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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel something has happened that has Caused a lot of confusion and for some People concern within the xrp community Here's the headline from cryptopolitan Ripple Surprises with unforeseen 400 Million xrp release so as no doubt all Of you know uh Ripple escrows a lot of Xrp and then Releases on schedule at the beginning of Each month 1 billion Xrp and uh then they typically lock up Uh pretty much all of it some some of it Does end up getting used you know Ripple Payments formerly known as odl uh extrap Of bridge currency and and um so that's Like clockwork that's that's been the Case for over half a decade right I mean They first escrowed xrp in like December Of 2017 so there's news circulating that Mostly is not accurate reporting that 400 100 million xrp was released just The other day well wait a minute where What how does that happen so Ripple's Just dumping on the market 400 million Xrp and how did they do it uh yesterday Instead of at the regularly scheduled Interval on the 1 of every single month And so I can understand why the the Confusion has occurred uh which is why I'm making this video just to quickly Straighten this out and there's Perfectly simple reason why this

Happened but before going any further I Do want to be clear I do not have a Financial background of any kind I am Not offering Financial advice and you Definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys Making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun all right so the piece Reads as follows Ripple the esteemed San Francisco based blockchain company Renowned for its Innovations in the Digital asset space recently made waves Within the xrp community with an Unprecedented move and a surprising Twist xrp opted for an unscheduled uled Release of a staggering 400 million xrp Tokens equivalent to an estimated $217 Million in value okay so I got to pause Right there there was no unscheduled Escro release the the escro xrp is stuck In Escrow until the time that it was Programmed to to be released period so This literally we know cannot be the Case it's not that they just were like Well it's an es girl let's take it out Early maybe start dumping on the market Like I'm telling you right now that that Is absolutely not what happened I'll Explain just let me go in order though Anyway peace continues this departure From Ripple's meticulously crafted

Monthly escrow schedule has stirred Significant curiosity and concern among Stakeholders within the xrp Ecosystem the transaction initially Brought uh brought to light by whale Alert a prominent tracker of large Cryptocurrency transactions immediately Captur the attention of the xrp Community uh what particularly piqued my Interest was the unexpected timing of The release and the cryptic memo Attached to the Transaction this memo Laden with Intriguing phrases such as February Escrow was not executed question mark And referencing notable names within the Community like Hodor and John Deon has Ignited a flurry of speculation and Debate among xrp Enthusiasts and so folks I'm going to Circle back to that that the fact that's Confusing people is because there's a Lack of knowledge about how this process Works which again just give me a second I'll get to it as the xrp community Grapples with the implications of this Unanticipated move by Ripple questions Abound regarding the motives behind the Deviation from the established escrow Schedule Ripple's absence uh absence of Clear explanations has only deepened the Intrigue leaving many eager for further Insights and Clarity yeah and so I can Answer almost everything about in fact

The the only there's only one thing I Can't answer and that's just because I'm Not an employee at Ripple who would be In the No uh but anyway again I'll Circle back To that as well as part of its Established operational procedure Ripple Typically releases a significant portion Of its xrp tokens from its escro account At the onset of each month this regular And anticipated schedule will uphold Transparency and Foster stability within The xrp market however a recent Departure from this customary pattern Has triggered a flurry of conjecture and Discussion within the xrp community Across various social media platforms Such as X responses to Ripple's Unexpected action have encompassed a Broad spectrum of reactions individuals Have engaged in speculation regarding The motives behind Ripple's deviation From its usual protocol and expressed Concerns about its potential Ramifications on the price of xrp and so I think that Parts particularly silly The idea that out of nowhere you know Ripple's been around over a decade but This is the moment right now they Decided yesterday they're going to Somehow magically unlock a bunch of xrp That's that's that was actually an Escrow and then just start dumping it All over the market like it's just it's

