Ripple/XRP-Former PM “Free Speech” A Weapon?,XRP The Road To $20k,RippleNet=No More,XRP Price =$27?

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Welcome back to the show check out these Headlines here ripplet no more former Prime minister declares Free Speech a Weapon say what and we got one Influencer that charts the road to 20K For xrp and I think you're going to like It we got that and so much more somebody Roll that beautiful Intro digital perspectives with Brad k Come on In welcome back to the show you can Follow us on Twitter and YouTube for Exclusive content right now we have $1.71 trillion market cap for crypto the Market is off by 6% right now 43,800 plus for Bitcoin 2300 Plus for Ethereum right now tether market cap is 90.5 billion plus xrp at the number five Spot getting ready to challenge that Number four spot BNB watch out we're at 65 cents at the moment we're off by 4.2 With a retrace in the 24hour but up by Five and a half on the 7 day let's look At the range of price ranging between 6503 on the bottom and 6920 on the top We can see we got a pretty wild volatile Ride it's usually within a a cent or so And you can see it's a pretty broad Range there so xrp's been bouncing Around overnight we'll keep an eye on it But look until you've till you've done It and if you have not done it and join The over 538 th000 registered users what Are you waiting

For even if you think you can't all you Got to do is just click the link to the Sponsor below sign up and register and Find out what's available you are not Going to believe it it is the best Offering of private equity in the world There's no question here with the best Affordable minimums to go along with it If you know anything about private Equity you just can't find that anywhere Else and the top quality companies that Are helping to build out this space Click the link to link two underneath The video and get Started now look I'm going to play a Piece of this and you're not going to Like it okay let's just understand that But we have to level set for where we're Going Here I'm going to play this it's Elizabeth Warren don't get upset I know It's I I'm not happy about it either chairman So today I want to talk about how Criminals are using our financial system To move money to finance terrorists drug Traffickers and sanctioned countries Like Russia and Iran and North Korea our Witnesses are the CEOs of the largest Banks in the United States and they deal With this issue every single day Mr moam You are the CEO of Bank of America so Let me ask you if a terrorist group that Wanted to attack the United States tried

To move money through Bank of America Accounts do you have systems in place to Identify that activity to report it to Law enforcement and to shut it down uh Yes we do Senator okay Mr Diamond you Are the CEO of JP Morgan what about you If terrorist group tried to move money Through JP Morgan accounts do you have Systems in place to catch it to report It and to shut it down we have extensive Systems in place but no system is Foolproof okay but you do have systems In place work on this every day and let Me just ask all of you in the interest Of time just raise your hand oh listen If you have those programs in Place good I see okay so the people that Have their hands up are the people that Elizabeth Warren are work is working For right these softball questions that She's setting up for the banking Community right Asking Jamie Diamond if they got Procedures in place to stop all kinds of Bad Actors well apparently that isn't Foolproof even he stated that because JP Morgan's been caught trading US Treasury Bonds IL Illegally JB Morgan's been caught Manipulating the silver Market oh what a Ru it all is and I Think we all understand as well that you Know there is no bigger product being

Used to do illicit transactions than the US dollar itself is it not terrorists Have a new way to get around the bank Secrecy act Cryptocurrency last year an estimated $20 billion do in illicit crypto Transactions funded every kind of Dangerous criminal North transactions Can you explain traffickers and Rogue Nations I've always been deeply opposed To crypto Bitcoin Etc you pointed out The only true use case for it is Criminals drug traffickers anti-money Laing tax avoidance and that is a use Case uh because it is somewhat Anonymous Not fully and because you can move money Instantaneously and because it doesn't Go through as you mentioned all these Systems built up over many years know Your customer sanctions ofac it's they Can get bypass all that I if I was the Governments I'd close it down and now Look look at the Grimace face on moan From Bank of America God bless him you Know they got a patent with ripple you Know look I I think the biggest part of This is understanding that there is a Huge difference between the way the Finance World sees things like Xrp and Bitcoin right clearly there is a Huge difference and in in fact there's So much a difference here that Christalina georgeva is going to lay it Down let's listen to this Quick Clip

