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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel here's a headline from the Crypt Basic locked xrp and xrpl automated Market maker pulls surpass 2.1 million As xrp Supply shock looms now I'll just Tell you right at the outset of this Video um I respectfully disagree with This narrative I do not believe that as A result of this occurring although I'm Very happy to see it there's real Adoption here happy to report on that Very happy to report on that uh I do not Believe believe that this is uh going to Result in some sort of imminent xrp Supply shock that Rockets the price of Xrp now of course I do believe the price Of xrp will ultimately rocket it's very Clear I've made my bet you know but I Think that's going to happen because We're in a bull market anyway uh so I'm Going to share with you the perspective Because I like to share opposing Viewpoints on this channel it's not all About just what I think although I'm Happy to share what I do think uh but no I don't think the narrative honestly Makes sense um there's also this Headline from the Crypt basic xrp Mur 9 142% to $520 after Bitcoin having now Look I'd be surprised if we don't see That price at some unknown point in the Future though nobody knows for sure What's going to happen with xrp price I

Admit I don't know either but I disagree With this narrative as well because After the the having has nothing to do With This uh we also have this headline from You today xrp V versus Bitcoin legendary Trader Peter Brandt's cryptic comment Sparks Intrigue now this is this is Another one of those instances where you Know a person who is otherwise Intelligent and and shares a valuable Insight with people who uh who enjoy Following him uh he just has Unfortunately xrp derangement syndrome So people who are otherwise smart and Intelligent are just completely missing The mark when it comes to xrp and Consistently missing the Mark it's like I just it's just amazing like they Should look Inward and realize all even If they're good chart analysts how are They so dra drastically wrong about xrp Consistently when they're when they have Such a great hit rate on other coins This is one of the most famous analysts In the entire crypto space he called the Top of the market in 2017 that's one of The things he's most famous for in Crypto and he also called they like Basically pinpoint nailed the bottom of The market a year later at the end of 2018 but he can't figure out why it Makes sense for xrp to exist he just Can't figure it out it's a mystery he's

Never going never going to know it's Just absurd Uh but before going further I do want to Be clear I do not have a financial Background of any kind I am not offering Financial advice and you definitely Should not buy or sell anything because Of anything I say right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys making YouTube Videos about crypto related topics but Just as a hobby and just for fun by the Way do you hear that I don't know if my Mic's picking that up but I'm at my desk And my dog is almost my dog her name is Peeve she's my petch peeve uh she is Almost always uh by my feet under my Desk just kind of chilling there and she She's she frequently just sleeps and so She's under my desk right now and she's Having little doggy dreams so it sounds Like so if you're hearing that sound That that's her dreaming right now it's Very Adorable ah what a sweet little Dogo do You hear that I hope the mic's picking That up because it's it's cute as hell All right turn to the first piece locked Xrp and xrp amm pool surpass 2.1 million As xrp Supply shock Looms the xrp locked in xrpl amm pool Has surpassed the 2.1 million Mark Triggering speculation that the Automated Market maker functionality Could contribute to an xrp Supply shock

The xrp Ledger is evolving into a more Resilient ecosystem with the integration Of impactful defi protocols particularly Noteworthy is the newly newly Implemented amm functionality which has Garnered significant interest from Network participants however the xrpl Amm functionality encountered an issue That halted its utility as liquidity Providers redeemed and withdrew their Tokens due to the mass withdrawal of Tokens locked xrp was reduced to 279,000 As of April 7th following the resolution Of the bug trading activities resumed And a notable increase in liquidity Provision was Observed uh shortly after the amendment Fix passed the network recorded a surge In liquidity across multiple pools with Total xrp locked Crossing 820,000 in a Few hours the Crypt basic learned and The most recent disclosure xrpl DL Validator vet confirmed that the figure Has now surpassed the 2.1 million Mark a Mere 4 days after the amendment fix at The time of the disclosure the network Saw exactly two I'll just use a round Number here 2.1 million xrp locked in Amm pools and so look I think that this Is one of those those cases and you Frequently see this when there's new Technology available I think that a lot Of times people overestimate the impact Of it in the short term and then

Underestimate it over the long and I Think that's probably the case here so This is going to be um this right here Will be way more substantial in the Future and it's it's also importantly One of those things that's going to help To ensure the long-term viability of xrp And the xrp Lend so that's the way I Look at it now all sorts of people are Saying all sorts of things and some People think there's going to be a Supply shock including uh Zack Rector And so nothing against the guy I just Respectfully disagree with him but let Me jump down to this part of the article And read as follows despite the low Amount of xrp locked in these pools Representing just 0.39% of circulating Supply Market Commentators have argued that the amm Functionality could in fact contribute To a looming xrp Supply shock so folks Just to be clear There again happy to see the adoption of This technology but it's not the case That a whole bunch of new uh speculators Who would not otherwise be within the Xrp ecosystem jumped in in some sort of Meaningful way like that's that's just It's not a true narrative Now The xrp Ledger I love it my xrp is my favorite Crypto widely adopted one of the most Successful blockchains in all of history But again as cited here by the crypto

