XRP Recognized As A STABLECOIN By World Bank, Former Ripple Executive REPORTS

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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel here's a headline from coin Pedia xrp recognized as stable coin by The World Bank claims former Ripple Director that's right a former Ripple Employee says that the World Bank has Recognized xrp as a stable coin and you Know what this is true this actually Happened yeah it is real now of course There's more to it than you would think On the surface but um the reason I want To highlight this is because I've Probably seen close to a dozen crypto Media Outlets covering this story and I Haven't found one of them that Understands what led to this that Understands why this former Ripple Employee is citing this but I know Because I have a memory and I've been Covering xrp related stuff for over half A decade and I know exactly where this Came from and why it's being discussed So I want to clear it up because you Might have seen this headline if you Check out various crypto media Outlets Again it's all over the place um and Then there's also uh this story and this Is incredibly Fascinating from the Crypt basic Deon is Considering running against Senator Elizabeth Warren that's right John Deon For United State Senate I kid you not This I would love to see oh my God yes I Would love to see this but before going

Any further I do want to be clear I do Not have a financial background of any Kind I am not offering Financial advice And you definitely should not buy Ourself anything because of anything I Say or right I'm just an Enthusiast who Enjoy making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun okay so end of this first Story but if you're if you don't know Where I'm going with this I'll just tell You it's not what you're going to think It's not what you would guess right Piece reads as follows in a recent Twitter exchange initiated by Ripple Supporter Wrath of Conoman the debate around xrp's role in The stable coin ecosystem gained Momentum former Ripple director Sean McBride joined in offering insights and Shedding light on the world bank's Classification of xrp as a stable coin So is xrp about to transform into a Stable coin Powerhouse or is there Another play in Ripple's Playbook let's Explore McBride expressed belief in Xrp's utility and revealed the World Bank sees it as a stable coin hinting at A possible shift from its current status As a US pegged cryptocurrency By Ripple so let me just go straight to The source I don't need to literally Read the whole article but here was the Post from Wrath of Conan that they were

Referencing and this post was from Yesterday at what point does Ripple Issue their own stable coin do the Custody Acquisitions suggest it use it In automated Market maker liquidity Pools put it on exchanges with much Greater etation and compliance than usdt Usdc maybe too much Capital outlay the Amm is awesome but who will fill Liquidity pools and hey you know what Fair enough question uh if Ripple ever Thought it would make business sense for Them to do so then I I imagine that they Would of course that's a whole different Animal and also note that uh Ripple has Been pushing obviously for governments To use The xrp Ledger as a template for Central Bank digital currency so would Be a separate blockchain uh but there Are also instances where um at least one Nation member P out um I haven't checked On that one in a while actually I don't Know for sure what the status is but They were moving forward U at least with A pilot uh to to actually have a stable Coin issued by that government on The Xrp Ledger so it's it's not that there's Nothing going on in that realm it's just A question of does Ripple need it for Their own purposes to what end would it Be helpful and so fair enough question Anyway but here you have former Ripple Director Sean McBride and he wrote back To Wrath of Conan and said Ripple has

Tons of capital I'm super interested in Your thoughts here though why move away From xrp and its utility with progress Being made and many including the World Bank already classifying xrp as a stable Coin thank you for all your research and Insight it's truly Appreciated and rth of conman wrote back And said thanks I wasn't thinking of a Move away from xrp so much as a Liquidity generator for it via the amm Automated Market maker so many reports Note xrp volatility as a drawback for Payments I don't see it that way but Wonder if a fully regulated stable Co Coin uh could draw that liquidity to The Ledger yeah so a couple things on on That point um as far as the volatility That's correct it doesn't matter because The transactions are so quick if you're Just bridging something with xrp the Price of xrp functionally does not Matter there's less volatility with that Than um going through you know Legacy Finance the the existing correspondent Banking system converting from one fiat Currency to another with there's just a You know just a a CH a chain of Bilateral banking Transactions and you you know if you're Considering that given that it takes a Number of days the volatility is Actually much worse with Fiat currencies It actually is there's there like Ripple

