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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel and I have a question for you I'd love to hear your perspective in the Comment section below it's it's very Simple what price does xrp deserve and And you can expand upon that however You'd like for instance how do you come To that conclusion what's your thought Process what's the rationale there and You know it's fascinating to me that you Know of course with there being so much Negative sentiment against xrp Lately it it seems to me that the people And yes there's negative sentiment uh You know even within the xrp community But it seems to me that the people who Have the greatest vitreal and negative Sentiment towards xrp are those who Don't even hold it it's the toxic Bitcoin Maxi types which I find to be Rather hilarious xrp living rentree in Their minds obviously their little uh Peanut sized brains right uh but but They've been screaming xrp you know xrp Deserves and will be Thrust out of the Top 10 coins by market cap so you know There's a discussion on X I'm going to Be highlighting and one of the top Analysts out there responded to one of These types of trolls but especially on A day like today where xrp did move down In market cap let's talk a little bit About it because xrp had been hanging Out at market cap position number six

It's now down to number seven uh I I Don't think that matters and I I've Spoken a fair bit about this recently You're going to have coins in a bull Markets riding up and they'll be Shortlived in the top 10 then right back On down we've seen that elevator drop Right we that's normal now in this case Case it's usdc that took the number six Spot that's a stable coin it's always Worth $1 all they have to do to have That go up in market cap is just print Infinity of them and it can it can take Out Bitcoin why the hell not it's worth A buck right so that's not particularly Meaningful um but uh is what it is look We are in a bull market here so I Understand some people are feeling down Broadly it's not just people within the Xrp community um but we're in a bull Market And so we're going to continue to see a Rip to the upside I firmly believe that Even if we do see in the short term a Further moves to the downside Historically that's very normal I was Talking about in my very last video so That won't freak me out here but um but Before getting into some specific Thoughts on this matter I'm going to Share thoughts from a couple individuals Uh in the space and I'll I'll add on Tack on some of my thoughts and I'd love To hear what you guys think too in the

Comments section below uh but before Going further I do want to be clear I do Not have a financial background of any Kind I am not offering Financial advice You definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys Making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun now here was a post from Mikey bull crypto about xrp and and mind You this was you know like the market Had already started moving down it Doesn't mean that what is going to Happen for the remainder of this Market Cycle is is now no longer to be Considered and so here you wrote xrp it Seems it is about to follow the 2017 Path coupled with the that post having Uh always results in an explosive upward Move in price zoom out and tell me what Is bearish therein and so he's saying This Market cycle is going to look a lot Like 2017 which I would love to see Because my God went from half a penny to Like almost four bucks uh wouldn't mind Seeing that at all and not that the Multiplier effect would be the same Because it's more money money enters any Asset it takes a lot more flowing to get It to double triple quadruple so on and So forth but even just looking to get Back to this FIB level that he's Highlighted here 1618 you're looking at

Over $4 xrp um I Just to me that's incredibly Conservative and so what does what price Does xrp deserve well we'll talk more About that in a Second here's a chart analyst jelly he Says bitcoin's all-time high breakout in 2020 versus in 20124 volatility designed to make you Give up or let go of your plan don't Fall for their tricks this bull market Is not over and so there you can see on The left how things ultimately on on Folded um in 2017 alltime high and then 2021 alltime High featuring the right so They they look very similar similar Situations and the reason I wanted to Highlight this because in the context of What price does xrp deserve should we Even consider that the market is going Higher I firmly say Yes uh here's a post from altcoin Sherpa Chart analyst he says you should Probably just continue to be long spot Meaning you know the market price uh Bitcoin specifically uh and not worry so Much what happens in the short term most Investors aren't geared towards trading Or rotating as much look to buy dips in This current environment not sell Bitcoin's still going to go higher later This year yeah so that's one of the Things I love about my investment Strategy is I don't have to worry about

