ALERT: “Prepare ASAP”

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It's time to start preparing your family ASAP now this is not a fear tactic this Is facts figures numbers logic as we Head into the most volatile time of our History and one of the most profound Presidential elections we've ever Experienced you have to prepare your Family mentally physically spiritually And foundationally financially so in Today's video I'm going to break down How Jamie Diamond is starting to lose a Little bit of confidence in this economy And also yesterday we talked about how Black Rock they're going to a flight to Safety now black rock is the largest Asset manager in the world in the world Guys and they're moving into Bitcoin and If you watched the video yesterday which Will be posted somewhere around here you Have to pay attention to what they're Saying today we're going to watch Another person from Black Rock and then We're going to listen to Jamie Diamond And I'm going to share with you the Moves that they are making now for us as Warriors we need to start to prepare Mentally physically and financially and I can help you with those things I'm Very passionate about this and very Proud of this so I built my own Ecosystem and we've helped over 8,000 People worldwide with many different Services one of the services we've Helped hundreds of people over the last

Year is around teaching them how to Ensure their wealth and protect their Family with insurance index or tax code 7702 index universal life infinity Banking concept if you want a free Consultation with my team click the Description down below set up your free Appointment or click the bio in my Social media platform also I have a 16-page guide absolutely free to show You exactly what I'm going to talk about On the back end of this video where Every video I show you exactly what I am Doing okay and you can also apply for Academy if you want to jump right in be Around a group of likeminded people you Have to interview for the Academy is Private so let's Dive Right In at the Back end of every video I'm going to Share with you exactly what I'm doing uh So sit tight as we go through this okay So let's take a look at this so this is Davos um uh Davos 2024 so there's going To be a lot of coverage around this I'll Be covering this as well Now the key to understand is Black Rock Is going to take over the system guys Black rock is the most dominant force in The world 10 trillion under management Larger than most Global gdps and when You hear Larry Fink kind of crack these You know uh I don't know if I should say That he's basically losing confidence in America now he was tapped by the Federal

Reserve twice in the financial collapse From 200 6 2007 and in 2020 to balance out the markets do you Think maybe he has a little bit of Insight what's going on I think he does So let's pay attention to this so this Is Black Rock infrastructure takeover Takeover excuse me but I want you to Listen to what they're saying and how They're talking about this economy as we Continue to build our own narrative so We can move our money to safety the World has been so resilient despite the Huge monetary adjustment unwinding 15 Years of you know Monet Loosening are you optimistic about 2024 Well I think that you're right the past Has been really the last year has been The story of pandemic savings that have Been run down by consumers so very Strong consumption and then we should Not forget government spending has Increased dramatically particularly in The US okay so the pandemic savings Started to drain around November last Year and now Americans are out of money The consumer credit index is maxed America is maxed in credit we're have Negative debt to income ratio and the Government's spending is out of control And so you've seen this these two forces That have kind of been a countervailing Force to the contraction that we've seen Uh in capital markets through tighter

Interest rates uh probably most people Have been surprised the question now is How much longer can this go how much Longer can you have government spending The way we've seen it how much longer Can you run down these pandemic savings And that's going to be the story I think Of this year in a sense it's the final Normalization of the post pandemic Adjustment okay so the final Normalization of the post pandemic Adjustment okay so the pandemic savings Or stimulus is running out we have high Inflation High interest rates so they're Going to lower interest rates around the Presidential election which is going to Make your assets go parabolic okay but They may have to turn the printing Machine on full blast again to bailout Americans if we go into a hard or even a Soft Landing in the recession so let's Listen to Jamie Diamond we know Jamie Diamond is one of the um one of the Largest Bankers in the world I would say Uh in regards to I mean he's been CEO Since 2005 guys think about that for Just a moment there's a reason why he's Been CEO since 2005 the guy is connected So listen to what listen to what he says About the economy now remember when we Used to listen to this in 2020 202 oh We're good everything's good but listen To the lack of confidence they're Starting to have in the economy about

The future Jamie what kind of a 24 are You Expecting Yeah so you know you know I look at when You say we have a strong year we we Acknowledge we're over earning on nii And credit and stuff like that and of Course I don't I'm much less worried About the economy and the strong year And what's gonna happen next year than The geopolitical stuff that stuff is About the freedom of the western world For the next hundred years that's so I'm Not comparing that really to the economy Of this year and so uh you know will for JB Morgan we're going to serve our Clients in 2024 2025 whatever the Environment brings you know and I you Know we always say that we don't know What the environment is going to be look At the range of outcomes can we handle Them and you know the answer is yes Stock prices are up consumers in good Shape but the extra money that they got During Co okay they keep bringing this Up but the extra money they got during Covid listen you know trillions of Dollars that's kind of running out and It is looks to us it's going to run out Sometime it's been pushed out and out For a whole bunch of different reasons But it runs out this year you know the Government has a has a huge deficit Which will affect the markets but I'm a

