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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel the xrp that I hold has recently Become a much smaller part of my overall Crypto portfolio but there are a couple Good reasons for that that I want to uh Explain and I also want to highlight This article because it's Completely well it's the article on your Screen isn't trash but it's covering a Separate article that absolutely is Trash and it's from Forbes but uh here's The headline from the Crypt basic forb Says xrp has no purpose calls Xrpl a ghost chain and the article the Referencing is this one on your screen Forbes article the rise of cryptos Billion doll zombies now what's Fascinating here is although they do Site a bunch of different chains that They're calling zombie chains here not Getting used they're useless nobody's There nobody's paying attention uh it's Basically just an article that is Ripping on xrp and it's full of a ton of Factual inaccuracies which we're going To get into to also separately I will Highlight that there's a professor and Economist who also rips this Forbes Article to shreds for being completely Inaccurate but before going further I do Want to be clear I do not have a Financial background of any kind I am Not offering Financial advice and you Definitely should not buy or sell

Anything because of anything I say all Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys Making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun all right so I want to talk About this because my xrp P although it Is still by a good bit my largest Individual crypto holding uh the the Percentage that it uh that that uh it Makes up in terms of My overall crypto Portfolio it's down a lot recently now Part of the reason that I wanted to Highlight this is because this I've seen This before this is what happened last Cycle before xrp took off and I know Last cycle xrp didn't hit a new alltime High but the SEC was attacking Ripple And effectively all xrp holders not Really surprising in hindsight uh to see That xrp didn't hit a new all-time high But it did still move in correlation With the rest of the market it did still Pop to the upside and it reached $2 And right now like it's just it reminds Me this moment in time that we're in Right now this Market cycle it reminds Me of a particular Point uh call it Roughly you know say October 2020 before Xrp really started running because at That point xrp was a much lower Percentage of My overall crypto Portfolio but then it started running And when it jumped up to for you know

About 20 something cents up to 80 cents In a matter of like a week or two Whatever it was uh yeah quickly became a Much bigger part of my my portfolio and Then in April what it hit its high yeah It was a much bigger part and so um you Know the fact that it is where it is It's just another thing that I'm looking At where I'm just like yeah this I've Seen this before I've seen xrp looking Abysmal when on the xrp BTC pair uh same For xrp dominance uh these are all Moments where in in previous Market Cycles it looks abysmal and then smart People recognize that start putting Money in and then moves to the upside in An environment like this you better Believe xrp is going to run and so on December 24th just the very end of last Year I put out a poll on social media Platform X I wrote what percentage of Your crypto Holdings are xrp measure in Whatever government issued currency you Prefer and and so there are four options 0 to 25% uh xrp could be 26 to 50% 51 to 75% Or 76 to 100% so those are the people Who are like xrp is the one you know um And and I've been all over the place Like I I've I've had um I've been in Positions where xrp is a tremendous like The majority in fact of my xrp Holdings But there are a lot of lot of things a Lot of factors I consider that that

Change that including what it what xrp Happens to be worth in that given moment It's it doesn't all have to do with Whether I'm buying or selling xrp just To be clear and and I've never sold xrp In my entire life I'm waiting for a new Alltime high and enter price Discovery And then I'll start to scale out uh and So uh 0 to 25% so the people said the Xrp is 0 to 25% of their portfolio That's 15.5% of respondents 26 to 50% Holdings of xrp 16.2% responded yep That's me uh as in the 51% to 75% bucket Bucket 24% said yep that's a that's the Range for how much xrp my I have in my Portfolio and then 76 to 100% 44.3% of humans responded to that that's Gigantic that's pretty freaking gigantic And you know I've I've been close to That I don't know exactly what the max Would have been that would be Interesting to go back and try and Figure that out but it's been dominant For long periods of time now on December 24th though I I since I just you know For the fun of the conversation I noted What uh what what percentage of my Crypto portfolio portfolio xrp makes up And at the time it was 34.82357 High which I admit is possible I just don't think it's probable if that Happens uh I'm still going to be fine Like say I didn't have any of my xrp

