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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel it's amazing how xrp haters will Absolutely deny reality in the face of Facts and circumstances and I can only Suppose that in many cases these Individuals are outright line now Whether it's that or it's pure ignorance You can't know in every single instance But uh it's it's a sight to behold it's Just how are some people who just happen To not like xrp so wrong so frequently About everything having having to do With the xrp Ecosystem so here's a headline from the Crypt basic uh SEC can't appeal right Away Fox Business journalist dispels Ripple case misconception so they're They're highlighting here a very Well-known xrp hater with over 700 Followers on X and a massive following On YouTube tons of subscribers and There's a guy that says hey uh this Isn't good guys you need to wake up you Need to be smart he said you need to be Smart uh because that Since the uh the SEC as you will know to This point has dismissed the case Against Brad garlinghouse and Chris Larson they can appeal right away Immediately in fact immediately but is That reality or is that just the thing He Said I'll just uh spoil right now it's a Thing he

Said I just I just want to straighten Some stuff up because it's time for this Particular xrp hater to be corrected he Has been corrected in fact and um it's It's just it just it's times like this Where I'm extra thankful I have the Platform that I can help to spread the Message because these some of these People these exrp haters some of them Have such massive audiences they're just They're just tricking people by outright Lying or or through um just complete Ignorance whatever it is again whatever The intent is I can't know for sure the Intent in many cases but I have an Opportunity to straighten this out which Is exactly what I'm going to do and I'm Going to highlight first a pattern of This guy just despising xrp and why as Is usually the case folks because reasin People are tribal AF but before going Further I do want to be clear I do not Have a financial background of any kind I am not offering Financial advice and You definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoy Is making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun and so before we get to the News uh yesterday in which and by the Way the individual question is ran nuner Of the crypt banter show previously had A show on CNBC actually so very well

Known in the world of crypto one of the More famous individuals he said that U The SEC can actually appeal immediately Which literally is not true so look at The track record I just because I think That previous Behavior matters it's not An instance of just getting something Wrong because I can get something wrong You listening to this you can get Something wrong we're all human right uh But is that an instance of him just Getting something wrong well maybe but There's such a track record that I don't Know for sure because he's just been Spouting all sorts of untruths for over Half a decade here's a headline from Coin Telegraph Crypt banters ran nuner Says Ripple is Despicable oh how about That and that's August of this year so You already know exactly where he stands Right but let's go back further here's a Headline from May 17th of 2018 so now We're back over half a decade and this Headline from CNBC is cryptocurrency Investor names his favorite and least Favorite digital Currencies and when he gets to talking About xrp first of all this article Calls it Ripple and uh and here's here's how it Reads definitely a cell the crypto Trader said of Ripple and again Referencing xrp's calling it Ripple I'm Throwing it in the garbage nuner said

Yep that's it a direct quote ran nuner In May of 2018 said I'm throwing it in The garbage and then the piece reads as Follows while he pointed out that Ripple The company is quote one of the best Companies I know end quote he said it's Token the xrp is not I can't find a use For the token he said xrp is also a Centralized token which nuner said Defeats the point of blockchain Technology I'm out he said there you go Uh at that point mind you even in 2018 It was not hard to find use cases for Xrp he just didn't do it and he went on National Television this isn't just an Article he went on national television And stated this he's just th throw it in The garbage I can't figure out what's Going for loud noises that's that's Basically when when I see him say this Crap my God what kind of uncivilized Animal are you um and I oh by the way I Actually just for fun I'm sharing what's On your screen right now this is Actually a short video clip that I took Because I actually saw Rand nunar live This is October 24th is when I posted This 2018 so this is a couple months Before I had even posted my uh or even Launched my YouTube channel it's a Couple couple months before that but I Was at uh crypto invest what's it what Is this called crypto invest tra Summit Hold on it's going to pan back crypto

