Ripple/XRP-Brad Garlinghouse-XRP/ETFs By BlackRock?, Ripple iPO Outside The U.S.?

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Welcome back to the show everybody check Out these headlines we have for you we Have Brad garlinghouse dropping fire xrp ETFs oh my goodness and guess what else We got Anthony Pompano on Fox and you're Not going to believe this next statement He's right yeah I know I feel weird About it too somebody wrote a beautiful Intro Digital perspectives with Brad KES come On In welcome back to the show you can Follow us on Twitter and YouTube for Exclusive content right now it's 2.04 Trillion market cap for crypto the Markets off by 2.2% 51,100 Plus for Bitcoin $2,900 Plus for ethereum it is 97.5 billion plus for the market cap for Tether xrp now at the number six spot is 54 cents and currently falling like a Manhole cover from the sky we're off by 5.8 in the 24 and we're up 1.9 in the 7day we'll keep an eye on it right now The range of price just so you can see a Clear reflection here it is 53 cents on The bottom 57 on the top we're sitting Almost 54 flat so you can see that we've Been falling obviously pretty steady Right here in the last 24 we'll keep an Eye on it you know we have had technical Analysts here tell us that they saw a Little more potential for a downside Before we get to see these large pushes To the upside that uh have been shown on

These charts for so long so we'll see What unfolds right we don't know we'll Have to watch it to find out and I'm Ready I want to see I want to remind you Guys that xrp Las Vegas uh VIP tickets Dangerously close to selling out if you Want a two-day VIP ticket you can get That but not for much longer it will be Gone and I just quickly want to say so Very excited that we've got so many Amazing people we've got purist that is Going to be participating at xrp Las Vegas as well building the evm bridge to The xrp Ledger super super exciting and Don't miss the fireside chat with David Schwarz where he's going to be talking About all of the amazing ever expanding Xrp Ledger and all of the new features That will be coming and the things that Are most exciting to him in the future And I want you to think about the fact That listen come buy the two-day ticket Make the invest it's an investment you Can you're look there's so many new Things coming to the uh features coming To The xrp Ledger what you could learn Could change what you know about what it Is you're actually holding and that is The best way to move forward is with the Most knowledge you can gain why not get It from the source take and make the Investment in yourself come for the two Days let me tell you something it is a Remarkable experience you will leave so

Uplifted and fulfilled from everything And everyone that you meet and engage With I'm telling you it is a remarkable Time you'll come away from it wishing Why can't every day of the year be this Way it's no it's no joke it is super Super exciting and engaging you should Make the investment in yourself Inc come Simon mlin Kevin Maloney honorable Christian Carlo from the digital dollar Project how important is it going to be To hear from him or perryan boring who's Working right now to stop Elizabeth Warren and her campaign to gut crypto in The United States and that's why this is Even important here because now we've Got the one and only Field General John Deon is in fact running for Senate and Make no diff mistake he is a Difference Maker uh and you can donate as I did Yesterday John John Deon for He needs our help and you know what and So does this country and I think we all Know that John Deon is just the kind of Person we need on Capitol Hill let's Make it Happen Shan McBride X Google X Amazon X Rippler says you will see an xrp ETF in 2425 and says you will also see he Believes an IPO for ripple outside the US in 2025 Whoa okay I like it we're going to keep That one under the hat but I like that

We'll watch out for that I love Sea's Energy when he's posting he's got some Really great comments and insights and Energy and I appreciate him for sharing It right here we have Pompano Anthony Pompano the bitcoiner right uh let's Listen to this because I I was just as Shocked as you are there's a you know He's got seven minutes here and it's all Solid I got to be honest but we're going To listen to three minutes of it and It's three minutes you need because There's something extremely important I Can't even believe it that Anthony I Pompano is right about here and uh I Know I feel odd too you know but let's Listen Cryptocurrencies look at this over the Past year the to the price of the tokens Has has rocketed Bitcoin doubling up 113.5 ethereum climbing 74% and xrp yeah Up am easily 42% so what's the next Catalyst it could be the Bitcoin having Event one month from today or two months From today I should say but I my Question is is it by the rumor sell the News so Bitcoin is coming up so much Into that that event than it sells off After my quick question is is how much Would we be up in gains on xrp if we Didn't have this erroneous lawsuit Hanging over our heads We ask Anthony pump Lano pump Investments investor in a fox business

