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Merry Christmas damn it this is Matt on The moon Lambo Channel and Hallelujah Xrp actually went on a little bit of a Run today it's a Christmas miracle Although maybe we're getting a little Bit ahead of ourselves here it was nice To see don't get me wrong we had xrp Within the last 24 hours as low as 61 Cents but if you look on the screen here Where I'm circling right now it actually Did run up to 65 cents briefly and been Moving a bit sideways since but even Though we haven't seen at least at the Time I'm recording this additional Fireworks there are expectations from Some analysts that think that yeah you Should be expected to move up like this And this is just a Tiny the tiniest Little nibble of what's about to come With the expectation that xrp in short Order is going to be hitting $2 and I Know it always seems impossible until it Actually happens people just have such a Hard time with the impatience and oh my God other stuff is moving but uh I ain't Worried about it certainly not on Christmas but before going further I do Want to be clear I do not have a Financial background of any kind I am Not offering Financial advice and you Definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys Making YouTube videos about crypto

Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun now I do want to just just For the hell of it just for a little bit Of Christmas fun I want to share a Little bit of this article from Newsbtc titled why did the xrp price Surge to 64 cents today uh and why are We going here well as everybody knows if You want the most truth hardest hitting Xrp news on the market you go to news BTC that's right you go to news Bitcoin For all the greatest most accurate Trustworthy reputable xrp news Available that was oozing with sarcasm Correct that was detectable I hope uh This is a train Rec of an article so There are a couple parts just at the Beginning for for the fun of it I want To highlight we'll start with the title Uh it ran actually over 65 cents but Check this out this is Hilarious it doesn't start off Horrifically check this out the xrp Price is on a war path today and has Already begun to Rally interestingly This rally is coming at a time when the Rest of the crypto Market is seeing a Slowdown with spots of losses here and There so what is driving the xrp price Rally and so you might think oh this is Going to be a positive article they're Recognizing xrp is performing better Than much of the market on Christmas day It's a Christmas miracle right you might

Think that you might be setting yourself Up for something here but you'd be wrong Because it's new Bitcoin and they say Stuff like they they use words from the Human language but arranged in such an Order that don't make no godamn since I've been this check this out they Write a lot of the positive sentiment That has triggered the xrp price rally Can be traced check this out drum roll Back to its parent company Ripple that's Right an asset just just an asset alpha Numeric code it has a parents company You hear you hear what they're saying Right so like I guess any asset that can Have a par like I've got a I've got a Desk in front of me I'm I'm recording This latest Moon Lambo Hot jam on this Is is there is there a parent company For that desk or is there a manufacturer For the desk that uh is distributed Through a distribution system it's just X and this you know the only thing that Would be at least as bad on you know if You're going to try and if you're Wording something like this it's Claiming that xrp is the sister company Of Ripple I've seen that to I kid you Not how how have the how have these People these C students I'm probably Being generous there how is it that Anybody goes here for anything actually Reputable it's so rare and I know maybe It's just select select writers here but

My God it's just so laughable so then You might be think well they probably They've recognized the prices going up Uh what would the reason for the price Going up be oh they'd argue that it's The it's the parent company that's Making the price go up I kid you not Check this out in a new development A court filing showed that Ripple is set To claim around $1 million in the wake Of the FTX collapse the claim is Actually being made by Ripple Singapore Against Alam assets so in the event of a Distribution Ripple will be receiving a Pay out from FTX folks I kid you not They are arguing that the the market Price of xrp went up and ultimately went Up to over 65 cents because Ripple is Set to get back 11 million Which is a drop in the bucket compared To the market cap increase and you on Top of that the fact that Ripple had Exposure and that it was it was actually Known to be in this range like that was Publicly available information a year Ago let's just have a little fun it's Christmas we can make fun of these Idiots oh my god oh and this is actually A legitimate hilarious so this is this Is a meme that's been circulated within The xrp community and I think it's fun I Mean some people probably genuinely sour About the price of xrp It's a small Percentage I think of of people who hold

Xrp uh but some people just have Supreme Trouble when they see other stuff they Don't own taking off and xrp mostly Moving sideways and so here for those of You not looking I'll just describe this It looks like Christmas morning here and There's a small child opening a gift and It's xrp and the child is crying and the Parents in the background flipping the Bird to the small children's is who got Xrp for Christmas and is very sad about It like so even if you're someone like Me who doesn't get emotionally torn up When xrp moves sideways and other stuff Is moving up uh I still think this is Kind of funny so I thought I'd just Share it merry Christmas everybody and Then there was this from live coin watch I shared this little infographic Bitcoin Christmas Day performance and it's Fascinating because that's a reasonable Thing to ask how's Bitcoin going to be Doing on your typical Christmas well According to the last 10 years we should Expect it to be down because it usually Is so uh it was actually down I I think I counted the start I think it was seven Of the 1 two 3 four five six yeah seven Of the last uh last last 10 years Bitcoin's actually down now typically Not horrifically but we're waiting to See how this Ends um who knows could be to the Positive and who knows maybe we actually

Do see xrp go on an additional tiar Maybe by the time you're watching this It has gotten into 66 cents who knows Am I Dreaming too Big uh oh so update regarding Bitcoin Price some of you may have noticed that Uh a little less than 24 hours ago uh Bitcoin took a bit of a dip it got into The upper 42,000 well that happened at a time I Was actually recording uh a YouTube Video and I shared this exact post from Chart analyst credible crypto at the Moment that Bitcoin had just taken a dip And this post is from December 23rd from Credible crypto indicating he actually Thought there's a pretty good chance That such a dip would would occur so Again this is from December 23rd 2 days Ago credible crypto writes it really Does not get much better than this some Final accumulation going on here before The push to $50,000 Plus in my opinion We have price trapped in a tight Accumulation range aggregate oi hitting New local lows very healthy coinbase Spot buyers doing their thing and Funding nearly fully reset absolutely Primed for the next leg up hopefully we Get one more quick swipe into the low 43,000 to fill a few more of my first Bits or bits first and uh folks that is Exactly what ended up happening in fact It did get as low for a very brief