What the time is and yeah I'd prefer it To be now but I'm so patient that it Doesn't matter it will happen when it Happens if it's going to happen and I Don't have to stress out even if the Improbable were were to come true and This is the uh this is the height of the Market which nobody's seriously calling For none of the reputable analyst that I See actually I can't even find analy I Don't even come across analysts I'm not Aware of saying that type of crap right Now so that's how far away we are from That but uh even if it were the case That we're going to be moving to the Downside i' just say well okay so wait Till the next Market cycle then that's How you make money you you be more Patient than everyone else and if your Convictions make sense you get rewarded For it eventually you just don't choose When that moment in time is it comes When it comes markets are Global things Are Cyclical here's a post from chart Analyst Nick crypto Crusader and this Resonated with me so I want to share it With You because like what's happened in the Space right now he said the following What has been the largest gainers for The last 30 days or so I'll answer the Question it's been rinsing and repeating Ill liquid s word coins back and forth

Most of the gains made in the past month Or so are all based on low volume trash No we are not in alt season no the Market hasn't topped and no this isn't The end of the cycle the real fund Didn't even start especially for Altcoins remain calm and remain patient Stop playing into the ridiculous Engagement farming bearish post saying The same thing I saw a post today that Said breaking Bitcoin down 5% as if 5% Is a major move in an extremely volatile Market it's crazy to me how much the Retail sector overreacts to some of These pullbacks tell me when we are Doing 20% plus pullbacks yeah so Sentiment I I agree with entirely with The sentiment and what he's sharing Right there uh even a 20% plus pullback Yeah talk to me about it because it'll Be fun for conversation but even then I'll be like uh yeah we should expect This I mean we we roughly just saw that Remember when Bitcoin the just within The last when when did that happen a Couple weeks so ago whatever it was time Flies by I can't remember exactly when But Bitcoin just dropped to $60,000 and Then back up to over $71,000 now back to where we are now Around $65,000 or so okay pretty normal Stuff here not exactly surprising but The way that money flows through the Space here we haven't even seen the

Greatest of the fireworks yet this movie Has played out so many Times okay Like this time is different no I do not Believe that here's a post from Nick Crypto Crusader talking about xrp and so This resonated with me too because I Agree most people are not going to make Money from xrp but also most people Frankly I'd say aren't going to make Much money in crypto in general and the Reason is people are their own worst Enemies they're not sufficiently patient They're not so bold as to put in enough Money that it could be life-changing and Then there's also the pitfalls of Jumping in and out of positions although That's you know related I'd say in many Cases to just being impatient some People think that they're so smart that They can tie markets get in this thing's About to go this and they feel like They're Wizards or something and they Could get a string of successes in a row But all it takes is one to get really Wiped out and it's just silly to me it Just makes more since that brought Exposure to the asset class year and so That's why most people aren't going to Get lifechanging wealth in crypto but That doesn't mean that you listening Can't the opportunity is very real and That's what I find so empowering about This whole thing for the everyday person

Like me because there's nothing special About me I'm just a on the internet I'm Not special because I have a YouTube Channel we're all we're all regular Folks right and it's the situation is so Empowering because we really do have That opportunity for life-changing Wealth it's a real thing and yes most People screw it up for themselves and Some people just you know even if They've got the uh you know the ability To be patient it's like are you putting In enough money to to be in line with Reasonable expectations and I think a Lot of people mess up there Too and so here's what he said though The amount of people who will actually Get rich off of xrp is so little why It's so simple retail is blinded by Short-term price action what percentage Will sell at $1 $2 $3 all-time highs Forget it most will already be out a Double digigit xrp will happen time is The only question and the big moves when Institutions actually go live are still Some time away Either way it's such a small percentage Of the holders who will reap the rewards Yeah so there are a lot of reasons that People are are going to not make Life-changing wealth from xrp but it's Always the case that as the price goes Up people that have been holding longer Are going to be enticed to sell that

