XRP Just Keeps Looking BETTER & BETTER

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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel things just keep looking better And better for xrp wasn't it just a few Days ago that we were seen articles in Crypto media warning that perhaps xrp Could fall out of the top 10 cryptos by Market cap remember that being discussed On crypto Twitter I do I talked about it On my channel and um although I Certainly acknowledge it's possible that Could happened never happened in history Xrp being around over a decade it's Never fallen out of the top 10 it could Happen uh I don't find that probable but Uh take a look at this and this was of Course way more probable from the Crypt Basic cardano now at greater risk of Falling off the top 10 than xrp well how About that so cardano is now ranked Number 10 and it's fairly close to Falling out of the top 10 now cardano Hasn't always been in the top 10 for its Entire existence and I don't want I Don't want that to happen I I've been Holding cardano almost as long as I've Been holding xrp I bought it in like Late November early December 2017 so I I've had it for a hot minute Here I've just noted that the way that Xrp is treated is completely Unreasonable and unfair due to Completely ridiculous biases uh in the In the world of crypto there's just a Lot of people that have xrp derangement

Syndrome and that's just how it is but Um this would be wouldn't this be a Weird time if xrp actually did fall out Of the top 10 by by market cap again Fine technically Poss possible but it Didn't fall out of the top 10 last Market cycle when there was an assault From the SEC against all xrp holders and Xrp itself claiming xrp was a security During a bull market when it would have Been easier to abandon it because There's so much other opportunity and Everything's going berserk that wasn't Enough to do it but now what it's more Likely to happen now with a bigger Community more adoption uh more stuff Getting built on The xrp Ledger more Opportunity uh considering amendments That have been passed on the on the xrp Ledger all sorts of stuff coming down The pike but this this would be the Moment where it happens to me it seems Way less likely that that's a threat Compared to last cycle call me crazy but That's what it looks like here so I'm Going to share with you some of what's In this article here uh but also update On what's been happening today it's been A very volatile day in the world of Crypto uh which is frequently the case But it's as a direct result a lot of it Anyway a direct result of CPI numbers Which I told you in a video about 24 Hours ago uh that it it was going to

Happen it's a virtual certainty and how Do I know that well I'm not some sort of Wizard it's because this happens pretty Much every damn time that we have one of These days but before going further I do Want to be clear I do not have a Financial background of any kind I am Not offering Financial advice and you Definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys Making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun at at the time I record This video it is 12:43 a.m. Central Time Thursday April 11th 2024 but I'm still Going to count it as what happened Yesterday technically as today because I Haven't gone to sleep yet and until I go To sleep it's not tomorrow that's just The way it works on the moon Lambo Channel uh but xrp now just a hair shy Is 62 cents Bitcoin 7,551 bucks um take a look at this Headline real quick here we have uh here We go yeah this is from Baron CPI Report inflation comes in hot dashing Hopes for Fed rate Cuts man the people They really want those Fed rate Cuts Even though the last few times that's Happened it's been in response to not so Hot economic activity and that was Actually an indicator that uh Market was About to fall off a cliff basically but

They really want that I mean and look And I acknowledge there have been times In the past including in the '90s where There have been rate cuts and then you You don't see everything fall off a Cliff so it's not an absolute guarantee It's not a death sentence but at least The last few times that is what has Occurred right that's just a matter of Fact statement there but um if you take A look at what happened exactly when This this news broke it was at 7:30 a.m. Central Time which would be 8:30 Eastern and uh so right there you can See on my screen 7:30 a.m. I'm just Looking on livecoin watch just price off A damn Cliff this is Bitcoin right here 24-hour chart and it was shortlived but Not surprising that it lined up exactly At that moment I warned you 24 hours ago Like there we're going to see something Whether it's good news or bad news Something's going to happen now the good News is although that did spook the Market uh the market wasn't uh very Scared of its own shadow for long Because it has been cranking to the Upside with a 24-hour high for Bitcoin 71,1 124 bucks uh xrp very similar story Uh moving down precipitously at the same Time but that was also shortlived then Moved to the upside xrp 24hour high of 62.4 so this isn't particularly uh isn't Particularly surprising let's say but