Period as the upper 42,000 for Bitcoin a Credible crypto certainly not fearful About that anticipating there was a Really good chance that would happen and So then in a post right after it Happened last night he he wrote bids Fill all metrics look fantastic or Fantastic still send it Bitcoin so see What happens here now of course I think Some of the very biggest fireworks um You know there they're going to be Coming I mean we'll see if it's a sell The news event but it'll come uh when The ETF stuff happens more on that in Actually a second but let me first share With you expectation regarding xrp Specifically uh this is a post from just This Christmas morning from a chart Analyst dark Defender this is just an Xrpusd chart and he wrote The Following Hi all s RP in the weekly time frame is Breaking the weekly resistance right on Christmas and we expect to continue this Trend towards the new year xrp is above Ichimoku RSI is bullish and the trend is Up of course with ichimoku being the Best Pokemon out there and then he says Our targets didn't change and stayed at $15 and $188 cents short term enjoy your Day so again not being being a CH guy I Don't have to worry about when this Stuff pops I'm not making these Predictions but I do firmly believe it's Going to happen and when it happens

Everybody's going to be thrilled and we Don't know exactly for sure when it's Going to happen but we had a pop today That you know most people weren't Anticipating it's always fun when it Happens and he is anticipating here dark Ofender anticipating that we're going to Continue to see stuff along this lines Into the new year so buckle up folks if He's right xrp could be tripling in Price in the short term and that would Just be the start and by the way Even though I'm never going to make Price predictions and I'm not a charkey I just don't want to be it's too boring For me like I appreciate the people that Do it I I'm interested in their Perspective I just don't want to do it Myself I just it bores me to tears Rather watch pain try uh so the idea of This happening though is not Preposterous not in the least there's Historic precedent for xrp going on uh At least two notable runs during any Given Market cycle like we saw in 2017 The first Burst when XP was about half a Penny ran up to 40 something cents and That wasn't Al ultimately at cycle moved Sideways for over half year but then it Went up to uh went up to you know as you Know almost four bucks and we saw Something similar in 2020 xrp ran up to Over 80 cents and that was in I guess The beginning part of November 2020 U

Then there's the SEC nonsense and went Back down but then there was another Runup to its cycle high in uh it was April of 2021 at $2 so you know if we see that even if There's a pullback after that that would Actually be within historical norms for Xrp so I think there's going to be a lot Of fun stuff to look forward to going Forward here I mean unless you think That bitcoin's not going to hit a new All-time high and this is all for not in Which case okay yeah I'd agree with you Then because I don't see xrp run into a New all-time high uh unless Bitcoin is But we can see xrp run way way way Higher than it is now even if Bitcoin Doesn't actually because the Market's a Bit hot right now it just Is then there's this post from Alan Terret she wrote uh confirming the date For Final amend mend ments to All s1s by Friday the 29th and so what she's Talking about here is uh the ETF Application uh that whole process for The spot Bitcoin ETFs and then she wrote the SEC has told Issuers that applications that are fully Finished and filed by Friday will be Considered in the first wave anyone who Is not will not be considered in Addition the filings cannot mention in Kind creation or they will be rejected So assuming this is correct and I have

No reason it's Elanor tur this is a Reputable Source obviously journalist at Fox Business and the SEC like I've never Heard in my entire life the SEC letting People know well do what you got to do Make modifications if you need to get Everything in by this date or else you Might missed the first round nothing Even close to that has happened in History so far as I'm aware in fact There are almost no meetings and no Communications for or rather between all Previous applicants for spot Bitcoin ETFs and the SEC they're just wasn't Really a whole lot of communication here There are tons of in-person meetings With all these applicants there have Been in recent days like I just I don't See why the SEC would do this if they're Not really serious about actually Approving this damn thing and this is Going to set up some fireworks I I think That we're going to see a major run and Even if it's a selda news event it could Be very shortlived and I think that's Totally plausible and we'll see I don't Know for sure but it seems very Plausible that even if though you Probably see that initial excitement Very quickly perhaps it would just move To the downside and then there it could Take some time for recovery but still I Think the impact over a span of years

Would be truly tremendous because it it Actually in a meaningful way will impact The supply and demand dynamics of Bitcoin so unless you think that black Rock and Fidelity and all the other big Firms out there are going to fail with Their investment vehicles of Bitcoin uh No you should expect it to be meaningful And substantial over a span of years and Decades which is what I expect so Congratulations you just FR front ran The uh all the institutions out there Just about all the institutions anyway Which is why I was say say this merry Christmas everybody damn it hope you all Are having a lovely time out there with Your friends and Family Um I'll just I just I'm just telling you This I'll say it one more time before we Wrapping up here I haven't been this Excited as an xrp holder Specifically and this optimistic in my Entire life and I say this acknowledging That it's a possibility Bitcoin doesn't Hit a new alltime high in XP doesn't but There's a reason for optimism and Hopefulness is there at a minimum isn't That fair at least I certainly think So so anyway hope you all have a great Day I'm going to wrap up here I'm not a Financial adviser you should not buy or Sell anything because of anything I say Or right that would be a very very very

Bad idea until next time to the Moon Lambo


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