*The XRP Stablecoin Just Replaced Tether* STABLECOIN BILL WILL BAN TETHER | The Milloomers Are Here




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Welcome back ladies and gentlemen this Is the barable bull Here and I got this aggressively average Content for you Today as ladies and gentlemen I Understand why Ripple is coming out with Their stable coin right now and we are Going to get into it as I think Ripple Just opened the floodgates for xrp Adoption Ripple is in the no they know The news for the classes and they've Positioned their company and their Digital asset and xrp Correctly for a global takeover and for Mass Adoption but first for context on the World stage we have the Notre day moment For the Copenhagen Stock Exchange in Denmark that's an interesting phenomena And at the same time Edward Snowden is Warning everyone that we're just days Away from the NSA completely taking over Over the Internet it's not on front page news cuz They want to sneak this in but this is The most tyranical push of control I've Ever seen the government try to do Ladies and gentlemen we have never been In a position ever before where Government is trying to literally let The NSA sees control of the internet Through secret orders and warrantless Searches of your Data this bill needs to be stopped

And you will need to pay Attention as they're trying to implement The digital AI Control grid with Absolutely zero privacy at all and zero Legal limitations on government Overreach this needs to be in the back Of your minds as we continue into the Digital Financial system as Taylor bar Posted that Senator gilland and Lumis Have presented a stable coin Bill and in this bill it allows Banks And non-bank Trust companies to issue Stable coins through dedicated Subsidiaries it bans unbacked and Algorithmic stable coins it introduces Capital and onetoone reserve Requirements it permits State financial Regulators to authorize and supervise Stable coin issuing trust companies Below $10 Billion and it gives the Federal Reserve Power to issue enforcement actions Against the coin firms larger than 10 Billion but be required to take Joint Action with State authorities below that Threshold ladies and gentlemen in my Personal opinion this is the moment Where they crucify tether I've been long Outspoken against tether the stable coin As a Ponzi scheme a complete Racket and It's typically the Bitcoin Maxis that Say tether Conspiracies are [ __ ] the last bull market was

Officially stopped I would say with the Crucifixion of terraluna and Us the algorithmic back stable Coin stable coins are critical for the Liquidity of the crypto space and tether The largest stable coin in the world is Clearly a Racket the only reason you'll hear People defend tether and dismiss me as a Conspiracy theorist about it is because Tether is directly affecting bitcoin's Price Positively and we all know this in the Back of our minds we all understand this And let's see what happens when they rug Pull the biggest scam in Crypto now what you all need to Understand is this is a perfect moment For ripple and xrp to seize the day but First I want to play you these two Senators discussing a little further the Importance of stable coins and how we Are on the precipice of mass adoption And legitimization for the crypto Industry I've been here for 8 years and Haven't heard crypto talked this much in This light in the highest levels of Government and this should excite every Single one of you there's been a lot of Speculation that there has been money Moved through stable coins and the like And others uh through tether and places Like that uh to places like Iran and and Russia and others and how concerned you

Are about that and how that relates to a Bill like This well I think this bill is the first Step towards really addressing uh Illicit Finance um this stable Point Legislation uh creates a framework where It rests on top of the Dual banking System um it uses the protections of Know your customer um and anti-money Laundering Protections in the banking System uh this is a bill that's written To have 100% one:1 uh dollar backed uh Custody has to be in a bank uh and so You have all those Protections in place In our our ordinary banking system and So this is bringing that level of Transparency and accountability into um Blockchain and cryptocurrency and the First and I think the most important Piece of this legislation is to to take Stable coin and put it into a proper Regulatory framework so that we can have Consumer protection we can have Transparency accountability and we can Have certainty yeah the worst thing we Could do if stable coins are being Misused around the world is to step away And not regulate them the whole purpose Of this bill is to protect Consumers uh while we acknowledge the Existence and use of stable coins and Furthermore Senator Gill bran has Included some language from the fgic That in the event there were an

Insolvency or a failure uh a Conservatorship uh could or a Receivership could be set up so it's Contemplated uh that even with our Onetoone reserves that we require and Our uh decision not to allow algorithmic Stable coins if something did fail we Have that safety valve of the FDIC Receivership language we also require Uh that if a stable coin is issued that It's done by its own entity it has to be A subsidiary it has to be walled off and It can have no comingling of funds with Other assets separately custody is Important Now ladies and gentlemen I Don't know about all of you but this Exact regulation coming out right now Post Eclipse as War tensions are rising Is definitely a sight to behold and for All of you to realize that the having is Just a couple days away you need to Understand that we're at a pivotal Moment in time in regards to crypto Stable Corin regulation into the having Is making me very Intrigued first and foremost when you Look at this video we're witnessing the Boomers Innovate they're getting out of their Shell these two women right here are What I like to call the Meumers a group of the rumors that want To stay hip up to the trends are a Little techsavvy

