They Are Collapsing The Banks…

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Are collapsing the banks and how will This affect the middle class and normal Everyday Americans we're going to break That down in today's video my name is Coach JB what I work to make is very Complex macro and microeconomic Strategies very simple so the normal Everyday person can Implement them on Every single video on the back end I Break down exactly what I'm doing in the Greatest transformation of wealth in History we also have our license agents Ready to help you with an absolutely Free conversation on sharing with you How we secure our wealth in insurance Tax code 7702a that's in the description of this Video some people called Infinity Banking concept index universal life I Like to ensure my wealth to make sure That my principal is guaranteed and that I can access it taxfree and the Liquidity so that's in the description Of this video or in my social media Platform it's an absolutely free Consultation you can also download my Free 16-page book which breaks down Everything that I'm talking about on the Back end of the video so let's dive into This so if you do not follow itm um it's Pretty cool uh Danielle cambon moved Over from stanbury research over to itm Is actually who we use for our gold and Silver within our Warrior academy uh we

Have you know there's no connection Other than we use them and so we're we Love them quite a bit Tom kler over at Itm but the reason why I bring that up Is itm uh Danielle Comon Danielle Kon Moved over and she does some pretty Powerful interviews so I highly Recommend you subscribe to their Channel Now this is really really intriguing This gentleman we're about to listen to Is the author of the creature of Jackal Island now when I was in banking School In 2012 when I read it was in between 2012 And 2014 15 I don't remember what year I Read it but when I was an executive Banking school I read the book creature Of Jackal Island and it changed Everything for me I ended up leaving Banking in 2017 we're going to listen to his unique Perspective on he believes that they are Purposely collapsing the banks now I've Been sharing this with you guys that I Believe America is going through one of The biggest Transitions and I talked About 2025 to 2030 the transition in the American Financial system and globally We are moving to a new digital currency Guys they are working to bring in a Central bank digital currency so your Job is to navigate through this Understand the middle class is getting

Wiped out lever shortes technology Moving down to the Working Poor the Wealth Gap is going to be massive Wall Street is going to get extremely rich Because of how they're going to Transition this and money moving at the Speed of light so let's listen to what He has to say and then I'll show you Some facts figures numbers logic how the Rest of the world is working to Dollarize from the American dollar so That's it so now why would they be doing Uh crashing the banking system and we Can see that's actually happening so now We come to the question when is it going To collapse well it's collapsing right Now if it hasn't already and the banks Are leading it they want it to collapse Now isn't that a interesting funny thing For me to say say why would the banks Want their banking system to collapse And the answer is very simple because They have something better in mind at Least better for them and that won't Involve the old traditional use of money At all money will disappear as we have Known it okay so remember what Michael Sailor said yesterday on our video we're Moving from trillions of dollars in Analog money into a new digital age of Money Rosie Rio said she was told to Reduce coin cash usage in 2012 but she Couldn't because Obama's rescue plan That's what I I predict because he

Turned the printing machine on and when The printing machine is on and there's Low interest rates GDP growth goes up And the cash was moving like crazy she Said you need a shock to the system 2020 Gave us a shock to the system that Changed the way you do money they have This thing called the Central Bank Digital currencies which is a is Something they will control it won't be Your money or mine it's their money We'll be allowed to use it if we obey Their dictates and they'll have complete Control over us this is why they are Crashing the banking system now because They want the dollar to collapse so the People will be desperate and they'll be Looking to the same people that caused The problem to create a solution to the Problem Gillian dialect he's been Explaining the problem reaction solution Whoever creates a problem comes up with The reaction is the same people that Come up with the solution and people Would be so desperate they'll accept Anything including this this horrible Thing called Central Bank digital Currencies now that took a long time to Answer your question but it's because They have they have an idea of something Better for them and worse for us what is The great reset well that's not just Monetary it's social and cultural as Well and it it includes even the

Dehumanization of Us you know it it includes a lot of Things other than money but money is at The core of it because it takes a lot of Money to do these things and these People don't have that money they create It out of nothing that's the game that's Always been the game so now you ask me How come all that money was spent and They didn't they didn't find a cure for Cancer is because they went out of their Way not to find the cure for cancer and I can attest to that because I found out That when this substance called leil Which everybody thought was okay well he Focuses on we know where he's going with All this stuff right we it matches Perfectly with the world economic Forum Um you own nothing to be happy by 2030 Larry fin Is On The Board of Trustees For the world economic Forum the world Economic forum the great reset that's What they say they call it the great Reset okay it explains exactly what he's Talking about the great reset they don't Hide it it's hidden in plain site Larry Thinkink is the largest asset manager in The world think about that he controls Most of the largest companies in the World now I know that they're an asset Manager and they're taking our money our Assets as they manage our assets but Think about it they're the one of the Number one holders in micro strategy the

Largest Bitcoin holder guys go look at Coinbase look at who the largest holders Are guys look at who is custody their ETF coinbase guys you have to understand The system okay now let's go into more Macroeconomic and what is actually Happening okay so China sells most of Its us treasuries this is really Important family this is extremely Important the reason why America is the Dominant currency is because the other Countries had to use it to trade in oil Um it was the dominant currency it is Literally losing its dominance Ray Doo's Changing World Order China sells the Most of its us Assets in four years most Of its us Assets in four years dumping 21 billion of US stocks in treasury Bonds that was in 2023 China and Russia Have almost completely abandoned the US Dollar in bilateral trade and the push To D dollar rise intensifies that was on December 21 2023 okay we move over here 17.4 trillion in US treasuries dumped by Bricks Brazil Russia India China South Africa um that's what they just went Over that was on October 6 2023 and then During the Tucker Carlson interview Putin specifically talks about the US And the Dollar you know to use the dollar as a Tool of foreign policy struggle is one Of the biggest strategic mistakes made

