Ripple/XRP-Vanguard, CEO/BlackRock-Larry Fink-Will You Do An XRP/ETF?, XRP $1.20 Incoming

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Welcome back to the show everybody check Out these headlines we may be soon Sitting over a dollar for xrp we're Going to take a look at it and let me Tell you what else Larry think the CEO From Black Rock is asked by Fox Business News what about an xrp ETF you're going To want to hear his answer we got that And so much more somebody roll that Beautiful Intro digital perspectives with Brad KES Come on In welcome back to the show you can Follow us on Twitter and YouTube for Exclusive content right now it's 1.76 Trillion market cap for crypto the Market is off by 4.9% right now remember This Market doesn't belong to us anymore Ladies and gentlemen this Market belongs To Wall Street that's where we're at Today 427 00 Plus for Bitcoin 2,500 Plus For ethereum tether market cap now is 95 Billion plus xrp at the number six spot 57 cents off by 4% the 24 hour up 1.3 on The 7 day the range of price right now 56 cents on the bottom 60 cents on the Top we're keeping an eye on it it's got Quite a range you're going to like the Chart before we get out of here today Ladies and gentlemen I want to remind You about the future of digital asset Fundraiser that is taking place during Ing xrp Las Vegas and they have just Changed the individual ticket price to

An early bird special oh my oh my the Guest of honor on Friday night will be Brad garlinghouse John Deon Michael Arington and The Honorable Christian Carlo you can be in the room and meet All of these gentlemen break bread have A little dinner fireside chat the whole Bit one onone want experience right here Get your ticket I tell you this is going To be an incredible incredible Experience here and if you have never Had a chance to meet Brad I tell you you Will not be disappointed this is one of The most downto Earth coolest guys You're ever going to meet super smart as We all know and everybody else is as Well you're going to absolutely love it And Chris too I I mean I can't say Enough about all these gentlemen so Definitely click the link get that early Bird ticket because you're going to be Able to be in a room with all of these Gentlemen break bread talk it's going to Be an incredible incredible hang what a Night that's going to be the link is on The website for the digital asset Fundraiser and get your ticket to xrp Las Vegas here we have right here it is The numbers that are in for the ETF Inflows bitwise 237 million Fidelity 227 Million Black Rock 111 million Arc 65 Million yeah that's the kind of day it Was yeah and then there's this we all Know the breaking news Vanguard comes

Out and says they're to remove Bitcoin Futures ETF along with not even thinking About offering the spot ETF from its Platform immediately this from axios Eleanor terret says wowza Vanguard Doubling down on that anti- crypto Business strategy in addition to spot Bitcoin ETFs not being available for Purchase on the Vanguard platform listen To this effective immediately Vanguard Will no longer accept the purchase of Cryptocurrency products including Bitcoin Futures ETFs see now the Futures ETS or Bitcoin have been out and now They're eliminating that along with the Idea of moving into these new spot Bitcoin ETFs that's how hard Vanguard is Going here and let's take a listen here To Eric balunis who gives his take on Why Vanguard is taking this approach and Bogle who uh first of all Vanguard and Bogle have differed over the years but Listen to this strategy from Bogle and How he's not a Commodities guy and it's Not so much specifically Target at Bitcoin says Eric buunis take a listen a Book on Bogle and Vanguard over the past Two years and works with them a lot this Is not a surprise now Vanguard and Bogle Have different over the years bogle's DNA is strong at Vanguard but they've Done some things like they've gone into Private Equity Bogle would never do that But Bogle did not like Bitcoin his exact

Quote was avoid Bitcoin like the plague Did I make myself clear and the Reasoning is this and this is something That I think coiners or people in this Industry have to really like you know Understand is that stocks and bonds the Money works for you like as stocks Everybody gets up creates value value Gets passed on to you via cash flow it's Not just the price and bonds have a Coupon that you get the commodity like Bitcoin is only worth what someone else Will pay and Bogle did not like Commodities in general so it's not Personal I even think some of the Populist Bitcoin spirit is consistent With bogle's populism there are some Overlap Bogle did not like Wall Street Fat cats and seems like there's a lot of Overlap there but in terms of an Investment he didn't like that it was a Commodity so I'm not surprised Vanguard Is doing that for philosophical reasons The rest of them these are platforms That I don't say it's pay to playay but It's almost like shelf space in like a Food store and they kind of be like well I'm not putting your salad dressing on The food store certainly not on day one And what are you going to give me and That's how the wirehouses work so no ETF Gets up on there on day one that's for Of Normal so there you have that so you