And understand where the world is Going the meumers don't give a solitary Damn about this technology but they're Simply adding to their wealth and the Very smart Boomers right now would Switch to a mumer immediately because The laws they're going to put into place Right now are going to make it very hard For the average non- techsavvy Individual je and you better understand That AI is meant to replace you and your Retirement accounts will be absolutely Rug pooled with Congress simultaneously Enriching themselves with a St stock Band bill that will go into place Immediately right before they rug pull The economy and the stock market it'll Be a cherry on top for the great scam That is the United States monetary System and frankly the country Itself perfectly they'll make it out Like Bandits they will also rug pull 99% of Crypto with the new bills they're going To Enact but the ones that are compliant And working with the system will survive That's why this Ripple back stable coin Is so important and I pray you all pay Extremely close attention and as even Allcoin daily who is no big fan of Ripple and xrp is giving credit where Credit is due this Ripple stable coin Will help with revenue streams as they

Begin stopping their sales of Xrp Ripple you've had long enough to get Enough money from selling xrp onto the World now we want to see where this Price can go we want to see this utility Build we want to see this Innovation hit And we want to see the weight of all Your connections Allcoin daily makes a great point about The Ripple stable coin and I want you All to listen to someone who's not Necessarily Pro Xrp give you a very objective take on How special this really could be briefly About the Ripple supposed stable Coin um so right so they have xrp which You know is the a big Altcoin supposedly they're in thinking Of of launching a stable coin um I don't Know like do do we need more stable Coins I I don't even really know you Know I mean obviously they're a great Use case for crypto outside of Bitcoin But I mean you know Erin Arnold like Your your quick thoughts on that have You followed that are they going to do It why are they doing it is it Significant yeah um it is it's a good Question they're doing it because They're seeing in the past five years The stable coin Market has really blown Up you know over five years ago the Crypto people the Bitcoin people used to Think oh you know these third world

Countries they're going to want Bitcoin Because their currency is being devalued And that's still true but what they want More than Bitcoin right now is even just A access to the US dollars so they have A stable medium of exchange and the Regulations for stable coins have been Getting better and better and if you can Get a piece of that market any Savvy Businessman in that sector would want to So Ripple is creating a stable coin on The xrp Ledger and with will it get Adopted that remains to be seen is that Kind of uh you know the antithesis of What you would do if you want to see xrp Get adopted I'm not sure I think they Could both uh they they could both uh Grow together like the thing is what we Have been seeing though is um ethereum And ethereum L2 stable coins kind of Getting adopted more than others but Even usdc which is an ethereum us Centric stable coin is is multi-chain Now with salana and uh plenty of others So you know why they're doing it they Want to piece of that market because They know that Market's here to stay uh A dollar on crypto rails is a better Mouse trap and uh they want a piece of It now ladies and gentlemen there you Can see an objective take that I fairly Agree with people are looking and Noticing the regulatory actions Happening right now and they're looking

To Ripple as a market leader Ripple has Been fully compliant is buying more Comping companies and will be important Infrastructure for what's about to Come do you get it guys do you all Understand binance us has added former New York Federal Reserve compliance Chief to its board all these crypto Companies have been co-opted completely Taken over by the fed and government Officials and are now being run in a Quote compliant way whatever that means Get ready because I wouldn't be Surprised to see one last Black Swan Event and crypto before life-changing Generational wealth guys do you know how Many Boomers have messaged me over the Past couple days that have nothing to do With crypto have never taken a course Looked at videos done research anything You know how many boomers are messaging Me saying hey the having is Coming now that's likely a top Signal that's likely a Sela news Event but in the overall context of April into May into 2024 ladies and gentlemen crypto is so Bullish this shortterm downtrend we've Experienced over the past couple days is Absolutely nothing it's the darkness Before Dawn it's always the darkest before Dawn But we see the Light nothing can scare soft wereare

