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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel it has literally been years Since I have seen this many analysts Confident that the long awaited xrp Bull Run is finally at hand I'm going to Share with you some perspective here From a few analysts articulating their Some of their thoughts on this and so I'll just note this doesn't happen Frequently where I see a bunch of Analysts all at once on their own coming To the conclusion that xrp is probably About to run this has happened before Though um for anybody that was watching My channel back in 2020 for example and I think it was I'd have to look at a Chart to be sure but it may have been Like late October or the very beginning Of November and I noted hey guys I'm Seeing something I don't normally see uh A bunch of analysts that I follow Talking about xrp projecting that it is About to burst and wouldn't you know it Whether it was a few days or a week or Whatever it was uh it it started running And it it ran like it hadn't run in ages Because it had been hovering around at The time if you were there you know what It was like it was in the 20-some Cent Range like for months on end it felt Like it was never going to go never ever Ever going to go but then uh there was All all sorts of analysts saw stuff in The charts and like well uh this thing's

About to pop this bad boy is about to Pop and it did it went from I think About 20 something cents wherever it was I don't know if it's was about 25 cents Uh to in a matter of a week or two over 80 cents and I I'm pretty sure it was November of 2020 like so again all I'm all I'm Noting Is that this that's the type of Environment I'm seeing here right now Now obviously xrp at a much higher price Point than in 20120 yes lower than what It should have been had the SEC not Attacked but a much higher starting Point in 2020 no longer Shackled by the Nonsense lawsuit from the SEC on top of That so if xrp is going to go not crazy To think that we're going to see finally After over six freaking years the face Melting rally we deserve but before Going further I do want to be clear I do Not have a financial background of any Kind I am not offering Financial advice And you definitely should not buy or Sell anything because of anything I say Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys Making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun so here's a headline from The Crypt basic xrp finally breaking Six-year triangle analyst targets $33.50 And it's funny because an earlier video Of mine I was actually highlighting the

Perspective that they're talking about Right here it was from a chart analyst JD and um I don't want to go through That again it's just I just wanted to Note it it's another thing um but what What's uh happening perhaps even if you Take a look at a little bit of a shorter Time frame even over the chart action For over the last few years what what's It telling you on a longer time frame Here higher time frame well chart Analyst Leb crypto had something to say You can kind of guess which way he's Leaning even though he's technically Asking a question he says so when 2017 Style pump sir # xrp and so um you all Know I don't need to tell you you know What happened in late 2017 and early 2018 that was the biggest face melt uh Xrp rally in history and you can see What that looked like when you finally Got that huge huge leg up um right there And um uh well this part this first one Would have been uh well the first leg Technically was in March or wait March Or April I'd have again I'd have to take A take a just understand I'm speaking Roughly uh but there was a first leg up In the first half of 17 followed by uh The final blowoff top that the the let's Be real in terms of percentage that that Wasn't where the mo most of the rally Was but if you want to talk in terms of Dollars yeah that's where the face Bel

Was uh that that would have been at the End of 2017 and early 2018 and so what He's noting here because he's Recognizing this obviously doesn't all Happen in one go when it goes but he's Noting that um if you see what happened When xrp finally started running uh the First half of 2017 uh that might be the Situation we're in right now now and Mind you when that happened xrp went From about half a penny to I think about 42 cents pulling from memory here and so We just took that and he he put it over On the chart here on the left Highlighting what's happened in recent Years and showing that if you have a Similar type of action with that I mean Face M's putting it very mildly fa's put It's absolutely putting it very mildly U Quickly above a dollar and and love Crypto to be clear like he thinks that Over $20 is in the cards in fact and Then there was this post from this Morning also from Leb crypto and he e Wrote The Following uh to be honest even If I'm expecting a pullback in March I'd Like it to be a quick sharp ShakeOut Before the long awaited xrp Bull Run Charts seem to offer that possibility Here's what needs to happen as per History number one Bitcoin needs to Break all-time highs this week or next And so I will pause to say even though I Won't put a timeline on it uh the rest