Exclusive what do you think of my theory So Bitcoin having definitely matters if You go back to economics class anytime That you have something that happens in The market that everyone either doesn't Know about or doesn't have the same Opinion on it's obviously going to have An impact what we've seen is a demand Shock with ETF so lots of capital is Pouring in and now we're going to have a Supply shock right now there's 900 Bitcoin a day that come into the uh Market when the having occurs we're Going to go down to 450 Bitcoin per day So naturally if you have tons of demand And you have a decreasing incoming Supply the price has to go up to Accommodate everyone and we've seen this Happen over and over and over again I Think that it may be less of a percent Move but in aggregate dollars it will Still be very very meaningful over the Coming 18 months so how high does the Price go look historically bitcoin's Price has gone up hundreds of percent I Wouldn't be shocked if Bitcoin went over $100,000 in the next 18 months uh but Also I think that the ground is moving a Little bit there's a lot of different uh Things that are occurring new types of Investors are coming into the market There's new invest who the new types of Investors because Bitcoin is now one of the favorite

Assets of any Wall Street investor if You think about it Wall Street investors Have been suffering returns because they Can't keep up with the indexes in the Equity Market they now have the ability To put a little bit of Bitcoin they can Go buy a Bitcoin ETF and put 1 to 3% of Their Equity portfolio into it and now That will juice their returns and Hopefully help them compete against that Index on top of that you now have them Able to allocate Capital to what's been The best performing asset for the last 15 years yeah Wall Street the smartest Investors in the world the biggest Capital Pools in the world they've been Boxed out from the best investment in The world retail investors got to front Run these people and they're ready to Allocate that's what we're seeing $1 Billion flow into the ETFs November 2021 Bitcoin record high 69,000 when does Bitcoin hit 69,000 again short-term Price is almost impossible to predict my Guess is that we will see somewhere Around there before the end of this year This year okay something like that and Then why does it go to 100 I I think That the having is really this Meaningful moment and what we've seen Historically is uh there's been three Prior times where the having occurs and Within 18 months we have of a new Alltime high uh historically though when

We've hit that having we haven't been at A new all-time high price yet what we've Been watching right now is these ETF Flows are driving the price higher we're Now $52,000 we were at $42,000 when the ETFs actually got approved and so if This continues there's a chance we could Be near an all-time high I don't know if We'll be at the all-time high but we Could be closer to an all-time high when The having occurs and that would be Unprecedented in that so Gary Gensler at The SEC definitely solid for your Industry right I mean the spot Bitcoin ETF working in investors favor do you Think he'll do the same thing and Approve a spot ether ETF I don't see That happening at the next time that he Can do it which is in Q2 of this year uh I think eventually they're going to have To approve not only Bitcoin not only Ether but many of these and it's just Going to become uh you know if you go Back to the 90s people used to talk About internet companies now we talk About companies same thing I think is Going to happen here people are just Going to talk about these assets and It's not going to be oh crypto this Weird thing in the corner it's just Going to be this mainstream thing and so They'll all get ETFs but play this there It is right there there it is right There hav't I been saying we're going to

See ETFs for all of crypto that's what's Happening so then the question becomes So I think I I you far pmp's got it Right there and not because he agrees With me I just think that that's Accurate because you have to start Asking yourself will they REM you Know is the ET I obviously the ETFs just Like there's gold ETFs oil ETFs there's There's products on top of Commodities All the time this is not new right it's New for crypto and it's exciting and I Think we see these ETFs for all these Cryptos and then baskets you know of Cryptos where you'll have like index ETFs right where it's a collection of Different top 10 ETF basket for uh Crypto I definitely think you're going To see that too right I mean multiple Different kinds of products now what's Interesting to me here is is we have to Start wondering but will they allow the Exchanges to remain in the US or they Someone like the Elizabeth Warren in the World trying to make the ETFs the only Way to get exposure to this asset you Have to watch what some of these people On the Hill are doing and we'll get into That in a later video today so don't Miss that as well but look let's stay on Task here when it comes to ETFs oh my Gracious here this is a fantastic Interview we're going to listen to the First half of this because it's so

Relative to the ETF question how about An ETF for xrp how about we let Brad Garlinghouse answer it good idea let's Get this going right now Gary Gensler Last week with Wall Street weeks David Weston and we're going to discuss the Companies that have Tangled with the SEC With one major company now Ripple CEO Brad garlinghouse joins us here in Studio it's worth kind of going back to Your case with the SEC first because you Are far along and as we sit here today On February 20th how would you describe How the dispute has changed well like I Think uh for whatever reason the SEC Decided to make Ripple their first major Case uh around this and look the reality Prior to the case we had been advocating For more clarity around the rules and Regulations and the good news has been Other countries around the world have Leaned into that and codified what Should the rules and regulations what's Unique about crypto that needs to be Changed the SEC frankly has just hired More litigation that you know what we Call uh lit uh regulation through Enforcement and really just started Suing lots of people and what's Unfortunate is they have lost Consistently they lost the Ripple case On everything they cared about I mean Even the sound bite you just had up uh Your chair gendler is saying that a lot

