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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel xrp is going to absolutely shock The market when it has its first major Leg up in this bull cycle and I'm Certainly not the only one that thinks That here's a headline from the Crypt Basic EV CEO says massive xrp explosion Would surprise Market frankly I'm more Surprised by the few idiot sticks out There that think that this isn't going To happen as if xrp for some unknown Reason will be the only large cab coin That just won't move in tandem with the Rest of the market because raisins it's Really typically just a bunch of Bitcoin Maxi trolls and xrp haters that say that Type of nonsense you're people with xrp Derangement syndrome but no xrp Continues like there there there's over A decade of history with xrp right and There's no shortage of proof that xrp Has always followed what happened the Market especially in bull cycles for the Big moves yes xrp participates and of Course there's no new all-time high last Market cycle but X RP was under attack By the SEC do you think that might have Been a major factor an xrp not hitting You alltime high because I sure as hell Do it's common sense and obvious but I'm Going to share with you perspective from A number of analysts in this video Including some talking about Bitcoin Because there are a lot of analysts who

Think that uh this this may be the Moment we might be on the custom of this Moment where Bitcoin uh massively breaks Above finally starts running past the The the uh the last all-time high that It set in recent weeks and you know what That's going to mean for all coins if This in like what and it is just a Matter of time in all likelihood once That really goes though my gosh talk About face melt season it's going to be A blasty blast but before going further I do want to be clear I do not have a Financial background of any kind I am Not offering Financial advice and you Definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys Making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun at the time I'm recording This video it's 7:50 p.m. central Time Uh Monday April 8th 20 24 we have xrp at 61 cents you got Bitcoin at 7138149500 It's going to come just like very soon And that's where we are at right now but The most exciting part because you know It's not a guarantee like look in the Short term could Bitcoin go down and Then the market tanks a little bit for Like one final fake out yeah that could Happen not that it's going to change What happens big picture we know we like

We've seen this movie before we know uh Broadly speaking what's going to happen We just don't know to what degree that's Going to happen but yes explosion to the Upside a virtual certainty here you have The crypto fear and green index at 80 Out of 100 so we are back in extreme Greed uh here's a post from chart Analyst Ali Martinez Bitcoin appears to Be breaking out and oh by the way let me Pause a note this is at 3:17 a.m. so the Biggest of the move hadn't happened yet But he could see it he well the chart on The screen take a look he says Bitcoin Appears to be breaking out if Bitcoin Can hold above $7,800 the next Target becomes $85,000 and um as of now you know we're Almost an hour past the daily close and Uh Bitcoin again like I just said where It is it's over 71,000 now so it has Held on to that at least to this point But eventually because look here's what Happens in previous Market Cycles a new All-time highest hit just kind of TAPS It and then you have sideways Consolidation which is very normal and Then at some point after testing it Multiple times it breaks through with Conviction and when that happens Bitcoin Could quickly I mean even double in Price in a in a in a in rather short Order there's lots of historic precedent For that here's a post from chart

Analyst jelly who simply wrote Bitcoin Is turning the highs from before the April fools correction into support thin Air above send it to $882,000 and so of course as is always The case various analysts will tell you That here's the most reasonable Target So Ali Martinez says 85,000 jelly here Says $82,000 I'll take either with split and Hairs I know the direction this goes Ultimately um here's a post from altcoin Sherpa Bitcoin last scary area coming up Here you want to see a high time frame Close above 73,500 not a wick and then price Blitzing lower or anything like that one Day close above plus strong followup is What you're looking for not a great Place to open a fresh position in my Opinion now when he says that um that Would be is he speaking to his Trader Followers out there uh for for hodlers It is what it is I mean dollar cost Averaging is a thing obviously you do Whatever you want I'm not telling you What to do but uh that's what you say to Look for you know $73,500 will break Above that with conviction here's a post From chart analyst techb now this one's Fascinating uh if you're not driving or Doing something that has your eyes off The screen uh because that's a necessity Might be worth taking a gander if you're

Not already doing so uh this is a Bitcoin price chart and I just found This incredibly fascinating because History even you know just history Repeats you know or if you want to be a Little more precise you could say it Kind of rhymes with itself and this is a Cool one this is the moment that we're In look look at what he wrote it doesn't Happen often Bitcoin closed two Consecutive months over the upper Bowling are band each time it has then Doubled within three months before the Next red Candle so fine nothing's technically a Guarantee in life but the other three Times in history this has happened I Mean look at look this chart goes back To 2011 so look at the bull markets 2013 2017 2021 it happened happened in each Of those years and fine we'll see what Price action occurs right after this but As far as that particular indicator that Just happened that's what he's Saying so and that's why I said you a Few minutes ago we've seen this movie Before it's just a question of degree Not a question of if so far as I'm Concerned and I don't say that with Literally 100% conviction but way up There that is by far broadly speaking What is most Probable um here's a post from Mikey

Bull crypto now um he actually posted This on April 5th so a few days ago but I noted that after the price action Today he reposted it and so I thought I'd share it with you it's an xrp USD Chart so here's the xrp price chart he Says xrp momentum is about to shift Upward and he's been steadfast in that Perspective as of many of you you don't Have to be an analyst to have that Perspective it's just kind of common Sense that the asset class moves in tanm And it's completely irrational to think That xrp will just for some reason be The only coin that's not going to go It's just not going to do it that's Stupid as Hell now if it doesn't so it's going to Run I I firmly believe that but if we're Actually wrong and it doesn't hit a new Alltime high of the cycle fine Postmortem will take a look at this and Figure out what the hell we got wrong And if xrp even makes sense at that Point was there a Black Swan because Outside of that if if xrp actually Doesn't hit a new alltime high I just I'd be shocked and I'd have to Reevaluate what I even think about this Because with new data like that like That that would be the logical thing to Do I'm just being honest like it would Be that's not where we're at right now But that it would be logical or at least