This bar piece reads as follows bringing Inflation down to the Federal Reserves Goal has been a difficult task today's Data is further proof of that the Consumer Price Index climbed 3.5% Year-over-year in March according to Data released by uh released today by The Bureau of Labor Statistics faster Than February's 3.2% Pace economists Surveyed by facts set had expected an Annual increase of 3.4% the strong Pace was driven by Upticks in the cost of housing and Gasoline core inflation came in at 3.8% Year-over-year in March the same level Recorded in February but slightly higher Than the 3.7% year-over-year gain Economists surveyed by fa set had Expected yeah so um I looked at earlier Today S&P 500 I looked at the Dow Jones And NASDAQ 100 all were down I don't Know in the neighborhood of close to 1% couple of them or maybe all three of Them were hair below to look again but It was nothing completely insane now for For uh and this is cute you know because We live in the world of crypto uh 1% That would be like a tenth of a second In terms of volatility but uh for the People that are just living in Traditional Finance oh my God 1% you Know totally different world that They're living in for us that's like not A big deal at all but it's you know it's

It's it's not uh it's not a cause for Dramatic concern I'm just saying it's it It's something it's something in Traditional Finance all right 1% down For the day um and keep in mind as far As the inflation here like like even if The inflation came out in at 0% Year-over if it magically did that which Of course was never going to happen um Even if it had all the inflation Increases that we've had over the last Several years in particular those are Here to stay regardless you know and so I was reading some stuff from the kesi Letter earlier and um they cited maybe It was a other one over here uh maybe I Don't have it pulled up I'm not sure but They were citing that uh like interest Rates in the last several years was up 19% think about that so imagine today You buy something and it's $100 but Instead of that you're paying actually Closer to $120 what if you had to do That today what's effectively what Happened if you look at the prices what Was $100 several years ago uh it's just It's absolute Insanity so even if you Got that down we're still sitting in hot Water in terms of you know purchasing Power of the dollar which is why I'm Such a huge fan of cryptocurrency and Specifically xrp you know finite assets That actually are useful that humans use Yes sign me up there's a reason that

This works and so I understand that Crypto gets treated just like equities In terms of just being handled as though Well they're being handled like Risk on Assets they just are so in in times Where people a little bit more tepid in Terms of you know how Brave they are Jumping into markets well crypto Historically has been getting hit just Like equities have uh now that said I Don't care I ride that volatility out Because I still understand that while The dollar continues to get debased There's a finite amount of Bitcoin There's a finite amount of xrp and in The case of xrp deflation is literally Coded into it so as long as it continues To be long-term viable this more than Offsets any sort of debasement of the Dollar that is going to impact me you Know the fact that that negatively Impacts my worth in yours like well if We understand that and we act Accordingly which I think that's what We're all doing here right it's not Going to it's not going to ruin our Lives in fact we're going to have so Much more upside potential than the rest Of humanity that who isn't in crypto Because something like 95% of humans Have never held crypto and here you are In 2024 listening to the Moon Lambo Channel thank you for being here by the Way I do appreciate the support but I'm

Just making the point you are here early Almost no humans even understand this And and with these assets being finite Can you imagine what this looks like Another 10 years out from now it's going To be insane we're just early to the Party but it's really cool here um and It's it's also interesting that um Actually I do want to read this part This this post from the kabasi letter You can't make this up interest rate Futures are now pricing in a 133% chance Of zero rate Cuts this year the base Case shows just two rate cuts by December with a 57% chance that rates Are unchanged through July just 4 months Ago markets were pricing in 6 to8 rate Cuts in 2024 5 months ago fed Sher pal made what Appeared to be a victory speech and Called for three rate Cuts in 2024 now discussions of another rate Hike are even back on the table has this Fed made the worst calls of all time Well certainly that's that's possible um And so I understand there certainly Still could be rate Cuts this year um I'm C not as convinced that there will Be at this point I'm a bit skeptical at This point I mean with inflation doing What it's Doing uh we'll see now as far as what That means for the rest of this year in Crypto markets I don't think that this