Of that is something I've been saying Forever if xrp is going to hit a new All-time high Bitcoin needs to do it It's got to do it first I just I I think There's a low probability xrp hits a new All-time high if Bitcoin doesn't so I Want Bitcoin to and I think there's a Good chance that if I had to BET right Now and I could be wrong I'm betting That Bitcoin does this cycle hit a new All-time high Enterprise Discovery and Ultimately we will xrp you follow even If it's towards the end of the cycle Like historically there historic precent For that so even if so and we're going To have a c alt season that's my four Fun bet um and then he says number two Log macd two two we needs to print a Bullish crossover C chart for xrp uh IMD Lmd I'm not a Char I'm not pretending to Know what that that particular one is as Far as I'm concerned macd is the Freshest hip hop artist out there on the Scene today uh number three Bitcoin D Which is dominance uh needs to tank in Favor of large cap alt rally And that's always what you see it every Single cycle right if you're going to Have an H season what has to happen in Fact even if bitcoin price is climbing Uh you can see dominance go down as long As you see alt take off in more dramatic Fashion there's absolutely historic Precedent for that and then he says this

Idea would align with a short bull cycle Where Bitcoin top sometime this year $100,000 plus could March 2024 be the New March 17 now it's interesting that He's saying that because I've Highlighted obviously credible crypto For years on end he's been positing this Idea of this lengthen cycle and actually My last video I was talking about ideas From teev and also uh former Goldman Sachs executive R Paul uh they they Think that what's actually Driving Bitcoin Cycles is a greater Liquidity cycle the balance sheets of Central banks and that's actually Slightly less than than four years um And so that's actually why it doesn't Line up up perfectly with the the having That's their Theory anyway so um for him To be saying perhaps you're seeing you Know something you know a top this year Well that would be in line with those Types of thoughts and that would Definitely think to destroy the Narrative that I mean I already think That the Bitcoin having narratives Destroyed but that would further destroy It right that that's all I'm saying and Then there was this post from chart Analyst dark Defender he wrote above 6,649 show Starts Now what might that Mean well if you're in the xrp community And you follow him then you know what he Actually means he's talking about xrp

When he writes above 6,649 he's actually talking about xrp Above 66.4 n c he says when that happens That's when the real fireworks begin and We are at this point where I mean who Knows by the time I get this published Maybe that's already happening um Oregon You know life happens fast and crypto Maybe it the whole Market's in complete And utter Devastation because you you Are going to see just to be clear you're Going to see m massive pullbacks along The way that's That's that I I've never seen a cycle Where that isn't the case like you Should absolutely see some massive Corrections even in tremendous bull Rallies there's precedent for it to be You know over 15% 20% over 30% yes that Has happened it would be kind of weird If that didn't happen but even if so I'm Not gonna I will not be the least bit Afraid uh then there was this post from Dark Defender says today is March 1st so I got one from yesterday and one today From so this is the one from yesterday Today is March 1st and xrp closed the Monthly by breaking the orange we target 64.6 2 cents today and hit 62.5 cents but this is insufficient macd Is bullish to continue towards ichimoku Clouds and I'm pretty sure ichimoku is One of those Pokemon guys uh targeting The number one I'm sorry the number one

The $1 first and then $188 as the Fibonacci level I think Fibonacci I'm pretty sure that's a Really fine Italian restaurant where you Get free bread sticks um and then he Writes xrp will bend the spoon above $188 so that was yesterday then today You get this we target 64.6 cents to happen on March 1st xrp Hit 64 cents on March 2nd which is March 1st in the United States and bounced Back from our Fibonacci level uh Target 77.7 cents in a couple of days $1 will Follow so he thinks that quickly and and Again of course there's historic Precedent for that too within the next Couple days potentially you're talking About going from the level we are at With xrp now to 77 cents and so like I've been saying even at the the most Recent lows of xrp I understand lots of People bitching up a storm lots of noisy Uh noisy people out there it seems Impossible until suddenly one day it Happens and then it's no longer Impossible and then in hind say of Course it got of course it was always Going to happen all right of course That's that's when the sentiment Changes it's coming Folks I'd be shocked if we didn't see That Happen so anyway hope as usual I hope That you guys are feeling uh pretty

Happy and confident out there because That's what I think makes the most Logical sense it's going to it's just a Matter of time let me know what you Think in the comments section below Though are you going to be uh heading Over to Fibonacci for the endless bread Sticks tonight maybe get some chicken Parmesan or maybe some spaghetti with Meat ball I'm not a financial adviser You should not buy or sell anything Because of anything I say or right that Would be a very very very bad idea until Next time to the Moon Lambo


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