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Welcome back to the show everybody check Out these headlines here the United States has a secret weapon when it comes To distributed Ledger technology and Digital assets what might it be somebody Roll that beautiful intro so we can find [Music] Out digital perspectives with Brad KES Come on in Welcome back to the show you can follow Us on Twitter Youtube and dig Prospectives decom for exclusive content Right now $247 trillion market cap for Crypto the market is up 3.4% 65,800 plus for Bitcoin 3100 Plus for Ethereum 109.5 billion plus market cap For tether for the moment 50 cents for Xrp at the number eight spot we're up 1.7 on the 24 but we're still off 17.3% on the 7 that's okay the range of Price is between 47 and 51 cents we'll Keep an eye on it do not forget to get Your ticket to xrp Las Vegas it's 13 Days Away Ladies and Gentlemen my oh my Oh my and I don't mind telling you all The VIP tickets are sold out the prices For the general admission ticket are Going to go up on April 25th get your ticket today you could Look at your ticket today as a discount Ticket cuz the price is going up on April 25th don't wait to find out how Much it's going up on April 25th buy

Your ticket today on April 19th because The reality is is things are getting Tight the floor plan is laid out this is The floor plan and there's going to be a Lot a lot of people there and I hope That you decide to join us because this Will be one of the most important Conferences you've ever attended in your Life it the theme of the conference is a New era finance and everybody that is Going to hit our stage is a part of that Conversation and you're going to find Out why those markets crash recently We've got a panel designed to talk to You about exactly that and so so much More the ever expanding Ledger don't Mi Look don't miss the chance to see David Schwarz in the same room with you the Guy is brilliant you're going to want to Hear everything he's going to talk about And there's so much new happening Between stable coins and automated Market makers and other proposals for The Ledger you're going to want to know About it all so make sure you get your Ticket today we can't wait to see you Look at this rul pal crypto is a gift Listen what he says here I tell you Raul's got he can say it man I love to Way he says stuff here you go reward Topic here's yurian Tim chart that I've Stolen from him um which is on the left Is all of the bubbles of risk rewards of Assets and how they look pretty typical

And this is how asset allocators think About it but when you add in Bitcoin you End up with a massive blank page with at The very top right this alien Risk reward which is Bitcoin crypto is a complete alien in Time in terms of performance and risk Reward this chart includes the draw Down of 2022 so you see again I keep saying it's A gift and people still don't really Understand what a gift it is it's Something unlike anything we've ever had In history and it gives us a hell of a Chance to make Money so to sum up what the biggest macr Trade of all time is it's crypto going From 2.7 trillion where we are Today to let's say 12 trillion by the End of this cycle and on to 100 trillion Within 10 years now you think about that If you get your play right you just get One or two of the Nets in the rivers to Fill up because you got two of it right Let's say you're in 10 things one or two Of those could make the whole thing well Right I mean if you if you hit one or Two of those I tell you that's going to Be great for whoever does no question About it shout out to rul for that uh Macro Insight blockchain should make money Move like email Stellar development Foundation CEO we know it's denell Dixon

I tell you what I have said since she Hit the scene that this is a person who Clearly understands his space at a high Level and I am super excited about what Stellar are doing and E with xlm and the Business model as well as Ripple and xrp Ledger and other projects out here too This is no different I think this there Will be a handful of protocols that Become a part of the internet of Information making it the internet of Value that's what I think happens in Wednesday day it'll be a handful of Protocols that are really chosen to Serve in a way right and then everything Else will be considered a dark web there You have it uh Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse says A5 trillion doll Prediction on the market cap is probably A little low you say I underpredicted That which was really good because the Senior vice president of Ripple X Marcus Infanger predicts that the tokenized Asset market now he's going towards the Tokenized asset Market could surge to an Impressive $16 trillion as traditional Finance firms are increasingly adopting Blockchain technology now somewhere in Between there I think Brad Marcus got it Pegged right and maybe it ends up being Like rul said in about 12 maybe it's 12 Maybe maybe it's eight I don't know but I know what however you side on this on The sliding scale of where you believe

This is going to be uh there is Trillions and trillions of dollars that Everyone agrees is headed very quickly Into this space and when you look ahead With the xrp Ledger take a look at what Vet says here when you read the XLS D66 The xrp Ledger lending and borrowing Proposal and realize the xrp Ledger aims To become the defi chain this is the Look you get right [Laughter] Here shout out to vet for putting that Out yeah look I mean I have said this For a long time now and I'm and I still Say it I think it's more relevant now Than ever I believe it is absolutely the Smartest thing calculated or not and I Think it was calculated because I think The people at Ripple are absolutely Brilliant but but I think it was Absolutely calculated to not move Forward with smart contracts I think it Was absolutely calculated to not move on Stable coins until now as well other Things because this knowing that they Were in the middle of a court case with The SEC you don't want to give these Market Regulators one more reason to sue You or to hold up the courts because of What is happening and taking place on The Ledger and what have they done They've gotten clarity xrp in and of Itself is not a security Now you see the Introduction of stable coins coming and