Changes anything that the the Environment on a macro scale is what it Is this is all baked into the cake People understand it it's going to keep On folding more or less as we expected To that I think that that's really re as Most people are expecting it to so that Means number go up I think that you're Going to see the stock market continue To rip not up in a straight line I think That you're going to see crypto Including xrp come just just melt Faces By the time this all said and done it It's going to be another full-blown Crypto rally um and it's been a hell of A 2024 so I'm very excited to see what This looks like you know by the end of The year and maybe early 2025 very very Much looking forward to that um so the Fact that all sorts of people are Freaking out for various reasons it's It's not going to change what's going on For us the life-changing wealth is still Here to be had here's a post from chart Analyst credible crypto and then we'll Get into some of this xrp stuff here um He says in terms of Bitcoin nothing has Changed from prior low time frame Updates that is I still think we are Headed for the highs but recent price Action has only further confirmed to me That this move up is corrective ranging Environment and not impulsive trending Environment which means a move above the

Highs should be viewed through a lens of Caution for now yeah so big picture Still G to hit another new all-time high He still firmly believes we're going to Blast through $100,000 for Bitcoin he Still believes ex xtrap is going to $20 and and so that's there's a reason That I highlight this even if you you're Not as interested in what's happening in Traditional Finance even if you're not As interested in what's happening in Bitcoin this all moves in tandem so you You should care about that even if You're not heavily like say you're like A younger generation and you're you're Way more invested your net worth all or Most of it is in crypto I get it I Understand that a lot of people are Doing that honestly um you know I'm Still happy that I'm Diversified um I'm Not counting on all this for my Retirement uh but I mean in the end I do Think that it's going to result in Wealth that I otherwise could have only Dreamed of in my life that said I'm just Not I you know from the beginning to be Safe I've not solely counted on that I Set it up in such a way that if I lose All my crypto I'm still going to be fine That that that's what I've always done But um but yeah so as far as um you know Whether or not you care about what's Happening with Bitcoin or what's Happening in traditional Finance you

Should though again just because it Moves in tandem especially when you look At the NASDAQ 100 because you know that's just an Index it's you know it's tech stocks and Bitcoin and crypto gets treated the same Way and it's kind of interesting because Those charts look so Samy Samy they Really do take a look at this from chart Analyst Mikey bll crypto alt coins we Are still in the beginning phase of alts Alt Bull Run and every dip should be Seen as an Opportunity the real fund will start When it transitions to the second phase Which uh right where this number two is Up here so what he's got here is the Crypto total market cap excluding Bitcoin and that's the chart that's on Your screen and so at the time you Posted this about 724 Billion and he's calling for $3 trillion For this and again that's every crypto On the planet Bitcoin except for Bitcoin And eath worth $3 trillion that's what He's targeting for this cycle so you Know that that doesn't mean that we're Only going to get about a four-fold Increase for cryptos broadly speaking It's just that only certain cryptos pop At a time uh you're going to get way Greater multipliers if he's right about This and his like based on historic Precedent I don't see why he wouldn't be

All sorts of coins are going to be Getting ridiculous multiplier effects Like this is the time that is still at Hand here this is the most excited I've Ever been having exposure to crypto and Being in the world of crypto it really Is uh and I've been in over six years I've never cash out to United States Dollars I just wanted exposure over However long it takes and I think that This will finally be the cycle where I'm Like yeah I'm enticed to you know to Cash out but Uh even with xrp not running and that's My biggest individual holding I'm not Doubting that it's going to not to any Sort of notable degree so not that I Have 100% conviction but practically my Conviction for xrp has never been Stronger and so even though it hasn't Gone I look at all the the metrics that Um well that I cite on this channel all The time I look at a story precent I Look at the xrp BTC chart and how many People who don't I because it does sound Countered if you're new uh it looks Abysmal on the surface but these have Been the moments right before things Start to tear that's why I'm excited About all this here's a post from chart Analyst Donovan jelly Jolly talking About xrp and he wrote xrp is setting up In the exact same ways Bitcoin did in The last cycle forming this triangle

