More kind of dressed down way not a Deliberate just coming in and buying the Assets off the exchanges it's for a Reason they're coming in the Institutions are coming in and buying The asset assets off the exchanges for Their clients in this ETF spot ETF funds Right well this could be a more Formal version of Shane Ellis Theory and Why couldn't it work we're seeing it Work for Bitcoin aren't we so then I Said why don't I ask grock what's going On here I asked grock the artificial Intelligence of X I said could xrp ETF Serve to support the Shane Ellis theory That all xrp could be bought up off the Exchanges and consequently Drive xrp Price up I'm going to give this to you Exactly the way grock gave it to me the Shane Ellis Theory suggests that a Series of events could lead to a rapid Increase of in in the price of xrp one Of the factors mentioned in the theory Is the introduction of xrp based Exchange traded funds I want to be clear Right now it does not say that in the Original Shane Ellis Theory it talks

About the uh Institution and Banks Literally coming to the secondary market And buying up all of the xrp loose Liquidity xrp off of the exchanges in Stair steps of prices B buying up the Order books driving xrp to 10 bucks 50 Bucks 500 bucks or whatever price they Would need it for the level of liquidity To do payments I'm going to go on and Pick back up on the reading now so it Goes on to say here an xrp ETF would Allow investors to gain exposure to the Price of xrp without actually owning the Cryptocurrency this could lead to Increased demand for xrp as it would Make it easier for institutional Investors to invest in the Cryptocurrency if the demand for xrp Increases significantly due to the Introduction of an ETF it could Potentially lead to a situation where All the xrp available and exchanges is Bought up driving the price up however This is a speculative scenario yes it is And there is no guarantee that an xrp ETF would have such a dramatic impact on Price of xrp again I want to interject What we're seeing with Bitcoin and Bitcoin doesn't have the use Case Utility and the practicality when it Comes to making payments but xrp does Now we know we need some clarity and we Also need to finish the last leg of the Actual Ripple case as well so with those

Things let me read the last part here it Is also worth noting that the SEC has Yet to approve an xrp ETF and the Outcome of the ongoing lawsuit between Ripple and the S will play a likely Significant role in determining whether An ETF is approved in the future this is Absolutely true here again uh ETFs are Not mentioned in the theory of Shane Ellis Theory so grock got it wrong on That however uh and my memory serves me Right anyway maybe I'm wrong but I don't Remember that being a case but Nevertheless it does if you think about The impact Bitcoin has uh ET spot ETFs Have had on the price and knowing that People aren't generally using that to Make payments because it's very Expensive to make payments it's also uh Very time takes a lot of time to settle Those transactions so looking at this in The practicality for use in the system Give us the clarity that allows xrp to Be used by the banking Financial system To move value move and settle value Where Applicable and then introduce xrp ETFs For those same institutions and I step Back and say to myself let's watch and See what happens then right why would That be any different than what we're Seeing right now with Bitcoin spot ETFs why and if it would be different Would it be different in that it would

Be even quicker the way it's happening Because of the demand to make payments With it it's so practical and Efficient then I want to bring that to This why is it so important to have a Xrp ETF well I think for one we're going To see thousands of them in crypto at Some point and you you'll see all kinds Of combinations of them index funds Baskets of different cryptos together All that stuff's going to come I believe A real real healthy mature Market with So many different options and choices of Products but what would be a better way To drive liquidity onto a network then To help the isda association the International swaps derivative Association and the depository trust Clearing Corporation to settle the quadrillion Two quadrillion Plus in derivatives Contracts and have all the institutions Buy up the xrp off the Exchanges to support and back the ETF Spot ETF xrp funds once they are Out this kind of demand would create the Level of liquidity needed to really Experience the benefits of the utility And efficiency the safety and Scalability and interoperability of the Xrp P Ledger and why would they do any of this At All because two World Reserve currencies

Can exist at the same time and it has in The past and as I've said I don't Believe xrp was created just for Payments I believe xrp and The xrp Ledger was created because they know That the dollar is going to run into the Same problem that every other National Currency has run into when it is also Served as a World Reserve Currency there is a life expens Expectancy between 80 to 110 years out Of the last five currencies two of which Have had a life expense expectancy of 80 Years the US dollar started being the World Reserve currency in 1944 it's 2024 That was 80 years Ago so I'm not suggesting that this will Happen next Tuesday but what I am Suggesting and and I you don't have to Take it and do anything with it but what I believe since before I was a YouTuber In this space when I found it that xrp Is designed to be introduced as a bridge Currency to the world to help understand And accept the spillover shocks because Of all the money Printing and the Exhaustion of a national currency dollar Serving as a world Reserve currency Dollar now with that being said I want To say a thing or two here really quick I'm an American Patriot and I want to See the US dollar remain dominant and I Believe that it can do so if done the Right