Did a report on this several years or so Ago and I've referenced it from time to Time over there so it is true I'm not Worried about I don't think that's Particularly problem but again Sean McBride here said World Bank classified Xrp as a stable coin now of course That's what's going to have a lot of People scratching their heads and and None of these articles that I've seen so Far anyway address that like wait a Minute where's the proof because it is True they actually they actually did Make this claim but where's the proof of That and how so well that's what takes Us to this document Central Bank digital Currencies for crossborder payments from November of 2021 I remember covering This years ago I covered this when this Came out and I highlighted how stupid This is this is wrong so yes they did Write this this is a document from World Bank and they don't know what the hell They're talking About they're writing about highly Consequential and technical things and They do not know what in the everloving Hell they're talking about that's that's The bottom line so I'll show you exactly Where this came from but that's what I Was saying at the outset this it Wouldn't be what you think it is yes the World Bank did claim that xrp is a Stable coin but they're wrong and it is

Not a stable coin uh is typically backed By something look at like tether for Example it's allegedly backed anyway and It's always worth the same price whereas Xrp is backed by nothing and has an open Market price that floats freely it can't Be be both a stable coin and have an Open market price that go jumps around All over the place either it's backed by Something or it's not and xrp is not This is this is a non-seer this Literally makes no sense but this is What they wrote and this is the part That's relevant right here they wrote Stable coin refers to a class of digital Currencies that are relatively stable in Terms of their price stable coins offer Instantaneous processing and security of Payments as many cryptocurrencies do They also offer stability with respect To their parody against Fiat currencies Two digital currencies that fall into This category are Ripple Net's native Digital currency Ripple xrp and Stellar Network's native cryptocurrency the Stellar Lumen xlm both Ripple and Stellar enable faster and more efficient Crossb payments relative to Correspondent banking however they Differ in that the former aims at Improving crossb settlement between International Banks whereas the latter Aims at providing lowcost crossborder Payment Financial Services to end users

And the unbanked population so you know What's perhaps most interesting to me Because I already knew about this and Maybe some of you this is ringing a bell If you're around back in in 2021 um but I RI this a shreds back then And I don't want to spend a bunch of Time on it but obviously it just is Wrong what's actually more fascinating To me is that that a former Ripple Director didn't dispute that the World Bank made this claim because this is Bogus nonsense it's clearly not true the Yes the World Bank claimed it he was Right in asserting that but why is he Even referencing that since it's Complete utter nonsense that's what I'm Curious about that's the Curious part to Me so anyway if you've seen this being Discussed and I'm sure a lot of you have Seen this being discussed that's why That's where it came from but none of The outlets knew uh What uh what Sean McBride was talking about and I Instantly so I had to go hunt this thing Down but there it Is it's stupid St t l l p i d stupid a Of band not to the next story Deon Is considering running against Senator Elizabeth Warren who by the way a fun Fact is the worst United States Senator That there ever has been or ever will be Pro xrp Attorney John Deon is Considering running as a republican

Against anti- crypto Senator Elizabeth Warren in this year's us US Senate Election two Republican insiders Familiar with deon's plan including Jim Conroy revealed the information to the Boston Globe yesterday Conroy who has Been Consulting with Deon confirmed Yesterday that the pro xrp lawyer will Decide in the coming days whether to Challenge Senator Warren in the upcoming State election now folks Elizabeth Warren I don't care if you are on the Left politically or right politically That's that's not why that's not what Matters For the purpose of this this is a Non-political channel the only time that I will talk about anything having to do With politics is when it has to do with Finance and or crypto but that means That the politicians are Tipton into my World you know I'm not jumping into Their world of politics they're they're Creeping on me if they're talking about Crypto and stuff and any sort of Regulation having to do with it but Other than that not talking politics I Have no interest in I never will be Preaching Politics on this channel Period so I don't care if you're on the Left if you're on the right fantastic we Have some commonality here at a minimum With crypto and xrp pretty cool right so Let's just leave it at that mostly but