I've got enough other stuff that you Know if if by and large it goes I'm Going to have a great time still got my Life changing wealth but I'm counting on Xrp to be a major factor in this uh I I I I've never been this optimistic for Xrp in my entire life but it's a smaller Percentage of my Holdings now in fact It's down to 24.39% of my crypto port portfolio That's right xrp is down from 38.82 of my portfolio on December 24th Down to 24.39% Today and why is that did I sell my xrp No I already said I didn't listen listen I said I did no the reason that this is The case there there's two primary Drivers here it's the fact that uh xrp Lagging behind per usual here it's not Really surprising to hear that I'm Assuming you're not surprised anyway uh Legs behind in the market but uh other Stuff has been taken off and I hold a Lot of different cryptos so as of the End of December I held 29 Cryptocurrencies I believe that was the Exact number um but as other stuff has Taken off and then xrp not like it's Been abysmal this year but other stuff Performing better that means in terms of Dollars that stuff's worth more so That's a major contributor because I Have a lot of different

Cryptocurrencies uh but also in recent Weeks as the market took a little bit of A dip I bought more I bought since the Time I posted what's on your screen There at the end of December since then I bought 12 new cryptocurrencies so I Now hold a total of 41 different Cryptocurrencies way more than I need And frankly the the last 12 that I Bought I didn't need to buy them I don't Need that additional exposure my bags Have been packed but like I explained at The time and I did talk about what I Bought and why uh it's just the case That I keep earning money it's got to go Somewhere uh I'm not you know Understanding where I believe anyway we Are in this market cycle roughly Speaking and I think we're going to go a Lot higher uh so I was like well I got To put this money somewhere I'll I'll Buy some more cryptocurrencies and I did That over a span of 3 days when when uh Bitcoin pulled back to about uh the low Was like 60 grand um I don't think it Dipped into the upper 50s of memory Serves anyway but you know it's a couple Weeks or so ago whenever that was so I Bought you know and I just thought well I don't really need a crazy multiplier For this is like you know the cherry on Typ top the icing on the cake whatever You want to call it so factoring that With the fact that all my other stuff

Has been increasing in price at a faster Rate yeah an xrp became a smaller Percentage of My overall Holdings but It's only a smaller percentage until Suddenly It's not in fact if xrp starts Rocketing it's quite plausible that it Could become the majority of my crypto Holdings in short order it wouldn't take That much I mean think about it a little Bit more than doubling in price from Here um you know if assuming other stuff Was static and I know it wouldn't be but Just like a you know little mental Exercise here if xrp you know a little More than doubles in price then it'll It'll be a majority holding for me you Know it be over 50% then um and um and Oh and by the way so out of the 12 Cryptos I purchased again and I didn't Need them uh if they were to go away Like yeah okay whatever uh I'm probably Going to sell them sooner than later if They start if I get like a five to 10 Fold increase I'll like yeah whatever Just whatever it's fine I don't care um But they currently comprise uh about 8% Of my total crypto portfolio so again All all this to say it's just I just I'm Always curious to hear what what other People are doing so I thought maybe some People would be kind of curious to to Hear a little bit more about what I'm Doing I don't normally talk about it but It's kind of fun for conversation every

Now and then but I'm just like the rest Of you guys like I'm absolutely counting On xrp to melt faces like I fully Believe that it will and nobody can know For sure but it's what makes the most Sense in my humble opinion so I think It's coming uh I definitely don't need 41 cryptocurrencies that's for sure um And and the vast majority of the coins That um you know I put the mo like the The coins I put the most money those are The ones I did the most due diligence on Let's say and so even if I just had Those core Holdings I think I'm going to Be fine but uh I just went further out On the risk curve because I understand What happens in these environments coins Just go and it doesn't mean I expect to Make profit on all of them but I'm also Not looking for crazy gains for a lot of The newer ones I just purchased anyway So it's just it kind of is what it is But for me yes the the biggest one for Me I'm expecting this Market cycle Absolutely xrp that that's what I think Is going to matter most Of course there are idiots that don't Understand what is about to happen and About the degree to which faces are Going to be melted uh these people are Forbes employees as it turns out so the Headline here again from the Crypt basic Forb says xrp has no purpose calls xrpl A ghost chain this is just absolutely