Way it can remain dominant even with xrp Serving as a bridge Currency and who knows if the FED ends Up making a wholesale cbdc on the back End and we stay with a retail stable Coin on the front end like a usdc under Credential regulation for all of us to Use Who knows maybe someday we get enough Utility and liquidity on that Network That xrp itself becomes that wholesale Cbdc on the back End I'm going to leave this with you Which is David Schwarz version of his Dream scenario which is not too Different from my Own congratulations are in order to Ripple for joining isda the International swaps and derivatives Association bringing together o der Market one what he announced again shout Out to The Exist World Reserve currencies to I mean To to simultaneously Exist I I do and I think that could Happen I think it's quite realistic that A lot of the world is just done with the Dollar as the reserve Curren currency Like every nation would love for their Currency to be the world Reserve Currency that's helped the US you know That's grown the US economy quote quote Unfairly by Leaps and Bounds for decades

And every other country be like yeah We'd like to have the world be the World's Reserve currency but the only Countries that could possibly pull it Off as the US holding its position you Know maybe the EU maybe Russia you know Maybe maybe one or two others but Realistically most countries know that If there's going to be a new world Reserve currency that's a country's Currency it's not going to be them and So they might actually prefer a currency That nobody can control to one that's Controlled by their largest geopolitical Right And so that's like what I think is the Biggest possible success scenario for For the for digital for you know for Digital assets if these countries are Like okay well the US dollar can't hold On forever but it's not going to be our Currency because no one's going to want To repeat the US dollar scen you know Nobody but the EU wants the EU to Replace the dollar right nobody but Russia wants the ruble to replace the Dollar nobody but China wants the you Know the you want to replace the dollar So maybe they could settle on a currency That nobody control could control rather Than one controlled by their most Powerful geopolitical rival so if you Want a success scenario that's the one That I think is the most likely but the

You get everybody to Agree well here's the part that I'll Step in how do you get everybody to Agree the same thing I've been saying Since I found this in 2017 you give them Some you Pre-allocate xrp to other nations you Formulate a a a you get a formula that Works based on their GDP or whatever and Their growth and you give everybody some And why would they take it because we're Not creating the replication of the Digital of the Fiat paper world in the Digital world it doesn't make any Sense why would you recreate the paper Friction world in the digital world you Haven't solved anything you're missing The greatest opport opportunity in fact The greatest lesson learned from the Birth of the internet is that they Forgot to build tokens for Tcpi what would those tokens be worth Today if they created a token for the Freaking Internet how much would those tokens be Worth based on the information moving Across that Network and don't be Surprised one day if they create a paper Market for that very Thing these are or one protocols that Are moving value around the World think of It it would be a crime for them to miss This opportunity never let a good crisis

Go to waste so you can introduce a new Money to the world not a conflated money A new money not because somebody swung a Gavel and said it's money but because There's enough liquidity and utility on The network that you can't deny that It's money and if you give everybody Around the world who's a meaningful Player some it's going to be money Because it's money for everybody and you Know how this works it ain't money Unless everybody says it is well I mean They might agree on they might agree if The alternative is that they Geopolitical Rivals Force some new Replacement for the dollar that that's Not you know that that just if they just Replace you know the old boss with a new Boss if the choice is no boss you know If that happens to make a bunch of Cryptocurrency people rich I don't think That's good thing going to see that too Much remind us I think that's exactly Right I think he's got it spot on there Look I'm super excited to see David Schwarz on stage at xrp Las Vegas it's Going to be remarkable he's so brilliant And he has such a brilliant mind and I Know that there are many many new things Coming to The xrp Ledger that are Changing it every day and I can't wait To hear him talk about it and I hope you Get your ticket so you don't miss it Either come on in we're going into the

Dig perspectives. comom into the freedom Zone and let me tell you right now I Have found what I believe to be one of The best most academic breakdowns of the State of the Union from last night and You would do yourself wise to come in Here and hear it because I don't know of Anybody that could break this down to Such a degree that I'm about to share With you right here in the freedom Zone Not Financial advice from me or anyone Else come on In all


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