XRP Bitcoin Going to go Straight up!!!

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Xrp and Bitcoin going to go straight up On the back end of this year I truly Believe that deep inside my soul but I Have many precautions for you guys in Today's video we're going to break down How Brad garlinghouse continues to talk About trillions of dollars coming into This Market we're also going to look at The bis in 2023 where they're breaking Down crypto and they're working to move Into all tokenization we're also going To talk about the Bitcoin having and Probably the excitement that people Think is going to happen is not going to Be that exciting this weekend but I also Want to make sure in this video that you Understand that this is a very volatile High-risk asset you got to be very very Careful my name is coach JV I work to Make the very complex macro and micro Economic strategies very simple so the Normal everyday person can Implement Them so what I do guys is I pull from The left side of the rist pyramid There's a rist pyramid on the left side It's high risk High returns which crypto Would be at the top of that pyramid I Pull profits as everybody's coming in in The bull run and I pull it down the risk Pyramid to the bottom in insurance-based Products number one I always make sure My family is insured and taken care of If something happens to me and number Two I always ensure my wealth number one

Warren Buffett don't lose money rule Number two follow rule number one so if You want to understand how I ensure my Wealth it's one part of my strategy okay It's in the description of the video Down below click the link you set up a Free consultation with my licensed Insurance team or in my social media Platform click the link on the back end Of the video I break down exactly what I Am doing in my full pattern okay so Let's dive into this okay so the first Video I want to show you this was posted By our our favorite show if you haven't Checked out good morning crypto it is The greatest crypto channel news channel In the world so this is Brad Garing House on Fox News check this Out off this morning joining me right Now exclusively is the CEO of Ripple Brad garlinghouse Brad it's great to see You great to see you again thank you so Much for being here first assess where We are in this market because crypto is Up huge in just the last couple of weeks Right well it's been up it came down a Little bit this past weekend uh but I Think if you step back you the last six Months bitcoin's up about 250% I think you're GNA continue to see Tailwinds partly because of the ETFs That have been approved which you and I Spoke about in and Davos but also the Upcoming having which is imminent yeah

It's a great it's a great point the ETF Uh introduction really broadened out the Market in terms of potential users I Think and people wanted to get in on it So they bought an ETF to do so but you L Predicted that the crypto Market will Double in size to $5 trillion by the end Of 2024 that is a big prediction just by The end of this year yeah I don't even Feel like it's that big a prediction When you step back and you know like any Market this is driven by supply and Demand you have decreasing supply for a Whole bunch of reasons the having of Bitcoin being an important one you have An increasing demand the ETF being a key Part of that uh and I think it's also People realizing that crypto plays a Role as an asset uh you know it's a$2 And a half trillion dollar market maybe It's a little less than that now but so It's basically just predicting it's Going to double by the end of the year And uh if anything I I think I probably Underpredicted that I love it I love it He's a he's a smart dude man that's why I'm bought into Ripple preo absolutely Love Ripple pre IO I'm also have xrp Quite a bit but I'm also not a Maximalist I have Bitcoin many other Cryptocurrencies and I have an exit plan Because the caveat to all of this is we Don't have clear regulation guys and It's completely unrealistic of like you

Said if the market Triples or excuse me doubles imagine the Price appreciation that's going to Happen in crypto what everybody's going To do though is they're going to try to Catch the top what goes up must come Down and then eventually it's going to Be normalized just like the.com boom Just like the autoboom we're going to End up with the big three and the top 100 cryptos that are trying to survive Through regulation The Big Three will Monopolize I believe Ripple will become A bank just my opinion Kraken will Become a bank and coin base will become A bank along with JP Morgan Wells Fargo And Bank of America that are going to Dominate the system speaking of Bank of America JP Morgan Jamie Diamond he talks About the future of money everything's Going to AI dude check this out did I Just say dude sorry love you guys me Dude the heck was that the interesting Questions I had for him is you know chat JPM will something like that exist in The future where we could ask you know I've got 30 years what should I do with My money and he said essentially yes It's already doing that we've got AI Embedded in everything it's gonna learn More and more about you will I be able To say to chat J JPM I want to get rich Quick and he was like I hope it tells You that you're crazy because that's

Just not possible Yep really quickly what can we expect This season okay that was simple I don't Even know why I showed that I sometimes I crack myself up anyways The whole point behind that is Everything's going AI tokenization Tokenized asset Market could hit 16 Trillion on public blockchains that was Uh what Brad Garling house was talking About absolutely crazy appreciation That's just wild because it's supply and Demand guys so the Bitcoin having okay That's what we're going to talk about Right now the Bitcoin having Particularly priced in with no big rally Expected afterwards deuts Bank okay so I Want to talk about that so we're talking About the Bitcoin having which I believe Is tomorrow nice uh uh April 20th what I Mean by this is guys the Bitcoin having Is just where the supply gets reduced Right that can be mined 80% of the Supply has not moved it's a risk on Risk-off asset okay um there probably Isn't going to be a big price Appreciation after it usually happens Around I think it was in 2020 it Happened you guys can correct me down Below I think it was back end of September October I just remember being Traveling it was like holy cow it just Started going straight up Bitcoin goes Straight up and then it floods the