Of these are securities what the courts Have said in the cases they have brought And certainly the case with ripple and The token xrp the court determined that Xrp is not in and of itself as security When do you think that this will finally No longer be an overhang for you guys You're one of many companies that are Fighting the SEC at this point in time But when can you call this an arc all Clear and do you think that this will Make it so far as to reach higher courts Great question well I hard to predict Whether it's going to reach out or Courts on everything we cared about we Won against the SEC will the SEC appeal And move it up the courts we'll see they Sought approval to do what's called an Interlocutory appeal the courts dened That also uh the case against me Personally and Chris Larson personally Was dismissed entirely with prejudice so Look from my point of VI the SEC has Lost consistently they lost the Grayscale case I think if you're Following the coinbase case that the Tone from the judge uh is I think pretty Skeptical about some of the sec's Arguments it stops I think when uh the SEC either realizes they're losing Consistently consistently or you have Congress lean in and writes new Legislation that's prob prob going to be Hard in election year uh maybe we'll see

Legislation around stable coins this Year but uh I'm hopeful and we'll Continue to advocate in Washington well you mentioned the Grayscale case Brad and it's kayy in Washington uh obviously that was pretty Instrumental and ultimately the SEC Granting approval to not just grayscaled Conversion uh to a spot ETF gbtc that is But spot Bitcoin ETFs more broadly I'm Sure you've seen there's Buzz out there About potentially an xrp ET F being in The future what do you make of that Speculation well Kayla good to see you I I think it only makes sense there will Be other ETFs uh to it's a little like You know the earliest days of the stock Market you don't really want exposure to One stock or one company you want to Typically think about diversifying risk And what have you and so I think we will See other ETFs when we will see them is Hard to predict you know the the sad Reality of what we saw with the Bitcoin ETF is it was only because the the Courts forced the SEC sec's hand and Really chair gensler's hand that we saw That finally come to frish and look in My opinion it makes these markets safer It makes them more robust and so this is Good for the investment Community uh to Kind of lean into that so you would Welcome an xrp ETF then listen we would Certainly welcome it and I think it's

Inevitable that there'll be you know Multiple ETFs around different uh tokens And I think you'll even see ETFs Potentially around baskets that also I Think further diversify that risk there We go now we got pump now we got Garlinghouse they all see the same thing Unfolding you know this is this is Exciting to me because we're starting to See what this Market looks like as it Takes shape inside a regulatory Framework which ETFs already have a Framework there's not nothing to sus out With ETFs the only thing they have to do Is just approve them which they're going To start doing in math I believe you Know it's going to be it's going to be Remarkable to watch the next year or two Unfold here because we are watching the Entire asset class as we've understood It begin to be birthed into traditional Financial markets this is a super Exciting moment I mean I am geeking out Hard over here given there's so much Excitement around the ETF Dynamic here Are you in talks with the largest Issuers particularly black AR to get This done all right now uh I'm not going To comment on that I know Black Rock has Said some things publicly Listen at 52 when it's a no it's just a No isn't it it's simple no we're not Talking to Black Rock but if you are and You can't talk about it you don't want

To lean in and say anything you gotta Give this kind of an answer this gets Even more exciting you know we think it Makes sense for the xrp community Overall do uh you Ripple obviously is a Very important stakeholder in the xrp Ecosystem but we're not the only player That's right and look we we've seen I Mean before the SEC lawsuit XR RP was The second most valuable digital asset I Think because of the headwinds of that Lawsuit you know we've now seen that Largely Abate uh but the long-term view On these things is about you know how do You create utility and really solve real World problems with these different Digital assets bitcoin's doing that very Well as a store of value xrp and its Dynamics around being very fast very Efficient and low cost on per Transaction basis makes it ideal for Payments and that's where Ripple really Has leaned into as a company and when You think about the new features like Pathf finding Auto bridging automated Market makers clawbacks which have Already been brought to the Ledger think About what these things do they enhanced Ability to serve the payments Market in A more efficient Manner uhhuh I know I'm super geeking Out and I hope you are too and just as Chad Stein grber says right here he's Got it spot on here this is exactly

Right we've literally talked about the Derivatives Market being the end game For xrp for years ETFs are the Derivatives Market he's absolutely Spoton not to mention that we belong to Isda the international swaps and Derivatives Association to help the Depository trust Clearing Corporation Settle over two quadrillion dollars Worth of derivatives as well so I like Where we're at right now you know I know A lot of people are frustrated the Crypto winner the price is down I'm a Fundamentals guy and as long as I keep Seeing them I keep getting excited That's how it works for me I'm not Selling a used car and this ain't Financial advice this is just my digital Perspectives we're heading into the Freedom Zone ladies and gentlemen you Want to support the channel you can do So easily and for almost nothing at dig Prospectives decom and today we're going To get into some material that touches On exactly what's in front of us when it Comes to the financial markets and we're Getting into that right now right here At dig in the freedom Zone Come on in


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