By the US political Leadership the dollar is the Cornerstone Of the United States Power I think think everyone understands Very well that no matter how many Dollars are printed they are quickly Dispersed all over the World inflation in the United States is Minimal it's about 3 or 3.4% which is I think totally acceptable For the Us but they won't stop Printing what does the debt of 30 3 Trillion tell us about it is about the Emission nevertheless it is the main Weapon used by the United States to Preserve its power across the world as Soon as the political leadership decided To use the US dollar as a tool of Political struggle a blow was dealt to This American Power I would not like to use any strong Language but it is a stupid thing to do And a grave Mistake look at what is going on in the World even the United States allies are Now downsizing their dollar reserves Seeing this everyone starts looking for Ways to protect Themselves but the fact that the United States applies restrictive measures to Certain countries such as placing Restrictions on transaction Freezing assets Etc causes great concern

And sends a signal to the whole World what did we have here until 2022 About 80% of Russian foreign trade Transactions were made in US Dollars and Euros US Dollars accounted for Approximately 50% of our transactions With okay then he goes on to talk about They went from 50% their transactions Down to 30% they uh China's went down to I think 133% and they raised their use of their Currencies together to 30% so what does This mean to you to the normal everyday American and how can we navigate through This okay so number one I'm not saying The US dollar is going to collapse Tomorrow there is a transition happening It's not going to collapse tomorrow it's Not going to collapse next year it's not Going to collapse during the Presidential election it's it's a Transition so I want you to think of an Analog transition to a digital Transition okay you are experiencing a Historical move in finance you're also Experiencing an opportunity in human History that will never be around in our Living history once again for the next Hundred years in a transition in a Monetary system so when I invest in Cryptocurrencies so this is exactly how I'm set up not Financial advice in my Cryptocurrencies the ones that I invest In are things that I believe are going

To transform the new Financial system Xrp xlm harar things like ethereum Bitcoin is a store of value ethereum is Part of the the financial system you Know everybody's like you know all this Stuff going on with ether it's like guys It's part of the financial system it's Part of the financial system xrp is part Of the financial system xlm will be part Of the financial system Bitcoin is part Of the financial system guys everybody's Going trying to figure out who's doing What who's satos guys it's all part of The financial System they've been futing you out of JP Morgan has his own cryptocurrency that's Why he's futing you out of the rest of Them guys he has his own blockchain Technology he has JPM coin they have Onyx Black Rock was like Hey listen We're gonna jump in on the train man We're going into the Bitcoin ETF okay We're actually going to be linking up With coinbase we're gonna actually link Coinbase with the laddin we're got the Most sophisticated trading services in Human history with AI Technology guys we're all being played Man so you got to be very very careful Because Wall Street will win 100% of the Time so what do we do so what do I doing So basically what I do is Merlin we Created Merlin for your convenience and To help you out it's 30 days for free

Guys you can all get it 30 days for free Try it out people keep it because it's One of the greatest tools ever created Number one we don't hold your keys or Combos it's an interface so you can see Right here you can see the market at a Snapshot you also can put in all your Exchanges and see everything in one Place number two is most important is The exit plan Exit Plan Exit Plan we Show you and teach you how to set up an Exit plan so that when this stuff goes Straight up when Wall Street starts Pulling profits you're pulling profits Too because the unsuspecting public Main Street is going to get rocked it's going To go straight up and Main Street's Going to get all excited and come Rushing in and we're selling our crypto To them we're selling our crypto and Then they're going to panic sell on the Way down then we're buying it back in That's basically what I did I sold on The way up from 2021 to 2022 I should Have sold a lot more I'd be in a much Better financial position I'd be in a Much I mean we did good but we would be In a much great we got greedy man it Felt like it was going to keep going and That was the greatest lesson I ever Learned when that collapsed 85% I Was like Wow wow I could have pulled so much more Profits I could have had so much more

Crypto when this dipped down so I Learned so now when it dipped I bought I've been dollar cost averaging since 2022 when it collaps when it dipped Really hard I buy more and then when This thing goes up I'm not greedy I'm Pulling on the way up pulling pulling For me I put mine and Max Fund my index Universal Life policies it secures my my Principle nobody can touch it I get Market like returns about 6 to 12% and I Have liquidity if it's set up Appropriately some take a year depends On how you set up your policy but you Can get access to the liquidity of your Principle or excuse me cash value um Cash value it's very important how the Agent sets it up be very careful they Need to maximize the benefit for you not For their commission right it's not About the death benefit it's about the Living benefits okay for me also Precious metals I'm getting into real Estate and business is the greatest way To wealth for me so it's information Technology and attention we're expanding Into different areas uh continuing to Grow and working to beat inflation right We're we're we're paying attention to What's happening in the future okay so I Just wanted to share that information With you guys I do have a webinar series That I want to bring up there's two Things I want to bring up to you guys if

You're still here number one man I G Need to learn how to turn that off Somebody comment down below I got a new Computer so number one um within the Comment or excuse me within the that Threw me off within the description and My social media platform uh we have our Freedom conference that is live now you Can buy tickets to meet me coach JB in Person our whole good morning crypto Team and it's a financial conference in Mesa Arizona that is in the description You can also sign up for our four-week Webinar series our new group is starting In March we're looking for a 100 people That'll go through a 30-day webinar Series first week is cryptocurrency Allocation second is how to get in and Out of crypto week three is Diversification my diversification Strategy and week four is trust and how To how I set up my rockfeller trust and What it looks like and then every single Month you'll be on a call with me Starting in March where I break down my Exact portfolio uh every single month so Hope this information reaches you well Everything's in the description of this Video or click the link in my social Media platform as we always say Warriors Rise get your together let's Go


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