Little skeptical in this kind of Goldilocks kind of scenario I still Think the chances of it not being a soft L are higher than other people it Doesn't that's not terrible you know it Might be mild recession or heavy Recession obviously all of us in Business have to Le how to deal with you Know the ups and downs of vicisitudes of The economy but I do think the cross Currents are pretty high the money okay Cross currents are pretty high of course It's not a big deal to you Jamie Diamond Your million dooll salary millions of Dollar salary but the middle class it's A big deal to the middle class a huge Deal to the middle class the middle Class savings is starting to get drained Their credit cards are maxed inflation Is out of control when interest rates go Down home affordability is done and That's where they capitalize on the Middle class moving them down to the Working Poor money running out uh rates Are high uh QT hasn't happened yet you Know QT may bite I expect it to by the Way that you'll see more volatility Particularly un unwanted in treasury Markets because of QT so are we going Quant Q QE is quantitative easing QT is Quantitative tightening so he's thinking They may be some do some quantitative Tightening okay so we're hearing from The largest asset manager in the world

One of the largest Bankers in the world What is going on with the economy They're starting to lose confidence and Then you when you see Jerome pal he's Losing confidence as well so that should Tell you that you should be starting Making moves if I was you I would create A budget I would cut out frivolous Spending I would go down to one vehicle If you can I would free up cash flow and I would start to understand how to take Sovereignty and invest my own money okay So JP Morgan sees significant capital From existing crypto products pouring Into new spot Bitcoin ETFs okay the Newly created ETFs could attract inflows Of up to 36 billion from other crypto Products like grayscale Bitcoin trust The report said so you see what they're Doing now the thing they told you was Junk now they're using it as a flight to Safety Black Rock on Pace to become the Largest Bitcoin holder in the world this Is the very asset manager that told you That it's used for money laundering Three years ago and now he's losing Confidence in the way the economy is Sitting micro strategies Bitcoin is now Worth one billion more than the actual Company is worth and if we take a deep Dive on this you guys all know um did I Lose that oh where did it go oh I guess I lost It oh I was going to show you guys the

Uh micro strategies the top three Holders are it's not on this page here I Lost it it's Um uh Vanguard and black rock are in the Top two for micro strategies so micro Strategies they're net worth in Bitcoin Is larger than their actual company and We got Vanguard and black rock two of The largest holders in micro strategies So not only are they stacking it Themselves for their clients and their As an asset manager but they have Exposure through micro strategies okay So we look at this black rock increases Position in micro strategies macro why Am I saying that right micro strategies On February 3rd 2023 okay micro Strategies increase their position in Bitcoin back end of 2022 all we have to Do is follow the money guys the money is Very easy to follow you just watch the Money flows you have to make sure that You pay attention to what's going on Okay so on the end of every video I Share with you guys exactly what I'm Doing okay so I have a crypto portfolio Let me bring myself a little bit larger On the screen here okay so I have a Crypto portfolio and basically what I do Is I'm holding 50% longterm the 50% I'll Hold longterm for the moon bags and when Those go up I can borrow against those Assets taxfree to buy more assets okay So I'll sit on those 50% is going to be

Exited the reason why I'm exiting is Because I have a solid game plan outside Of crypto because I'm not going to just Trust crypto as my retirement is not Your retirement it's an investment that You can move into things that are solid That are guaranteed to grow over time so The first thing that I use is index Universal life iul life insurance I Insure my wealth as most people ensure Their life we ensure our life as well With term and then I have the index Universal life policy setup to Max Fund When cryptocurrency goes parabolic okay So I can secure compound and grow my Wealth I can borrow against my policies If I need to okay I'm earning around six To s% on average so I'm really happy With those returns and when the market Collapses my principle is guaranteed Okay then business we're deep in Business we have multiple companies in Different sectors information technology And attention precious metals and now I'm working to get into real estate that Is my next step for tax liabilities for Appreciation and depreciation okay and Number one thing that makes me the Richest man in the world is my Relationship with God that is the Foundation if I lose everything I'm Still the richest man in the world okay So let's Dive Right into this I want to Show you the tool that we used and that

We created uh which is called Merlin and All of you guys have 30 days for free Absolutely free to try Merlin at least You can go practice your exess strategy Okay so when you download Merlin you're Going to get 30 days for free and then If you choose to build a relationship With with us um you'll have a small fee To keep Merlin to help protect you um in Regards to understanding how to exit the Markets okay we don't hold your keys we Don't hold your combos it's completely Safe it's just an interface to show you Your daily gains and losses okay it's Going to show you your portfolio in a Snapshot we'll show you this real quick So this is a cool thing that we created Here um if you look here so this shows You the snapshot of the the market okay So eth is a little bit down it looks Like the Market's kind of green here so It gives you kind of a daily snapshot You got your daily gains and losses okay Right here which helps a lot and then When you go to your assets you click Here and then you can create what's Called an exit strategy you hear me Talking about exiting 50% I'm exiting 50% of the market okay but I exit on a Ladder so if you take a look here if I Click my exit strategy right here on BTC Boom I created an exit strategy here These are just uh a madeup numbers here I just wanted to show you that so it