Consolidation anybody remember how Explosive Bitcoin was after breaking out I would imagine now that xrp has beat The SEC this will follow too I am long 250,000 xrp targeting new all-time highs Okay so he's holding a lot of xrp he's In the top easily in that top half a Percent of xrp holders on the planet Then if you compare to other Walts Because it's you know public it's public Blockchain you can look at that stuff Um I just I don't see how it doesn't Happen and the point to what I was Saying at the at the beginning of this Video I I can't imagine xrp not doing well the Idea that this whole Market's going to Take off we're going to have a a Full-blown alt season but xrp which has Oh it's one of only three coins in Existence that has always been the top 10 coins by market cap for some reason That one's just not going to participate This cycle doesn't make sense I Understand why we didn't get a new Alltime high last cycle but that's why When he says here I I agree with that I've been saying the same thing here the Fact that xrp does have that legal Clarity that matters there's a reason Exchanges relisted xrp in the United States there is no fear there anymore Markets will not be tepid about xrp for Such a reason it's the opposite to the

Degree that anyone cares about Regulatory Clarity in any of the Speculators uh this is something that if Anything would make them more likely to Invest in Xrp whereas for any coin that's not Getting attacked it' just be kind of Neutral that' be Baseline xrp would be To the Positive uh here's a post from chart Analyst JT that he's kind of having a Little bit of fun here says oops I Almost forgot to attach my chart with my Comment because he said that you know The previous post before it's all over Extra beholders will get Redemption yeah Totally agree I've been saying the same Damn thing because I firmly believe that To be the case and so he wrote here Almost forgot to attach my chart with my Comment and since you all liked the bare Pennant on bitcoin so much here's here's Your super high time frame xrp chart to Carry you through And of course he flipped this so that The lower prices are at the top so if You don't look at it close you might be Like wait he's he's but down downside Bear what he's been preaching uh you Know that you know expects xrp to go way Higher and he does he's pointing closer To like $10 for xrp so we'll see what Happens but that wouldn't surprise me in The least uh here's the latest on the

Xrp BTC pair compared to when we had our Most recent low for this cycle just a Couple days ago and some of the uh the Trolls out there were having a little Fun at the expense of the xrp holders Which you know those comments aren't Going to age very well you can see at Least to this point uh we're we're Safely above that level which was on uh On April 8th and eventually a Bottom's Formed so whether this is it or it's not Uh eventually a Bottom's formed there All sorts of moments in Pre the previous Cycles looked very much like this so I Look at this and people would say it Looks abysmal and they're laughing at us And I'm like oh no I'm excited this is It's just doing what it always does I'm Like yeah this is great fantastic Because money rotates through the crypto Space you idiot sticks it's like when These trolls say this crap I just wonder How much of it is because they're ill Informed and how much of it is because They're living in an echo chamber where Xrp bad because of reasons you know and Then there's this from the Crypt basic Cardano now at greater risk of falling Off the top 10 than Xrp um and uh so reads as fils Pro xrp Attorney Bill Morgan recently brought Attention to the situation in a post on And really no need to read the article Let's just pull this thing up here he

Shared this post I can make a screen Grab full screen ton has burst uh that's Ton coin ton has burst into the top 10 And flipped cardano for ninth position So many people thought xrp would fall Out of the top 10 but cardano is more at Risk of that fate as it is not that far Ahead of AAC for 10th Spot yep um now now that being said you Know When prices are low it's easier to About a coin and every Community has This which is why I'm going to share With you to wrap up this video what I Got on the screen right now this is a Cardano price chart and this is from Chart analyst Ali Martinez and he said Nothing has really changed for cardano Is exactly where it should be Consolidating in the 55 to 80 cent range Before a breakout to $1.70 and as I record this cardano is 58 C so it's the same stuff I mean whatever Coin you hold you're freaking out about It if it's not going but that's not Unique to you that doesn't mean there's Something wrong with what you've picked It's that money Cycles through the space That's that I'm not worried about it Even if cardano hasn't been in the top 10 for its entire existence anyway it May go in and out that happens with lots Of cors I'm not a financial adviser you Should not buy or sell anything because

Of anything I stay right that would be a Very very very bad idea until next time To the Moon Lambo


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