Know it's quite interesting to hear that Take on it and how Eric's trying to tell People look you know don't don't from a Maxi angle think this is specifically About Bitcoin where it's more about Commodities in general so that is it is Something to note right it's something To note so is this Jenny Johnson from Franklin Templeton listen to what she Says here as Bitcoin is the greatest Distraction from the greatest disruption That is coming to financial services and Other businesses I don't think you could Say this any more succinctly than Jenny Johnson just said through this I think Bitcoin is up around 75% year to date in Fact so how do we explain that and What's happening there so I I tell People I think the two biggest Disruptors to any industry are going to Be Ai and blockchain right and and then I follow it with Bitcoin is the greatest Distraction from the greatest disruption That is uh ultimately coming to Financial services and other businesses And that is not to say that Bitcoin has No value um actually it was someone in This region who uh pointed out to me That you know just the fact that the US Confiscated assets from Russia uh would Would drive people into asset classes Like Bitcoin because uh there would be a A view that those assets could be Outside of any government confiscating

Them so I'm not saying that Bitcoin Isn't going to have some value but to me What's so interesting about blockchain And what is really unique is if you Think about what the block listen What she's saying there you know what I'm hearing there is is that it is the Great distraction and isn't that what We've Said the contrast between introducing a New investment Product like spot Bitcoin ETFs on top of This new commodity this new digital Commodity is the greatest distraction From the greatest disruption that is Coming in Financial Services because the Greatest disruption is the use Case Utility that will actually streamline And change the nature of how these Businesses Banks and financial Institutions settle and move Value that's the greatest disruption That's Coming let's hear this James Seaford Here is asked about a xrp ETF and I have Some thoughts on this some people Throwing out wild ideas about you know Xrp or or salana ETFs what do you think About that in the context of potentially A new Administration in the US in a Year's Time yeah so um not anytime soon is the Short answer um but I'll explain so Ironically as much as I hate to say this

I'm not a I'm not a ripple guy but that Core case could make it so that they Theoretically could be next um Bas the The the template right now that I have To follow and everything I know about What the SEC is doing is you need a Futures Market that is uh uh federally Regulated so regulated by the cftc in This case the CME and the only assets we Have um trading for and have futures for Are Bitcoin and ethereum so I think the First thing you need is one you need a CME Futures Market um right now uh and Then you probably need a Futures ETF but Maybe not maybe the SEC will just accept The Futures and allow you to go straight To spot for the next asset um but right Now you probably won't be able to do That as far as I'm concerned um or you Need you need the literal Act Congress Like people joke like oh you need an act Of Congress done like yeah you might Actually need a little act of Congress Uh on Market on like a market structure Bill to figure out um what how they're Going to handle these other assets and I'm watching the core cases that the SEC Is in involving with your coin with you Guys at coinbase and your competitor Kraken and some other things to see how This is going to shake out on whether These things are going to be considered Securities or not so I guess Theoretically I'm viewing it as Bitcoin

Here ethereum here and then like Everything else like not even in the Screen here maybe Ripple would be a Little bit above everyone else because Of the coure case which might set some Precedent once it's done but even still I don't see the SEC approving this thing For all the reasons I said and because They are still calling Ripple of Security um so yeah that's the way I'm Looking at it so basically you need a CME Futures market so if we see CME try To file for a salonus futures or uh Ripple futures or something like that Then maybe we could start talking about It but as far as I'm concerned they are Not even in my sight uh of happening Anytime soon totally get it and I wish For Bloomberg intelligence and James Sefor to refer to xrp as he knows it to Be xrp and not Ripple and stop Intertwining the two and mixing possibly Your own personal opinion of how you Feel about Ripple or xrp but that's just Me but I still appreciate James C for's Insights but the reality here is that It's an xrp ETF if it happens at all now Speaking of that let's listen to this Right here where Charles gasparino asked The CEO of Black Rock 11 trillion assets Under management the biggest ETF Provider on the planet let's listen to What he says when he asked about an xrp ETF I think the Advent of Bitcoin ETFs

Is an example that we're legitimizing it We're creating more safety well let me Ask you this will you do another ETF how About an xrp ETF I know you got e ether Out there I how about xrp can you answer That I can't how about xrp can you Answer that I Can't and you don't want me to I do well I can't all right I and there you have It and why can't he is it because they Are already planning to file to set up For one remember what James cord said You got to have a Futures Market before You get the spot Market too that's the Way it's happened thus far at least Right that's been the natural order of Progression so if that's the natural Order of progression then what is he Saying and why can't he answer that is It because the case is still ongoing Is it because that once automated market Makers are introduced it will change the Characteristics of xrp and maybe an ETF Isn't the right thing to put on top of The Product you know the it's a very Interesting moment we are in but what's Interesting to me is is that if it was a No it would have been simply are you Planning to do an xrp ETF and Larry Fink Would have simply said No we're not doing one but he didn't say That and he didn't say yes we're doing That he says I can't talk about it you

