Ripple/XRP-Why Ripple Goes To Supreme Court?, Bitcoin Halvening Complete,XRP Fakeout Or Breakout?

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Welcome back to the show check out these Headlines having for Bitcoin is complete Ladies and gentlemen what could it mean We're going to talk about it uh Bitcoin Replaces e ETF oh well you know what You're going to want all of that I'm Going to save that for inside that's Bitcoin to ETFs I think we've got Something to look at when it comes to These Bitcoin ETFs and the eth network Is in trouble and it's getting bigger Ladies and gentlemen however Ripple is Prepping for the mass adoption from Commercial use to Banks and financial Institutions we got that and so much More somebody roll that beautiful Intro digital perspectives with Brad KS Come on In welcome back to the show you can Follow us on Twitter Youtube and dig Prospective decom for exclusive content Right now $2.45 trillion market cap for Crypto the market is off by 1.2% 63,9 Plus for Bitcoin 3,000 slightly Over for ethereum $19.4 billion market cap for USD tether At the moment number eight spot is xrp Which is up to 51 cents right now we're Up 3.3 on the 24 but we're still off by 5.3 on the 7day we'll keep an eye on it As we move forward range of price very Quickly is between 50 53 cents so maybe Xrp wants to go for a jog this weekend We got some charts you're going to

Absolutely love before we get out of Here and let me tell you something xrp Las Vegas ladies and gentlemen it is 12 Days away and I don't mind telling you That the VIP has sold out you can still Book a room on site and walk from your Beautiful room right to the conference It is that amazing at that facility the Restaurants the entertainment it is Remark able get your tickets today and Don't forget join the freedom Zone Ladies and gentlemen and get your Discount for the private dinner with Brad Garling house that's right and help The digital chamber fundraise so we can Stop people like Elizabeth Warren and Get John Deon in Massachusetts so we can Stop the crypto ban that's what we're Talking about get your ticket today when Are you going to have the opportunity to Be in a room with the people that are Going to this conference and going to Participate at this conference it's Probably never going to be possible to Get these same people to align on the Same day ever again and it is a Remarkable experience not to mention the Fact that listen when it comes right Down to it the tickets are going up April 25th that's what's happening in five Days the tickets are going up if you Want to come I want you to get your Ticket now because we could run out of

Room there are other events happening at The facility and we want to get as many Of you there as possible because this is Going to be a remarkable opportunity Don't miss it and don't forget fruition Fruition that is putting out fruition Productions that is putting out xrp Unleash documentary will be there on Stage to show an exclusive trailer of Exactly what's going on like a mini Viewing of the docu series as well as You will have the opportunity to Participate in that documentary so they Will be filming and they will be on site And you will be able to participate in That and have an opportunity to be in The film look at this this is Jamie Diamond says Bitcoin is a fraud he says Listen just listen to this clip real Quick Crypto if you mean crypto like Bitcoin I've always said it's a fraud uh there Are so no hope for it well if it's if They think they're a currency there's no Hope for it that's right and there you Have it right and that's why it has been Adopted as spot Bitcoin ETFs they have Futures obviously too but Wall Street is Coming in and bringing their clients and Their money to acquire this asset and Make it an investment product that's What they're Doing that's what they're doing and Meanwhile last night the having is

Officially complete let the crypto games Begin I say only this time big Institutional money will be coming along For the ride too things are going to be Very different over the next few years I Believe then sprinkle in this this from The OG Bank xrp it can be said with Confidence the SEC is investigating Ethereum consensus Bill Hughes talked to Crypto law well it's about damn Time then there's this over half of the Erc20 token listings had serial Insider Traders Involved combating Market Abuse with Sidious Labs Global Blockchain Business Council we're going To hear more from them in a second too But I say thank goodness there's a Bridge to The xrp Ledger apparently There's a lot of erc20 frauds on Ethereum gee who knew oh that's right we All Knew we're waiting for the world to Catch up I'll tell you what you listen To this right here and you will like This clip the modern investor says it And reminds us all what we've known About the ethereum network and although They're suggesting they're being Investigated for being a security Because of the nature of switching from Proof of work to now proof of stake we Know the real issue is that initial coin Offering that bill Henman decided to