That's just the nature of things of Course it is and then there will be People new to the market who will choose To purchase and then you know if they Hold for another 5 years 10 years then They'll be the ogs and then one day They'll be enticed to sell rents and Repeat it's the cycle of life my friend That's pretty much It um So that's all okay and if people want to Sell it at those those levels $1 $2 okay Whatever but I think a lot of people out There are like me and they are looking For for returns that will be Lifechanging and meaningful now it's not Only the dollar level that will Determine whether or not it's Life-changing and meaningful though you Know i' I've said that I'm I plan to Start scaling out you know close to Above alltime Highs but you know Probably close to five dollar maybe I'll Sell like five or six percent below five Bucks um just so I can recoup my initial Investment because that that' still be a Good chunk there and then scale out up To like eight bucks and some people give Me crap about that I'm like it's not Just about the dollar figure uh you know It's it's my my dollar cost average Price is I think about 25 cents for xrp And I put in way more than the typ Typical person so when you're talking

About me selling at those ranges for me That is incredibly meaningful in Lifechanging that'll be too big a Percentage of my net worth uh for me to Not take action on that and so if people Have less xrp than that then they Wouldn't be enticed perhaps until higher Levels and that's fine too you know just Because I'm the guy that you know maybe I'm an idiot for doing this but I I I Don't feel like an idiot I feel pretty Damn good about what I've done Diversifying in crypto and holding a lot Of xrp and yeah the SEC screwed us so You know I think I would have had that Wealth last Market cycle if not for that But set that aside so there's a lot of Moving parts to That's all I'm saying here so you can do It but I just I still think it makes the Most sense even though xrap is my Favorite crypto and my largest Individual holding I still think it Makes most sense to get to get Life-changing wealth from crypto by Having broad exposure I do think that Makes more sense and exra fees Absolutely it deserves to be a crucial Component of that and for me it Absolutely is by a lot it's my largest Individual holding last I checked a few Days ago and I mentioned this in a video It was a little over 24% of my total Crypto Holdings and that's despite me

Purchasing more coins over the years I Haven't bought extra pie since October 2020 it's still my number one holding Buy a Lot um and I'm I feel great about that I I feel fantastic I I'm just I'm going to Wait as patient as patient as I need to Be I don't feel the you know antsy about This I you know if I were the type of Person that would feel antsy after this Amount of time then you know I'm not the Type of person that's know most likely To find success investing you know That's it's the same whether you're Investing in equities or whatever you Know just you you don't choose when the Market goes you just have to be okay With that that's just how it Works now the other day I highlighted This too and this gets into the question Of what price does xrp deserve in just a Second year but first I wonder remind This is from a couple days ago so some Of you may have caught this but I made a Video highlighting this from credible Crypto and he Wrote uh this post I guess I don't need To reread the whole thing but he's Basically noting that the reality is and If you're considering the Dynamics of Circulating Supply that $10,000 eth Which by the way is just a 2X roughly Speaking from its alltime high last Cycle just roughly a twofold

Increase uh well he's saying that price Level of $10,000 for ethereum is Equivalent to a $20 plus Xrp and xrp obviously has been I mean it It it practically missed a cycle I mean So fine yes xrp ran in tandem with the Market ran up to two bucks so it was Good to see that I suppose rather than Nothing but it missed the market cycle In terms of hitting new all-time highs Because the SEC garbage but if you think That it can't run higher uh can't $20 Seems too unreasonable you need to put It in comparative terms that I think Most people would agree make sense $10,000 eth I mean I don't make price Predictions but the idea of it getting To that this Market cycle doesn't sound Crazy to me a 2X from eth roughly No and the amount of money I mean that Would there's so less money in xrp Compared to eth because it's been beaten Down for the last few years but you know Having a you would expect it to have a Much greater multipli effect it takes Much less money flowing into xrp than Eth to get a multiplier effect which is Why investing in xrp especially from These levels is way more appealing than Investing in eth that's my opinion I'm Not telling you to do anything or not do Anything I don't care I'm just sharing With you what my opinion is I think xrp Will substantially outperform eth this