About how they've broken the market down In the three different segments take a Listen but we should not be mistaken to Immediately classify everything in the Digital money World in a negative way Because please tell Elizabeth Warren This Crystalina there are three categories The first one is Central Bank digital Currency They are backed by the state and they Offer finality when transactions are Settled this is a universe that as you Said 90% of countries are exploring who Crossed the Finish Line first the Bahamas with the sand do but now we have Nigeria stepping there and there are Many Pilots of which the largest Universe of a pilot which actually made Me wake up and say well this thing is Moving so fast that the international Monetary fund has to embrace it China With 100 a pilot with 128 million participants now the second Group these are the stable Coins some of them deserve the name Because they are backed by assets and When they're backed by assets one to one They're really Stable they look a little bit like money Market funds but there are money market Funds in this digital space and then we Have lower degree of stability the less There is a backing the more you should

Be prepared to take the risk of this Thing blowing in your face which is what Happened some days ago I want to be very Very uh direct that I do feel the for The people who lost money because part Of the reason they lost money is not Really being well educated on this new Investment World um and I want to go to The third Universe the The crypto that is really not pretending To be backed up by anything not designed To be back back backed up by anything it Is really the trust that is built in a Way that brings value it is an Investment class when we say I always Get upset and then I get occasional hate Tweets when I say that Bitcoin maybe C Coin but it's not money why because a Prerequisite for something to be money Is to be a stable store of value exactly Stable store value a medium of exchange Right all of the things it needs to be To be a currency for which it is Not and they're going to put it in the Investment class and they're going to Let it run its course and at some point You're going to find out that the luster Of Bitcoin will die off if it doesn't Start finding real application of use Case maybe lightning network does that And begins to get past some of the Problems they've got but you know this Is something to really pay attention to Now let's let's let's Let's uh move to

This very quickly here now I'm not going To play this but this is Raul iani Essentially remarking the same thing About global regulatory standard and About how you know one size does not fit All you have to get an approach that Will work for every nation as they Develop cbdcs Andor stable coins alike Now we understand that Ripple net has Been rebranded into Ripple Payments now if you remember and you've Been here for a long time in the space You know Ripple first started out with Xva xrapid right these different Products were isolated down into these Small little this does this this does That right xrapid used xrp for Settlement where other parts of the what They offered the sweets of products Didn't then they combined and went to Ripple net right now Ripple net is grown Into just become Ripple Payments with payout capabilities and 70 Plus mark markets that's what we're Talking about here and you could see Here uh you know it it gives it this is From back in November but this is just a Reminder of the evolution that Ripple is On with their products and solutions for The financial System now this is a great clip and this Is a a post from Chad Stein grber Originally here who posted what he feels Is his uh personal theory on how xrp

Takes a road to 20K and I tell you something I really Like this and shout out to xrp uh ml Markets here who uh converts this I Wanted to give him all the credit here This thing was we want to give him all The credit too but we got to give mckl Market some credit and xrp drops for Sharing it but for setting this up Because he used AI to convert this thing So we could hear Chad's theory about how Xrp makes its way to extremely high Value and I think that this is a Excellent explanation let me just see if I got this right here I want to make Sure it's at the right time Marker one second I'll I'll cue that up For us here in a second but I as you Listen to this if you're familiar with The Shane Ellis Theory this sounds very Very familiar to me in the same regard As the Shane Ellis Theory does and I Still believe that the Shane Ellis Theory is very much in play and Basically is saying that you know once The OTC market is bought Up then you're going to see a demand for The institutions to come to the retail Market to buy what's left and this will Begin to stair step the price up in a Very very high fashion I think you're Going to enjoy this let's cue this up The Chad Stein grab a theory the road to A $20,000 xrp grab a drink grab a snack