Profits flood into alternative coins That's why I believe on the back end of The year and if they do lower interest Rates a little bit you're going to see Your assets go through the roof so what I do I'll explain to you on the back end Okay and I want to show you this again This was from 2023 July the crypto Ecosystem key elements and risk so this Actually mentions I believe this Mentions Ripple or xrp in Here uh r Ripple I think maybe not maybe It's I showed you guys a document the Other day let's see let's do this Together Ripple no this isn't the one I thought It had xrp in this one anyways nope so This is the Bank of international Settlements this is the Bank of banks Guys the bank of banks they we're Heading into cryptocurrency we're head Into blockchain we're trying to figure Out there's going to be algor Algorithmic stable coins Central Bank Digital currencies but the Infrastructure is changing and some of These cryptocurrency companies are going To be the rails of the new Financial System okay this is something I'm going To bring to your guys' attention on Monday okay this is bailin okay bank Bailin so it's my money I'm allow to Withdraw from my own bank account you Said what's the maximum limit you can

Give a withdrawal to a customer okay so I just want to give you a hint what's Coming on Monday that I'm going to Report to so people are starting to get Scared that Banks can just shut down Which banks can and bail in your money Right so a bank bail in is different Than a bailout so what happened is in 2012 they created a bank bailing Committee okay in 2023 they activated The bank bailing committee which is Interest too Jay Clayton the one that Initiate case against Ripple is now on The board for the bank bailing committee A bailing is different than a bank bail Out a bailin is when they take all the Debt they turn it into equity and they Have a bigger company buy it like JP Morgan Wells Fargo Bank of America so Regional Banks get bailed in and Monopolized by the bigger Banks right Sounds familiar like 1929 right um I Don't think you're going to lose your Money I don't I the thing that I think The the issue with tokenization and Everything being tokenized it's Programmable they can shut down your Money so that's why sorry about my phone Here that's why I have a diversification Strategy okay so I'm going to share my Diversification strategy first of all I Have an exit plan cryptocurrency to me Is a very volatile asset I became very Mature in my thinking around it it's

Unrealistic to make this much this Amount of money in this short amount of Time so I make sure that I pull profits So I make sure that my profits are Secure I'm Diversified in crypto I have Life insurance I have precious metals I Use Bitcoin as my gold I have businesses And now we're heading into real estate So I don't play just in one bucket I Have multiple buckets across there okay So I pull from the left side of resp by Using Merlin the smartest way to track Your crypto we're co-founders and Creators of Merlin okay down below you Can download it for 30 days for free try It before you buy it you can set up an Exit plan our team will help you have Online customer service and phone Customer service as well you set up an Exit plan when your targets are hit you Exit you put your money away to for Uncle Sam and then for me now I have Fiat currency sitting in there which is Fake right it's Fiat it's fugazi it's Fake money so I want to get it into Something that's secure because the Markets go up and down so I use Insurance I Ure my family and I ensure My wealth want to make it very clear as Well the 3T Warrior Academy and my Insurance company is completely separate So if you're setting up an insurance Company um the 3T War Academy has Nothing to do with that as well say just

Want to make sure two different Companies so I ensure my wealth at the Bottom of the risk pyramid it's part of My strategy right I buy more precious Metals silver and I'm really big on Business I love love entrepreneurship so I'm future proofing my businesses into 2026 through 2030 which is understanding How we're moving into AI Zoom calls all These different things we have to Innovate into technology so um I just Follow that wave of energy I'll pull Profits I 50% of my portfolio in crypto Longterm my moon bags I pull out profits Securing summon Insurance real estate Things like that okay it's it's Very foolish to me to not pull profits In this type of Bull Run in my opinion You also don't want to wait uh till the Last minute because when it when it hits The news and it's every every crypto's Exciting water's warm it's it's too late I mean you've already hit all like right Now for me it's a great time to buy in That's just my opinion I've been buying In since 200 well since 2020 then I hit The bull run I just gave you the the Pattern that I did it collapsed down I Think May 2022 and then I just been Dollar cost averaging when it did the Dips I bought more did the dips I bought More and I've been dollar cost averaging Every day all the way up until now this Is a Super Bowl I'm ready for it I'm

Prepared I'm Diversified there's no fear At all there's no emotion to it I'm not Trying to catch the top or whatever Someone's prediction is I have my own Belief system on where I think it's Going to go and then I secure my family That's really really important to me all My insurance is a long-term strategy Long-term strategy nothing I do is Short-term other than the cryptocurrency Market during the Bull Run that's it Everything else is long-term Legacy for The family so I hope that information Helps I love you guys very very much I Appreciate you and uh everything you Need is description of this videos click The video description uh you can set up There's tons of free resource for you And then in my bio you click the link All the resources are there so I love You guys I appreciate you as we always Say Warriors rise get your [ __ ] together Let's go Oh


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