04 /15 /2024 Crypto Warning With Threat of WAR!

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Huge crypto warning for everybody in Cryptocurrency at large in America and Worldwide for5 2024 after a weekend of Threats of complete War World War II we Are now heading into some very volatile Times so in today's video I'm going to Break down how the threat of War could Pull crypto back right before the Bitcoin having I'm going to break down My narrative based on studying history To predict the future and how I protect My wealth during these volatile times my Name is coach sh what I work to do is Make very complex macro and Microeconomic strategies very simple so The normal everyday person can Implement Them what I've worked to do is help Hundreds of people understand how I pull From the left side of the risk pyramid Super high risk High return which is Crypto which is extremely volatile you Got to be very very careful the next 24 Months I pull profits on the way up as Everybody's coming in I pull it down the Risk pyramid into insurance-based Products to secure my principle rule Number one don't lose money Warren Buffett rule number two is follow rule Number one in the description of video You can set up a free consultation with My insurance team or in my social media Platform click the link you can set up An absolutely free consultation and they Share with you insurance-based products

How to ensure your family and your Wealth during these times so let's Dive Right into this so things are changing Very very rapidly but I want you to pay Attention to the narrative now what I'm About to share with you is just my Opinion and this is is how I've done my Investments and been completely Non-emotional I'm studying history to Understand the steps and what's going to Happen in the future this is nothing new Under the Sun so if you haven't read Ray Doo's changing world order or the big Debt crisis you should be studying this On a daily basis he studies 500 years Back and the cycles that happened over And over and over again and it's the Same cycle every single time we went From 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 and now We're in 18 so we're specifically in 14 15 printing of money internal conflict Loss of reserved currency in America Starting to since 19113 we've lost 99% Of the dollars value weak leadership and Civil war and revolution now we had Russia invade Ukraine okay immediately Biden sanctioned them off the Swift System then we had china threatening Taiwan America said they're going to Defend Taiwan And now we have Iran invaded Israel and Now we have this whole thing happening This weekend and this moment on is going To be very volatile it's going to be

Very touchy but this is something Interesting that's happening though Bitcoin is a risk on and risk off assets So I think it's going to respond Completely different than any other Market do I believe there's going to be A pullback before the Bitcoin having yes I do and every time it dips down I buy a Little bit more I accumulate a little Bit more so we're going to have the Bitcoin Point having uh this weekend I Think I think it's seven days away then We're going to see all this volatility And then on the back end of the year We're going to see it go up if they Lower interest rates before the Presidential election it's going to go Straight up into the bull run and I will Be pulling profits off the table Securing my wealth okay so let's dive Into this so we know that there's a huge Thing going on right now why Iran Attacked Israel and what comes next the Wave of drones and missiles that flew Towards Israel overnight on Sunday Brought a new f to the tension Uncertainty and confrontation in the Middle East Iran launched its unpr Presentent attack in response to the Suspect Israel strike on the Iranian Consulate okay earlier this month it Marked a new chapter in the Discord Between the two states that uh prated For year percolated for years excuse me

My dyslexia and has spiraled since Israel declared war on Hamas last October we are heading into territory That is wild family this is going to Cause a response in the markets okay so Markets weigh up risk on retaliation Cycle after Iran hits Israel higher Volatility seen as Global Traders turn To dollar and gold but hold on just a Second I want to share this with you Middle East uh Equity trading on Sunday Suggests relatively calm okay we have This new asset class called Bitcoin it's a risk-on risk-off asset I Have a feeling it's going to do Something wild just because of this war Narrative I really really do in my heart Of hearts I feel like like because it's A risk on risk-off asset because the Position America's in during this World War III coming up 120% debt think about This guys 120% debt to income ratio we Have to borrow to pay for critical Services so people are trying to find a Flight to safety the big money is trying To find a flight to safety think look at U um I just saw a tweet uh uh from What's his name Grant Cardone he's Selling one of his houses he's trying to Get Bitcoin for it guys his brother had Said I saw an interview his brother's Like hey he wasn't even into Bitcoin now He's selling a house trying to get into Bitcoin Larry Fink the largest asset

Manager in the world told youit Bitcoin's now a flight to safety guys we Are heading into a brand new monetary System after World War II what happened Innovation technology after World War III you're going to be on blockchain Technology AI so that's why I'm working Really hard really diligent super Disciplin to protect my family right now But I want to show you something really Quickly has Elon posted where did all The dangerous variant ago guys what Happened I've been sharing with you guys As you look this where there's a whole Another narrative going on this way boom All that's gone now pay attention that's Why I'm completely non-emotional about The news I'm not non-emotional about War I think war is ridiculous but I am Non-emotional about all this fud that Comes non-stop trying to get us to FUD In fud out okay so as all this is Happening Hong Kong could approv spot Bitcoin ether ETFs as early as Monday Which is today today is a big day guys So April 15th they're saying that they Could approve it okay which is crazy I Mean we went from all these countries Resisting it shutting down miners to now They're looking at Bitcoin ETFs ethereum ETFs the upcoming Bitcoin having is Different from others before it here's What investors need to know this is a Great article I highly recommend you