Shows right here I don't know why I put 56 but if I change that number to 50 Right boom it adjusts on the other side If we go here okay so exiting 50% of the Market if you see right here if I did 10% of my coins at $60,000 I would get $9,000 based on the value right and then I'd exit 40% at $660,000 or excuse me at $10,000 that would be my profit now the Cool thing too is you can put in your Tax bracket wherever you're located you Figure out your tax bracket you can put In your teag so basically if I exited The market based on these exit targets I Would get $188,000 and my estimated taxes would be $4 7,000 so I'd pay that to Uncle Sam And then I'd take this to go Max Fund my Index Universal Life policies and then I Would leverage against my policies to Buy more assets okay so these are just Uh you know this is a mock account I'm Just showing you guys madeup numbers Here so it's very easy to go in here and Create your exit strategy okay you can Edit edit your exit strategy but if you Go back over to your assets here if you Click on here I'm going to leave the Site it's going to take me back to my Assets well Ada I don't have an exit Strategy so I go Here okay on this Mack account boom then You set your exit strategy it's super Simple sell you know you put how much

You want to sell how much you're going To hold you can build as many as you Want you can add exit targets and so What happens why is that important guys Because basically what Merlin does is it Sends you a text message and alert Saying hey JV you're about 10% away from Your first exit Target for xrp what do You want to do and so basically I'm Going to go activate and pay attention Go activate my exit Target and then I'm Going to ladder on the way up as Everybody's rushing in and all all the Sudden believing in crypto because There's only 5% of people have exposure To it the rest of the public comes Rushing in I've already pulled profits I'm already Max funding index Universal Life policies I'm already buying other Assets and everybody's coming in all Excited and then boom the big money Pulls and the exchange is shut down Because it's going parabolic and then You come sliding down the backend you're Going to meet so many people in Cryptocurrency that got effed in 2022 Because they didn't have a plan they Watched the market go up they were super Excited dopam me and then they watch the Market collapse down they went into Depression and anxiety and now they're Going to get all excited again and They're going to get the greed Gene and They're not going to hit the exit button

Okay or you can just hold long term and Watch it go up watch it go down but We're not in it we're in it for Financial Freedom on we want to support Our family we want the resources to help Free as many human beings as possible And that's how we do it so that's why I'm holding 50% longterm it'll sit there Forever right and then all I have to do Is take it and I can leverage say if I Have you know Bitcoin xrp ethereum However this all plays out is I can Leverage that taxfree and go buy other Assets so if I want to get a down Payment for a property I'll just go to My asset I'll borrow against my asset And I'll let the person who owns the Property or who's renting the property Pay back that loan and now I have an Appreciating asset which would be a Property depreciation and they're paying Back the loan and I got the money Taxfree you're making money make money All the time that is the key okay it Took me years to figure this out but Once I finally figured out I did my First cycle now I call the next one the Generational wealth building cycle okay Then I sent up now I'm in the process We're almost done with it almost done With the Rockefeller trust it's called The waterfall system right so I have my Uh uh last meeting I think this Thursday Um we also set up a foundation we got

All kinds of things going on right now So we're learning and growing together So just want to share with you guys if You are interested in getting into our Academy if you're here this long you're A true warrior we have an interview Process to get into our Academy so what We launched is uh a uh inside of our Academy now is a four-week webinar Series so basically once you apply for The Academy depending on what level you Come in if you come in at the warrior Ascension level you're going to get a Four-week webinar series first week is Cryptocurrency allocation showing Portfolios and allocation number two is How to exit and enter the markets enter And exit the markets week three is my Diversification strategy exactly how I'm Diversified and why and all the Resources to all of my people that I Work with and then five is uh you're Going to meet the top trust attorneys in The United States um and you will get Access to how it works what does it look Like and how to do that okay and then Every single month you'll be part of a a Call where I'll be going so basically I Meet with my CFO every month around tax Liabilities around my investments around My strategy and I'll be presenting that To the group of people every single Month so you'll be in the game even if It's the same every month I'll be coming

To you guys giving you peace of mind Here's what I'm doing I don't know if It'll work for you but it's worked for Me so it'll be a four-week webinar Series a one-month call around my Investment strategies exact investment Strategies at a deep deep level Basically parting what I do with my CFO And then you get access to our Revolutionary Academy the five phases And our 12 day challenge which is all an Amazing um like a college campus inside It's all online that part is all Self-paced so and the webinars are Recorded as well so if you want to dive Into that please click the link down Below uh you do have to go through an Interview process to make sure you're Good fit and I hope to see you on the Other side love you guys Warriors ah This is time to prepare let's Go


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