Invest Summit that's what it was called Uh this is in Los Angeles and I just Thought I'd highlight this because well Ran nunar was right there while I was Searching for stuff from ran nunar I Came across this I was just using the Advanced search function and I came Across this video clip I took while I Was at this Conference in October 2018 And this is this is that you know close To the the lows of the bare Market uh Not a great sentiment and if you're Looking at the video you can see this Entire big ass room is almost entirely Empty no one was paying attention to Crypto even more so back then so even if He consid us to be um towards the depths Of the bare Market I argue we're out of The be the bare Market we just haven't Gone on the euphoric run yet uh the Depths of the bare Market uh 5 years ago Versus what we saw at the end of last Year it's not even close there were like Five people listening to the crypto Paying attention to crypto in 2018 That's ran right there here I'll go back To yeah that's him right there um so I I It was It was kind of interesting and so There was the whole sit down and uh he He filmed his what the show he was Running then the the what's it called CNBC crypto Trader yeah uh he did he did A a live performance there on stage Anyway but it was just F kind of

Fascinating to see it so I know it's a Little off topic but I just thought I'd Mention that just because it's a stort Thing like the behavior is back in it's Just not even close to what you see Today and so it's kind of funny I forgot That I didn't even posted this over half A decade ago um and then there's this Screen grab from Rand nunar this is from January 1st 2021 so this is just over a Week after the SEC sued Ripple here's The post from Rand nunar I'm going to go Out on a limb here and say that by June 2021 xrp won't be in the top 10 coins by Uh top 10 coins and by the end of 2021 It won't be in the top 20 no doubt Either way this tweet will haunt me ah Yes it shall haunt you because that was Nonsense but your bias be seeping into To what you're actually stating here um And then there was also this not even 100,000 people on a coordinated pump and Dump group can pump xrp and that was January 30th 2021 now of course he said that and then Xrp went on to run up to almost $2 so You know no nothing can make xrp pump It's going to be out of the top 10 then It's going to be out of the top 20 Except it ran to $2 and it ran perfectly In correlation with Bitcoin so how about That so is this is again is is his bias Seeping out I'd say so he he doesn't Want xrp to be something that is Success

He doesn't like it and so he's telling His and he's now got what 7223 followers on X and then there was this you guys Remember that there's a a copycat Company at least in part uh copying what Ripple is doing the company is called Strike founded by Jack MERS who is a Bitcoin Maximalist and his company is utilizing An inferior tax deck uh Tech stack Rather to to facilitate crossb Transactions so instead of using Superior technology which would be Xrp uh you know as the bridge currency He's using uh he's using Bitcoin and Lightning Network that's what Jack MERS Is doing but he's trying to solve the Same problem that Ripple's trying to Solve and so here you have on April 10th Of last year Rand uner stating the Following serious question if Jack Mullers implements what he presented at Bitcoin 202 And it allows users to send from any Fiat currency to any fiat currency with Instant finality and no costs what is The use case for Xrp and so I just I just read that I Just read that and I'm just rolling my Eyes I'm like so I'm not I'm not going To read my whole thread if you want to Read my whole thread in response to them It's on your screen just pause right

Here I'm just going to read the first Part and I wrote The Following because Mind you Ripple was doing this first and Then strike jumped in and I wrote strike Jumped in and I wrote If r continues to Implement OnDemand liquidity utilizing Xrp as a bridge currency what is Jack M's use case with strike and lightning Network and so I just kind of reversed The question you know because he says Again like ripples ripples been doing What they've been doing at that point Better at that point even better part of A decade utilizing xrp as a bridge Currency ultimately and then a a copycat Company comes along using Bitcoin Instead of xrp and then the question is Well what's the purpose of Ripple now And I say no no no Ripple was here first What's the point of strike is already Doing this it just it it doesn't make Any sense so then we get to to what we Had to literally yesterday here uh you Know we had the fantastic news that Brad Garlinghouse Chris Larson the case Against them has been dismissed it's Another major loss for the SEC and then Ran nunar is spreading misinformation so Whether this is out of pure ignorance or It's intentional because he's trib and He just despises xrp he's got a big Track record going against Xrp and so here's what he posted Yesterday why are crypto celebrating the