Basic it's 0.39% of circulating Supply no so the narrative that that Results in some sort of Supply shock Dynamic I just no I I just I I don't I Don't agree with that and so Zack Rector Wrot Supply shock Dynamics for xrp Coming into play two million xrp in amm Pools already so I do think this is Going to be impactful over the Long Haul But is there something that's going to Happen this Market cycle that will be a Particular note uh that that push the Price of extra be higher like this Specifically no I don't think so and Happy to be wrong if there's some sort Of Supply shock and I see that I will Happily admit I'm wrong I have no Trouble admitting what I'm wrong I'm Just telling you what I believe to be The case that's it that's it but I don't Marry myself to opinions my opinions Change over time you know I'm not like The stuff that I was saying when I Started this channel half a decade ago Some of it's the same but not all of it If you've been listening to me since Back then you may have picked up on that But my my opinions on all sorts of Things including Bitcoin have shifted to A certain degree it's just natural Progression right but I really do not Think that this especially this Market Cycle we're going to see anything even Close to that so um and also so there

Was a a response to that post on X from Arur and he is the uh CEO and co-founder Of XP market and he wrote this is still Nothing since smiley face trust lines Have more xrp locks than amm let's see How it plays out and he's right and that That is indeed the case and you can see This chart um you know since the Amendment fixed yeah for those you look At the screen you can see that's just Like rocket to the upside so it is real Adoption and I love to see this and Again it's going to help to ensure the Long-term viability of xrp and The xrp Ledger but where it's at right now just You know several days or so and Supply Shock no sorry that's a little bit much Uh here's a headline from the crypto Basic xrp May sore 942 to $5.20 after Bitcoin having so look I don't even need To read the article I just wanted to Make the point that the having has Ultimately nothing to do with this the Having doesn't even matter so even if we See some sort of volatility on the day The having occurs and we're just a few Days away from that mind you you know What that would you know what that would Mean it's it's just humans reacting to a Date that in theory is important but in Terms of it shifting in some sort of Dramatic way supply and demand Dynamics And then as a result of that it's going To hit exra in a positive way I do not

Buy that for a moment because the vast Majority of Bitcoin that is going to be Bought and sold it already exists so if You cut in the the new Supply in half Well it doesn't matter because almost All of it's already out in the wild it Doesn't matter there's no way it matters So so that's going to hit xrp so then After the having now xrp jumps 942 to $5.20 no the having is not an impact and I'm look I'm all on board with the idea Of xrp hitting a new all-time high in ENT price Discovery obviously that's the Bet that I'm making even though nobody Knows for sure what's going to happen I'm just saying the having has nothing To do with it uh here's a post from Chart analyst egreg crypto and he's Talking about the xrp BTC pair which you Know haters of xrp will say looks Abysmal but I say when it looks abysmal That means it's actually looking pretty Good because these are the moments of Maximum Opportunity so here's what e crypto WR Xrp BTC YOLO Band You Only Live Once Can You spot the 2017 xrp BTC fractal Aligning here I see it do you stay Steady 0.00001 18570 is on the horizon so we're Talking about xrp priced in Bitcoin There it's look historically this is What has happened what it's just it's Just not going to this time and the xrp

Is not going to participate but the rest Of the Market's going to go no I do not Buy that for a Second I think e crypto is correct about This and it's going to go ballistic That's my expectation now of course you Do get people like Peter Brandt who have Xrp derangement syndrome unfortunately And otherwise insightful and intelligent Human says stupid stuff about xrp and Here's by the way I'll pull this up real Quick to this is a just trading view xrp BTC pair uh this is the one month here And you can see we did hit a new bottom Uh you know a few days ago it's been up Since then I don't know if that's the Final bottom but eventually the market Has historically has always found one And then it blazes to the upside so we Keep hoping that each new low is the Bottom but eventually one of them will Be so the idea is what matters even if It's not this one and maybe it is this One but it doesn't matter we're in Bull Mode the asset class moves in tandem but Anyway the headline here xrp vbtc Legendary Trader Peter Brandt's cryptic Comment Sparks Intrigue and I don't need To read the article let's just get to The meat of it here on April 12th he Shared this post again he's like he's He's one of the most well-known analysts In all of crypto and he's got 7239 followers on X for a reason people

Value his Perspective how is he consistently wrong About xrp though in terms of what it's Going to do Consistently so he said headed to Antarctica xrp BTC right and then it Suddenly isn't in fact somebody Responded to him and wrote R to rephrase To a level where xrp begins to Outperform bitcoin historically exactly Spot on but he just doesn't want that to Be true he doesn't want to say it like That he just wants to paint the Narrative that this is bad for xrp and Xrp is trash because that's what he Believes and he's disastrously wrong About that And so this isn't this is going to age Like a fine milk and so he responded to Peter prant responded to that and said Yep or to put it another way to a level Where not a single buyer has a Profit well that's obviously not true Because I'm in profit my average buying Price was 25 cents roughly he's just Saying stuff that isn't true because he Has xrp derangement syndrome he suffers From xrp derangement syndrome it's a Real thing folks and it's completely Absurd otherwise intelligent and Insightful people say the dumbest crap About xrp and why because reasons folks Because Reasons I'm not a financial Adviser you should not buy or sell

Anything because of anything I say or Right that would be a very very very bad Idea until next time to the Moon Lambo


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