Soon I would imagine other things to Follow just like this borrowing and Lending proposal making it become a real Leader in the D5 world go xrp Ledger It's all coming ladies and gentlemen and Let's take and put together some of These fun Facts you know Many many many years ago uh look I I I This is fun this is why I'm here this is Why most of you hearing my voice are Here because we're speculators whether You like it to admit it or not Right Ripple targets 95% customer base Outside the US we know this this is a True fact and by the way give Michael Branch a follow he's an OG in this space New stable coin to bridge crypto with Traditional Finance xrp's enhanced utility is Central to Ripple Strategy absolutely this is true okay so With that understanding we know that and We've known Ripple's Target is you know Right now 95% of their customer base is Outside the US got it Brad garlinghouse Remarked to the interview that he did Yesterday with Maria bomo from Fox Business he says here we covered a lot Of ground with Maria today the Bitcoin Having my predictions for the crypto Market by end of year how pro-innovation Policies in the US will prevail step one Replace the SEC leadership step two

Elizabeth Warren staff should read some Actual facts on crypto instead of Spewing constant misinformation and why Ripple is launching a USD back Stablecoin on The xrp Ledger and Ethereum network this year Oh if I got something for You now I want to highlight this clip That Bon Crypt has shared give him a Follow because what we're going to focus On right now is what's set in here and There's a few things that were set in Here yesterday we focused on the Comments about the US going after Tether today I want you to listen to This comment in this clip I want to get Your take on that because you recently Announced Ripple is launching a US Dollar back stable coin later this year You say the bridges the the this Bridges The gap between traditional finance and Cryptocurrency tell us how that will Play out why it's valuable and give us The growth story for ripple where does Growth come from at your company in the Coming three years so to start on that Last piece Ripple about over 95% of our Customers are non- us financial Institutions we sell Payment Solutions We sell custody Solutions around Blockchain and crypto we're going to Keep expanding even though the US US Market as we were talking about earlier Partly from a regulatory point of view

Has been slow to adopt uh the non- US Market has been really really strong for Us and even and you're going to be the Infrastructure around all of that that Is our goal and we think that opport We're going to be the infrastructure Around all of that that is our goal Opportunity is huge we think that's Going to be great for ripple we think It's going to be great for xrp which is A digital asset we use uh so I'm very Very optimistic about that I just think That the US needs to to to figure it out And the stable coin oh the stable coin So like Ripple has always been about how Do we bridge this new world with a Traditional kind of people call it trafi Traditional finance and ripple has Always been that bridge we started Around payments and we sell into Banks a Stable coin that the demand for stable Coins has exceeded I think what people Thought it's $150 billion asset class Right now some forecast it to be over Two3 trillion in a few years the players In that space particularly one called Tether is a non- us-based entity and the US frankly is kind of going after that Because they want this to be regulated Just yesterday uh there's a new bill Introduced in the Senate to create some Stable coin legislation which I think is A positive step of like hey finally we Might get some forward momentum there uh

But I think that market is going to grow A lot I think a us-based player who is Compliance first yeah has a great role To play it's a great story to tell no Doubt it is and I tell you we're going To add to that story right now because I Want to take a look at some of the Things that we're seeing come together You tell me what it looks like to you Cuz I'm about to tell you what it looks Like to me let's see Ripple's customer Base 95% outside the US two US Government appears to be targeting USD Tether now three Ripple to launch a US Dollar stable coin this year in 2024 reminder number four Ripple joints Fed now back in 2023 everyone says the US is behind but If the US government adopts a value Protocol like The xrp Ledger with a new US dollar stable coin on The xrp Ledger And the eth network or declares Ripple a Bank or systemically Important wouldn't that mean Ripple is The link between 95% of the rest of the World and the missing piece to the Puzzle that propels the United States Into the poll position in this fourth Industrial Revolution Number six Ripple isn't just a great Company in my opinion it's the United States solution for this new multi-polar Multi-asset world we're moving towards That's why so many US Treasury officials

Come through the Ripple camp in short Ripple and The xrp Ledger are the Missing link that joins the world Together in this new Financial system And that's not me speaking for anybody Other than myself it's just just my Digital Perspectives we're going into the Freedom Zone ladies and gentlemen and Today we're going to hear the difference Between the halves and the have knots There's only two kinds of people in the World and it is the halves and the have Knots and you're about to hear one of The halves talk very clearly not Realizing that the have kns may hear it Someday and I'm going to give it to you Right now come join us in the freedom Zone dig not Financial Advice of me or anyone else click the Freedom Zone and come on In all right welcome back everybody here We go as promised


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