And Let's Take a Ride let's start with Some Financial housekeeping with three Basic principles that determines the Value of an asset first supply and Demand with small demand you'll be left With a supply of assets that have little Value the opposite you'll have Sky Arketing prices second Market Appreciation this is the willingness to Pay a price for an asset of perceived Value third limited assets the Mona Lisa Is valuable because it's the only one we Can make copies or what we call Derivatives but we can't make more Mona Lisas also because of its importance to Society we place on it a high price that Value is in our mind s now for those new To xrp Let's establish some facts xrp Has a limited supply of 100 billion each Ledger transaction destroys or Burns a Small portion of xrp to validate its Transfer therefore the asset is Deflationary you can issue any other Asset on The Ledger as IUS xrp is dirt Cheap today because almost all trading Is a small public pool of existing money That's essentially wash trading back and Forth through retail the public Supply Is important because that that Determines the price circulating Supply Is King today xrp's market cap is $18 Billion but wait that doesn't mean there Is actually $18 billion of money that Has been put into

Xrp there's far less as the market cap Is just a reflection of the current Value anyone is willing to pay we've Been told the story that banks will send Dollars to public exchanges convert to Xrp and then convert back out as Something else this is Ripple software Odl on demand liquidity this won't Necessarily drive up the price odl is Really for the little guys leveling the Playing field for small Banks and money Transmitters to eventually eliminate Dependency of correspondent banking to Major Banks allowing competition to Flourish odl is for the minor leagues Bank of America Chase Wells Fargo ECT Will not use odl as we know it if you Think Chase is going to rely on Ken or Binance to Source public exchanges for Trillions of dollars in global transfers I have a a nice igloo in Florida to sell You this is where it gets interesting Because the road to $20,000 xrp involves Privacy they've been very clear and Honest with us xrp was never meant for Public retail trading we were the Pitchers in warm-up practice before the Game begins ready for the big leagues Banks require privacy that's not going To change anytime soon let me be clear No Bank on Earth will expose their Internal Ledger transactions to public The Privacy is for you for the bank to Conduct business and create loans

Without prying eyes welcome to the Hotel California you may check in anytime but You may never leave it's public that Bank of America has a patent with xrp Wallets integrated into their backend Systems so if they don't use odl what's Up with the digital wallets private xrp Ledgers xrp will become a reserve Currency asset remember from Ripple Banks holding xrp that's the Holy Grail Remember xrp can issue any other type of Asset cbdcs can be issued that means Bank of America will create Bank of America coin on the xrpl Bank of America Will create a private Ledger and hold Xrp as a reserve asset like how a Central bank will hold gold as a backing Asset Bank of America creates Bank of America coin an xrp derivative Internally for tracking balances in user Accounts you see dollars in your account Internally Bank of America boa can do Whatever they want as long as they hold A balance of Xrp they are not going to send their xrp Anywhere just like a gold Reserve in Fact they will seek to increase their Balance to grow their business so how do They send their money to another bank Enter stage right institutional grade Liquidity providers igps cough POC sign Cough this is also a private xrp Ledger That holds a massive basket of different Digital assets the igps also hold a

Balance of xrp because they AE the third Party exchange that requires a transfer Of the issued IOU derivative into Another IOU Derivative why Chase Bank will never Hold Bank of America coin this would be Called counterparty risk so Bank of America coin is sent to an igp uses xrp To transfer into JP Morgan coin because The igp holds all of them Bank of America coin JP Morgan coin Wells Fargo Coin Etc that dollar amount of the JP Morgan coin is sent to Chase bank and Shows up as dollars in your account have You spotted the magic trick yet they Need xrp it's now a business dependency And just like gold they're going to go Beast mode on hoarding what now is the Most valuable asset on Earth the entire Global transfer of money depends on it And you'll never see it think of it as a Digital arms race where every Bank every Igp will hoard xrp to increase their Balance sheets the majority of xrp Escrowed at Ripple will never see the Light of day when they run out of OTC Over the counter options what's next the Public Supply the circulating public Supply of xrp on crypto exchanges is far Less than people realize a lot of xrp Has been lost remember Banker melon held A billion xrp and died his keys lost Forever there is about 20ish billion on The exchanges what do we have low Supply