Cycle and Bitcoin um but he he shared that and That was posted by uh Nick and he said I Have been saying this for a while now Myself people are so quick to say xrp Can't hit $10 or even make a new all-time high the Negativity around the xrp community is Ridiculous right now at a time where you Should be looking at the position xrp is In I personally see xrp shocking the Entire crypto Market this cycle and Possibly and not for the first time Flipping eth again yeah and I wanted to Highlight that also because I just I Agree I think that makes Sense the xrp I don't know if xrp is Going to flip eth this Cycle it is plausible it is absolutely Plausible especially if you factor in um You know when when when these coins Might go at at different points in the Market like say eth goes first and it Hits its $10,000 Mark say that's where It's going to peek I'm just making that Up and then it goes back down so it Starts to lose the market cap and then Xrp flies After yes like there's all sorts of Scenarios where you could see that That's at least plausible and not that It even needs to do that I mean to hit a New all-time high and be worth you know Double digits this Market cycle it

Doesn't even have to supplant eth Necessarily but but for the people that Think it can't it's just that ex they're Saying that because they don't know what The hell they're talking about it's been Suppressed for so long and they just Look at what is happening people are so Guilty of doing this all the time Whatever is happening in the market they Have this this gut feeling that it's Just going to be like that forever and So the reason that people will keep Buying tops and foming into stuff and Then at the bottom that's the reason There are people screaming for $112,000 Bitcoin a little over a year ago it's The same thing here and then xrp's been Uh in some people's minds uh just Performing Horribly and and since it has even Though mind you it's one of the most Successful cryptos in existence number Seven in market cap at the time I'm Recording this out of over 20,000 coins So one of the most successful but people Feel if it's just doing dismal Recently some would say over a span of Years even uh of course we're getting Into the fun part of a bull market you Know wait for all season But they're saying that I mean what what They just feel like it's going to be Like that forever it's this sentiment This is why humans are their own worsen

When it comes to investing it's this Type of Thinking um and so then there was there Was this post from somebody crapping on Xrp somebody named warm the pies wrote Xrp deserves to be permanently knocked Out of the top 10 this year there we go I'm sorry is it 2021 again because That's what people were screaming in 2021 after uh the SEC sued Ripple Claiming xrp was a security we're here Is this is this really being posted in 2024 yes it is actually xrp it deserves To be does it deserve to be and this Goes back to what I was asking you guys Right at the outside of the video what Does xrp actually deserve to be in terms Of price action Well here's what credible crypto had to Say one of the most accurate chart Analysts out there and he says it Deserves what the market thinks it Deserves not what you or I think it Deserves the market has believed it Deserves to be a top 10 coin in this Space since its literal Inception and Not even the SEC and their failed attack Could derail that golf clap for that one I've been delivering that message for The longest damn time especially lately You know RP is you know what really got Me talking along those lines a lot is When we were talk we started talking uh Towards the end part of last year about

The importance of developer activity This or that and now I was just broadly Making a point that yes of course I Agree developer activity matters but the Market has already decided that based on The current attributes and ecosystem of Of of xrp what it already is it deserves To be in the top 10 and has been for Over a decade so the market cares yes About developer activity but other stuff As well and there are some coins where The other stuff is more important than Uh just straight up outright developer Activity that's why he saw Tron in the Top 10 because it's got an incredible Stable coin ecosystem but almost no Developers so the market looks at Different things it just does the market Makes decisions based on different Things um and so I wrote to to Credible Crypto I responded to him on X and I Said 100% homie this is exactly what I've been saying for the longest time Xrp hater can hate but the market Disagrees with them xrp is one of only Three coins that has always been in the Top 10 coins by market cap for its Entire existence Bitcoin eth and xrp and That's out of a total of over 20,000 Coins and then e Greg crypto responded To me and noted that yeah it's also the Only digital asset out of 20,000 coins With legal regulatory Clarity and that Is absolutely true that's true in the

United States 100% so what actually Matters well the Market's already Telling you what matters xrp already has It xrp is going to participate in an ALT Season and a blowoff top should we have One in this crypto asset class which I Believe we will so you guys tell me what Price does xrp deserve well what Whatever the market says what I think it Is going to value at in the future would Be a new all-time high and entry price Discovery I just don't make a price Prediction but that's my Expectation I'm not a financial adviser You should not buy or sell anything Because of anything I say or right that Would be a very very very bad idea until Next time to the Moon Lambo


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