SEC backing out of the Ripple case all It means is that now the SEC can appeal The case sooner previously they had to Wait until the end of the case but now That they dropped the case they can Appeal immediately be smart and so I'm Going to share with you my response and Then attorney de here's what I wrote the SEC filed a document to judge Torres Blatantly stating that they will not Seek to appeal the decision that xrp is Not a security if you think that the SEC Being able to appeal sooner is harmful You are sorely Mistaken it makes no difference Additionally even if the SEC appeals Other parts of the case and even if They're successful that ruling would Only apply to transactions that Ripple Was a part of not transactions on Secondary markets we already won And um I'll note here so he's got way More followers he's got 722 th000 Followers I have currently 111,000 yeah 111,000 followers but I wanted to note That because gloriously I ratioed him he Got 705 likes on his post and I ratioed Him because I got 898 likes at least to This point on my post which I've seen Far fewer times and that's because to The the public viewing all this it's Just another indication that what Spouting is absolute utter Nonsense it's just ridiculous it's got

About seven times as many followers as Me and I got more like come on he's Saying CRA just just say stuff that's True and then we don't have to worry About this stop stop saying biased stuff Stop being tribal it it's not helping Anything and by the way if I can mention This too um one thing sort of to his Credit so after that uh that may 2018 Appearance on National Television where Where he said xrp uh ah can't figure out Just it doesn't have a use case throw it In the garbage that's what he actually Said Executives at Ripple invited him to The headquarters to explain their use Case with xrp as a bridge currency and He walked away from that admitting that Xrp had a bridge currency had a use case Rather as a bridge currency he said There's actual utility there but then he Still didn't like it he did he said well I don't like the toonomic of xrp and he Just went back to what he was doing Saying a bunch of nonsense stuff Crapping all over xrp it's just just It's what he is it's what he does I I'm Just reporting man I'm just observing What he's doing and talking about it Because he's out here influencing people Lots and lots of people so I just when When there are massive are influencers With massive followings like this and They say a bunch of nonsense I'm going To push back against their terrible

Ideas that's that's it that's just how This works this is social media you know This is YouTube it's totally fair Game here's what Attorney John Deon had To say he's pretty nice about this he Said although ran is correct that an Appeal by the SEC will happen sooner Because the SEC chose to dismiss the Case against Brad Garin house and Chris Larsson because the April 2024 trial Will not now not happen it is incorrect To say the SEC can appeal Immediately the penalty phase of the Case must occur first let me provide Some Perspective the summary judgment Decision in library was handed down on November 7th 2022 the final judgment that became Appealable was Ed on July 11th 2023 8 Months after the ruling the appeal was Filed September 7th 2023 during those eight months there was Additional Discovery including Interrogatories requests for production Of documents some bank statements Etc And deposition testimony all followed by Filing written briefs and conducting Oral argument in library the SEC started Out wanting $23 million in fines Discouragement Etc but in the end the SEC asked for $130,000 fine arguing over 23 million Took eight months in the CA in the

Ripple case we're talking about $770 Million Ripple will argue odl Transactions should be exempt along with Legitimate business costs salaries Advertising travel insurance Etc the SEC Wants the whole $770 million to make up For being embarrassed including having To dismiss the bogus charges against the Executives it could never prove there Will be no immediate appeal finally the SEC didn't dismiss the case because it Wanted to get to a faster appeal it Dismissed the case because it didn't Have a chance in hell to win and the Witness list of subpoenas for certain Individuals to testify was was going to Be interesting to say the least yeah so Attorney deon's obviously spot on and Had this gone forward you even would Have seen uh for instance Bill Henman Obviously there would have been a Subpoena for him and undoubtedly he Would have had to have been a part of of That portion of the Trial was the SEC really going to go Through that would that have been a Benefit to them obviously this going After Brad and Chris it was always just The SEC but being a bunch of assap Pricks terrible creatures just strong Arming Brad and Chris that was the Intent and it bit him on the rear side It did not work out and so no will not Be an immediate appeal how can one