The banks when they are ready are coming For the public xrp Supply and once they Have it it's gone like us in Forever You'll never see it again so now imagine In the banks and igps overnight begin Panic buying the public xrp market Supply an Institutional fomo run on the Order books with multi- multi-billions Of dollars hitting like a tsunami the Likes we've never seen what happens when You wipe out the public order books in a Matter of hours 30C xrp Gone 40c xrp Gone 50 c xrp gone $1 xrp gone and when That happens other exchanges start Arbitrage to the highest price private Wallets transfer into cash out at that Point they're not coming back to dump on The public market for profits that's Peanuts compared to the business of Global money transfers in the trillions Guess what I've just been talking about The USA Banks the global US dollar money Supply in circulation is somewhere Around 40 trillion to be in the 1% of Public xrp holders you need somewhere Around 70k xrp there's only a few Billion on the exchanges for public Retail trading now add the rest of the World's Banks add the world's Billionaires who will want their cut add The quadrillion plus derivative Market Think about this real hard what happens When that public circulating supply Drops to only a billion what's next it's

Going sub billion into the hundreds of Millions what's next only 100 million in Public Supply what's next sub 100 Million public circulating Supply what Happens next 21 million circulating Public Supply left for the rest of us we All know what a supply cap of 21 million Means right one last thing notice I Didn't tell you what price xrp would be At you had that thought all by yourself And there you have it right there and Again this aligns greatly in my mind With the Shane Ellis Theory shout out to Chad and you know look to speak to this Just a little bit here uh because I Don't want to go too long but uh you Know this is why I firmly believe There's an opportunity here for the United States government to do a Wholesale Cbdc and they could underpin that new Digital dollar wholesale Cbdc with The xrp Ledger itself because If you look at all the liquidity pools And all the different stable coins and Cbdcs that would be made and housed and Reserved on The Ledger all the tokenized Oil gold silver soft Commodities too Wheat soy you get you name it all Represented on The Ledger and reserves Put there you could have the most Confident shored Up new US dollar that is stronger than Any other Dollar in the world for the

Next 300 Years not to mention the fact to go Along with Shane ell's Theory and Chad's Theory here that what you ultimately see Is a point in time where the Institutions come to what is left the Liquidity that is left and remains on The retail exchanges and to begin to buy Up the order books to certain price Levels and as the Shane Ellis Theory Broke down years ago it would not take a Lot of money to buy out these exchanges Now sprinkle in very quickly what we Know today about automated market Makers and the ability to control the Slippage and the Arbitrage in the market You could very quickly start to close Those spreads that are so volatile by Finding those automated market makers on The Ledger and getting those to work in A very fast quick way to try to Squash the huge volatility that we see Like in a Bitcoin right it doesn't mean That we won't have it obviously we'll Have it but you're talking about being Able to minimize and tighten it as much As Possible a stabilization mechanism Uhhuh all of these things are extremely Interesting and they're still in front Of us I want to shout out to Chad and Shout out to ml markets too for uh Making that AI post what a great thread And a great collaboration amongst

Everybody to share this stuff that's why I'm sharing it today now let's share This very quickly here egg rag crypto Says super guppy turn green ladies and Gentlemen that's this right here that's Turn green but it gets even better we Look at this chart most recent from egg Rag crypto here and he says a future of Support Cast Your Eyes Upon the chart Below dissecting the monthly time frame It's intriguing the exit that xrp hasn't Managed to close a monthly candle above A120 yet we've seen Body candles but a Fullbody candle hasn't materialized However mark my word says aad crypto When the xrp finally achieves a monthly Candle Clos with a full body above 120 Brace yourselves for significant to $2 At $2 I'm confident and convinced that This will trigger a massive fomo in the Market stay strong he says I got my site Set on the $27 Mark as you can see right There we need to see these $122 Mark get hit to see if those those Become the support and indicators of a Much lar larger Drive in price action For xrp to $227 plus Now ladies and gentem I told You and I promised you you're going to Hear former prime minister declare Free Speech a weapon now this is the real Stuff that we've got to work together to Get out and make people understand the Fight for freedom is much bigger than we

Ever knew and it has not just but a Fraction to do with crypto but believe Me you it does tie back into digital Assets in crypto because it's about the New monetary system and how do you Control people by starting to dismantle The very things that they've had since They were born like free speech and We're going to cover that right now in Here join us in the freedom zone or go To dig Perspectives. and hit the button and Join us you will not be sorry we will Catch all of you on the next one not Financial advice of me or anyone Else


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