Overlook take a listen um her name is Ali Martinez the person who found this Information it says Ali Mar marz's Findings are based on data provided by Onchain data platform known as santiment The people who look through the chain Here we go according to the information The top 200 ethereum wallet addresses 200 200 wallets 200 wallets 8 billion People on the planet 200 wallets hold 48.2 million ether And that was in November of 2022 but Listen they currently hold 200 wallets 8 Billion people 200 wallets now hold 62.7 six million ether does that number Sound familiar to anyone does that make Sense to anyone out there it sure does And the point is not lost on any of us Over here modern investor shout out to You and all you do uh yeah 200 wallets 8 Billion people he's trying to get people To understand the contrast that is not Decentralization controlling more than Half of the circulating supply of Ethereum and the secc doesn't want to go After that point because they know William Henman is going to be even more Found out and anyone else who Participated in facilitating that I Consider to be unlawful speech and free Pass that he decided to give to a Specific entity in Technology while suppressing the rest of The market and then those 200

Wallets benefited not the 8 billion People because it's not Decentralized this is going to be Something to watch well this is why You're not supposed to cheat cut corners And take the high road and do things the Right Way cuz it's some point it's all going To come home to roost and now they got a Real mess of It speaking of a real Mass rate here Shout out to James Metal Man Murphy who Will be on stage at xrp Las Vegas Interviewing John Deon the senatorial Candidate for Massachusetts who will be The next Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Can start Packing important deadline in SEC versus Coinbase anyone interested did in filing An amus brief in support of coinbase's Motion for interlocutory appeal must do So by April 26 2024 will industry Associations members of Congress and Underlying project leaders step up Before it's to late you have six Days this is for all the marbles Permission to appeal to the second Circuit the question of whether tokens Traded on the secondary Market are in Fact Securities or not Well it will not come to you as a Surprise that John Deon has filed an Amus Brief this is why I'm encouraging the

Good people of Massachusetts to Understand he is the only Choice Elizabeth Warren is bought and Paid for by the big banks in special Interest she's trying to drive down Innovation and put us all under control Of a Federal Reserve issued Central Bank digital currency because The woman practices leninism not American Patriotism and it should disgust each And every one of Us I only wish that all of us could help Pull the lever in massachusett to send Her ass home but you know what at the End of the day it's going to require all Of us to help sound the alarm and really Show the side of Senator Warren to the good people of Massachusetts so they really understand What it is they're getting when they get John Deon it's a real leader and we all Know it and don't forget there's more Credence to all of these attacks that They continue to go after the different Types of business model structures Andor Technologies this is where we're at They've decided in the United States to Let the courts work it out And then they will craft legislation Based off of legal precedent that's what They've Decided yes they could have done a One-pager and introduce a Safe Harbor

From the SEC but no that isn't how They've decided to do It so the stage is getting set because Now USD tether we know have uh decided Last year late last year well you know What we're going to restructure what We're doing at Tether is that a fact now is that their Recommendation or the Secret Service and The FBI that they brought in to help get Them in Line then this is the Gbbc which is the global blockchain Business Council as M most of you may Know but they're talking about the UCC Private law Rules which this is basically the state Level and I'm going to give you one Minute of this and you're going to find Out that everybody inside the financial System is preparing and changing their Rules and laws and bylaws to be able to Accept digital assets I'm not going to Play this whole thing you know again the Uccc only provides private law rules These rules only apply to transactions Between private parties such as sales And secured transactions uccc has no Impact on some of our favorite uh Three-letter four-lettered uh agencies Such as the SEC cftc and finsen Um which obviously are very uh popular Here in in the district so you know no Bearing on federal at all it's all about

The states uh perspective from a Commercial uh perspective so what I what We like to say in our group of folks is The states are the Laboratories of Democracy and uh certainly you can see That happening right now because with The UCC amendments the 2022 amendments It's happening state by state it's Didn't happen all at once and and states Are discovering why it's important and It's very interesting to see how that Works so the U uh the uccc 2022 Amendments cover a broad range of issues But primary aim is to provide clear and Efficient rules for transactions Evolving digital assets such as Bitcoins And nfts it goes on to talk about cbdc Stable coins and other digital assets Look the why are are they changing and Getting these rules right on the state Level because we know that stable coin Legislation's just been introduced Everyone's getting on the same page and There's many different layers and tiers Of laws federal state bylaws rules Ethics all of the it all has to be Changed to Amend the incorporation of digital Assets albe it from cbdcs to stable Coins to xrp to you name it Bitcoin That's what's Coming here's another look Smoke Dog and By the way this here Mr Man give him a Follow there's a symbol right there make