Laughable just factual inaccuracy after Factual inaccuracy so I'm glad that they Got called out by the Crypt basic a Recent Forbes article has taken a swipe At Ripple and The xrp Ledger calling the Xrpl and 19 other blockchain networks Functional ghost chains The xrp Ledger Has retained relevance in the blockchain Ecosystem over a decade after its Introduction with wallets hosted on the Network recording a steady uptick to Over 5.1 million at press time Demonstrating sustained interest among Blockchain Enthusiasts however Forbes claims the Xrpl is nothing more than a zombie chain A tag that has triggered sharp Criticisms from industry pundits in a Report published yesterday Forbes aimed To Spotlight 20 blockchains it believes Are zombie chains with little utility And I also pause a state here whatever You think about xrp Ledger developer Activity if you think that it's too low Compared to ethereum well I've said my Piece on That you're always going to have more Developer activity on a chain where There's smart contract functionality Native Why wouldn't you you can do more stuff But that doesn't mean there isn't a Place for other coins that are really Good natively at other stuff in the case

Of xrp payments but that said despite That being the case if you look back Over the last half a decade we have seen An uptrend in developer activity on The Xrp Ledger that's a long and sustained Trend and of course once you saw and I've highlighted this before so I didn't Pull the charts for the purpose of this Video but you can look at how you know After we had the 2022 collapse you know 3 A's Capital uh you know teruna the Whole thing uh there was an exodus of Developers industrywide and so that did Impact The xrp Ledger but that also Impacted ethereum and just pick your Chain it hit pretty much all of them Maybe you can find an outlier where it Didn't super duper if you can cool I Don't care the point is there there the Dip that you can see to some degree more Recently on The xrp Ledger in terms of Dev activity isn't unique to xrp it Doesn't mean there's something wrong With xrp it's pretty much every chain if Not literally every single chain that's Being tracked by developer report so Just thought I'd mention that but so Anyway there's that much of a track Record showing no people are building Stuff on here there are actual projects Here but it's a zombie chain right and That's why there's now over 5.1 million Walts mind you when I jumped in to the World of crypto and purchased my first

Xrp in November it was November 17th of 2017 at that time there were less than 700,000 xrp Walts there are now over 5.1 Million and these jackasses would have You believe that this is a zombie chain That nobody is using yet there's all of This interest and there's this gigantic Xrp Community but don't pay attention to That that doesn't mean anything those Are just stupid facts that get out of Get in the way of our stupid ass Narrative right we're Forbes we say what We won't even if it's not true peace Continues while the report presented a Table of these networks its focus was Primarily on xrp well there you Store of value well so is anything else That does anything that's a Cryptocurrency right like what are you Even talking about here any any crypto That's useful that is adopted long term For whatever the utility is will also Get the additional use case of store of Value duh my God I mean PE people treat stocks as a Store of value they're also treating and It's provable that people are treating Individual cryptocurrencies outside of Bitcoin as stores of value they they are And so you're going to look at this and Pretend that the thing that makes sense To look at is that agree to which Swift Works just because there's one developer Ripple building on top of the xrp Ledger

And it is uh their goal to compete in That regard you know positioning xrp as A bridge C that so that's the end all be It doesn't matter what the rest of the Ecosystem the rest of the metrics that's The one that's what you got to say Forbes you bunch of idiot Sticks really burns my biscuit son peace Continues however despite Swift Commanding a much greater volume the Xrpl has continued to impress in the Remittance scene with multiple firms Leveraging ripples odl which is now Known as Ripple payments a product for Crossborder Settlements the thing about this Folks on demand liquidity has been Consistently growing utilizing xrp as a Bridge currency how is it even possible Even if you just want to look at this One use case if you want to look at the Use case why don't you look at the Actual growth rather rather than not Instead of like why if Swift exists Still because even if Swift never goes Away if for some reason they don't okay Fine what about xrp's usage for this Particular use case is it increasing or Decreasing you intellectually dishonest Pricks peace continues bitso a leading Crypto exchange confirmed last year that It processed $3.3 billion worth of Remittance between Mexico and the United States uh in 20 22 alone mainly through