Know I can't answer that that's Basically what he said right well very Quickly let's just because it's very Interesting as Advent ETF how about an Xrp ETF I know you got ether out there I How about xrp can you answer that I Can't how about xrp I can't answer that Now like I said if it's simply a no why Not just say No but I can't answer that so there's Something behind it and it ain't a no And then there's this interesting clip Back from the Libra days going back to 2019 want you to listen to this clip Shout out to amalay for this one where Larry thinkink describes a bridge Currency if you're going to launder Money the the it's been cash up to this Point so I mean Bitcoin probably or Jews Yeah okay but bitcoin's probably for for Total moneya laundering is probably .005 So why pick on bitcoin for the money Laundering when it's it's obviously Hasn't been used up to Al Capone never Had any Bitcoin so I I assume you're Also talking about Libra then too I Don't want Libra I don't even think is a Cryptocurrency I don't either that's What I was going to say and I don't Think it has any inherent value and and I don't want it's centrally I mean and Mark zerber is involved and everybody Gets to keep the FL let's talk about the Concept though yeah forget about who's

Created it and what it's trying to do Listen um you know I I was in Europe This past week I had to buy a new Briefcase cuz mine broke actually there Um when you carrying cash the LA all Jewels Um and um when I was going to sign the The receip uh or the electronic thing They asked me do I want to pay in Euro Or dollar yeah and I said okay dollar Then I looked at it I'm still being Charged at 3% terrible okay so and when You think about all the people who send Money you know they may work in one Country send money back home they Generally do that through organizations That charge five to 10% there is a need Whether it's a Libra or something else To Democratize the exchange of foreign Currencies today with computers and Electronic Market there shouldn't be That there should be 10 basis point it's Five basis points it's that percent and So I actually believe the idea around Libra I don't think we need to create a New currency but the technology to Instantaneous uh calibrate all the Currencies that should be done who gets Squished by that who are the money the Middle man who are making money on that The banks you know making the banks yes And that's why the struggle right that's Where the fight is because the friction

In this system is where banks are making Tons of money and the ones that are Really making the money or the JP Morgans of the world that are The Gatekeepers to crossb payments for 99% Of the rest of the Banks Uhhuh and then there was this guy just What two days ago on Fox Business Describing where the real the real Moment coming is when you can get past The Bitcoin ETFs and get to a bridge Asset is what he's describing and tell Me he doesn't sound just like Jenny Johnson from Franklin Templeton Describing the big Disruption uh no I would agree because We haven't yet made the jump where there Is institutional buying uh and I like to Use the example if the bank of MIT Subishi in too Tokyo needs to transfer $100 million worth of Yen to the New York branch and convert it to Dollars You need $100 million worth of yen in Tokyo and $100 million worth of dollars In New York you're tying up 200 million In capital if you can attach that to a Coin it's simultaneously so the bank Frees up half the capital that's a big Deal but we haven't made that jump yet Yeah but it looks like it's coming Doesn't it I think so okay and there you Have it and it is coming because the More you introduce the tokenized

Products these tokenized instruments You're going to need bridge bridge Assets stable coins cbdcs to help Convert and settle and move this value This is where we're going and we're Getting closer and closer to watching That Cambrian explosion as the world Moves to a new Financial system and Let's take a look at this from egg rag Crypto ladies and gentlemen it is xrp $120 Minimum move surprising my DMs is full Of people panicking for me still Confident in the move to A120 I'm not waiting around or taking Unnecessary leverage risks my Approach Is to buy hold and wait most of the Trading is about being patient and just Sitting on your ass as Raul says don't F This up damn right shout out to ra man The yellow channel is still holding xrp Like a boss and keeping price on an Upward Trend with higher higher highs And higher lows and with that here is The chart that we're looking at and Where we're sitting it's not that far of A leap ladies and gentlemen could we be There within a month or So wouldn't that be amazing it really Would and I hope that we all get to see That and I hope that we get to see so Much more because I really do believe All the things that I've talked about For so many years that this is just the

Beginning we are on the precipice of Watching the real price driver to this Market begin to step into play and I Hope it starts in 2024 and that for me Is use Case Utility speculation be damned right We're all in here right let's get this Party started with some utility all Right and I hope you'll carry on and Join me here dig perspectives. comom Ladies and gentlemen click the Freedom Zone and join for next to nothing listen There's a lot of things that cost $6 but this you get every Day my daily YouTube videos no Google Ads then you get the extra content that We put in here as well and it's stuff That I wouldn't dare touch on the Channel and we're touching it all so Make sure you join us in the freedom Zone where there is no censorship not Financial advice from me or anyone else I'll catch all of you on the next one What


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