XRP: New $9.6 BILLION Lawsuit Filed, WE WERE RIGHT!

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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel finally the rest of the world is Paying attention all of you my fellow Xrp holders here in the community we've Known for years about the improper Behaviors from a government agency the SEC as it pertains specifically to eth And the ethereum foundation and all the Favoritism it's eth gate it's a real Thing it's not some sort of wacky Conspiracy theory it's just the real World fact that there was prefer Preferential treatment given to a Particular cryptocurrency and Foundation Surrounding it uh that wasn't given to Others and it was in fact as a result Unfair it was an unreasonable playing Field it just it is what it is it's a Real fact it's a real thing we've been Screaming about it for years and we were Right finally we've been seeing Increased attention uh coming to this And it comes right in line with huge News that broke earlier today uh here's A headline from coin Telegraph former Ethereum adviser files 9.6 billion Lawsuit against US Government well how About that now we knew that something Was likely to be coming because Steven Narof who is the one who uh had Attorneys on his behalf filed this he Had been saying yes stuff's moving Forward and it takes a while to get your Ducks in a row I can understand that so

It it has finally come to pass this has F just gigantic news And part of what is going on here Absolutely is eth gate so let's break Down the latest and what's going on here But again I just want to say it one more Time we were right this isn't crazyville Stuff this is real life like there's Real evidence uh now as it pertains Specifically to the allegations that uh Steven nof is putting forth towards the Government uh I can't say anything Definitively about what may be true and What might not be true if anything Uh but I will say that Steven Narof who was tied to ethereum from the Earliest of days arrested in 2019 on Serious charges that would have put him Behind bars for decades after several Years those charges they were just Dropped because Steven narof was Fighting back and refusing to acques and Eventually since the government didn't Apparently have anything on them they Had to Stop and that that's because he had the Fighting attitude against that but if he Hadn't who knows what the hell would Have went down here but he was he was he Was risking at all and and so the claims Here are that the government charged him And they knew that there was nothing There and they had a reason for doing This even though there was nothing there

That is if if that's true and again I Can't speak definitively but if that's True that is disgusting That is not what life should look like Uh you know unless I mean maybe you Expect that if you're under some sort of Dictatorship or in some sort of Banana Republic in the United States I don't Think so and the fact that there was a You know he was arrested in four years Past and then it's it's it's dropped That's highly suspicious where there's Smoke there's typically fire right I Wouldn't be surprised if that's the Case now to set the table a little bit Here's a line from coindesk this is from May 15th of last year 2023 us prosecutors drop extortion Charges against early adviser to Ethereum Network criminal extortion charges Against Steven narof and an early Adviser to the ethereum network were Dismissed by a New York judge on May 5th Ending a three and a halfe legal battle That included explosive allegations he Made against us Investigators the dismissal entered by US District Court Judge mark go Brody Chief judge of the eastern district of New York r e dny for short comes 6 weeks After Federal prosecutors moved to drop Their case against narof admitting in a March 20th Court filing that they had

Obtained material exculpatory evidence And were otherwise unable to prove the Charges in the indictment Beyond A Reasonable Doubt and so folks that's That's at the heart of this all sorts of Serious allegations made against Mr Naro Uh to to the to a degree that would have Put him behind bars for potentially Decades and the assertion is that that Was actually all just Fabricated and again tied in with all of This is eth gate and the F favoritism Therein it's all part of this and we've Been screaming this for years and you'll See as I go through this video I'll Highlight this but this is getting some Serious mainstream media attention as it Should peace continues Nar off and his Employee Michael hel were initially Accused of extorting an unnamed Seattle-based crypto startup that Nar Off had been hired to guide through its Initial coin offering in 2017 prosecutor said the pair made Threats to destroy the company if they Were not paid millions of dollars a lady Pleaded guilty to extortion in April 2021 and faces a maximum sentence of 20 Years in prison he's not been sentenced Yet narof however has maintained his Innocence from the beginning in their Motion to dismiss filed in February Nar Off's lawyers said their client was the Victim of an elaborate setup by the