My God she is awful absolutely awful for Crypto disgustingly awful if she if she Could magically have her way at the snap Of a finger she would just make crypto Go away and then you just wouldn't have Your opportunity at life-changing wealth These people need to be voted out and Look I've said before I'm not a one isue Voter but this is something that will Weigh heavily for me because it's highly Consequential for my actual net worth And yours and so vote whatever way you Want but I'm just telling you the the B Existing Administration the Biden Administration way worse against crypto Than what we saw under the previous Administration so just know what you're Voting for as it pertains to crypto if You want to go that way that's your That's your call I I'm just saying just Know that you are voting against your Own financial interest as it Specifically pertains to crypto we've Seen evidence for that for years now Under this Administration and it's I Mean look at Kim Jan ginzler my God and Yes I know Jay Clayton was under Trump But my God it got even worse somehow Like What it's ridiculous and so um John Deon You know he's talked about this idea of Uh of going up against uh Elizabeth Warren but he wasn't living in the right State so how does how does this come to

Pass well let me go a little bit further Because you're going to find this super Duper Interesting notably the race for who Would become the next Massachusetts Senator has been relatively dull since Warren announced her Rel ction bid last Year last month Politico reported that No prominent figure from the Republican Party has been able to accept the Challenge of unseating Warren who has Been Massachusetts senator for over a decade However this could change soon if Deon Enters the race as he could become a Major threat to Senator Warren's Reelection plans prior to the Boston Report famous Fox Business journalist Elanar terret recently disclosed that She believes a battle is brewing after Attorney Deon changed his address on Meta formerly Facebook that's kind of Interesting isn't it the screenshot Shared by terret showed that Deon has Moved to Swansea a town in Bristol County in Southeastern Massachusett in addition terret Recounted deon's remark during his Latest crypto law livecast saying he Would quote be going to where the fight Is needed the most end quote so there You go interesting Massachusetts Um I'm just saying he would John Deon

Months ago I actually highlighted it at The time he was kind of lamenting the Fact that he wasn't living in the right State to run against her but now he is And so here you can see eler terret Posted my Spidey senses tell me there's A battle Brewing John Deon says in his Latest crypto La us video quote I'm a Marine I'm going to where the fight is Needed the most end quote and this Ro Island lawyer has changed his address to Massachusetts now John Deon responded to That and I like this response check this Out not sure what you're getting at Ellie and then he had a little laughy Emoji so obviously he's well aware of What she's getting at so that he can run Against Elizabeth Warden and then he Said but for the record in addition to Living in Swansea Massachusetts I've Been a Massachusetts lawyer for 23 years Representing Massachusetts as bestos Victims against corporations and Insurance companies I've lived in Roxbury uh East Boston and Malden and I graduated law school at New England School of Law in Boston I signed My enlistment papers for the USMC in Boston and was selected by the Marines To represent the Commonwealth of Massachusetts over students at Harvard BC Buu and Suffolk law schools I Couldn't afford Harvard but I did beat Out a Harvard

Applicant my second daughter is a senior At University of Massachusetts Amherst In addition to representing Massachusetts Mis misela victims for Over two decades I represent 627 xrp Holders in Massachusetts against the Sec's gross overreach as Amicus Council In the SEC V Ripple case as well as Massachusetts coinbase customers in secv Coinbase my business loan is with a Massachusetts bank and the list goes on Regarding my connection to Massachusetts Yeah so no doubt should he choose to do This Um I don't think it's going to be a Problem that he just moved to Massachusetts because he's so tied to it Obviously and again is a Massachusetts Lawyer and has been for 23 years so I Don't think that would be an issue when It comes to the vo but my God if he Brings the fight to Elizabeth waren oh My God that would be fantastic if if Elizabeth War could actually be Ousted my God cuz she she's a disaster For crypto she just is and I'll speak Out I don't care if if if a Ians on the Left or the right any politician that is Trying to ruin crypto and our Opportunity for lifechanging wealth I Speak out against them I have I always Have I always will for me it's not about Uh whether it's left or right it's just

If they have a crap policy as it Pertains to crypto I'm going to push Back against it as we all should because They're wrong and they're harming their Constituents so we'll see what happens Here but pretty cool stuff Right I'm not a financial advisor you Should not buy yourself anything because Of anything I say or right that would be A very very very bad idea until next Time to the Moon Lambo


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