Person get so many things so Consistently wrong about xrp over such a Long period of time like it's it's just Astonishing to me ran nuner gets so many Things just just disastrously wrong so Is he actually that bad at recognizing Reality and supposing What markets are Doing or is it because his pure bias is Seeping out and it's resulting in him Saying things to his massive following That aren't in line with reality and Saying things that aren't you know the Most likely to occur within the xrp EOS System might might it be That yes yes that that would that would Be exactly what it Is Um then there was also oh yeah I wanted To just highlight this real quick There's an article also from the Crypt Basic SEC not dropping other charges Against Ripple as guinsler still wants a Fight okay I just wanted to address this Real quickly they cover in that article They covered this post from Fox Business Journalist elanar tret which reads as Follows New sources close to the SEC tell me That while the charges against Brad Garlinghouse and Chris Larson have been Dropped all other parts of the case Including classification of all offers And sales of xrp as an investment scheme Remain on the table seems Gary ginzler

Isn't going down without a fight and so And so that's that's actually correct But some people read that and were Thinking wait a minute all wait wait Wait all other parts of the case Including classification of offers and Sales of exerp and investment scheme it Remains on on the table so xrp they are Going to say xrp is a security no no no That's that's not what she's even Asserting that her source is saying There that's that's not the case so I Just wanted to clear this up real quick We're talking about all the transactions That specifically pertain to Ripple not Whether or not xrp itself is a security The SEC already stated that they will Not challenge judge torres's decision That xrp itself is not a security and Here's them actually stating that this Is from a a a legal brief file by the SEC August 18th 2023 over a month after the Decision from Judge Torres came down in The Ripple case page 22 it reads as Follows the SEC did not argue here or in Terraform that the asset underlying Those investment contracts were Necessarily a security and the SEC does Not seek a pellet review of any holding Relating to the fact that the underlying Assets here are nothing but computer Code with no inherent value and so there You go that's the SEC literally saying

Yeah we're not going to seek a We don't need a pellet review here uh Xrp it's just computer code yeah we're Not disputing this folks that's the same Thing as blatantly stating xrp is not a Security we the SEC do not believe and They're not arguing xrp is a security That's the same argument right there so As far as what Elanor terret shared here It's it's Correct the SEC is going to challenge Everything under the sun or that's what The source says and I it's believable uh I we I mean there could be a settlement Still I don't pretend to know but the Point is what the sources say Is believable it could be the case and And again it just is the trans has to do With the transactions specifically Touching Ripple in this case the Programmatic sales now the SEC will lose On this if they push on it of course They will but that's what's being Discussed here not whether xrp itself is A security not whether secondary Market Transactions that you and I might might Engage in it's it's not whether our Transactions would be part of this it's Purely those that ripples offering That's it so we're still like we already Won folks we don't it that's It so there we go I'm glad I have this Channel so I could straighten up just Just kind of sweep up this mess here man

It's a lot of work cleaning up with These messy toxic uh Bitcoin maximalists And and Rand right he's not he's not a Bitcoin maximalist I get but uh again Siri you little I am not talking To you shut the hell up God damn that is So rude of her ass so I just I hate it when that happens man damn It but no I understand Rand is not Actually U he's just an xrp hater he's Not actually a maximalist but so Frequently on this channel I have to Clean up after the toxic Bitcoin Maximalist and the outright xrp haters And he's certainly the latter that's for Sure anyway that's it I'll let you know When he says another stupid thing about Xrp it's inevitable I'm not a financial Adviser you should not buy yourself Anything because of anything I say or Right that would be a very very very bad Idea until next time to the Moon Lambo


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