Almost There that's why I've created all the Content I have and that's why I created This 100 reasons why xrp will hit new Alltime highs in 2024 video and here I Discussed the dollarization on the Global stage being one of the many Reasons xrp will hit new oldtime highs This year war tensions are escalating And countries are choosing their Military alignments right now for lack Of a better Phrase we are currently seeing bricks Having more countries interested than Ever before in Joining and it's because people are Pivoting over from the Western system They're looking at America right now on The global stage and they aren't liking How the dollar is inflating they aren't Liking the American economy they aren't Liking American aggression in Ukraine In Israel in Palestine with Iran in Yemen in China and other countries are aligning With the Bricks right now the dollarization is a Major talking point along with the brick Sty payment system I've been discussing Them building on the side for a long Time they're calling it a decentralized Multicurrency digital International Payment system and here You're all going to understand why this

Video that I created that was 3 hours Long is going to be prophetic and I do Think it will go down in History here we have Rob Cunningham Sharing an important piece of Information from Jim Willie discussing Xrp and what he believes is about to Happen between Ripple xrp and the Bricks the bricks and the geopolitical Landscape right now are going to come Into play and there will be a moment in My opinion where in some type of way xrp Is going to play a role I mentioned the Surrender in Ukraine I mentioned the Launching of competing cbdcs there's not Going to be one there might be 12 and Anyone who thinks that everyone's gonna Follow Bosel you're dumb as a Rock you're dumb as a Rock the bricks are are now a Union Without Unity and it's a very interesting Union they do not have Unity H what they have is a common Objective and it's Dollarize we're GNA see not dissension We're going to see apparent Disorganization by the end of this year Within the bricks the West is going to Say the bricks doesn't really exist they Have no Unity Because they're not following a single Method of trade payment they're going to

Use the Russian Rubble they're going to Use the Chinese youan they're going to Use maybe a digital currency coming out Of Persia Iran they're going to use gold Tokens for the Nations that have Sufficient uh gold Reserves they the Chinese just announced This the Chinese blockchain Platform and the bricks adopted a Similar platform also maybe it's the Same platform I don't know who's going To run It we're going to see xrp used before Long this is going to bring about Exactly what the bricks want Decentralization and we're gonna have so Much decentralization by the end of this Year and early next year that the dumb Asses in the west who don't know how to Analyze out of their jock strap are Going to say the bricks are disunited no They've achieved their goal of Decentralizing the alternative options For trade payment it's going to be very Exciting Now ladies and gentlemen that Makes sense to Me bricks Nations using multiple Currencies somehow some way xrp who has Ties with almost all of these nations For the most part I think potentially All of Them that's fascinating Decentralization is the name of the game Bricks has always been in the middle of

This Transition and with military tensions Rising Ray Delio's book The Changing World Order gets more and more prophetic By the day a declining Empire who's Clinging On to its currency like the US Is is fighting for dear life to maintain Its currency strength through military Power but hypothetically speaking during A polarized time of Elections let's say During a time where people aren't paying Attention when we are at war in all These different fronts wouldn't that be An incredible way to Expand look at all these additional Countries on the screen Afghanistan Algeria Bahrain Bangladesh bellarus Indonesia Iran Kazakhstan Mexico Nicaragua you can see the rest all of These different countries are looking to Dollarize Pivot onto a new Financial System the bricks as is with with its Recent new editions is a Powerhouse of Natural resources and global Population all I'm saying my friends is This is going to be a fascinating time To be here in the United States and what A time to be alive as we're all falling Asleep at the wheel through the Book of Revelation if you have the eyes to see And the ears to he you can become the New One% and in the coming days I'm going to Be defining to every single one of you

What exactly the phrase the new one% Means to me but before I can do that I Have to say I appreciate every single One of You now finally guys with potential Black Swan events in the air with Potential regulations coming into play With uncertainty in the world with Cyber Attack Always in the back of my mind I just Want you to protect your crypto and I Highly recommend The Descent wallet Which you could buy for a discount in my Description below this has the most Options for almost all of the old coins I Discuss and I think for every single one Of you at home this is at the very least A wallet you need to have in your Repertoire a lot of people still have Ledger Ledger is fine But they've lost some of my Trust descent hasn't done anything Negative up to this point and something I'll say to every single one of you is That this is the time where you guys Need to have all your crypto Tools in Place this is when the Bull Run truly Begins and you have to be Prepared Now ladies and gentlemen this Is the beable bull here Thanks for tuning In as always guys I appreciate every Single one of

You now I'll be back Tomorrow with another video


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