Sure you give that guy a follow he's Crushing it and so's this guy Smoke Dog Right here clear break down to exactly How fed now connects to interledger Protocol and Xrp fed now fedline tcpip based Network Messaging system for 10,000 Banks Interledger protocol and xrp Front Runners to be TCP IP equivalent in Fintech let's take a look real quick fed Now will run on fed's fed line and IP Based Network and messaging system that Currently provides payment information To services and to more than 10,000 Financial organizations not a not a bad Number tcpip Internet Protocol here Fedline Advantage subscribers that's What they're using right like everybody Else the Federal Reserve Banks cannot Provide any setup or configuration Assistance to troubleshoot network Access it goes on in this here to lay Out we now use all all we now all use One network protocol which is tcpip only One is required uh using only one makes Complete sense and it says uh personally I believe the same applies to digital Assets and it goes on to make the point Here interledger and xrp are the Front Runners to be the Tcpip equivalent in the world of fintech No one can compete with the xrp Ledger Technical spec or performance of the Consensus algorithm and I think that

Really does say it you know that really Does saying and transporting data across A network of computers the intellgent Protocol found a way to standardize Packetize and transport Manu across Different places where you start money We and that's exactly why uh ILP is Being looked at as like the TCP IP uh For the internet we use today and the Addition of the interledger protocol Could be just like the TCP IP only it'll Help move value uh just the way people Move emails this I believe is the next Step you know this we've been look the Internet came on from the top down Military and governments used it first And they were using tcpip first and it Was referred to as the Intranet right and then when the Grassroots bottom up got involved that's When it became the internet and Everybody had a computer in their home And then search engines became a thing Right all of it I remember watching it All Happen but now with this technology We've been Grassroots first we haven't Seen the governments adopt it from the Top down first so this is where it gets Interesting and that's why I think Stable coin legislation is so important Because I believe just like the Telecommunications Act was important for The internet in

1996 way I understand what's going on Here is we're very close to seeing Governments and militaries adopt Protocols like the IL P that's what I Believe we're close To and when we do that's when all the Money comes In and how do you move all that money Around well you move it around with Instruments like cbdcs and stable coins Then you use a bridge to move all of That around where Applicable shout out to Baba cugs I get To meet this guy and so the rest of us At xrp Las Vegas and I'm super excited To do so but he found on this old post From 2020 and we went to swell in 2019 Towards the end of 2019 and if you remember in October of 2019 is when David Schwarz had announced You could uh launch stable coins off The Xrp Ledger now going back in hindsight What none of us knew at the time is that Not too long after that the SEC Delivered a Wells notice to Ripple and Course we find all of this out in Hindsight right but then uh it was makes No makes perfect sense to me why they Did Not go forward and launch stable coins Knowing that you had a Wells notice Which turned into a multi multi-year Lawsuit why would you want to launch a Stable coin in the middle of all of

That but Baba cug says Here this is a post from digital Perspectives in 2020 when he was invited To swell do you notice anything xrp or XR or stable coin off xrp what does this Tell you you can call us crazy for Things thinking things are planned in Advance yet this is proof Ripple doesn't Introduce a stable coin in 2024 when They're talking about it in 2020 unless Ripple future is okay do you know what This means congratulations you win it's All done this is a flywheel is 100% in Motion to come true game over Checkmate And look and here's what I'll say to This because I appreciate Baba cug Sharing the uh diagram there we can't Always know how things will turn out but Understanding today that Ripple will Launch a stable coin on ethereum's Network and xrp I'm feeling good about Where this is going there is no right or Wrong in speculative investing there is Just what happened Ripple launching a Stable coin on the ethereum and xrp Ledger that is what is happening I love Being a speculative investor and I don't Need to be right about this and I Appreciate Baba celebrating this diagram Here but it is what is comfortable to Understand about this is that from 2020 And looking at this and saying years Before we could four years ago and even Earlier we were discussing this and by

The way I made this document using I'll Never forget because Mrs backup watched Me and goes what are you doing and I was Using Lids to frying pans to lay out These beautiful circles and this one That's not so beautiful actually slipped In my hand because it was the largest Lid and I didn't have enough pressure on It while I was making it so there's the There's the dirty little secret behind My fancy diagram is not so fancy right But nevertheless looking at this from Four years ago I'm feeling comfortable Knowing that look as a retail investor And a speculative investor we can't know Everything but we were damn close in Understanding it and I think knowing now Today that we were understanding that it Could be xrp could be a stable coin or Have an stable coin launched off of xrp Which is really The xrp Ledger it should Say Um as we know today and that that makes Me confident that you know we don't need To know every little dirty detail but as Long as we find out by looking back down The road that hey that mattered and it Still matters today and you know what it Does and it matters even more today Understanding what we Know that's why I want to recap this Very Quickly Ripple's customer base 95% Outside the US the US government appears