Dive into it it's much different and I Want to show you this really quickly Before I go into my little narrative Here genz and Millennials choose crypto Over stocks guys it's the future it's The wave of money it's a brand new World okay so I've been studying history For a while now that's what I do I'm not A cryptocurrency expert I have crypto Currency experts on my team what I am is Macro microeconomic expert I consider Myself that in regards to understanding Waves of energy spiritual mental Physical I've coached over 8,000 people Since 2020 I see the waves of energy What I've learned to do is be completely Non-emotional about these markets okay I Understand it's pretty simple simple What goes up must come down so when the Wave of energy is going up I pull Profits first I get my initial Investment out second I ladder out on The way up I don't worry about catching The top or trying to get the trying to Get the most out of it squeezing I'm Pulling on the way up I use Merlin the Smartest way to track your crypto we Created it for you guys designed it for You guys so that you can have an Exit Plan set up we have customer service to Help you set up an Exit Plan okay it's 30 days for free you can download Merlin Okay it's in my description of my bio Here where we are the co-founders and

Creative it's not not investment it's Just an interface so Merlin I have it Set up so when I hit my targets on the Way up I'm pulling profit pulling profit Pulling profit I personally use Insurance-based products to secure my Wealth it's a long-term strategy for me I love keeping my money so when Everybody comes tumbling down because They're trying to get rich quick or Trying to catch the top my principal is Guaranteed guys I can also access the Liquidity if it's set up properly within The first second 12 months or however It's set up it really depends on how you Set these things up it's very important Okay for me as well I'm Diversified in Business I'm Diversified I have a little Bit of precious metals and I'm using Bitcoin as my gold and I'll be heading Into real estate as my wealth increases So I'm not just bought into crypto I'm Not just bought into insurance I'm not Bought into uh just business I'm across The board because I don't trust any of This stuff guys I trust God and I follow Jesus Christ those are the two people or Two people excuse me the Two energies and and just two people Whatever you want to call it I love God And I follow Jesus I don't know why that Came out weird but I just I don't I just I don't get caught up in the stuff guys I'm not emotional about it okay no

President's coming to save me guys it's My actions my behaviors my discipline my Consistency done for a long enough Period of time I love Christ Jesus I Follow his teachings and I love God with All my heart and I love you as I love God and like I said on Twitter the other Day guys if I can't talk this way about God or Jesus Christ I want nothing to do With it zero to do with it that's why I've created my own companies and my own Businesses so I can speak my truth and So this right now is the most critical Time in human history to get your [ __ ] Together family it is so unbelievably Critical this is not a fear tactic guys This is World War III coming it is going To change everything Jerome pal said He's worried about the middle class Getting wiped out leverage Source Technology Larry Fink said he's worried About the middle he said we have to Rethink retirement guys this is not a Time to be playing around it's not a Time to bury your head in the sand Americans you need to wake up you need To wake up in five years from now you're Going to be a brand new economy the Industrial era is getting rocked it's Moving into technology Web 2.0 to web 3.0 industrial technical the old archaic Banking system into a new banking system The regional banks are going to start to Get monopolized everything is going to

Be tokenized everything is going to be On a tokenized deposit everything's Going to be tokenized it's going to be On a blockchain it's going to be very Very wealthy and really really poor and When the poor can't pay their bills They're going to launch out a central Bank digital currency to give you your Income guys pay Attention the variants are gone nobody's Talking about it anymore what happened It just disappeared now it's a war Narrative we have to understand this is The greatest time in human history it's The age of Aquarius which just went Through the greatest eclipse in human History Christ is within you you're Powerful you're strong you're amazing You're worthy you're worth it you're Abundant you have to believe this Family so I'm just sharing with you Personally what I'm doing that's what I'm doing that's how I'm protecting my Family I'm not fighting an invisible Enemy I'm not going against anybody I Love everybody in humanity call me Foolish call me whatever I think all People have good inside of them I truly Believe that I believe everybody has God Inside them I don't think you have to go Through hoops to get through God I that God is a relationship and God is with us Right here in this moment and we have a Choice to be great we have a choice to

Be powerful we have a choice to be Strong we have a choice to be worthy we Have a choice to be kind and we have a Choice and free will to make decisions To radically transform our family's life As we always say Warriors rise get your [ __ ] together love you guys Oh


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