Like honestly for me at that point I Mean not that i' just go panic selling All my xrp um I might continue to just Just hold because I'm really stubborn When it comes to this stuff but there's A chance I may just actually readjust my Portfolio and think well I still want Some exposure but I must be missing Something if it's not going because look When I'm wrong about stuff in life I Will look inward I will I will not Assume that everybody else is actually Wrong I will I will reflect on things That I thought would be unfolding that Didn't that's that's what a an Intellectually honest uh individual Should do with anything in life really And so I don't think that's going to Happen I don't think that's a discussion We're going to have to have um but that Is what I do here's a post from chart Analyst egg and he sure as hell doesn't Think we're going to have to have that Conversation either and I agree here's What egg crypto had to say Xrp the lifechanging triangle $17 or $27 Even without being a tax expert that Would be me a non ta expert uh one look At the ascending triangle on the monthly Time frame screams bullish it's time to Play smart rotate those profits into xrp Accumulate more and then just sit back And wait for the magic to happen xrp Army stay steady the measured move of

The ascending triangle could potentially Reach either $17 or $27 yeah and I'd say That's that's perfectly reasonable I Don't know how exrp is going to go I Don't pretend to know but C certainly New alltime high entering price Discovery these are perfectly Reasonable expectations of what might Happen this cycle we're going to find Out together that's for sure here's a Post from chart analyst dark Defender Because um as I've been talking about in Recent videos uh the xrp BTC bottom that Happened on the C on March 11th uh it Didn't hold it did for weeks and then it Suddenly didn't and so I just I was just Kind of curious as to what dark Defender Perspective is about that and and I'll Just tell you broadly speaking because There's all sorts of analysts that have Been talking about this it I haven't Seen any analysts be like well the fact That it went a tiny bit lower uh means That our tire models our models were Wrong like I haven't seen anything like That it's more like we were hoping that Was the bottom for xrp BTC because we Prefer to see strong moves to the upside But you you don't know for sure but the Way that xrp is behaving right now is Absolutely within the realm of what you Would expect based on historic precedent So we are still there and here's Precisely what what dark Defender had to

Say about xrp BTC pair um after I asked Him about it and he tagged me in this And he said hi all today I'd like to Analyze three monthly time frames for The xrp BTC pair thanks to Moon Lambo Who reminded me of the update each Candle or Price bar is formed in 3 Months and April is the start moment of The new bar April May June will form a New candle last time we discussed that This pair was standing on multi-year Support which I call primary support and We expected it to bounce from here Although we have several sagging uh Under the support Level this pair managed to stay above This orange support and you can see what He's talking about if you're looking at The screen right there there's a trend Line you know easing to the upside then He says um April started under this Level and I expect xrp to rapidly cover With this three-month candle xrp will Definitely appreciate against Bitcoin Very soon enjoy your Sunday yeah and so Look you don't have to be a CH guy to Get the concept either like I'm not I Don't want to be one I think it's boring S but I'm glad that they like it for I Really mean that I appreciate the Perspectives that all sorts of people Are willing to share because it takes a Lot of work to put the charts together And do all the analysis and stuff so um

Yeah I Uh just based on again historic Precedent do you want to say this time Is different because I'm just not buying It I'm really just not buying It um then there's this from the Crypt Basic evi CEO says m massive xrp Explosion would surprise Market Matthew Dixon the CEO of AI based crypto Evaluation platform evi has stated that Xrp could soon pull a surprising stunt Based on recently observed onchain data In a recent update shared by Dixon ev's Platform detected a substantial surge in Xrp's trading volume he interprets this Data as indicative of significant Underlying interest in Xrp Dixon speculates that this could Lead to a typical surge in xrp's value Advising Market participants to brace Themselves for a surprise and so let me Just show you the actual post here and Again I wanted to highlight this because It's it's not just the case that it's us Crazy internet folks you know we here in The xrp community with their magic Internet money that think that xrp Specifically makes sense you have here a CEO literally saying yeah it would make Sense that people get shocked by by a Massive xrp run up and so here he wrote Massively increased trading volume on Xrp as shown by the evi rating platform Tells me that there is serious interest

Bubbling away and we should get that Typical xrp explosion higher at some Point be ready to be surprised in my Opinion yeah I obviously agree with that 100% this time is not different xrp is Going to go ballistic that's that that Is my conviction and again if I'm wrong Then I'm wrong and I don't I don't know If that means that I would sell some ex And of course it' be a bad time to kind Of sell at the bottom of the market so I Don't that's why I said I know exactly What that would mean for me but I'm Going to wait until the Cycle's complete To make some sort of analysis like that And then on top of that I'll have made So much profit presumably by other coins Taking off because I owed like 42 Different cryptocurrencies um I I may Just not care I may just not care and Then just say well let's just write it Out and see what the hell happens Because I want some exposure to the Cryptoasset class anyway so you know but I again I don't think we're going to Have to have that conversation um my my Conviction about exrp has never been Higher and stronger than it is right This second so we're going to find out Together what happens I'm not a Financial adviser you should not buy Yourself anything because of anything I Say right that would be a very very very Bad idea until next time to the Moon



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