Federal Bureau of Investigation which They say knowingly pursued false charges Against narof in order to get him to Turn over incriminating evidence on his Contacts in the crypto industry the Allegations made in Nar off's motion to Dismiss our Explosive now you may recall that we got Word this past September uh that John Deon had some some news uh part of the News was that he he had some information From Steven narof so this is before a Lot of that information had come to Light but it was being discussed even Back in September of last year and um as Is indicated on the screen here there Was it was made publicly known that uh He was going to be uh live streaming With Steven narof which did happen about 3 months later it occurred here's the Video on the screen right here this is On MAR uh sorry December 19th 20 23 and I'm sure many of you listening saw this It's a little over an hour live stream On John deon's crypto law uh tv YouTube Channel and I was there when this thing Was live and I've never seen anything Like this folks there were over 990,000 People listening simultaneously 90,000 People listening live I've never Firsthand seen anything like that ever Not even close to that 990,000 freaking People over I it might have got to like 93,000 something like that I was I was

Actually posting about it at the time And it was just climbing so quickly like Every minute there were thousands of new People jump on the board and here you Can see 57,4 30 views as of now staggering Numbers that is incredible so a lot of Interest around this and now as you'll Well I'll get to more of this a little Bit but lots of mainstream media Interest uh coming as a result of uh What was filed today and so I was Sharing that post on December 19th about At the time anyway that I posted this One 82,000 people were watching but it Did get up to like 93,000 or so and Attorney Bill Morgan reposted that and Wrote incredible claim at the end that The infamous Dow hack was an inside job By the ethereum foundation and so I Would say that was one of the biggest if Not the biggest bombshell that Steven Narof dropped during that stream with Attorney John Deon um he's claiming that The $55 million hack that you know it's Coin desk wrote here almost brought down Ethereum was actually an inside job and It was the eth folks that did it but This is the headline from September 17th 2020 and I don't need to read the Article I just wanted to remind you There's a lot of stuff here there's a Lot of accusations and so for the people That brushed off us crazy xrp holders

Over the last few years uh no you done Messed up and you should have paid more Attention and you should have taken this Seriously but here's the headline the $55 million hack that almost brought Ethereum down and by the way I in in Doing some preparation for this video I Came across this article I'm not going To read this one either I just wanted to Mention it because um it's from CCN it's Titled ethereum insiders believe the Dow Hack was an inside job claims source so The first I had heard of this was along With the rest of you guys in December With that with John Deon that that uh That live stream with stepen narof That's the first I'd heard of this but Then in in in doing some Google Searching and preparing for this video I Came across this article talking about The uh the hack being an inside job and This was over 3 years ago so I read the Article and for the sake of time I won't Read it here but suffice it to say there Was an individual who wanted to not be Tracked at all and like encrypted the Communication when he spoke with the Author of this thing and U just you Made allegations it seems like are in Line with what Steven narof was sharing So I don't know if this was Steven narof I can't say but if it's not then there Other there's at least one other person That was trying to get the word out that

The uh that Hack That $55 million hack Actually was an inside job that I found Interesting I've not seen this before I Don't know if any of you knew about that I just happened upon it uh but you know In reading the Articles from December When this um when this allegation Dropped from Steven n off which is a Massive allegation I didn't see any sort Of indication that anybody that had ever Talked about this in the past so when I Came across this I was very surprised to Say the least here so then you get to This uh this is the latest from coin Telegraph former ethereum adviser files 9 .6 billion lawsuit against US Government Steven narof an early adviser To the ethereum network has filed a Lawsuit against the United States Government for false charges and Mistreatment by federal agents between 2019 and 2023 narof known for publicly Accusing ethereum co-founder vitalic Butan of fraud filed a federal Tor Claims act ftca lawsuit suing the US for $9.6 billion in Damages for the Extortion case brought against him in 2019 the legal battle lasted for about 4 Years with the US government eventually Dismissing the lawsuit in May 2023 folks Can you imagine living with that over Your head like you might actually go to You might actually go to prison for like Decades and then like if if if the the

Charges are indeed completely fabricated Just completely made up and then to have That in conjunction just knowing that This like you're actually being targeted By your Government that would feel Terrible so again and I can't say Definitively anything I'm just sharing With you what's being reported Publicly but it doesn't pass the smell Test you know the fact several years Making these serious claims against him And then the government's like oops just Kidding we're not going to move forward With this that doesn't pass the smell Test does it that Is serous let's say anyway peace Continues the legal battle lasted for About four years with the US government Eventually dismissing the lawsuit May 2023 according to the new sf95 filing Posted by Fox Business journalist Elanor Terret narof sued the federal government Based on claims that its agents were Aware of the baseless nature of the Charges he also argued that some agents Engaged in harassment and intimidation Tactics including fabrication of Evidence in order to prosecute him for Extortion Nar off's legal team believes That damages caused toar off's Reputation in businesses are significant Enough to file a lawsuit against the US Government the filing reads and this is