To be targeting USD tether Ripple to Launch a stable coin this year in 2024 Ripple join fed now in 2023 everyone says the US is behind but If the US government adopts a value Protocol like The xrp Ledger or ILP with the new USD stable coin on The Xrp Ledger and ethereum network or Declares Ripple a bank or systemically Important wouldn't that mean Ripple is The link between 95% of the rest of the World which is not quite accurate 95% of Their customers are outside the United States right but that doesn't mean they Have 95% of the rest of the world However they do have Plus 90 or 95% of All the payout markets and FX pairings I Have heard Ripple say that so you get The Salient Point here even though they Don't have a 95% of the rest of the World in as their customer base that I'm Aware of still have a large part of Their customer bases around the rest of The world and what's missing piece the Puzzle could be this link between Ripple And the rest of their customers outside Of the US and how very quickly the United States could move to the pole Position of this fourth Industrial Revolution Ripple isn't just a great Company in my opinion it is the United States solution for this new multi-polar Multi-asset world we are moving toward That's why so many US Treasury officials

Come through the Ripple camp in short Ripple and the XR r p Ledger are the Missing link that joins the world Together in this new Financial system I Wholeheartedly believe that and I don't Need anyone else to I'm just sharing my Digital perspectives it's not Financial Advice will Ripple Go the Distance I Believe that they will ladies and Gentlemen I believe this goes to the Supreme Court and I'd love for it to Settle and I'd love to be wrong take a Listen and then another Cas say okay we Think this one's clear like the Government should not be picking winners And losers amen so as we talk about this Litigation do you think if there is an Appeal in your case or in in one of the Other cases we've talked about that Ultimately this ends up with the Supreme Court that this goes all the way to the Top I think that definitely could happen I mean certainly and we've said this Publicly we are in it till the end so You'd take it to Scot 100% by the way I Again there's a lot of lawyers in this Room that is a good thing I mean the Current Supreme Court I uh I would we'd Love to see the Vegas odds on how that Would go and then There well I love Brad's confidence I do And you know what it's important to Remember that judge Torres ruled on July What was it my memory is it July 13th or

Whatever it was correct me if I'm wrong 2023 but whatever that day was back in July there what do we know I'll tell you What we know we know that judge Torres Clearly said that xrp in and of itself Is not a security so so far we know what It isn't going to the Supreme Court may Tell us exactly what it is and that's Why it may be necessary legal Finality legal Clarity isn't what you Just are not it needs to also be what You are and I have personally believed For a very long time xrp is Money and this is what it looks like When you're introducing a brand new Bridge currency to the world for the First time in Mankind that is not a fiat currency Serving as a world Reserve currency That's how big this is and that's why it Takes the time that it takes because you Can't do this and get it wrong you got To do this and you get one chance to get It Right and for everybody looking at the Charts xrp fake out or no fake out I Love the way he names his charts but I'm I'm gonna put a new name on this one I'm Gonna call this one xrp fake out or xrp Breakout come on in egg R Krypto we love This guy's work look uh I'm super Excited because I know that these charts Are showing us that very soon we're Going to find out what what kind of

Rhyme or repeat these charts are going To make in xrp's world and I can't wait To see it and I'm so glad I'm on the Journey with you $120 60 it all seems to Be on the horizon looking at another Image here of a more macro chart here uh You can see where the setup is and we Could be right here if we're mimicking That 2017 2018 Bull Run remember it was April May time frame when it's started To move and then June it really got a Pop and then it pulled back went Sideways a little bit and then we had The big pop towards the end of the year Which really took us into 2018 if you Remember I remember watching all of this It was super exciting and my bags were Not packed and I was scared to death I Was going to miss the Rocket Ride Altogether but as it turns out the Luckiest thing happened to me that could Have ever happened to me which is that What I didn't want to happen is Bittersweet right see the company Ripple Get sued over Xrp gave me the time I needed to build a Portfolio that I could have never even Dreamed Of and as hard as it is to wait for all Of this to be Over I could never never have done or Accomplished what I've been able to Accomplish as an investor if it wasn't For this very bitter bitter case not

Financial advice to me or anyone else Ladies and gentlemen we're going into The freedom Zone and my oh my oh my have We got it for you ladies and gentlemen What's wrong with this world well we got Somebody to tell you oh boy how things Have gotten so far Skewed and we're going to tear it apart Here inside the freedom Zone and you're Going to want it it's a great way to Support the channel for almost next to Nothing you want every bit of this I Know you do come on in and join the Freedom Zone you are going to love it Not Financial advice of me or anyone Else come on In all right welcome back everybody well This one's a bomb show you're going to Love it this is going to hit you right


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