Silly it's silly that anybody would Think that that's something that could Remotely be possible here but indeed Well alert you can see they reported Here 400 million xrp unlocked from Escrow at Ripple but again this just Comes as a result of people not Understanding how the escrow actually Works um here you can see the Transaction is being reported on bit.com And um it's it's an xrp Explorer I'm Sure many of you are familiar with it Familiar with and have used it um I've Been using this since I first joined the Xrp community it's very useful and here You can see the actual transaction Escrow Mount 400 million and you can see The date look at that February 25th 2024 so it is true then right well no Not so fast it it was scheduled actually For the first of the month and see the Way that this actually works because This is the way that the xrp Ledger is Programmed uh when we reach a point in Time like so there's there's escro xrp So it's stuck there and you program an Endpoint for the escro you can program Whatever that date is it could be you Could program it a thousand years into The future and then it's locked for a Thousand years literally now instead we Have this rolling escro release each Month with ripple so they programmed it Uh the most recent one for February 1st

It was programmed for that now once that Date hits Ripple or actually as it turns Out anyone on the entire damn planet can Go in and do take take part in the final Action to conclude that which is Actually actually finalize that Transaction so and as a result of that If so like a random person like I could Do it you could do it sometimes xrp Community members do it and that's what You're seeing on the screen here it was Done yesterday so it could have been Done on February 1st and usually these Things are done the day that the F the First moment that's possible like at Least that day almost this is the first Instance I'm aware of where this it was Not done I don't know if it was Oversight I don't know if there's a Reason for it but nobody did it and an Xrp Community member happened to notice That this final action wasn't done and Then and then did It so that that's that's actually it and So again you can see here you look at This for those of you looking at the Screen execute after February 1st 2024 So like I told you it was programmed to Be available to be compl completed Exactly then when did it actually happen Here at this time that I highlighted Right weeks Later that is literally it and so if You're the person that takes this final

Action to conclude this you as you can Do with any transaction you can include A memo and you can make silly jokes in The memo line and that is exactly what Happened right here and so the memo Reads as follows and this is by xrp Community member off es grower of Dai memo reads as follows February Escrow was not executed question mark hm TR WBT I don't know what that stands for Welcome Back Hodor John Deon and so Again the sep Community member was Surprised that this action wasn't taken And then decided to do it himself Because anybody can do it and then you Got to leave a funny message and now I'm Talking about a YouTube video and crypt Media has endlessly covered it and Covered it very poorly actually cuz none Of them understand these very basic Things about The xrp Ledger and how this Function actually works So the only thing I can't answer is why Ripple didn't complete this weeks ago And sometimes like people are fighting To be the one to do like that that has Happened so they've gotten to it before Ripple could have reasonably gotten to It that day and so then you get funny Lines like for instance Moon Lambo me I've been cited in at least a few of These in these memo lines it's just Forever on The xrp Ledger I think it's Funny I like it it's funny um so in this

Case nobody in the xrp Community member Bothered to look at this until the other Day was like huh and ripple happened to Not do it so uh my for fun guess pure Speculation is that it's just an Accidental Oversight so I mean it would have Obviously gotten addressed at some point Anyway but it's it's just a formality Like that it was programmed the way it Was program this has nothing to do with Dumping on the Market um so that really is it it is That simple now if you guys want um a Technical Explanation uh in terms of like how this Actually works I came across one from uh Vet on social media platform x uh he's An xrpl DL validator and um I'm not Going to read what's on the screen just For the sake of time if you want to Pause here and read what he wrote feel Free to do so but I wanted to let you Know he did publish uh a video that's 11 Minutes and 13 seconds and I watched it So if you're interested in more of like A technical aspect of how this all works Then I encourage you to definitely check That you will have to go to social media Platform X but you can see his handle You can type it in if you want to go Check it out I just thought you did a Great job so I wanted to just give a Quick shout out there but really is that

Simple and I I I've come across zero Crypto media Outlets that accurately Reported what happened zero but now you Know this is not a big deal this is Nothing to be scary about that's it I'm Not a financial adviser you should not Buy or sell anything because of anything I say or right that would be a very very Very bad idea until next time to the Moon Lambo


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