A quote as a direct and proximate result Of the wrongful conduct of federal Agents Andor officers Mr naria's Well-being personal life and career were Were irreparably harmed he incurred Significant legal fees to defend himself While simultaneously losing income as a Result of becoming a feared Pariah in The crypto Community end quote end quote According to teret narof hired prominent Lawyer Alan dwiz as a consultant on the Case who believes the case is unusual Narof is a Serial entrepreneur attorney Inventor of multiple international Patents and founder of the blockchain Consulting firm Alchemist he is also a blockchain Pioneer known for his early involvement In projects like ethereum in 2015 narof Was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation alongside his Alchemist Associate Michael hel in September 2019 Both narof and hel were charged with Extortion with authorities arguing that They threatened to destroy a Cryptocurrency startup if they were not Paid millions of dollars in ether an Early player in the cryptocurrency scene Narof has been at the center of diverse Cont controversies and legal battles the Former ethereum adviser repeatedly Attacked ethereum in the past making Serious allegations against Founders Butan Joe Luben as well as the ethereum

Foundation Nar off's allegations Included various aspects of ethereum's Development and operations including Fraudulent initial coin offerings Personal misconduct and collusion with Corrupt officials one of Nar off's Claims is that ethereum received Preferential treatment from regulator Which is referred to as eth gate in the Community ding ding ding yes Unquestionably that absolutely provably Is the case because you can see it you Can see the behavior you can see it's Favorable for everyone involved in eth And that's just they're just facts That's that that's not a conspiracy Those are those are facts that's Real um and so uh words been spreading I Also wanted to mention this I'm sure Many of you have heard of James O'Keefe Before 2.3 million followers social Media platform X I'd say he's pretty Damn famous at this point he was a Founder of project veritos and there was A falling out at some point last year I'm not going to get into that whole Thing that's not the purpose of a video Like this or even within the Wheelhouse Of what my channel discusses I just Thought I'd mention that in case the Name sounds familiar like James o yeah He's the project Veritas guy um no Longer with project Veritas and ended up Starting a which he started by the way

Forever ago probably how long has it Been probably like 15 20 years ago but Anyway there's a falling up and then Created O'Keefe Media Group or OMG for Short which I think is kind of funny and So he's running that now they're Basically doing the same thing it's Whistleblower stuff and so um I'm not he Had this long post it's on your screen I'm not going to read the whole thing Just for the purpose of the time if you Want to pause as I'm scrolling down you Can this was actually from uh April 3rd And um and so he's been covering what's Going on here and he's going to continue To in fact there's going to be a a Stream on X I think think tomorrow he's Going to be hosting um but the word's Getting out so I just thought I'd Highlight this because this post from April 3rd covering this stuff and this Is before the news today dropping about The lawsuit got 1.6 million Views like this is mainstream now folks It all you know the news start to it out Thanks to our xrp community it's huge And it's just going to get bigger and Bigger and bigger I'm really looking Forward to seeing how this unfolds here But for months and months and months on In Steven arof was promising no there's More to come I think it just took some Time to put this all together because Now here we are in April of 202

And you know I say fair enough I don't Know what that process is like I've Never had to deal with something like That in my life I hopefully never will Can't imagine that um man imag am of Stress he must have gone through and all That so um we'll see what happens Here but um if this is all true he he Certainly deserves something don't you Think and this is all intertwined which Is why one of the first things I said in This video is we were right in the xrp Community there's something to this now Again as far as these specific claims We'll see what they have to say but um None of this sounds crazy to me I'll say That I feel comfortable saying that I Want to see more of of what the actual Arguments are whatever can be made Public but um it's certainly highly Suspicious I think it's fair to say that At at a bare minimum and look at all the Other craziness that's been happening Yeah this is the the claims Themselves sound Believable that's about as far as I can Go but they sound believable so we'll See what happens but wow what a crazy Freaking ride and it's only going to get More ridiculous apparently and so there He is on your screen right there Steven N off so I'll keep you guys posted as Things develop but man massive news Dropping today I'm not a financial

Adviser you should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right that would be a very very very bad Idea until next time to the Moon Lambo


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