Xrp and stable qus hey xrp is useless Though go ask bitso an odl partner They'll tell you right No in addition Ripple's q1 2023 report Revealed that odl thrived commanding Nearly $3 billion in Q4 2022 despite the banking crisis at the Time besides The xrp Ledger inability to Disrupt Swift the Forbes article claims Xrp is largely useless despite having a Valuation of over $36 billion Interestingly the metric with which they Tagged xrp useless was accumulated Transaction fees which stood at $583,000 in 2023 folks in fact I love This one I love this one so much because They don't know what they're talking About so you know they're viewing what They're viewing is the higher the fee on The Ledger they're viewing that as a Positive and this is low and they view That as a negative why uh well it's Viewed as a positive with Bitcoin right With proof of work healthy ecosystem Miners getting paid all that crap now Never mind you in reality that's Actually just friction which from a Technological perspective isn't Necessary in fact you can have fees Almost zero which is what you have on The xrp Ledger and works just Fine it's almost free transactions for Everybody else since miners don't have To get paid uh and and then if you want

To spam the network there is a fee which Isn't much per transaction but if you Want to spam the network enough that it Would be meaningful it's going to cost You a fortune and then what have you Done eventually you run out of money and Then The xrp Ledger just goes long and It's fine so that's the point of it but They're acting as though what this is What they writing in the article this is A negative that The xrp Ledger is so Cheap what did the ever loving hell how Can see when it comes to this particular Point you know I'm assuming intellectual Dishonesty but they they could just be Actual idiots they could just be writing A bunch of stuff with their fat little Fingers and and not caring whether or Not it's true or or just maybe they Think it's true because they read Something from a toxic Bitcoin Maxi Troll I don't know maybe they had a Conversation with a toxic Bitcoin Maxi Troll under a bridge which is where they Live staying warm next to a dumpster Fire I I don't know we can we can only Speculate here folks we can only Speculate here and I I think um that's From some reasonable speculation for me Right there that seems plausible knowing These People peace continues however the Article failed to highlight that this Slow figure is a result of the xrp

Ledger's extremely low fees when Compared to Legacy Payment Systems the Xrp L only charges an average fee of 0.002 cents per transaction while Swift Charges anything from $10 to $100 for a Wire transfer isn't that hilarious here So there's this post from Pao Tusa who I Wasn't familiar with but it turns out uh He's pretty well known including in the World of crypto and and he's a professor And an and an economist and he ripped Parts of this to shreds and so here's What he wrote about this article these Kinds of garbage articles only reinforce How vital education remains in the Deep Tech space number one xrpl network has Been adopted by over 300 financial Institutions across 40 countries Showcasing tangible progress towards Improving crossb payments now folks There's a lot of stuff you say that's Positive about The xrp Ledger I've been Saying it on this channel for over half A decade it's a good old time Here even just that one alone does that Scream zombie chain to you does that Scream oh my God I don't I don't know if The xrp L is even going to be here Tomorrow my gosh now jimy Crick and Maybe I'm bad bad financial decision Here like is that what that screams to You like we're in a bunch of trouble now With this Global adoption on a massive Scale like forbs think so

Apparently number two Market valuation In the crypto space often reflects Speculative future potential rather than Current utility Alone xrp value partly stems from its Potential to facilitate efficient Global Transactions a vision still in progress Three crypto zombies brains this is not A race but a marathon Forbes overlooks The developmental nature of blockchain Technology where projects often evolve Over years for example ethereum once a Once once criticized for its limited Capacity and high fees is making Significant strides with upgrades like Ethereum 2.0 to enhance scalability and Efficiency four regulatory challenges And Innovation the regulatory scrutiny Faced by crypto projects is not unique To the space but is a common challenge In the evolution of any groundbreaking Tech techology number five utility and Adoption Beyond speculation The Narrative that blockchain projects lack Utility Beyond speculation fails to Account for the growing number of use Cases being explored and implemented Across Industries golf clap for paot Tasco Exactly so it was nice to see some People pushing back and there are a lot Of other people that slapped back in Their own ways I just really like this One so I thought I'd highlight it this

Is me smacking the back too Because this is just complete BS It's either incompetency or their Outright line to their to their readers Which is it either it's bad it's bad Either way incompetency maybe it's a Blend of the two I don't know little c a Little C B I don't Know it's it's it's stupid St t l l p i D Stupid yet here we are and it's moments Like these that make me extra thankful That I do have this platform so that I Can rip this nonsense to shreds and Hopefully never have to speak of it Again I'm not a financial adviser you should Not buy or sell anything because of Anything I say or right that would be a Very very very bad idea until next time To the Moon Lambo


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